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      • 선사시대 원시인의 재난과 대처양식에 대한 분석심리학적 연구 : 신화와 암각화를 중심으로

        정찬승 ( Chan-seung Chung ) 한국분석심리학회 2017 心性硏究 Vol.32 No.2

        재난(災難)은 외면적으로는 인간과 사회에 감당하기 힘든 피해를 주는 엄청난 사건이며, 내면적으로는 인간의 마음속에 있는 온갖 종류의 개인적, 집단적 콤플렉스들을 자극한다. 2014년 세월호 침몰 사고는 많은 인명이 갑자기 사망한 인재이며, 대한민국뿐 아니라 전 세계의 수많은 사람들이 큰 심리적 충격을 받았다. 저자는 이 사고의 재난정신건강지원에 직접 참여하면서, 현대 기술 문명의 발달에 대한 자만심이 무너지고 거대한 슬픔과 무력감에 빠진 사람들을 만나는 과정에서 의식적, 무의식적 반응들을 분석심리학적 관점에서 고찰하고 연구해야 할 필요성을 실감했다. 본 연구는 신화와 암각화를 중심으로 선사시대 인간의 재난에 대한 관념과 대처양식을 조사하여, 그 속에 나타난 보편적, 원초적, 원형적 인간 심성과 문화적 특수성을 찾아내고 그 의미와 지혜를 발견하여 현대의 재난대응의 문제점과 개선의 방향을 고찰하고자 한다. 세계 도처의 창세신화들은 태초에 우주적 창조의 일부로서 재난이 있었다는 것을 보여준다. 인류는 선사시대로부터 세계의 주기적 경신(更新)이라는 파괴와 창조의 양면성의 관념에서 재난을 이해하고 대처했으며, 금기의 위반이 재난을 일으킨다는 관념을 갖고 있었다. 재난은 외견상 파괴적 작용을 통해서 의식의 근본적 경신(更新)을 지향하는 ‘자기(Self)’의 의도로 해석할 수 있다. 재난이라는 정신적 위기 상황에서 행해진 다양한 의례는 무의식과의 소통을 통해 인간의식을 새롭게 하고, 전체 정신의 조화를 추구하는 정신적 재생의 기회가 됐다. 현대 사회는 재난대응에 있어서 외면적, 기술적, 행정적 대응에만 치중한 나머지 고통받는 인간의 심성과 내면적 대처의 중요성을 간과하고 있다. 우리는 재난의 발생을 결정할 수는 없지만, 재난의 대처방식을 결정할 수는 있다. 외면적 재난대응을 힘써 발달시킴과 동시에, 재난의 의미를 성찰하여 인간의 심성을 살피는 내면적 재난대응을 함으로써 인간은 재난을 통해 고통의 의미를 발견하고 성숙의 길로 나아갈 수 있을 것이다. Disaster is externally an incident that causes enormous damage to society and humanity. Disaster also internally stimulate a variety of personal and collective complexes in the human mind. The sinking of Sewol Ferry in 2014 was a disaster that took away countless lives. People not only in South Korea but around the world were deeply affected by the incident. While directly taking part in disaster mental health support and meeting with people who were sunk in sorrow and helplessness and feeling the collapse of conceit against modern technological civilization, I realised the need to conduct study and research on the conscious and unconscious response from the viewpoint of analytical psychology. This research investigates the response and management of disaster in prehistoric times mainly through myths and petroglyphs. This study aims to consider the problems and improvements of disaster response in the modern times by finding the distinct cultural characteristics and the universal, fundamental, and archetypal human nature inherent in the concepts of disaster and responses to disaster and discovering their meaning and wisdom. Creation myths around the world show that in the beginning there was a disaster as part of the universal creation. Humanity has understood disaster as a periodic renewal of the world by the oppositeness between destruction and creation and had the idea that violation of taboo to be the cause of disaster since prehistoric times. Disaster could be interpreted as the intention of the Self that renews the fundamental consciousness through the externally appearing destructive action. Various rituals performed by man on earth renovates the human consciousness during a mental crisis situation, such as a disaster, and corresponds with the unconscious to create an opportunity for psychological regeneration that seeks harmony. Modern society has neglected the importance of internal dealing and the suffering human soul and concentrated on the external, technological and administrative actions related with disaster response. We cannot determine the occurrence of a disaster, but we can determine how to deal with the disaster. While developing external disaster response, we need to ponder on the meaning of disaster and conduct internal disaster response that care for human mind. Through this, we will understand the meaning of pain and have renewed mature psyche.

      • KCI등재

        아산시 노인의 알코올 사용의 특성에 관한 비교 연구

        정찬승(Chan-Seung Chung),이주현(Ju Hyun Lee),연병길(Byeong Kil Yeon) 류성곤(Seong Gon Ryu),한창환(Chang Hwan Han),정갑희(Gab Hee Chung) 한국중독정신의학회 2005 중독정신의학 Vol.9 No.1

        Objective:Elderly people are vulnerable to the adverse effects of alcohol. However, there have been few studies of drinking among the elderly despite the proportionally growing representation of the elderly in the Korean population. This study aims to compare the characteristics of alcohol use and the prevalence of alcohol use disorders in the elderly with those in younger groups using screening tests. Method:We sampled 226 in young aged group (25-34 years of age), 127 in middle aged group (45-54 years of age) and 87 in elderly group (over 65 years of age) living in the Asan city. We applied the questionnaire asking alcohol use, AUDIT-K (Korean version of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) and CAGE. The numbers who have drunken alcohol last year were 175 in young aged group, 95 in middle aged group and 40 in elderly group. We compared their drinking patterns and the results of AUDIT-K and CAGE among three groups. Results:1. The elderly group had tendency to drink smaller amount of alcohol and less frequently than other two groups. 2. The elderly group preferred drinking alcohol alone or with neighbors compared to other two groups. 3. The total score of AUDIT-K of the elderly group (7.05) was lower than young and middle aged groups (9.31 and 9.63, respectively). 4. The prevalence of alcohol use disorder assessed by AUDIT-K was higher than other two groups. 5. The total score of CAGE of the elderly (0.73) was significantly lower than young and middle aged groups (0.76and 1.25, respectively). 6. The prevalence of drinker with probable alcohol dependence evaluated by CAGE of the elderly was higher than middle aged group and lower than young aged group. Conclusion: The fact that the elderly group preferred drinking alcohol alone or with neighbors compared to other two groups shows us where we have to concentrate for the prevention of alcohol problem. The differences of the prevalence of alcohol use disorder between AUDIT-K and CAGE suggest further study about standardization of scales for the alcohol problem in the elderly.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Prevalence and Severity of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease and Subcortical Vascular Dementia : the CREDOS Study

        안호영,정찬승,이중선,김도관,이재홍,김상윤,한설희,나덕렬,김성윤 대한노인정신의학회 2011 노인정신의학 Vol.15 No.2

        Objectives:This study aimed to compare the prevalence and severity of clinically relevant neuropsychiatric symptoms between subjects with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and subcortical vascular dementia (SVD). Methods:The CREDOS (Clinical Research for Dementia Of South Korea) is a multicenter longitudinal cohort study organized to evaluate the long-term outcome of dementia patients. Out of a total 3,080 subjects, we selected 1,392 AD subjects and 247 SVD subjects with mild to moderate levels of dementia. The Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (C- DR), and CDR sum of box scores were used for evaluation. Results:After controlling for severity of dementia and duration of education, SVD subjects had relatively more symptoms of apathy compared to AD subjects (OR : 1.397, p=0.025). SVD subjects also had relatively higher NPI composite scores in the apa- thy domain compared to AD subjects, after controlling for severity of dementia, age and duration of education (F=7.88, p=0.01). Subjects with moderate levels of dementia had more frequent and severe neuropsychiatric symptoms compared to those with mild dementia. Conclusion:Symptoms of apathy were more prevalent and severe in subjects with SVD, compared to subjects with AD.

      • KCI등재후보

        노인병원 입원 노인의 낙상 예측모델 개발연구

        윤종철 ( Jong Chul Youn ),정찬승 ( Chan Seung Chung ),신동선 ( Dong Sun Shin ),이소애 ( So Ae Lee ),신정심 ( Jung Sim Shin ) 한국정신병리진단분류학회 2012 精神病理學 Vol.21 No.1

        Objectives:This study aimed to identify clinical risk factor of fall and develop brief new fall risk assessment tool for long term geriatric hospital. Methods:Total 167 inpatients including 133 dementia patients were recruited from three ward and baseline clinical characteristics were assessed based on medical chart and direct observation of registered nurses. Any fall event including near fall and not observed fall were recorded during six months. Associations between fall and baseline risk factors were analyzed using univariate analysis and then multiple logistic regression analysis. After constructing new scale, validity was evaluated using ROC curve analysis and AUC value was compared to Morse fall scale and STRATIFY. Results:During the six month, 53 fall events were detected and prevalence of fall was 29.4%. Among them, 28.6% were repeated fall. Among 169 patients, 20.7% of patients experienced fall. Decreased activities of daily living, transfer from bed, awakening at night, frequent toileting, using anticonvulsant, mean score of CMAI and modified Barthel’s scale were associated with future fall(p<0.05). Items were selected and weighted based statistical analysis. Overall predictive ability measured by AUC value of new 4 item scale was .774 and higher than that of Morse fall scale(.474) and STRATIFY(.660). Conclusion:Prevalence of fall in long term geriatric hospital was relatively high. Newly developed fall risk assessment tool could be used for reducing fall incidence.

      • KCI등재

        알코올 상담 센터 환자를 대상으로 한 알코올 의존의 생물학적 표지자 비교 연구

        변정현,이병철,함병주,정찬승,허미나,이정준,최인근,Byun, Jung-Hyun,Lee, Boung-Chul,Ham, Byung-Joo,Chung, Chan Seung,Hur, Mina,Lee, Jung-Joon,Choi, Ihn-Geun 대한생물정신의학회 2006 생물정신의학 Vol.13 No.4

        Objectives : Biochemical markers can provide an objective evidence of heavy alcohol drinking. The purpose of this study was to compare and evaluate the usefulness of biological markers detecting alcohol dependence, such as mean corpuscular volume(MCV), gamma-glutamyl transferase(GGT), and carbohydrate-deficient transferrin(CDT) in the patients of an alcohol counseling center. Methods : This study was done with 64 patients with alcohol dependence and 36 healthy subjects. Relative values(%) of CDT were determined in their sera with turbidimetric immunoassay(Bio-Rad %CDT assay, Axis-Shield ASA, Oslo, Norway), and were compared with conventional markers of alcohol consumption, GGT and MCV. Results : Among the patients with alcohol dependence, 78.1% showed abnormal %CDT levels compared with GGT(61.9%) and MCV(20.7%). The areas under the receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curves(95% confidence interval) for %CDT, GGT, and MCV were 0.934(0.866-0.973), 0.871(0.789-0.930), and 0.575 (0.472-0.673), respectively. Conclusion : %CDT seems to be the most reliable biological marker for the detection and monitoring of alcohol consumption in the patients with alcohol dependence of the alcohol counseling center.

      • 가변 밸브 타이밍(VVA) 기구를 이용한 차세대 연소방식의 연구

        현기수(Gisoo Hyun),정찬승(Chansung Chung),두병만(Byungman Doo),구영곤(Younggon Ku) 한국자동차공학회 2006 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        For this study, a Premixed Charged Compression Ignition (PCCI) Combustion was applied in a Heavy duty Diesel Engine, and has been experimentally investigated from the standpoint of its operating area extension to higher loads and engine performance, such like fuel consumption and emission, improvement. A Variable Valve Actuation (VVA) system was adopted to change the variables of intake and exhaust valve system such like opening, closing timing and valve lift profile. For controlling combustion timing which is a major difficulty for PCCI combustion engine realization, intake vale opening timing was advanced or retarded, and accordingly the effect of Miller cycle was evaluated. As a result, an ideal combustion can be achieved under controlling ignition timing and reducing effective compression ratio by using VVA system.

      • 상용 대형 디젤엔진의 펄스 배기재순환 장치 적용에 관한 연구

        정기훈(K.Jung),현충헌(C. Hyun),정찬승(C.Jung),두병만(B.Doo),구영곤(Y.Goo) 한국자동차공학회 2005 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2005 No.11_1

        Pulse-EGR (Pulse Exhaust Gas Recirculation) System was applied to a commercial heavy-duty diesel engine to satisfy the EURO-IV Emission regulation. We found that the Pulse-EGR system has a higher EGR rate as the exhaust pressure is higher than the intake pressure, which means the lower efficiency of turbo-charger compressor can increase the EGR rate. Thus the EGR rate was increased when the operating condition of engine moved to the region of the lower efficiency of compressor. Also, we found that the route as well as the diameter of EGR gas path affects the EGR rate from both the simulation and the experimental results.

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