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        Dual Energy X-ray Absoptiometry를 이용한 성인 여성들의 골밀도에 관한 연구

        고기채(Koh Ki-Chae),손흥기(Sohn Heung-Ki),김영표(Kim Young-Pyo),함경수(Ham Kyung-Soo),천병옥(Chun Byung-Ok),이재문(Lee Jae-Mun),정연진(Joung Youn-Jin),최승철(Choi Seung-chul) 한국체육과학회 2000 한국체육과학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        The purpose of this study investigated on body composition and DEXA(Dual Energy X -ray Absorptiometry for bone mineral density in adults women. Subjects for this purpose consisted to residents of Seoul cities over 30 years a total a 41 adults women(30 aged 13, 40 aged 14, 50 aged 14). Variables of the study included comparison for physique, body composition and bone mineral density(BMD) in age, degree of menses and postmenopause, relationship between physique, body composition factors and bone mineral density. The results as follows; 1. Different of bone mineral density in age 1) In factors of trunk BMD showed in significantly different 30 aged group and 50 aged group. 2) In factors of ribs BMD showed in significantly different 30 aged group and 50 aged group. 3) In factors of spine BMD showed in significantly different 30 aged group and 50 aged group. 4) In factors of pelvis BMD showed in significantly different 30 aged group and 50 aged group. 5) In factors of total BMD showed in significantly different 30 aged group and 50 aged group. 2. Different of bone mineral density in menses and postmenopause 1) In factors of trunk BMD showed in significantly different menses group less then postmenopause group. 2) In factors of ribs BMD showed in significantly different menses group less then postmenopause group. 3) In factors of spine BMD showed in significantly different menses group less then postmenopause group. 4) In factors of pelvis BMD showed in significantly different menses group less then postmenopause group. 5) In factors of total BMD showed in significantly different menses group less then postmenopause group.

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