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      • KCI등재

        퍼머넌트와 염색 연결시술시 정향트리트먼트 적용시점에 따른 모발보호효과

        박미나ㆍ정지영ㆍ고경숙(Mi na ParkㆍJee Young JungㆍKyoung sook Ko) 한국인체미용예술학회 2016 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        This study attempted to determine the effects of hair protection by investigating the characteristics and possibilities of hair cosmetics using the hot water extracts of Syzygium aromaticum and then hair-protection effects were confirmed through pre-treatment and post-treatment at consecutive chemical treatments. At the consecutive chemical treatments, the general treatment was divided into pretreatment(N1) and general treatment post-process(N2). Then, the Syzygium aromaticum-based treatment was divided into pre-treatment(J1) and post processing(J2). According to the analysis, tensile strength was the highest in the Syzygium aromaticum extract treatment group. At consecutive treatments, ‘J2’ which processed treatment for Syzygium aromaticum, was the highest. In terms of hair thickness, the Syzygium aromaticum group was greater than the general treatment group. When measured to determine the morphological characteristics of ‘Hair’ at 20,000 magnifications using SEM, the Syzygium aromaticum extract post-treatment group (J2) revealed the highest value (373.98±10.83㎚). Regarding hair composition under the EDS, Syzygium aromaticum extract post-treatment group was the highest with 07.77% interms of sulfur content. The results confirmed that Syzygium aromaticum extract treatment is extremely effective in easing hair damage which is caused by consecutive dyeing after permanent. Therefore, the Syzygium aromaticum extract treatment would be effective in preventing hair damage and keeping hair healthy and glossy.

      • KCI등재

        기술혁신을 위한 외부지식 탐색 전략 : 소기업 vs 중기업

        정지영,노태우,한유진,Jung, Jee-Young,Roh, Tae-Woo,Han, Yoo-Jin 한국벤처창업학회 2014 벤처창업연구 Vol.9 No.5

        본 연구는 소기업과 중기업의 서로 다른 외부지식 탐색 전략이 기술혁신에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 특히 우리나라의 소기업과 중기업을 비교하는 연구가 없었기 때문에, 본 연구에서는 2010년 "한국기술혁신조사" 자료를 활용하여 분석을 하였다. 그 결과, 먼저 소기업의 경우에는 기업 내에 보유하고 있는 자원과 역량이 매우 부족하므로 다양한 원천으로부터 외부 탐색의 폭을 넓히는 전략(external search breadth)이 기술혁신을 촉진하는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 중기업의 경우에는 외부 지식을 공급하는 주체와의 보다 장기적이고 긴밀한 관계를 추구하는 전략(external search depth)이 기술혁신을 촉진하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 기존에 하나의 그룹으로 묶어 분석했던 중소기업의 혁신활동을 보다 세분화하여 소기업과 중기업의 관점에서 보아야 한다는 점을 강조한다. 또한 더 나아가 벤처기업을 포함한 신생기업들이 소기업 단계에서는 지식의 다양성을 추구하는 전략이 효과적이며, 점차 성장해 가며 중기업 단계에 들어서면 특화된 지식에 보다 집중하는 전략이 효과적일 것이라는 것을 시사한다. In this research, we aim to analyze how different external knowledge search strategies of small and medium enterprises affect technological innovation. In particular, since there has been little comparison between Korean small and medium firms, we investigated the differences of the two groups by employing the "Korean Innovation Survey 2010." As a result, it was found that "external search breadth", which refers to expanding the spectrum of external knowledge search due to lack of resources and capabilities inside small firms, spurred technological innovation. On the other hand, "external search depth", which implies seeking a long-term and close relationship with the subjects that provide outside knowledge for medium firms, catalyzed technological innovation. These results emphasize that we need to separately analyze technological innovation of small and medium firms, which was, in most previous studies, viewed as one group, i.e. SMEs. In addition, the results can be, from the perspective of a firm's growth, interpreted as follows. That is, it is more effective to formulate a "diversity" pursuing strategy in the "small firm" stage where little time has passed since its establishment, whilst it is more useful to apply a "focus" strategy on sophisticated knowledge in the "medium firm" stage where a firm has grown to some extent.

      • 열펌 시술시 여주추출물 첨가가 연화시간에 다른 모발손상에 관한 연구

        정지영 ( Jee-young Jung ),고경숙 ( Kyoung-sook Ko ) 대한미용문화예술학회 2019 대한미용문화예술학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        This study intended to explore possibility of natural extracts for relieving hair damage caused by frequent chemical treatments as permanent wave procedure. Therefore, this study evaluated damage to hair by softening treatment time when performing permanent wave procedure with Momordica charantia L. extract, and the results are as follows. According to the result of measuring the thickness of hair, the group that conducted procedure with M. charantia L. extract showed increase in thickness of hair compare to the group that did not add the extract. Specially, BN2 group that softened hair for 15 minutes with M. charantia L. extract content showed 0.0428 ± 0.0038 ㎜ of thickness of hair which is the closest result with virgin hair. According to the result of measuring the tensile strength, virgin hair was 136.51 ± 12.35gf/㎟ and the group that added M. charantia L. extract to solution 1 showed higher tensile strength than the group that did not add M. charantia L. extract. Among them, BN2 that conducted softening procedure for 15 minutes with M. charantia L. extract content showed the highest result of 124.00 ± 15.17 gf/㎟. As a result of observing cuticles after iron perm procedure by adding and not adding M. Charantia L. extract for different softening time for observing cuticle and microstructure using SEM, the group that added M. charantia L. extract to solution 1 showed similar result to virgin hair in general. Cuticles of the group(BN2, BN1) that conducted procedure with M. charantia L. extract were clean and stable, and showed clear scale and regular intervals. The group that did not add M. charantia L. extract(N1, N2) showed unstable scale because cuticles got absorbed in general. As a result, it was identified that conducting permanent wave procedure 15 minutes after hair softening procedure by adding M. charantia L. extract shows excellent efficacy.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업의 외부지식 탐색,활용 정도가 신규시장 확대에 미치는 영향

        정지영 ( Jee Young Jung ),노태우 ( Tae Woo Roh ),한유진 ( Yoo Jin Han ) 한국지식경영학회 2015 지식경영연구 Vol.16 No.1

        To increase their market shares and grow continuously, it is very important for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to expand their markets. Although various factors may influence an SME’s effort to cultivate a new market, this research focused on activities related to the search and utilization of external knowledge. After conducting Tobit analysis based on the dataset of 959 Korean SMEs included in the 2010 Korean Innovation Survey, we found that external knowledge search and utilization activities positively affect the market expansion of SMEs. This result has two implications: (1) SMEs should actively search for appropriate external knowledge sources with which they can expand their markets and reduce their dependence on internal R&D activities; and (2) they should implement an efficient corporate system to effectively absorb and utilize external knowledge inside the firms. Despite these contributions, this research has its shortcoming in that it utilized a cross-sectional dataset, which can be further analyzed by incorporating the dataset from previous and future periods.

      • KCI등재

        삼채 잎 추출물의 생리활성 및 세포독성에 따른 기능성 화장품 소재 가능성 연구

        정지영 ( Jee Young Jung ),고경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Ko ) 한국미용학회 2016 한국미용학회지 Vol.22 No.6

        This study measured antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect, and cytotoxicity of allium hookery leaf extract to investigate potential of allium hookery leaf extract as functional cosmetic material according to the biological activity and cytotoxicity, and deduced the following results. It was identified that allium hookery ethanol extract showed concentration dependent increase of DPPH radical elimination. According to the measurement result of radical elimination of allium hookery leaf in ABTS radical elimination, it showed somewhat lower radical elimination compare to the positive control group concentration. The polyphenol content of allium hookery ethanol extract was 0.15 ± 0.002 mg/g and flavonoid content was 2.52 ± 0.11 mg QE/g. In MTT assay measurement, allium hookery ethanol extract with 0.01, 0.1, 1 μg/mL concentration did not show cytotoxicity by extract with 80.31~94.03% of cell survival rate. For Nitric Oxide product repression activity, the experimental group that processed allium hookeri extracts concentration showed significant NO product repression effect as they were proportional to the concentration. For antibacterial activity, the clear zone of S.aureus showed 10.1 mm of antibacterial effect, and 10 mg/mL and 100 mg/mL of concentration showed high antibacterial activity of 12.2 mm and 11.5 mm each. 41 Peak were detected according to the chemical experiment of allium hookeri, and Alpha-D-glucopyranoside, Propionic acid Trimethylsilyl ether of glycerol, Alpha-lipoic acid and Ribitol. According to the result above, it was identified that allium hookery leaf ethanol extract with high anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial effect has high usability as a hair care product.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 호주승계방식의 변화와 종법질서의 확산

        정지영(Jung Jee-young) 한국여성학회 2002 한국여성학 Vol.18 No.2

        이 글은 17ㆍ8세기에 주자학적 종법 질서에 따른 부계직계 질서가 확산되는 과정을 『단성호적』의 호주 승계 관행의 변화를 통해 살펴본 것이다. 호주(남편 또는 아버지)가 죽은 뒤에 17세기에는 과부(어머니)가 다음 호주로 기재되지만, 18세기 이후에는 그 아들이 호주로 기재된다. 이는 종법 질서를 강조하는 주자학적 이념에 맞게 바뀐 국가의 행정 지침에 따라 이루어진 것이다. 호주 승계에 종법의 원리가 적용된 것은 주자학적 관념이 양인, 천인에게까지 전파ㆍ확산되는 계기가 되었다. 이러한 변화가 실현되는 데는, 여성은 호주가 되기에 적합하지 않다는 성 차별적 인식과 어머니를 모시고 보호해야 한다는 효의 명분이 함께 작용했다. 아들을 가진 과부는 스스로 호주가 되지 못하고 아들의 어머니로 기재되어야 했지만, 아들의 어머니로서 재산 관리권을 가질 수 있었다. 조선후기에 여성은 오직 아들의 어머니일 때, 가족과 사회 안에서 자신의 역할을 찾을 수 있었다. 결혼을 하지 않거나 아들을 갖지 못한 여성의 자리는 그만큼 좁아지게 된 것이다. 남성 중심의 가부장체제가 강화되면서 여성은 호주의 자리에서 배제되었고, 또 남성 중심의 호주 승계는 성 차별적 지배 원리를 사람들에게 설파하는 매개가 되었다. This essay examines the process how the patriarchal order strengthened and expanded in the 17-8th century Chosun through tracing changes in the practice of succeeding householder. When we look at Dansung Hojuk(the household resisters of Dansung County, Kyoungsang Province from 1678 to 1789), we can find that the cases in which a woman was recorded as a householder covered 6-11 % of the whole cases. In Dansung Hojuk, a woman as well as a man was recorded as a householder, and even a woman who had a married son was also recorded as a householder. Examining the succession to the householder, we can find some distinction between the seventeenth century and the eighteenth century. It was general in Chosun society that, in a nuclear family, a father and husband was recorded as the householder of his family. When the father and husband died, leaving his wife and son, the widow was recorded as the householder in the seventeenth century. However, in the eighteenth century, the son was recorded as the householder in the same case as mentioned above. The government's guidelines to make out the household resisters (hojuk) read, "Though the widow manages the household affairs, if she has a grown-up son, he is entered as a householder." The government's policy of recording a male as a householder led to the decrease of female householders in the eighteenth-century Dansung Hojuk. The late-seventeenth-century Dansung Hojuk recorded the oldest of the family as the householder regardless of sex. However, since the early eighteenth century, the oldest 'man' was recorded as a householder. This change may have been the product of a gender-segregating policy of Neo-Confucianism. The practice, which was based on the Neo-Confucianism led by the upper class (yangban), was applied even to the executive document of hojuk in the eighteenth century. That is significant for it paved the way for the expanding Neo-Confucian order even to the lower strata of society. Even though the son, instead of his mother, represented the household in the eighteenth century, the authority of supervising the household affairs in the family was still on the mother. It seems to me that the women with sons could be still recognized of their authority such as that of supervising their sons' inheritance even though they could not be recorded as householder. This could have minimized the possible resistance of women against the change in succession of householder. With this change of the rule of succession to the householder, there followed several other changes of women's role. First of all, without the official responsibility of the family, women concentrated on the affairs in the household instead of showing themselves in the affairs outside. With the increasing pressure of the gender-segregating Neo-Confucianism, women's activity was limited to the household affairs. And secondly, female role as a mother of a son became more emphasized than as a wife of a man. Losing the right to be the householder, a woman could be recognized in the family and society only as the mother of her son. That resulted to narrow the position of women, expecially who did not marry or had no son.

      • KCI등재

        17, 18 세기 단성호적에 기재된 호의 성격

        정지영(Jee Young Jung) 경제사학회 2002 經濟史學 Vol.32 No.-

        This asticle examines the definition of Ho(戶 household unit), which appeared in Hojuk(household register), and its characteristics in seventeenth-and eighteenth-century Chosun. The legal code under the Chosun dynasty required the Ho to be organized and recorded on the basis of the natural household unit. It was on the basis of Hojuk that the government collected taxes and its subjects paid taxes. In addition, Hojuk was also one of the most important references to turn to, when legal and administractive problems were raised and needed to be solved. In order words, Ho, recorded in Hojuk, virtually defined the social existense of the people under the Chosun dynasty. Thereforce, it is doubtful to say that the Ho was organized artificially on paper to increase administractive efficiency in collecting taxes. My conclusion is that the Ho, which appeared in Hojuk was the real-life natural household unit. My examinations of the Danusung-Hojuk(1678-1759) show that the composition of the family was signficantly changing from the late seventeenth century to the early eighteenth century. For example, the number of nuclear families decreased and that of stem families increased at the turn of the eighteenth century. And the number of the men who resided with wife`s families decreased. When a husband was survived by his wife and sons, the window was to be recorded as the householder in the seventeenth century. Meanwhile, the elder son was to be recorded as the householder in the eighteenth century. This reveals that it was in late Chosun period when the patrilineal priciple began to be strongly reinforced. Even through that there might be some cases of manipulations in recording household units, my study of Dansung-Hojuk shows that the principle was record a real household, as it was, as a Ho.

      • KCI등재

        퍼머넌트 시술시 비타민나무 열매추출물이 모발손상에 미치는 영향

        정지영 ( Jee-young Jung ),고경숙 ( Kyoung-sook Ko ) 한국미용학회 2020 한국미용학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of natural extracts to reduce hair damage by removing active oxygens generated by chemical procedures such as permanent wave treatment. For the purpose, the hair damage was evaluated after stirring the vitamin tree extract, vitamin c, and vitamin ce in the first agent during the permanent wave procedure, and the following findings were derived. As a result of measuring the thickness of the hair, the group stirred the Hippophae rhamnoides L extract showed 0.027331 ± 0.0010 mm, which was the closest result to the virgin hair, increasing to 22% than the control group c, which was confirmed that less hair damage and thicker hair. As a result of tensile strength measurement, the group with Hippophae rhamnoides L extract stirred in the first agent was 104.96 ± 6.56 mm, which was lower than the virgin hair but was the highest among the experimental groups. Hippophae rhamnoides L with the closest result to the virgin hair of the microstructure observation using SEM showed the least damage, and control C without any treatment showed the most damage. Analysis of hair elements using EDS showed that Hippophae rhamnoides L extract contained 11.8 to 11% of sulfur which is less than virgin har by 1.31%. Based on the findings, it was confirmed to have an effect of alleviating hair damage when the Hippophae rhamnoides L extract was used in combination with the first agent.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국여성 모발의 원형아이론 열펌 시 시술방법에 따른 모발손상 연구

        김은영 ( Eun Young Kim ),정지영 ( Jee Young Jung ),고경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Ko ) 한국미용학회 2016 한국미용학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        This study has identified hair damage after applying heat permanent by using silicon circular iron on women hair from Korea and China. As a result, KJ treating with direct permanent with silicon circular iron on women hair from Korea was turned out to have the highest level of hair thickness as .0355 ± .0017 ㎜ when measuring the hair thickness. According to the result of measuring hair moisture, the content of moisture was turned out to be in a descending order of KY, KJ, CY, and CJ. According to the tensile strength, it was shown to be higher in a descending order of KJ, KY, CJ, and CY. Reduction rate of tensile strength of women hair from Korea was turned out to be lowest as 7.93% in KJ. According to the result of overall comparison from observation of hair cuticle in the experiment group based on virgin hair (K, C), KJ applied with J-permanent had relatively even scale intervals and stable hair cuticle compared to virgin hair (K). According to the result of observation of microstructure, a degree of hair floating on women hair from Korea was turned out to be 412.41 ± 6.52 nm in KY applied with softening permanent. Hence, it was reduced by 3.8% compared to the control group (K) representing the least amount of damage. According to aforementioned results, damage was reduced when treating with direct permanent without softening the hair in overall if applying iron permanent on women hair from Korea and China.

      • KCI등재

        독립,프랜차이즈 미용실 종사자의 개인적 특성과 근무환경에 따른 경영성과에 관한 연구

        전윤미 ( Yun Me Choun ),정지영 ( Jee Young Jung ),고경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Ko ) 한국미용학회 2016 한국미용학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        This study has been conducted to identify personal characteristics and working environment that influenced on the managerial performance of privately-owned/franchise beauty parlors and also to identify whether there was a difference on the working environment and managerial performance depending on the types of branch, age, and position. As a result from how personal characteristics influenced on the managerial performance, first of all, the total explanatory power of personal characteristics on the managerial performance was turned out to be 38%, and it was shown that personal characteristics statistically, significantly, and positively influenced on the managerial performance (F=299.295, p<.001). Secondly, according to the result of analysis of how working environment influenced on the managerial performance, the total explanatory power of working environment on the managerial performance was turned out to be 43%, and it was shown that working environment was statistically, significantly, and positively influenced on the managerial performance (F=376.692, p<.001). As a result, personal characteristics and working environment were shown to be variables that significantly influenced on the managerial performance. According to the result of analysis on the difference of working environment and managerial performance from types of store, age, and position, there was a significant difference on all of them. In addition, working period was turned out to influence only on the store characteristics. Therefore, it was interpreted that working period was unrelated with service environment and managerial performance.

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