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      • KCI등재

        부산의 문화지도 그리기 부산지역 구비전승민요에 나타나는 음악적 특징

        정영진 ( Young Jin Chung ) 동아대학교 석당학술원 2011 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.50

        This writing is a treatise attempting at a musical interpretation as to folk songs that have been transmitted to today`s Busan district. The hitherto research on folk songs has been mostly focused on literary understanding of words to a song, or song lyrics. However, to think of a folk song as an aspect of a song, it could be judged that its musical weight is also considerably big. Accordingly, this researcher thinks that there definitely needs to be a musical interpretation in the overall understanding of a folk song. In such a sense, this writing attempting at a musical interpretation is sufficiently a meaningful work. The research results of this treatise are summarized as follows: First, the folk songs in Busan district mostly account for the ones composed of menaritori which is a musical grammar of Gyeongsangdo folk songs. The folk songs include <a Short Pipe Song> in Buk-gu, <Ssanggeum Ssanggeum Ssanggarakji> at Nam-gu, <Gaetteok Song[randomly shaped rice cake Song]at Jung- gu, <Loom Song> at Dong-gu, a play song <Kwaejinachingchingna-nae> at Yeonje-gu, <Mojjigi[removing the young rice plants from the seedbed] Sound> at Gijang-gun, and Eosayong> at Youngdogu, etc. Second, the beat used in the folk songs in Busan district is found to be Jajinmori, Eotmori, Gutgeori, Jungmori, and Jungjungmori. Among those, the folk songs created by Jajinmori beat have comparatively most weight. The Its reason is interpreted as the fact that the mostly used beat in Pungmul beat is Jajinmori. Third, there exist pop folk songs or the one in other districts which have had an influence on the folk songs in Busan. There are cases where some parts of the song lyrics in other districts were brought onto the folk songs in Busan district. Its exemplary case is <Daenggi Song> at Saha-gu. Similarly, there exist folk songs played whose melody is the same with that of basic pop folk songs except for song lyrics only. <Donpuri> is a good example at Gijang-gun. In addition, the exemplary one of the folk songs in Busan district that were influenced by the musical style of a Namdo folk song <Yukjabegi> in a different district is <Agijewuneunsori> at Jin-gu. Such a phenomenon is interpreted by the fact that the place where the person, who sang this song, was born and grew up is no other than Namdo district. Considered from the above, the traditionally transmitted folk songs in Busan district is found to have cherished comparatively plenty of prototypes so-called regionality in a musical aspect despite the rapid social changes like industrialization and urbanization.

      • KCI등재

        한국 성인의 야식의 에너지 수준에 따른 영양상태 비교

        서윤석(Suh, Yoonsuk),이은경(Lee, Eun-kyoung),정영진(Chung, Young-Jin) 한국영양학회 2012 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.45 No.5

        This study aims to investigate the nutritional status of night eaters using the data from 2005 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. A total of 3,903 subjects aged 20 and above were divided into 3 groups by using 24-hr recall data according to the night snack calorie intake: non-night snack, night snack less than 500 kcal and 500 kcal and more. Their data were analyzed to find out the difference on the socio-demographic, anthropometric, blood pressure, blood parameters and dietary characteristics. Among the subjects, non-night eaters were 66.0%, night eaters of less than 500 kcal were 28.4% and 500 kcal and above were 5.6%. Male adults, young-aged, higher educated, higher income earner, breakfast skipper and frequent dine-outer (3 times and more a day) were found more in the night eaters with 500 kcal and above. Night eaters above 500 kcal showed higher waist circumference, Glu-FBS, Glu-PP120 and also showed higher daily intake of fat and alcohol per 1,000 kcal and food groups of meat & eggs, beverages and alcohol drinks (p < 0.05), while they showed the lowest carbohydrate energy ratio of 58.3 ± 13.7 among the three groups. These results suggest that habitual night snack intake above 500 kcal could lead to abdominal obesity and diabetes due to higher intake of meat, fat and alcohol. (Korean J Nutr 2012; 45(5): 479 ~ 488)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        매스미디어를 통한 이왕직아악부의 음악활동

        정영진(Young Jin Chung) 민족음악학회 2002 음악과 민족 Vol.23 No.-

        This researches is to arrange the musical activity of Iwangjik-aakbu 李王職雅樂部 when people were under the rule of japanese imperialism. The materials primarily used in this research are 『경성방송국국악방송곡목』(a List of Korean Classical Music from a Kyungsung Broadcasting Station) and 『한국유성기음반총목록』 (a Full List of Korean Phonograph Records) edited by a research fellow of Academy of Korean Studies. For the way to start this, we have classified these two materials by subjects and inquired further into this by analyzing the frequency of appearance in radio broadcasting and the titles of the music being broadcast, and the number of times of recording and its titles. First of all, here is their musical activity through radio broadcasting Cheryeak 祭禮樂(Religious ceremonial music) wasn`t popular enough to be broadcast that often. And Potaep`yo˘ng 保太平, one of the Cheryeak, was first introduced to people through broadcasting in June 17, 1929. Actually they played for people by relay broadcasting not showing themselves at a broadcasting station. Yo˘nryeak 宴禮樂 had been broadcast more than 100 times and this is somewhat frequent compared to Cheryeak. Especially P`yo˘ngjohoesang 平調會上 and Yomillak 與民樂 were mainly performed of that music. Thus, we can infer that those were being enjoyed by many people at that time. Iwangjik-aakbu first started to record their music on the phonograph from June, 1928. And then Religious Ceremonial Music was primarily recorded by Victor 빅타 music management. Their recording work wasn`t active despite their activity in a broadcasting station. There are only 54 records containing Cheryeak, Yo˘nryeak, and Haengak 行樂. And, these all three usually had Potaep`yo˘ng, P`yo˘ngjohoesang, and Kilgunak 길군악 recorded each. Then why was the recording work making a very poor showing? First, the record industry regarded that commerciality took the precedence of all others. And the new kind of music had shown such as popular songs and new folk songs(Sinminyo 新民謠) since 1930. On one hand, their activity strongly showed pro-japanese propensity, such as having recitals celebrating a colonial policy of Choso˘n-Ch`ongdokbu 朝鮮總督府, praising highly Yidu˘ngbangmun 伊藤博文, celebrating a prayer of Japan, and even the chief of Aaksajang 雅樂師長 changed his name favoring Japan. And also, it`s a stain on the group`s activity that they had never offered a suggestion resistance against a japanese colonial policy.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        동북아시아의 공군력 증강과 전작권 전환에 대비한 한국 공군의 발전방향

        정영진(鄭榮珍)(CHUNG Young-jin),김영성(金永成)(KIM Young-sung),조관행(趙寬行)(CHO Kwan-Haeng) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2012 신아세아 Vol.19 No.4

        이 논문의 목적은 협력보다는 군사적 경쟁이 과열되고 있는 2012년 현재의 상황에서, 동북아시아의 공군력 증강추세 분석을 통해 한국의 공군력 발전방향이 무엇인가를 모색하는 것이다. 이를 위해 미국의 군사전략 개념 변화 및 중국, 일본의 전략개념과 이를 토대로 설계된 공군력의 역할이 무엇인지 규명할 것이다. 특히, 2015년 전작권 전환을 3년 밖에 남겨두지 않은 이 시점에서 한국공군이 보유한 능력의 현 실태를 분석하며, 한국공군이 한반도 전구에서 항공전역(Air Campaign) 수행시 작전을 주도하기 위한 발전방향을 제시하였다. 결론적으로, 공군력 운용에 필수적인 타격능력, 지휘통제능력, 장거리 투사능력, 정보획득 능력 등의 하드웨어적인 전력구축 및 이를 효율적으로 운용할 수 있는 소프트웨어적인 측면의 발전요소들과 방향을 명확하게 식별하고 발전시켜야 한다. 그리고 이를 위한 국민적 공감대 확산 노력과 함께 정치인, 학자, 군인, 전략가들의 “전략적 혜안(Strategic Wisdom)”이 절실히 요구되는 시점이다. The purpose of this study is in discovering a potential path to development of the ROKAF via analysis of increasing trend of Air Force reinforcement across East Asia in 2012, in which military competition rather than cooperation is overwhelmingly taking place. Consequently, it is necessary to identify the change in American military strategy concept, Chinese and Japanese strategy concept, and the resulting role of the Air Force, constructed on the basis of the preceding strategic concept. Especially, this study includes assessment of the current capability of the ROKAF, and proposes the future direction of the ROFAF to lead the operation during Air Campaign in the Korean Theater, at this point in which only 3years remain before the Wartime Operation Transition with the U. S. in due in 2015. In conclusion, it is necessary to identify the direction and points of development in order to amplify military strength in terms of hardware such as C4ISR, PGMs, Long range force projection capability, and software that is required for efficient employment of such hardware. Therefore, an effort to establish national consensus and a collaboration of “strategic wisdom” from politicians, scholars, members of the armed forces, and strategists are greatly required to strengthen the ROKAF.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Glycosyl - Sucrose가 흰쥐의 혈당 및 혈청 지질농도와 당 가수분해 효소의 활성에 미치는 영향

        정영진(Young-Jin Chung),이선영(Sun-Young Ly),안경희(Kyung-Hee Ahn) 한국식품영양과학회 1991 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.20 No.6

        평균 체중이 137.51±4.84g인 Sprague-Dawley종 수컷 22마리를 세 군으로 나누어 각각 68% cornstarch 식이(cornstarch군)와 20% sucrose+48% cornstarch 식이(sucrose군), 그리고 20% glycosylsucrose+48% cornstarch 식이(glycosyl-sucrose군)로 6주간 사육하여 glycosyl-sucrose가 혈당 및 혈청 지질 농도, 당 가수분해 효소의 활성에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 사료 섭취량, 체중 증가량 및 사료 효율에 있어서는 세 군간에 유의적인 차이를 볼 수 없었다. Glycosyl-sucrose군에서 공복시의 혈당 농도는 sucrose군과 비교해 차이가 없었으나 포도당 투여 30분 후, 60분 후의 혈당치는 낮은 경향을 보였다. 또한 총혈당반응면적(total integrated blood glucose response area)도 sucrose군에 비해 낮은 경향을 보였다. 혈청 지질 함량은 분석한 지질(중성 지방, 인지질, 총콜레스테롤, HDL-콜레스테롤) 모두에 있어 세 군간에 통계적 유의성은 없었다. 췌장-amylase 활성은 glycosyl-sucrose 군에서 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 소장 점막, 특히 공장과 회장에서의 서당 가수분해 효소 활성은 glycosyl-sucrose군이 다른 두 군에 비해 유의적으로 감소되었다. 맥아당 가수분해 효소의 활성은 cornstarch군에 비해 glycosyl-sucrose군의 공장과 회장 부위에서 낮게 나타났으며 특히 공장에서는 sucrose국보다도 유의적으로 낮은 수치를 보였다. This study was designed to investigate the effects of dietary glycosyl-sucrose on blood glucose and serum lipids concentrations and carbohydrate hydrolysing enzyme activities in rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 3 experimental groups, cornstarch group(68% cornstarch diet), sucrose group (20% sucrose+48% cornstarch diet) and glycosyl-sucrose group(20% glycosyl-sucrose+48% cornstarch diet). After 6 weeks, the mean values of food efficiency ratio of 3 groups were not significantly different. There were no significant differences in mean fasting blood glucose levels of three groups, while the glucose response at 30 and 60 minutes and the total integrated blood response area showed a tendency to decrease in glycosyl-sucrose group as compared with sucrose group. Serum lipids(T. G., phospholipids, HDL-cholesterol and total lipid) contents showed no significant differences among 3 groups but a tendency to increase in glycosyl-sucrose group. The sucrose and maltose hydrolysing enzyme activities of jejunum and ileum were significantly reduced in glycosyl-sucrose group as compared with cornstarch group. The maltose hydrolysing enzyme activity, especially in jejunum was lower in glycosyl-sucrose group than in sucrose group.

      • KCI등재

        솔잎 수액 증류액의 암세포주에 대한 in vitro 세포독성

        정영진(Young-Jin Chung),배명원(Myung-Won Bae),정명일(Myoung-Il Chung),이지선(Ji-Seon Lee),정경수(Kyeong-Soo Chung) 한국식품영양과학회 2002 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        한국산 솔잎을 가압ㆍ압착하여 얻은 수액을 증류한 솔잎 수액 증류액의 각종 암세포주에 대한 in vitro 세포독성을 시료액대비 10배, 20배, 40배 희석군과 대조군에 대해 XTT법으로 실험한 결과, 쥐 백혈병 세포주인 L1210에 대해서는 76~89%, 쥐 육종암세포인 sarcoma 180에 대해서는 61~90%의 세포성장 억제효과를 나타내었다. 또한 인체의 monocyte-like cancer cell인 U937에 대해서는 56~81%, 인체 유방암 세포주인 T47D와 MDA-MB-231에서는 각기 12%, 또 다른 유방암 세포주인 MH7A에서는 64%, 인체 간암 세포주인 SNU-354에 대해서는 72%의 높은 세포 증식 억제효과를 나타내었다. 이로써 본 연구 시료인 솔잎 수액 증류액은 쥐 백혈병 세포주인 L1210, 쥐 육종암세포인 sarcoma 180, 인체 monocyte-like cancercell인 U937, 인체 유방암 세포주인 MH7A, 인체 간암 세포주인 SNU-354에 대해 강한 세포독성을 갖는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이와 함께 솔잎 수액 증류액의 암세포에 대한 독성효과는 솔잎의 처리과정에 따라 다를 수 있으며, 또한 동일한 솔잎 수액 증류액의 농도에서도 암세포주 종류에 따라 세포독성정도가 다름을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 최적 투여 농도와 적용 암세포주를 찾을 경우 새로운 항암제로 개발될 수 있음을 제시하였다. This study was performed to examine the cytotoxic effects of the distilled pine-needle extracts against several cancer cell lines. First, cell lines including mice leukemic cancer cell line (L1210), sarcoma 180 and human monocyte-like cancer cells (U937) were tested using XTT methods in vitro. Pine-needle extracts were prepared by pressing the pine needles and distilling it at below 98℃ and then added to the growth medium in a final dilution of 10, 20, and 40 times. Growth of three kinds of cancer cells was significantly inhibited by more than 50% with the addition of the extracts. Fifty six to seventy six % of inhibition was shown with the 40 times dilution of the extracts. Greater inhibition was achieved with the 20 times dilution (81~90%) and the 10 times dilution (77~89%) of the extracts. Next, other human cancer cell lines including 3 kinds of breast cancer cell lines (T47D, MDA-MB- 231 and MH7A) and one hepatoma cell line (SNU-354) were tested with the 20 times dilution of the extract. T47D and MDA-MB-231 cell lines showed lower inhibition (12%) with the addition of the extract. However, MH7A and SNU-354 cell lines showed 64% and 72% inhibition with the extract, respectively. These results suggest that the distilled pine-needle extracts have strong cytotoxic effect on certain cancer cell lines and the intensity of the effect may vary depending on the process of the pine needle.

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