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        容閎과 淸末 近代外交

        정동연 대구사학회 2022 대구사학 Vol.146 No.-

        본고는 용굉(容閎, 1828~1912)이 청말 근대외교에 미친 영향을 탐색한 글이다. 그동안 용굉에 대해서는 청 정부가 미국에 보낸 국비 유학생, 이른바 ‘유미유동(留美幼童)’을 인솔하였다는 점이 강조되어 왔다. 그러나 용굉의 활동은 청 정부가 서양 국제법에 토대를 둔 근대외교를 수용하는 과정과 중첩되어 있음에 주목하여 그가 지닌 외교사적 의미를 음미할 필요가 있다. 용굉은 어린 시절 광둥 지역에서 서양식 교육을 받았다. 곧 이어 미국인 교사를 따라 미국으로 유학을 떠났고, 예일대학에서 서양 지식과 가치관을 습득하였다. 귀국한 용굉은 중국이 근대외교에 뒤처져 있으면서도 이를 제대로 자각하지 못하는 현실을 목도하였다. 한때 태평천국에 가담할 생각을 품었던 것도 이들이 청을 대신하여 중국을 구할 수 있을지 모른다는 생각 때문이었다. 용굉은 서양 사정에 밝고 외국어에 능하다는 이유로 청 정부의 실권자 증국번(曾國藩)의 막료로 발탁되었다. 용굉은 서양 기계를 도입하는 임무를 완수하여 증국번의 신뢰를 얻은 다음, 어린 학생들을 미국에 유학시키는 사업을 승인받았다. 1872년부터 파견된 120명의 유미유동은 용굉의 인솔 하에 서양식 교육을 받았지만, 1881년 청 정부의 지시로 중도 귀국하게 되었다. 이 시기 용굉은 자신의 능력을 토대로 근대외교를 직접 실행하였다. 그는 외국 사정에 밝고 외국어에 능숙할 뿐 아니라, 미국 내에서 다양한 인적 네트워크를 갖추고 있었다. 이를 활용하여 아메리카 대륙의 쿨리 학대 문제를 조사하여 보고함으로써 청 정부가 페루와 통상조약을 체결하는 데 도움을 주었다. 청이 설립한 주미공사관의 초대 참찬(參贊)이 된 후에는 공사(公使) 진란빈(陳蘭彬)을 보좌하며 미국 내의 반중 정서에 대응하기 위해 적극적으로 노력하였다. 유미유동이 중도 귀국한 후에는 한동안 미국에서 칩거하였지만, 청일전쟁이 발발하자 일본을 배후에서 공격할 수 있는 군함을 마련하기 위해 영국으로 건너가 차관 도입 협상을 벌이기도 하였다. 한편, 용굉이 양성한 유미유동은 청말 근대외교에서 다양한 역할을 수행하였다. 이들은 청 정부가 해외에 설립한 공사관(公使館)과 영사관(領事館)에서 근무하였고, 이를 토대로 의화단사건 이후 설립된 외무부(外務部)의 고위 관료로 승진하기도 하였다. 특히 주한공관(駐韓公館) 경력을 토대로 외무부로 옮겨 활동한 당소의(唐紹儀)와 양여호(梁如浩)는 중화민국에서 외교총장의 자리에까지 올랐다. 이러한 점에서 볼 때 용굉은 유미유동을 통해 근대외교의 씨앗을 뿌렸다고 할 수 있다. This article analyzed the influence of Yung Wing on modern chinese diplomacy. Meanwhile, it was emphasized that Yung Wing led the chinese students sent to America by Qing Dynasty so-called ‘Chinese Educational Mission’. But it is necessary to appreciate Yung Wing’s diplomatic significance by paying attention to his activities was overlapped with the process of the Qing government’s introduction of modern diplomacy based on Western international law. Yung Wing received Western-style education in Canton in his childhood and followed an American teacher to study in the United States and acquired Western knowledge and values at Yale University. After returning to homeland, Yung Wing witnessed the reality that China was lagging behind modern diplomacy but was not aware of it. So, Yung Wing demonstrated modern diplomacy directly based on his ability. He was not only good at foreign situations and was fluent in foreign languages, but also had various human networks in the United States. Yung Wing was appointed as a staff of Zeng GuoFan who was the power-holder of the Qing government because he was bright in Western circumstances and was fluent in foreign languages. Yung Wing gained trust of Zeng GuoFan by completing the mission of introducing Western machines, and was approved the plan to dispatch ‘Chinese Educational Mission’. In this period, he investigated the situation of Cooley abuse in the America, and helped Qing government to sign a trade treaty with Peru. After a while, he became the vice minister of the Embassy, he tried to respond to anti-Chinese sentiment in the United States. Although Yung Wing stayed in the United States without any special activities after the recall of the ‘Chinese Educational Mission’, he negotiated the introduction of loans with England to prepare a warship that could attack Japan during the Sino-Japanese War. As such, Yung Wing was typical figure as an practitioner of modern diplomacy. The 120 Chinese students dispatched from 1872 received Western-style education under the leadership of Yung Wing, but were returned under the direction of the Qing Dynasty in 1881. ‘Chinese Educational Mission’ fostered by Yung Wing played a significant role in modern diplomacy in the late Qing Dynasty. They worked at the legation and consulate established overseas by the Qing Dynasty, and some of them were promoted to a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after the Boxer Rebellion. In particular, Tang Shaoyi and YangRuhao became president of diplomatic affairs in the Republic of China by his experience as a diplomatic official in Korea. From this point of view, it can be said that Yung Wing sowed the seeds of modern diplomacy through ‘Chinese Educational Mission’

      • 오프라인 프로그래밍을 이용한 스카라 로봇의 통합제어 시스템 설계

        정동연,한성현 한국공작기계학회 2002 한국공작기계학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        We developed a Off-Line Graphic Simulator which can simulate a robot model in 3D graphics space in Windows 95 version. 4 axes SCARA robot was adopted as an objective model. Forward kinematics. inverse kinematics and robot dynamics modeling were included in the developed program. The interface between users and the off-line program system in the Windows 95's graphic user interface environment was also studied. The developing language is Microsoft Visual C++. Graphic libraries. OpenGL, by Silicon Graphics. Inc. were utilized for 3D graphics.

      • 퍼지-신경망 제어기법을 이용한 Mobile Robot의 지능제어

        정동연,김용태,한성현 한국공작기계학회 2002 한국공작기계학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2002 No.-

        This paper presents a new approach to the design of cruise control system of a mobile robot with two drive wheel. The proposed control scheme uses a Gaussian function as a unit function in the fuzzy neural network, and back propagation algorithm to train the fuzzy neural network controller in the framework of the specialized learning architecture. It is proposed a learning controller consisting of two neural network-fuzzy based on independent reasoning and a connection net with fixed weights to simply the neural networks-fuzzy. The performance of the proposed controller is shown by performing the computer simulation for trajectory tracking of the speed and azimuth of a mobile robot driven by two independent wheels.

      • 제네틱 알고리즘을 이용한 이동로봇의 지능제어기 설계

        정동연,김종수,한성현 한국공작기계학회 2003 한국공작기계학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2003 No.-

        This paper proposed trajectory tracking control of Mobile Robot. Trajectory tracking control scheme are Real coding Genetic-Algorithm and Back-propergation Algorithm. Control scheme ability experience proposed simulation.

      • 뉴럴 네트워크를 이용한 지능형 통합 제어 시스템 설계

        정동연,이우송,안인모,한성현 한국공작기계학회 2001 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2001 No.-

        In this paper, we have proposed a new approach to the design of robot vision system to develop the technology for the automatic test and assembling of precision mechanical and electronic parts for the factory automation. In order to perform real time implementation of the automatic assembling tasks in the complex processes, we have developed an intelligent control algorithm based-on neural networks control theory to enhance the precise motion control. Implementing of the automatic test tasks has been performed by the real-time vision algorithm based-on TMS320C31 DSPs. It distinguishes correctly the difference between the acceptable and unacceptable defective item through pattern recognition of parts by the developed vision algorithm. Finally, the performance of proposed robot vision system has been illustrated by experiment for the similar model of fifth cell among the twelve cell for automatic test and assembling in S company.

      • 광학렌즈 자동 검사용 지능형 로봇 비젼 시스템 개발

        정동연,장영희,차보남,한성현 한국공작기계학회 2004 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2004 No.-

        Developed shape awareness technology and vision technology for optical lens slant in this research, and including external form state of lens for the performance verification, developed so that can be good, achieve badness finding. And, establish to existing reflex data because inputting surface badness degree of scratch's standard specification condition directly, and error designed to distinguish from product more than schedule error to badness product by normalcy product within schedule extent after calculate the error comparing actuality measurement reflex data and standard reflex data mutually. Developed system to smallest 1pixel unit though measuring is possible 1pixel as 3.7μm×3.7μm(0.1369×1O^(-4)mm²) the accuracy to 10^(-4)mm minutely measuring is possible performance verification and trust ability through an experiment prove.

      • KCI등재

        2022 역사과 교육과정 선택과목 개발의 쟁점과 논리

        정동연 역사교육학회 2023 역사교육논집 Vol.83 No.-

        This Article observed the issues and logic which is raised in the process in developing history electives of 2022 curriculum 「World History」, 「East Asian History Trip」, 「The Modern World on Historical Inquiry」, and analyzed how they were applied in the final curriculum draft. The outline of the history curriculum was prepared based on basic research called 「Study on Composition Plan」 and 「Study on Restructuring」. In these studies, it was decided to leave 「World History」 as a general elective, and the existing 「East Asian History」 was proposed to reduce content elements and contain the value of peace and coexistence, and the 「The Modern World on Historical Inquiry」 that combines history inquiry and modern history was conceived as a fusion elective. Finally, the content system of the electives was established through the 「Study on Draft Development」. 「World History」 was composed in the form of combining regional history and communication history and emphasizing specific topics for each unit. It was intended to ensure the differentiation from the middle school 「History」, and utilize the advantages of regional history and communication history. In addition, 「East Asian History Trip」 expanded the scope of East Asia from Northerneast to Southeast Asia in consideration of its relevance to the present, while introducing the element of trip to feel it familiar for students to study. Finally, the 「The Modern World on Historical Inquiry」 was organized to approach the tasks left in the modern world in historical context. It is important to review the pros and cons found in the content system of these electives. But I'd like to emphasize that it is also important that the discussion of the curriculum should be continued from now on, and the next curriculum should be derived based on here.

      • KCI등재

        다문화 사회의 세계사 교육

        정동연 역사교육연구회 2022 역사교육 Vol.162 No.-

        World history education is in the spotlight as an alternative to solving the difficulties faced by multicultural societies. But in order for world history education to realize a multicultural perspective, it is important to organize how to set the universality of world history and the specificity of national history. It is necessary to refer to the concept of ‘tolerance’, an attitude to recognize and coexist with each other. Korea’s world history education is also aiming for a multicultural perspective. However, the multicultural perspective of the curriculum and textbooks not only gives the impression of just a slogan, but also reveals the perspective of objectifying and otherizing other groups and cultures. Some innovative teachers have attempted to strongly reveal multicultural perspectives, but there is a problem that there are no conditions for continuous implementation. In order to create an environment in which world history education can realize multicultural perspectives, ‘integration’ and ‘connection’ are indispensable. In elementary school, some contents of world history can be integrated with Korean history, in middle school, world history and Korean history can be integrated into one subject of each grade, in high school, although it is forced to separate world history from Korean history, it is possible to implement a multicultural perspective in a ‘connection’ way. 세계사 교육은 다문화 사회의 곤경을 해소할 대안으로 주목을 받고 있다. 그러나 세계사 교육을 통해 다문화 관점을 함양하기 위해서는 세계사의 보편성과 자국사의 특수성 사이의 관계를 설정하는 것이 중요하다. 이와 관련하여 서로를 이해하고 공존한다는 ‘관용’이라는 개념에 주목할 필요가 있다. 한국의 세계사 교육 또한 다문화 관점을 지향하고 있다. 그러나 교육과정과 교과서의 다문화 관점은 단지 슬로건에 그치는 경향이 있을 뿐 아니라, 다른 집단과 문화를 객체화하고 타자화하기도 한다. 일부 혁신적인 교사들이 다문화 관점을 드러내기 위한 수업을 시도하기도 하지만, 이를 계속 이어나갈 수 있는 조건이 형성되어 있지 않다. 세계사 교육을 통해 다문화 관점을 함양하기 위해서는 ‘통합’과 ‘연계’가 필요하다. 초등학교에서는 세계사와 관련된 일부 내용이 한국사에 통합될 수 있고, 중학교에서는 세계사와 한국사가 각 학년마다 한 과목으로 통합될 수 있으며, 고등학교에서는 비록 세계사와 한국사가 분리되어 가르쳐질 수밖에 없는 상황이지만, 연계의 방식을 통해 다문화 관점을 함양할 수 있다.

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