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        반도부의 숯가마 실태와 숯 생산 및 활용에 대한 예비 연구 : 충청북도 진천군 백곡면과 강원도 영월군 상동읍을 사례로

        정광중(Jeong Kwang-joong),강창화(Kang Chang-hwa),강성기(Kang Seong-gi),부혜진(Bu Hye-jin) 제주학회 2016 濟州島硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        본 연구는 제주도의 숯가마 형태와 구조를 확인하기 위한 수단으로 반도부의 숯 생산지역을 탐방하여 실마리를 얻고자 시도되었으나, 현 시점에서 그 단초를 찾기에는 이른 감이 있는 것으로 판단된다. 다소 부족하지만 이번에 현지 조사한 내용을 요약·정리하면 다음과 같다. 충청북도 진천군 백곡면은 1960년대 이전부터 숯을 생산하는 지역으로 널리 알려져 있는데, 조사 시점에서는 13개 농가가 일정한 부지 내에서 참나무 숯을 생산하고 있으며, 한 농가를 제외한 모든 농가가 검탄이고 이들은 전국적으로 다양한 용도로 판매되고 있다. 진천군 백곡면의 숯가마는 일정한 부지 내에 고정시켜 연중 생산하는 개량된 숯가마 형태라 할 수 있는데, 과거와는 달리 숯가마의 규모가 다소 커진 상태로서 여러 개의 숯가마를 연계시켜 동시다발적으로 대량생산할 수 있는 시스템을 갖추고 있다. 과거와 비교할 때 숯가마의 구조에서 달라진 점은 아궁이의 위치 정도이고, 그 외에는 숯가마를 지탱하는 내·외벽 재료가 현대화(철제 빔, 철제 연통 등)됨에 따라 크기와 위치가 변화한 정도이다. 강원도 영월군 상동읍은 백탄 위주의 생산지역으로 추측된다. 이번 조사에서는 관련 자료의 부족으로 인하여 숯 생산농가의 정량적 실태 파악은 물론 과거의 숯가마와 현재의 숯가마 사이의 변회를 구체적으로 논의하기가 어려운 상황이다. 그러나 현지 조사한 농가의 숯가마와 숯 생산정보를 토대로 생각해 보면, 영월군 상동읍도 과거보다는 숯가마의 규모가 다소 커지고 동시에 현대로 오면서 여러 개의 숯가마를 연계하여 대량 생산화를 꾀하는 과정만큼은 분명하게 걸친 것으로 추정된다. 그 이유는 현재 상동읍에서 백탄을 생산하는 농가의 사례와 함께 숯가마를 활용한 현대식 숯 치유센터를 만들어 활용하려는 사례에서도 충분히 확인할 수 있기 때문이다. 끝으로, 제주지역 숯가마의 원류를 찾기 위한 반도부와 국외지역과의 비교 연구가 앞으로도 지속되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. This study aims to gain dues by inspecting charcoal production areas on the peninsula as a means to identify the form and structure of charcoal kilns on Jeju Island. The results are inconclusive at this point but the following findings summarized in the field research below do provide indicators. Baekgok-myeon, Jincheon-gun in Chungcheongbuk-do has been widely known as a charcoal producing area before the 1960s. 13 farms were producing oak charcoal within a certain scope of these areas at the point of research, and all farms, except for one, were producing black charcoal and selling it for multiple purposes nationwide. Charcoal kilns in Baekgok-myeon, Jincheon-gun can be referred to as improved forms that make charcoal year around by being installed within the parameters of certain types of areas. These charcoal kilns increased in size from those in the past with systems of mass production by connecting several charcoal kilns simultaneously. Compared to the past, what changed in the structures of charcoal kilns are furnace locations as well as the size and place of charcoal kilns, due to the modernization of inner and outer wall materials that support these charcoal kilns. Sangdong-eup, Yeongwol-gun in Gangwon-do is estimated as an area that mainly makes white charcoal. Due to the lack of relevant data, it is difficult to discuss in detail the actual quantitative conditions of charcoal producing farms in conjunction with their past/present changes within the scope of this research. However, given the information of charcoal kilns and charcoal production information farms researched, the size of charcoal kilns in Sangdong-eup, Yeongwol-gun had increased from the past, and there was a dear process of pursuing the mass production of charcoal by connecting several charcoal kilns as of late. This is sufficiently apparent in the case of the establishment of a modernized charcoal healing center used in combination with charcoal kilns, as well as in the case of white charcoal production farms in Sangdong-eup. Lastly, it is recommended to continue conducting comparative research between the peninsula and overseas areas to find the origins of charcoal kilns located on Jeju Island.

      • KCI등재

        제주 돌담의 가치와 돌담 속 숨겨진 선조들의 지혜 찾기

        정광중(Jeong Kwang-joong) 제주학회 2017 濟州島硏究 Vol.48 No.-

        본 연구는 제주 돌담이 지니는 가치 발굴과 함께 돌담 속에 숨겨진 선조들의 지혜를 찾는데 목적을 두고 있다. 본 연구의 핵심내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 먼저 제주 돌담이 지니는 가치는 생활 문화적 가치, 경관적 가치, 학술적 가치 및 유산적 가치를 부각시킬 수 있다. 그리고 제주 돌담에 숨겨진 선조들의 지혜 찾기에서는 크게 세 가지 관점의 지혜, 즉 거친 가연환경을 극복하려는 지혜, 타인을 배려하는 지혜 그리고 서로 협력하며 공동체를 우선시 하는 지혜를 강조할 수 있다. 궁극적으로 이러한 지혜는 제주 선조들이 삼재로 대변되는 자연환경에 적극적으로 대응하고, 공동체사회를 유지하면서, 서로가 화목한 사회를 이루고자 하는 바람이 있었기 때문에 나타난 소산이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 주로 필자의 연구경험과 이미 발표된 선행연구 결과에 바탕을 두고 진행하였다. 그렇기 때문에 제주 돌담이 지니는 가치나 거기에 담긴 선조들의 지혜 찾기는 또 다른 관점의 추적도 충분히 가능하다. 앞으로 그러한 연구 성과들이 연이어 나타나기를 기대하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to explore the value of Jeju`s stone walls and the wisdom of the ancestors hidden within them. The core contents of this study are summarized as follows. First, the value of Jeju`s stone walls can highlight the following values: culture of life, landscape, academic and heritage. Discovering ancestors` wisdom hidden within Jeju`s stone walls can largely emphasize the wisdom from three perspectives: overcoming a harsh natural environment, caring for others, and cooperating with each other and prioritizing the community. Ultimately, this wisdom can be said to be the result of Jeju ancestors` desire to achieve a harmonious society while actively responding to a harsh natural environment and maintaining a community-oriented society. This study is largely biased toward this author`s subjective perspective and interpretation. Consequently, exploring the value of Jeju`s stone walls and ancestors` wisdom within them suggests that it can be interpreted from another perspective. Such a study result is expected to be continuously presented in the future.

      • KCI등재

        제주 곶자왈의 경관 특성과 가치 탐색

        정광중(Kwang Joong Jeong) 한국문화역사지리학회 2017 문화 역사 지리 Vol.29 No.3

        본 연구는 제주 곶자왈의 경관 특성을 논의하고, 곶자왈이 지니는 가치가 무엇인지를 탐색하는데 있다. 연구결과의 핵심내용은 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 첫째로, 제주 곶자왈은 화산활동의 결과 탄생한 자연자원으로 1만년을 전후한 시기에 분출한 용암류에 의해 형성된 특징을 보인다. 곶자왈 내부에는 여러 형태의 지형경관 요소들이 산재하고 있으며, 이들은 다양한 식생경관 요소와 어우러져 곶자왈의 신비함과 상징성을 높이는데 특별한 기능을 담당하고 있다. 둘째로, 제주 곶자왈의 경관을 구성하는 3대 핵심요소로서 지형경관 요소, 식생경관요소 및 문화경관 요소에 주목할 수 있으며, 지형 및 식생경관 요소가 자연에 의한 1차적 경관 요소라 한다면, 문화경관 요소는 제주도민에 의한 2차적 경관 요소라는 점에서 서로 대비할 수 있다. 셋째로, 곶자왈의 가치는 생태적 가치, 유산적 가치 및 관광적·교육적 가치로 구분하여 논의하였는데, 궁극적으로 이들 가치는 앞으로 제주곶자왈의 보전 및 활용 방향을 예견하는데 매우 유효하다. The purpose of this study is to discuss the landscape characteristics as well as investigate the value of Gotjawal in Jeju. The main results of this study can be summarized as follow. First, Gotjawal in Jeju, a natural resource created as a result of volcanic activity, has characteristics formed by lava flows that erupted approximately 10,000 years ago. Inside Gotjawal, there are various types of topographical landscape elements. These elements play a special role in enhancing the mystery and symbolism of Gotjawal, which are in harmony with the elements of the vegetation landscape. Second, the three core categories of Jeju’s Gotjawal landscape elements are: topographical, vegetation, and cultural. If the topographical and vegetation landscape elements are considered the primary landscape elements created by nature, then the cultural landscape elements can be contrasted with those natural elements in that they are secondary landscape elements created by Jeju citizens. Third, the value of Gotjawal was classified into 3 types of values: ecological, heritage, and tourism and educational. The values were then discussed accordingly. Ultimately, these values will be very useful in predicting the direction of both the preservation and utilization of Gotjawal in Jeju in the future.

      • KCI등재

        곶자왈의 과거, 현재 그리고 미래 -곶자왈의 존재방식에 대한 물음과 제언-

        정광중 ( Kwang-joong Jeong ) 한국사진지리학회 2015 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        This study summarizes the strategies for the future preservation and use of Jeju’s Gotjawal, which were discussed in this study based on the awareness of realistic problems as follows. First, Gotjawal is a subject that absolutely must be protected by Jeju residents, and preserved for its infinite future value as an asset as well as for the future generations that will live in Jeju. Thus, Jeju residents need a high level of civic consciousness to preserve Gotjawal. Second, there is a need to adopt a ‘starting from this moment’ strategy to preserve Gotjawal. It is necessary to recognize that Gotjawal is undergoing a significant amount of destruction every year. Moreover, the target areas for the preservation of Gotjawal at this point must be set as ‘Gotjawal around a village’ where the residents live, or all of the ‘remaining Gotjawal.’ Third, there must be a clear sense of purpose to well preserve the natural elements and humanistic (cultural) elements that form Gotjawal, and to use them as efficiently as possible in the future. One must not forget that the natural and humanistic elements of Gotjawal are ultimately the natural and humanistic resources that give Gotjawal vitality. Fourth, a specific method to preserve and use Gotjawal might be to designate it as a national park or biosphere reserve, or to expand the scope of the current Gotjawal Park. However, what is more important is to decide the optimum methods to preserve and use Gotjawal for future generations based on its value and importance, with the consent of Jeju residents.

      • KCI등재

        2007, 2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 초등학교 사회과부도 구성 및 내용 비교 연구 -지리영역을 중심으로-

        정광중 ( Kwang Joong Jeong ),강성기 ( Seong Gi Kang ) 한국사진지리학회 2014 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        This study compared the overall composition and content systems of the elementary school atlas, according to the revised curriculum in 2007 and 2009, with a particular focus on the geography contents. The study results can be summarized as follows: As the current atlas changed to be bigger in size, a lot more relevant data was printed. The data size increase is judged to help elementary school students to have more interest in and pay more attention to the atlas, compared to the previous atlas. Concerning quantitative composition by subject domain, the main text was greatly increased in terms of geography and history content, but the appendix was relatively decreased. In particular, the current atlas separately organized geography thematic map parts, unlike the previous atlas: concreteness and utilization as learning data are enhanced by presenting various thematic maps related to Korea and the world. The learning activity part enables self-driven learning by the students regarding map learning and domestic and international human environments and natural environments, which were neglected by the previous atlas. The appendix part seeks to be learner friendly by using general terms such as number of page, vertical row, and horizontal column, instead of geographical terms such as longitude and latitude that were used by the previous atlas as the method to find place names. However, this part needs to be slightly revised and supplemented in relation with the fact that higher graders (fifth to sixth graders) need to learn geographical terms such as longitude and latitude. From the aspect of data composition, realistic photo data had been greatly expanded to enhance learning utility, and a more detailed guide to images related to various domestic and international areas and changed images, according to period, is presented in the figure and chart data. The map data shows many changes, centered on general maps and thematic maps of Korea and the world. The map data, especially, reflects accurately recent changes in domestic and international situations, and the map scale has become larger overall. Also, map presentation by segmenting the Korean map and the world map by continent is a striking addition to the previous atlas.

      • KCI등재

        장소자산으로서 제주 돌담의 가치와 활용방안

        정광중 ( Kwang Joong Jeong ),강성기 ( Seong Gi Kang ) 한국경제지리학회 2013 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        This study aims to suggest the values and utilization measures of the stone walls in Jeju Island as Place assets. The discussion on this subject may serve as a breakthrough to resolve the current situation where the stone walls in Jeju Island have been focused on for their potential value not for their practical value as place assets. Moreover, specific measures to utilize Jeju stone walls may become a vehicle to seek the sustainable development of the region. This study discussed the types, functions and values of the stone walls in Jeju Island as place assets and suggested practical measures to use the structures based on their regional distribution. The in-depth discussions largely concluded that there might be five values and seven utilization measures with regard to the Jeju stone walls. The results of the study are expected to be utilized as a new indicator for the regional development of Jeju Island.

      • KCI등재

        농업지리학에서의 사진이용과 전망

        정광중(Jeong Kwang Joong) 한국사진지리학회 1995 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The geographical study is performed on a certain study period and a certain study area, although it differed from the research subject, the research methodology and the on of researchers. In the process of geographical research, it is necessary to collect statistical data and relative references on the study period and study area, and some detailed and appropriate geographical data have to be directly gathered from the field. In fact, the research materials collected from the study area vary. Among the materials directly gathered from the field, it is pointed out that the photo is one of the important research materials to represent objectively the cross-sectional moments a certain place. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to examine the use of photographs in agricultural geography, and to predict the practical application of photos. In agricultural geography, the photograph mainly the agricultural landscape. Photos, therefore, shows the importance of elements of agricultural landscape such as farms, farm lands, roads, shelter belts, crops and livestocks, and becomes means of analyzing density, distribution and quantity for geographical elements of agricultural products. In other words, the photograph is a important source for giving an information on regional differences and characteristics of the agricultural landscape.

      • KCI등재

        사진자료를 이용한 초등학교 사회과의 교재화 연구 - 외국여행의 사례를 통하여 -

        정광중(Jeong Kwang Joong) 한국사진지리학회 1996 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        This paper attempts to look into possibility of using Photographs, personally taken by teachers during overseas travel, as the social studies teaching materials at elementary school. In other words, the paper proposed to use concrete example areas and photographic materials as the teaching materials so that geographical phenomena teachers experienced overseas and the knowledge related to heterogenious culture can be delivered to children through photographs. As a results, the following conclusions were derived. 1. If teachers intentionally attempt to study using photographs as teaching materials, they can formulate study subjects for higher graders of elementary schools lasting for approximately 1-2 hours by photographic materials. 2. Considering the photographs personally taken by teachers during their overseas stay in relation to study subjects at elementary schools, it seems extremely advantageous to use such materials for teaching during the 6th grade courses. 3. In teaching children based on photographic materials, the intellectual capability and the mental development stage of children must be considered, and to satisfy such requirements, the photographic materials should be of such kind that would provide children with a sense of intimacy and satisfy the contents of description. 4. The problems related to using photographic materials for teaching are that the teachers themselves must consider in advance the time of utilizing photographic materials, adjustment of study hours, and evaluation after study.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 해안지역의 경관적 특성

        정광중(Jeong Kwang Joong) 한국사진지리학회 1998 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this research is to investigate the landscape features of coastal areas in cheju Island. The examination of photographs reveals a lot of distinctive elements of Cheju coastal landscape. The research has found eighteen characteristics of the coastal landscape; 12 for human elements and 6 for physical ones. The findings are as follows; 1) A shrine-`Haeshinsa`(Hwabuk-dong) 2) Place of the `Dol(rock)` salt(Kuo˘m-ri) 3) Lighthouse(Aewol-ri) 4) Wind-power generation(Wollyo˘ng-ri) 5) Smoke-signal station-`Yo˘ndae`(Ilgwa-ri) 6) Artificial tunnel(Sangmo-ri) 7) Shell mound(Hwasun-ri) 8) Cheju folklore museutn(Pyoso˘n-ri) 9) Site of coastal fortress(Onpyo˘ng-i) 10) Femail diver`s lockerroom(Chongdal-ri) 11) The Site of `Pyo˘lbang` fortress(Hado-ri) 12) A pavillion-`Yo˘nbukcho˘ng`(Chochon-ri) 13) Layer of pyroclastic materials(Kosan-ri) 14) Daepo-dong columnar joint(Daepo-dong) 15) Sea stack-`Oedolgae`(So˘gwi-dong) 16) Sea cliff-`Ku˘n o˘ng`(Namwon-ri) 17) Shinyang-ri fomation(Shinyang-ri) 18) Kimnyo˘ng beach(Kimnyo˘ng-ri)

      • KCI등재

        제주도 애월읍의 지리적 환경과 인구변화의 특징

        정광중 ( Kwang Joong Jeong ) 한국사진지리학회 2013 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Aewol-eup, located west from the center of Jeju, is a region that has both urban and rural characteristics within its boundaries. With regard to its geographical environment, Aewol-eup is composed of 9 coastal villages and 17 hilly and mountainous villages. In terms of altitude above sea level, the coastal villages have a cluster of houses in the district at under 50 meters above sea level while the hilly and mountainous villages have them at 50-565 meters above sea level, showing a significantly huge deviation. The movement to the coastal villages and hilly and mountainous villages in Aewol-eup has led to the establishment and development of local communities in many districts. As a result, there has been a positive effect on the region in that a number of elementary schools were founded after liberation from Japan. The demographic changes in Aewol-eup after 1960 may be categorized into three phases: the first phase is a period when the town sometimes experienced both increases and decreases in population for 20 years from 1960 to 1979; the second phase, from 1980 to 1994, is a period when the population mainly declined; and the third phase, from 1995 to 2012, is a period when the population increased. The demographic changes by village in Aewol-eup, analyzed on a decade basis from 1972 to 2012, reveal that the demographic distribution by village has changed as from 1992. In other words, the population was concentrated in the southern districts of Aewol-eup such as Aewol-ri, Geumseong-ri and Gwakjiri and the hilly and mountainous villages of Eodo-ri(Bongseong-ri), Nabeup-ri, Sangga-ri, Susan-ri and Gwangryeong1-ri from 1972 to 1982. From 1992, however, the population was concentrated in the villages closer to the center of Jeju including the coastal villages of Hagwi1-ri, Hagwi2-ri and Sineom-ri and the hilly and mountainous villages of Gwangryeong1-ri, Gwangryeong2-ri, Goseong1-ri and Susan-ri. Furthermore, according to the analysis on demographic changes by village in Aewol-eup at each phase, the issue of population decline may become a serious problem in the villages that have experienced continuous decline. Therefore, it is important to take this issue seriously and discuss various solutions as to how the population in such villages might be increased from now on.

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