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        환경문제 발생원인으로서의 인구

        정대연(Jeong Dai-Yeun),장신옥(Chang Shin-Ock) 한국인구학회 2005 한국인구학 Vol.28 No.1

        오늘날 환경문제는 범지구적이며 인류의 생존 자체를 위협할 만큼 심각하다. 산업화가 환경문제 발생의 근원적 원인이다. 하지만 자연관, 자연에 대한 지식 증가, 기술개발, 경제성장과 불평등 등도 환경문제 발생의 중요한 원인들이다. 인구는 사회가 성립하는 데 필요한 요소이지만 환경문제 발생의 한 원인이 되기도 한다. 그 이유는 인구가 지탱되는 데 필요한 의식주는 전적으로 자연자원에 의존하고 있는데 인구의 크기는 자연이 감당할 수 있는 용량을 초과했기 때문이다. 이러한 관점은 인구와 환경의 관계에서 인구를 하나의 집합체로 보고 양적으로 접근한다. 그러나 환경문제 발생원인으로서의 인구는 질적 차원에서도 접근할 필요가 있다. 즉 집합체로서의 인구를 구성하는 개별 행위자들이 일상생활에서 얼마나 친환경적 행동을 하는 가라는 점도 파악돼야 한다. 왜냐하면 절대 인구수가 같더라도 전체로서의 인구를 구성하는 개별 행위자들의 자연관, 생활양식 등에 따라 자연에 전개하는 행동이 다르고 결국 자연에 가해지는 영향(impact)이 다르기 때문이다. 집합체로서의 인구가 환경문제 발생원인으로 의미하는 바는, 자연자원의 공급량을 훨씬 초과해 추출한다는 점과 자연이 흡수 처리할 수 있는 능력 이상으로 생산ㆍ유통ㆍ소비과정에서 과도하게 폐기물을 발생시킨다는 점이다. 반면 개별 행위자로서의 인구가 환경문제 발생원인으로 의미하는 바는 풍요성과 편리성을 극대화시키려고 일상생활에서 친환경적이지 않은 행동을 무분별하게 한다는 점이다. 이런 맥락에서 이 연구는 환경문제의 본질을 먼저 논의했고 환경문제 발생 메커니즘에 인구가 어떤 방식으로 작용하는 지를 두 가지 차원 - 집합체로서의 인구와 개별 행위자로서의 인구 - 에서 논의하였다. Contemporary society is characterized as a risk society that involves the world-wide environmental problem. Among others, it is argued, population is a cause of environmental problems. The main reasons for this argument are two. One is that all materials necessary for human survival are extracted from nature. The other is that the present extraction of materials exceeds the carrying capacity of nature. Such a viewpoint is a quantitative perspective on population as an aggregate. However, it is necessary to explore the qualitative aspect of population as a cause of environmental problems. This approach means how strongly the individual as a unit of aggregate population acts environment-friendly in everyday life. This approach is needed because even though the absolute population size is the same in two countries, the individual as an actor is different in terms of the perspective on nature, lifestyle, and behavior towards nature, and then as a result, the environmental impact will be different. The perspective on population as an aggregate argues that the present population size is over the carrying capacity of nature in terms of the supply of resources and absorption of the wastes discharged from the process of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Meanwhile, the perspective on population as an actor is based on the fact that population acts an non-environmental friendly behavior in everyday life in order to maximize material affluence. This study explains what the environmental problem is, and then analyzes the process of mechanism of population being involved in bringing about environmental problem in terms of two dimensions - population as an aggregate and as an actor.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        환경의 구성요소와 그 체계

        정대연(Dai Yeun Jeong) 한국환경영향평가학회 2001 환경영향평가 Vol.10 No.3

        The environment is composed of at least two components, the natural and the human-made one. Nonetheless, the environment is being used to connote the natural environment. Moreover, even though the components of environment exist in a mutual relationship as a mechanism, it is rare to study the components of environment and their system as a mechanism. With such an implication, this paper aims to identify the components of environment and their system. The components of environment can be categorized by two criteria. One is the subject of creating environment, and the other is the visuality of environment. The former categorizes the environment into the natural and the human-made one, and the latter into physical and nonphysical one. Integrating the two criteria into a framework, the environment can be categorized into the natural, the human-made physical, and the human-made nonphysical environment. The three categories of environment exist interrelatedly in a mechanism being characterized as a mutual impact. The mechanism may be called the environmental system. The environmental system can be analyzed in terms of two dimensions. One is a human-inclusive system. The other is a human-centered system. The former is a framework that includes humans as a component of environment. The latter is a framework that humans are the subject of the environment, and the others surrounding human life are the object of the environment. The former is defined as a circular system of material and energy, while the latter is defined as a mutual subjective-objective system.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 발전의 사회학적 고찰

        정대연 ( Dai Yeun Jeong ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2003 환경영향평가 Vol.12 No.1

        The term sustainable development is being used widely since WCED suggested it in 1987. This paper aims at catching up its sociological implications. For doing this, the paper examined some major existing researches on sustainable development.It was found that sustainable development has been defined as an economic development with the preservation of nature as an environment of human life. In this sense, the existing concept of sustainable development is an economic perspective. Sustainable development as an economic perspective is faced with some limitations and/or problems. They are summarized as follows. The human-made environment is excluded from the concept of sustainable development. Its ideology is anthroponcentric in that the sustainability of nature is a necessary condition for economic development. The objective reference which can measure whether the current state of nature is sustainable or not is not proposed. Consequently, sustainable debelopment results in merelt a survivability of economy, a new form of economic utility and/or a successful economy. In terms of sociological perspective, economy and nature can not be sustainable without other social factors being sustainable, because all social factors including economy and nature exist in a causal mechanism. This means that sustainable development should be approached from a multi-dimensional perspective. The multi-dimensional approach can be a framework of sustatinable development in terms of whole society, then can be tremed sustainable society which implies not a sustatainable society which implies not a sustainable development, but a societal development. The factors which should be included in the sustainable society are, at least,economy,population as an aggregate,mode of living existence of people as a cultural actor,thchnology,and social structure.

      • KCI등재

        한국 토지이용 구조의 지속가능성 분석

        정대연 ( Dai Yeun Jeong ) 한국환경정책학회 2008 環境政策 Vol.16 No.2

        This paper aims at analyzing the sustainability of land-use structure in South Korea, and catching up a direction of managing sustainable land-use. For doing this, the paper calculated first the environmental impact for ten years from 1996 to 2005, and reviewed the existing concepts and implications of sustainable development, and selected 52 sustainable land-use indicators. As the main analysis, the paper analyzed the sustainability of land-use and its change, using the indicators. The environmental impact increased by 1.758 times for the past ten years. The explanatory power of the 52 indicators was 65.8% in determining the sustainability of land-use. Each factor had a different impact on the determination of sustainable land-use. The difference can be used as a guide in deciding policy priority. The factors determining the sustainability of land-use are in a causal mechanism, impacting on their existence each other. Their relative position of sustainability change each year for ten years from 1996 to 2005. Land-use is the primary input variable of sustainable development. In this sense, land-use planning should be an integrated one for sustainable development, including all socio-economic factors which are in a causal mechanism. In terms of sustainable development, land-use planning as an integrated one should consider land, at least, as the source of production, interdependence with others, and ethnic for the next generations.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 한국 기후변화정책의 효과분석

        정대연 ( Dai Yeun Jeong ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2011 환경영향평가 Vol.20 No.5

        South Korean central government has launched the first comprehensive climate change policies in 1999, and they have been renewed every three year. The third policies ended in 2007. However, it is quite rare to analyze whether the climate change policies are effective against climate change. In this context, this paper aims at analyzing the effectiveness of climate change policy which was launched for seven years from 1999 to 2007 in South Korea. The effectiveness analysis of policy can be done in terms of the individual policy and/or all policies being synthesized as a comprehensive unit. Employing the latter methodology, this paper analyzed the effectiveness on the basis of economic growth as independent variable, greenhouse gas emission as dependent variable, and energy use and its process as intervening variable. Seven analytic indicators covering the three variables were selected on the basis of two points in time before and after climate change policy having been launched. The seven indicators were analyzed in terms of three aspects. They were the change in the state of each indicator, the effectiveness of climate change policy from 1999 to 2007, and the effectiveness process from 1999 to 2007. The effectiveness process was analyzed in terms of the relational context and its flow processing path. Economic growth was advanced remarkably with increase in the total consumption of energy. As a result, greenhouse gas emission increased. However, energy efficiency increased with significant decrease in energy intensity, carbon intensity, and energy elasticity. The expansion of new and renewable energy over total energy supply was not effective significantly on the decrease in greenhouse gas emission. The processing path of climate change policy being effective advanced toward increase in energy efficiency through energy intensity rather than toward sustainable development. Such a way of the effectiveness of climate change policy implies that most policies focused on adaptation rather than on mitigation.

      • KCI등재

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