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        리투아니아의 러시아어 상황변화연구 : 러시아의 크림 합병부터 특별군사작전까지

        정경택 한국러시아문학회 2024 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.86 No.-

        This paper aims to analyze the language policy and Russian language in Lithuania from Russia's annexation of Crimea to Special Military Operation. Lithuania is located in Baltic region like Latvia and Estonia. These Baltic States gained independence of nation after 1st World War and were building ethnocentric nation. But in 1940 USSR occupied and absorbed 3 states. From this moment the Balitic States had been ruled by Moscow controlled, but in the late 1980s with Gorbachev's Perestroika and Glasnost' 3 Baltic states gained some autonomy, they made law on languages or state languages. Especially the Constitution and Law on Minorities of Lithuania stipulate articles that respect and support development of languages and culture of all minorities who live in the country. And with independence from Soviet Union, Lithuanian government granted all residences to preserve regardless of the nationalities. But after that time Lithuanian Government continues make laws that attach greater importance to Lithuanian identity and language than to other minorities. Depending on the situation at home and abroad Government can use articles and provisions advantageous to itself. The population of Russian native speakers and Russophone minorities in Lithuania is much fewer than other 2 Baltic states. It lead to flexible implement of policies on minorities, including Russians and Russian language. In Lithuania, it was found that the language as a minority, the decline of Russian as a second foreign language, and the reduction of the area of use remained unchanged, and it has been further strengthened since 2014. Although Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014 did not have a negative impact on Lithuania's Russian language situation, it is clear that the special military operation at the end of February 2022 also caused fear in the Lithuanian government. The removal of domestic Russians and Russian, which is considered to be a trace of Soviet remnants and their traces, is now going to the extreme. Lithuania's anti-Russia policy and its implementation will only change the negative views and perceptions of Russia by most countries and citizens in the world and accept it by the Lithuanian government and people.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        xHTML을 이용한 화상 감시 시스템 구현

        정경택,송병만,마석주,전용일,정동수 한국정보통신학회 2003 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.7 No.7

        본 논문에서는 침입자 감시 시스템을 구현하기 위하여 일반 PC와 WebCam을 이용하여 침입자의 여부를 판단하고, 메일을 통해 침입 사실을 휴대폰으로 알려준다. 그리고 하드디스크의 손상으로 인한 정보 손실을 예방하기 위하여 W를 통해 웹 서버에 전송한다. 또한 xHTML을 이용하여 시간과 공간에 상관없이 자신이 원하는 곳에서 인터넷으로 화상감시가 가능하고, 그 영상을 이용하여 침입자 색출 시에도 이용할 수 있는 시스템을 구현하고 성능을 분석한다. In this paper, we implement a picture surveillance system using IBM-compatible PC with web camera. The reflex RGB data captured from WebCam is stored to HDD through USB port at every 5 seconds intervals. Also, if strangers are detected through Motion Detection routine, warning voice message is broadcasted and invasion message is transmitted by e-mail and transmit the e-mail title to mobile phone through WAP(Wireless Application Protocol) push. The detected image is stored to hard-disk in ‘month-day-hour-minute-second. jpg’ data type. And the image data is transmitted to web server through FTP(File Transfer Protocol) because invader can deletes or destroys the image data on hard-disk We implement a surveillance system which is able to utilize through internet regardless of time and space.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        캅카스 지역의 민족-언어상황 고찰(남오세티야와 북오세티야의 언어정책을 중심으로)

        정경택 한국슬라브어학회 2016 슬라브어연구 Vol.21 No.2

        After the dissolution of Soviet Union in 1991, the 14 former states of Soviet Union established a number of titular˗oriented language policies in order to strive for their ethno-nationalistic identities. For example, 3 Baltic states with their firmly defined ethnic identities conducted relatively more solid nation˗building processes than the other former Soviet states. However, the rest of former Soviet countries including the Central Asia and Caucasus have been threatened by ethnic disputes, and especially Georgia, which has a long history of its people and language, encounters severe ethnic conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia due to Georgia˗centered nation˗building policies. Although the official status of Russian language was successfully deprived of the implementation of Georgian national development programs after its independence, this caused the resistance of South Ossetian people and they eventually declared their independence. As a result, a reunification with the Republic of north Ossetia-Alania in the Russian Federation can be expected. However, the language policies and situations in South Ossetia and North Ossetia in Russian Federation are different from each other. North Ossetia within the Russian Federation remains as an autonomous republic that could declare both Ossetian and Russian as their official languages, but the use of Russian language is much more dominant than that of Ossetian. In contrast, South Ossetia which was an autonomous oblast’ in Georgia and currently is an independent country, is found to be active for conserving and expanding the use of their titular language. Therefore, it has been a challenge for the two Ossetian governments to create a single Ossetian language with narrowing the differences between the two dialects: Iron and Digor. This will be the first step for them to protect their titular language from the influences of Russian and Georgian governments and their languages. 1991년 소련 해체와 더불어 탄생한 러시아연방 외 14개 신생국들은 한 결 같이 토착주도민족의 정체성 확립을 위해 그 주요 상징인 민족어를 국어로 정하고 그 사용영역을 확장시키는 정책을 시행하고 있다. 역사가 깊고 확고하게 형성된 민족정체성을 가진 발트 3국은 상대적으로 무난(?)하게 민족중심의 국가건설을 시행하고 있지만 중앙아시아 국가들을 비롯한 다수의 국가에서는 민족분규로 비화하고 있는데, 특히 캅카스의 조지아는 러시아인의 수가 적고 오랜 민족 전통, 언어를 가지고 있지만 조지아민족만의 단일민족국가건설정책을 취하여 압하지야와 남오세티야의 분규로 혼란스런 상황이다. 비록 소련당시 사실상의 공식어였던 러시아어의 지위를 박탈하고 사용영역을 축소시킨 그루지야어국가발전프로그램의 시행으로 러시아어의 배제는 성공했지만, 이의 시행에서 오세트민족의 저항을 야기하여 남오세티야 공화국이 사실상 독립국이 되어 북쪽의 러시아연방 내 북오세티야- 알라니야공화국과의 통일을 예상하고 있다. 그러나 남오세티야와 북오세티야에서의 언어정책과 상황은 다르다. 북오세티야의 경우 러시아연방 내 자치공화국으로서 지위를 가져 러시아와 더불어 오세트어를 규정하고 있지만 러시아어의 사용이 지배적이고 오세트어의 기능과 사용영역은 축소되고 있다. 이에 반해 남오세티야는 그루지야소비에트공화국 당시 자치주였지만 소비에트러시아 내 북오세티야보다 자치권이 더 커 오세트어의 사용이 보다 자유로웠고 현재도 사실상의 독립국으로서 독자적인 언어정책을 취하고 있어 오세트어의 보전과 사용확장에 적극적이다. 따라서 남오세티야가 사실상의 독립국의 지위를 가지고 있어 언어정책에서의 주권을 발휘하고 있지만 북오세티야는 러시아연방의 헌법과 여타 연방법의 지휘 하에 놓여있어 언어정책에서의 자율권을 완전히 부여받지 못하고 있다. 오랜 기간의 남과 북오세티야의 분리로 인한 두 방언인 이론 방언과 디고로 방언 간의 차이를 좁히고 하나의 오세트어 표준어를 만드는 과제가 남-북오세티야 정부와 사용자들에게 대두되어 있는데, 이는 러시아어와 조지아어로부터의 영향으로부터 오세트어를 보호하기 위한 첫 단계가 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        기초과학연구의 성과평가지표 적합성 실증분석에 관한 연구

        정경택,김선근,구본철,남상성 한국경영컨설팅학회 2015 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.15 No.3

        초록 close 본 연구는 현재 기초과학연구와 관련된 연구 및 업무를 수행하고 있는 집단을 대상으로 기초과학연구 성과평가지표의 적합성 및 평가지표 분야별 영향력에 대한 실증분석을 실시한 바, 과학적 성과, 기술적 성과, 사회적 성과, 경제적 성과, 인프라 성과 등 5대 성과 모두가 전반적으로 기초과학연구 성과를 평가함에 있어 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 이중 경제적 성과는 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 그러나 경제적 성과는 과거부터 우리나라에서 시행해 온 평가시스템에서 주요 연구개발 성과물로서 인식되고 있는 기술료, 사업화, 경제적 수익 창출 등을 평가지표로 선정하고 적용하였던 관행을 고려할 때, 기초과학연구 성과를 평가함에 있어 완전히 배제할 수 있는 성과분야는 아니라고 판단된다. 다만, 연구착수 초·중기에는 타 성과분야에 비해서는 평가비중을 낮은 수준으로 조정할 필요가 있다. This study was conducted to evaluate the empirical analysis of the suitability of performance indicator and impact of the current sectoral indicator for the targeting group that conducts research and work related to the current basic scientific research. The results showed that five indicators such as scientific achievements, technical performance, social performance, economic performance, and infra performance affects the basic scientific research. However, economic performance has been analyzed as an adversely affects. On the other hand, economic performance was traditionally implemented evaluation system in our country and has been recognized as a major research and development achievements. Therefore, it was determined not to have performance areas that can be totally excluded in assessing the basic scientific research. However, a research undertaken early and mid-term stages, it is necessary to adjust the ratio at a low level compared to other performance areas. Economic performance need to have relatively lower weight than the other four indicators in the evaluation of the early and mid term stages of research


        정경택,정동호 동양대학교 산업기술연구소 2001 東洋大學校 産業技術硏究所 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        We study the relationship between short-range moves and long-range moves by considering the first bifurcation point of r as a function of m in the game of life type automata network which is the two-dimensional probabilistic automata network model whose rule consists of two subrules. The first subrule, applied synchronously, is a local transition rule of nonzero sites characterized by the interaction with a neighborhood. The second one, applied sequentially, describes the motion of nonzero sites. The second subrule has been used to model complex systems when the movement of nonzero sites plays an important role. A new parameter r is introduced to represent the rare of long-range moves. When r is equal to zero or one, the motion of the nonzero sites is, respectively, purely short-range or purely long-range. In the game of life type automata network, as r increases, the stationary density of nonzero sites follows a route to chaos through the familiar cascade of period-doubling bifurcations. The first bifurcation point of r changes with m. Both limits of r, r → 0 and r → 1, gives the m for the purely short-range moves and the purely long-range move. The models of both range moves shows the same physical nature.

      • 우리나라 중소기업의 국제화 추진전략에 대한 연구

        鄭京澤 동국대학교 경영관리연구소 1993 經營經濟論叢 Vol.17 No.-

        Intensification of import restriction imposed by advanced countries based on protectionism, pressures to open domestic markets, and shortened product life cycle prusuant to accelerated technology innovation, demannd strengthening of international competitiveness through technology and quality rather than through prices which have hitherto been export foundation for Korean enterprises. Such environmental changes are expected to seriously affect enterprises regardless of business sizes, requiring small-medium enterprises, in particular, to flexibly cope with environmental changes : and further require managers of small-medium exterprises to intentionally maintain strategic ideas in order to realize structural improvement and growth. Small-medium enterprises of Korea, however, are too restricted structurally, in terms of human and material resources, to effectively compete under these environmental changes, and it is expected that management of small-medium enterprises will face intensified difficulities. Furthermore, the recent world economic environment changes are too serious for small-medium enterprises of Korea to simply have an easy attitude of waiting for epoch-making economic policies to be established by Government. Accordingly, these studies attempt to discuss directions the small-medium companies of Korea should take under such changes of world economic order, and right directions and courses for Korean economy to take to satisfy the requirements of globalization. In other words, this research seeks to examine the necessity for Korean small-medium enterprises to pursue globalization strategies, and at the same time, analyze actual situation and problems currently facing Korean small-medium enterprises to determine desirable globalization sterategies small-medium enterprises should take. The scope of this studies, therefore, are concentrated on small-medium enterprises which occupy considerable weight in Korean economy rather than on large business groups, with an aim to discuss the subjects of globalization, and strategic management for small-medium enterrises. These studies offer a general definition on globalization through literature examination, based on which subject areas of globalization for Korean small-medium enterprises are to be determined. In addition, this research presents the necessity for Korean small-medium enterprises to pursue globalization strategies with respect to internal and external effect of national economy. Through status analysis carried out for entire small-medium enterprises, degree of globalization effected in the past by Korean small-medium enterprises will be examined; and, in addition, conceptional frame aimed at analyzing current situation facing small-medium enterprises will be developed through the use of international competitiveness appraisal model, and problems facing small-medium enterprises with respect to human and material resources brought to surface. In conclusion, this research attempted to develope globalization strategy model of Korean small-medium enterprises based on problems analyzed, and present, though this model, desirable globalization strategies that small-medium enterprises should pursue. In addition, in order to effectively analyze literatures and materials tobe used for these studies, domestic and foreign books and literatures, and secondary materials related to small-medium enterprises, will be utilized widely.

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