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      • 온라인 연속 필기 한글의 인식을 위한 내부 문자 분할에 관한 연구

        정진영,전병환,김우성,김재희 대한전자공학회 1995 전자공학회논문지-B Vol.b32 No.9

        In on-line character recognition, to segment input character is important. This paper proposes an internal character segmentation algorithm. The internal segmentation algorithm produces candidate words by considering possible combinations of Korean alphabets. In this process, we make use of projections of strokes onto the horizontal axis to remove ambiguities among candidate words. As a result of experiments, the internal segmentation algorithm shows better performance than external segmentation algorithm as the gap between sample characters becomes smaller.

      • KCI등재

        최혜국대우와 상호주의: 상충적인가 보완적인가

        정진영 서울대학교 국제지역원 1997 국제지역연구 Vol.6 No.2

        최혜국대우와 상호주의는 근대국제무역체제의 두가지 핵심적 원칙이다 그런데 두 원칙은 본질적으로 서로 보완적이면서도 상충적인 관계를 갖고 있다. 상호주의는 최혜국대우에 위배되는 차별적 무역질서를 낳는 경향이 강하고, 최혜국대우는 상호주의의 원칙에 어긋나는 무임승차를 유혹한다. 그러나 상호주의는 무임승차 문제를 방지해 줌으로써 최혜국대우의 원칙을 보완해 주고, 최혜국대우는 무역차별을 방지하는 효과를 통하여 상호주의의 부작용을 완화시켜 준다. 따라서 자유로운 국제무역질서의 수립을 위해서는 이 두가지 원칙을 적절히 결합시켜야 한다. GATT는 다자적 국제제도의 틀 안에서 최혜국대우와 상호주의를 결합시켰다. 이러한 제도화가 국제무역의 자유화에 매우 긍정적인 기능을 하였음은 물론이다. 그러니 이 결합은 본질적으로 불안정할 수 있는 소지를 안고 있었다. 우선 GATT에서의 결합은 많은 예외를 인정하면서 이루어졌고, 이러한 GATT의 취약성이 두 원칙 사이의 보완성보다는 상충성이 발현되는데 기여했다. 그리고 예외들이 약용되고 오용되는 것을 막을 수 없었으며, 무임승차와 무역차별의 문제를 대두시켰다. 1980년대의 이른바 신보호주의, 신지역주의, 신상호주의의 움직임들은 이러한 상황에서 나타났고, 결국 GATT체제를 붕괴 직전까지 몰고 갔다. 새로운 상호주의의 추구가 비조건적 최혜국대우에 기초한 다자적 무역질서를 파괴하지 않고 오히려 무역자유화의 수단으로 작동하기 위해서는 다자적 제도가 강화되어야 한다. WTO의 수립은 바로 이러한 방향에서 최혜국대우와 상호주의를 새롭게 결합시키고 있다. 물론 여전히 많은 결함을 안고 있기는 하지만 WTO는 최혜국대우의 일탈을 줄이면서 보다 적극적으로 상호주의의 추구를 가능하게 해주는 제도적 기반이 될 수 있을 것으로 보인다. The two core principles of the modern international trading system are the most-favored nation(MFN) treatment and reciprocity. They have been the constitutional foundation of the 19th century free trade order and the post-World War Ⅱ GATT system. The two principles, however, have inherently both complementary and contradictory relationships with each other. On the one hand, reciprocity tends to create trade discrimination which is contradictory to MFN, while MFN invites free-riding which is contrary to reciprocity. On the other hand, reciprocity complements MFN by limiting the degree of free-riding, while MFN mitigates the negative impact of reciprocity by preventing discriminatory trade practices. Thus the task of constituting an international free trade order depends on how to establish an appropriate combination of the two principles. GATT combined the pronciples of MFN treatment and reciprocity within the context of a multilateral international institution. In the 19th century, the two principles were combined through bilateral agreements. The institutional combination of the two principles certainly contributed to the liberalization of international trade. The very weakness of GATT, however, could not keep the two pronciples from being contradictory rather than complementary. It was in this context that new protectionist, regionalist, and reciprocity movements became surgent in the 1980s. The pursuit of new reciprocity can be very destructive without a strong multilateral institution. The establishment of WTO can be seen as a new adjustment in the relationship between MFN and reciprocity through strengthened multilateral reles. It is ture that WTO has still many shortcomings. Nevertheless, it is expected that WTO can provide an institutional basis for promoting the complementarity of MFN and reciprocity in a new international trading enviroment.

      • KCI등재

        병원 근무자의 요통 발생 요인에 관한 연구

        정진영,손경현,Jeong, Jin-Young,Son, Kyung-Hyun 대한물리치료과학회 2009 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        Background: The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors affecting the low back pain of workers in hospital. 214 subjects waking at two general hospitals in Yosu city participated in this survey. Subjects consisted of doctors, nurses, medical engineers, officers and general laborers. The survey data were collected by a written questionnaire which made out by themselves for 25 days, from fourth August to 29th August, 2008. Methods: The questionnaire consisted of four categories, general, occupational, working habitual and the daily living characteristics. The collected data were analyzed by Chi-square test based on the present or absent of low back pain. Results: 1. In the general characteristics, low back pain had no significant relationship to all factors, sex, ago, body mass index, weight and height. 2. In the occupational characteristics, the phase of distribution of low back pain had statistical significant differences in the working hours a week, satisfaction of pay, satisfaction of occupation(p<0.05). However low back pain did not significantly related to the kind of occupation, period of work and degree of stress. 3. In the habitual characteristics, low back pain was significantly influenced by working posture, frequency of using lumbar and heavy material lifting, monotonous repetition of working operation and noise(p<0.05). No significant difference was shown in the factor of convenience of chair. 4. In the daily living characteristics, low back pain shown the significant differences in walking time a day, status of health and smoking pattern(p<0.05). there were, however, no significant differences in the aspect of the kind of house and bed, sleeping attitude, driving, riding time on the vehicle, exercising, frequency of cultural life and drinking alcohol. Conclusion: when I see above resultants totally, it appears a higher incidence caused by working environment rather than living habit and then consequently compared to hospital workers, they also have high incidence like others. In order to reduce incidence of low back pain and enjoy the our life we need to educate ourselves preventing program for low back pain and try to effort for preventing of low back pain on each department and individual.

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