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        세부종목별 남자 우수 알파인 스키선수들과 균형감각의 관련성

        김창(Chang Gyun Kim),이기홍(Ki Hong Lee),전용균(Yong Kyun Jeon) 한국사회체육학회 2010 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.39

        A study on equilibrium sensory in each category of elite alpine skiers. It is assumed that the turning skill in alpine ski is subject to equilibrium sensory of body. Thus the present investigation was aimed to the relationship between equilibrium sensory and the result of race by alpine skiers. Exercise program consisted of fourteen national elite skiers. Exercise mechanical equipment is equip test system. Also the main factor of measurement in thigh equilibrium score, somatosensory ratio, vestibular ratio, reaction time, reaction velocity. The result of race composed of FIS point(SL, GS). There were not significant differences between sensory organization but there were significant differences somatosensory ratio and visual ration between race result. (Condition1. 94.41±1.08, Condition2. 92.16±2.36, Condition3. 92.66±1.77, Condition4. 87.08±3.26, Condition5. 71.83±7.22, Condition6. 77.16±6.91, Composit equilibrium score 83.75±3.57, Somatosensory 0.97±0.02, Visual 0.92±0.03, Vestibular 0.76±0.07). There were significant differences between reaction time MF, reaction velocity MF(p<.05). (reamtion time MB 131.67±10.08msec, LB 131.25±10.9msec, MF 137.17±10.7msec, LF 130±6.03msec, reaction velocity MB 2.67±0.17cm/msec, LB 2.68 ±0.2cm/msec, MF 2.55±0.25cm/msec, LF 2.69±0.14cm/msec)

      • KCI등재후보

        스피드 스케이팅 세부종목별 적정 무산소성 파워검사 시간

        김재호(Kim Jea-Ho),전용균(Jeon Yong- Gyun),이동복(Lee Dong-Bok) 한국체육과학회 2009 한국체육과학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to research into the appropriate examination time of anaerobic power according to the time interval (30sec/45sec/60sec) of the assessed events of speed skating when measuring anaerobic power with Wingate test. As objectives of this study, domestic superior 27 speed skating athletes, who are above ranking 15th) were chosen according to the assessed events. (500m/1000m/1500m) After testing with Wingate of 30sec, 45sec, 60sec to research the appropriate examination time of anaerobic power, the result was obtained as followings. Considering collectively the results above, it was found from the results that when performing the anaerobic power test of speed skating in view of characteristics of each event and subject, it is appropriate for measuring the anaerobic power to perform Wingate test of 30sec in 500m race which finishes in about 37sec and Wingate test of 45sec in 1000m race which finishes in about 45sec and Wingate test of 60sec in 1,500m race which finishes in about 1min. and 50sec.

      • 체중조절 방법에 따른 비만아동의 신체구성과 혈중지질의 변화

        김재호(Kim Jae-Ho),김창(Kim Chang-Gyun),전용균(Jeon Yong-Gyun) 한국체육과학회 2002 한국체육과학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        The aim of this study was to exemine the effect of weight control program on blood lipid profiles and body composition in obese children 22 between aged 10 to 11 were selected as for the subjects having % body fat of over 27%. They were divided into two groups with 11boys. The groups were called ENB group and NB group. ENB group participated in exercise, nutrition and behavioral program. NB Group took part in nutrition and behavioral program. The duration of these programs is 6 months. The data from each program were analyzed which the result is as follows. First. it was shown the significant difference ENB and NB group in weight & %body fat, but the significant difference program before and after. Second, T-C of ENB group decreased and that of NB group increased. The effect of interaction between the groups shows significant statistical differences. ENB group showed decrease in HDL-C and NB group showed increase. LDL-C level of ENB group decreased while the same of NB group increased. We also detected notable statistical differences in the effect of interaction between the groups.

      • KCI등재

        젊은 여성의 웨이트 트레이닝을 통한 운동가치의 Q방법론적 분석

        장민영(Jang, Min-Yeong),조현익(Cho, Hyun-Ik),전용균(Jeon, Yong-Gyun) 한국웰니스학회 2018 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        이 연구는 웨이트 트레이닝을 참여하는 20~30대 여성들을 대상으로 어떠한 운동 가치를 갖는지 Q방법론을 통해 분석을 시도하였다. 연구대상은 강남구 W피트니스에서 연구자에게 웨이트 트레이닝을 배우는 여성 10명으로 선정하였으며, 자료 수집은 관련 문헌과 선행연구, 서적을 조사하고 전문가와 면담 등을 통해 수집된 자료를 이용하여 총 30문항을 추출하였다. 최종분석에는 QUANL프로그램을 이용하여 분석한 결과 운동지향형 유형이 나타났으며 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 운동지향형 유형에서 긍정적으로 생각하는 가치는 신체적 가치, 심미적 가치, 오락적 가치이다. 웨이트 트레이닝은 근육량과 체력, 활동량을 향상시키고 체지방을 감소시키며 신체발달에 도움이 된다. 또한 웨이트 트레이닝을 통해 훈련된 몸을 보며 심미적으로 자신감을 얻는 긍정적인 반응을 얻게 되었으며 운동을 통해 기분전환과 건전한 여가 활동의 수단으로 이용될 수 있다고 나타났다. 이와 반대로 부정적으로 생각하는 가치는 경제적 가치, 품성적 가치, 사교적 가치이다. 모집단의 구성이 선수가 아니기 때문에 운동을 통한 경제적인 수입이나 연봉, 경제적 능력은 크게 의미 부여를 하지 않으며 웨이트 트레이닝은 자기 만족감을 위한 개인운동으로 다른 사람과의 내기에는 부정적으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 웨이트 트레이닝을 통해 20~30대 여성들의 신체적 효과, 내면의 아름다움, 건전한 오락 활동으로 이용할 수 있는 긍정적인 운동가치에 대한 정보를 알 수 있었다. This research was designed to analyze how women in their 20`s and 30`s who participate regularly in weight training perceive the value of exercise using Q methodological research. Ten women who take lessons from the researcher at W fitness center in Gangnam were chosen as the subjects of study. 30 statements for survey were obtained by studying related documents, preceeding research, and books and by interviewing an expert. For the final analysis, QUANL program was used to acquire the exercise-oriented type that leads to the following conclusion. Physical, aesthetic, and recreational values are determined positively by the exercise-oriented type. Economic, characteristic, and association values are thought as negative values. The subjects of study are not professional athletes so they did not give much value on exercise as an economic source of revenue, nor on annual salary and economic ability. Based on these results, weight trainers need to give information about positive exercise values that can be used for physical effects, inner beauty, and a healthy leisure activity by women in their 20`s~30`s through weight training, and also find easy ways to use weight training and develop programs.

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