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      • 부산, 경남지방에 있어서 유우도태원인(乳牛淘汰原因)에 관한 조사연구

        강경석,김병기,최경문,김종흥,정덕칙 한국낙농학회 1988 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.10 No.2

        本 調査硏究는 釜山 및 慶南 地方을 中心으로 하여 淘汰되는 乳牛의 淘汰 原因을 糾明하기 위하여 1987年 3月부터 1988年 2月까지 釜山市 所在 東苑産業에서 屠殺된 牝乳牛 6,799頭를 對象으로 하여 病類別 淘汰 原因을 調査한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 淘汰된 6,779頭의 病類別 淘汰率은 泌尿生殖器疾患이 4,534頭(66.69%), 外科疾患이 1,117頭(16.43%), 消化器疾患이 589頭(8.66%), 一般 內科疾患이 164頭(2.41%), 呼吸器疾患이 156頭(2.30%), 運動器疾患이 136頭(2.00%), 循環器疾患이 103頭(1.51%)이였다. 2. 泌尿生殖器疾患은 子宮內膜炎이 消化器疾患은 고창증이 가장 많았다. 3. 年齡別 淘汰率은 6세가 3,865頭(56.85%), 5세가 1,240頭(18.24%), 4세가 547頭(8.05%), 7세가 452頭(6.64%)이였다. 4. 月別 및 季節別 淘汰率은 9月부터 2月까지가 다른 달보다 많았다. 5. 消化器, 外科 및 事故, 一般 內料, 循環器疾患 發生은 9月에 가장 많고, 泌尿生殖器疾患은 12月에, 運動器疾患은 8月에, 呼吸器疾患은 2월에 가장 많았다. The 6,799 Holstein cows killed at Dong-Won abattoir in Pusan were in vestigated for the purpose of finding the cause of culling for one year from March, 1987 to February, 1988. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. Culling rate of 6,799 Holstein cows was 4,534(66.69%), 1,117(16.43%), 589(8.66%), 164 (2.41%), 156(2.30%), 136(2.00%) and 103(1.51%) cows in the urogenital disease, surgical or accidental disease, digestive disease, general disease, respiratory disease, locomotive disease and circulatory disease, respectively. 2. The highest culling rate of urogenital disease was endometritis and that of digestive diseases was tympanitis. 3. The cows called at age of 6, 5, 4 and 7 years old were 3,865(56.85%), 1,240(18.24%), 547(8.05%) and 452(6.64%) cows, respectively. 4. The incidence of culling were higher in September through February than other months. 5. Holstein cows were more culled in September with digestive, surgical, circulatory and general disease, in December with urogenital disease, in August with locomotive disease, and in February with respiratory disease than other months.

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