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        唐律 「老少及疾有犯條」·「犯時未老疾條」의 刑事責任 減免 規定 · 立法思想과 宋律

        전영섭(Jun, Young-Seop) 부산경남사학회 2014 역사와 경계 Vol.92 No.-

        본고는 유교적 노·소·심신장애인(불구자)에 대한 형사책임 감면을 전문적으로 규정한 「노소급질유범조」와 그 조건변동에 따른 형벌 적용을 규정한「범시미노질조」를 둘러싼 제문제를 유교적 예치의 핵심인 휼형사상과 관련지어 구명하였다. 구체적으로는「노소급질유범조」의 입법 연원과 사상 및 당 이전까지의 전승 관계, 당률에 규정된 형사책임 감면·입법사상 및 조건변동에 따른 형률 적용, 송률의 관련 제규정등을 분석하여 중국 전통 법제의 내재적 변화·발전의 일면을 도출하였다. 「노소급질유범조」의 입법 근거와 사상은 주대에 그 맹아가 있었다. 특히『주례』에 보이는 ‘삼사법’은 형사책임의 경감과 감면을 포함한 연령에 대한 단계를 확정하는데 이론적 근거를 제공하였다. 진률에서 규정한 노인·연소자·심신장애인에 대한 형사책임 감면은 신장이 형사책임 감면의 표준치였지만, 한률에서는 신장에서 연령과 질환으로 전환되었다. 위진남북조시대 법률의 경우, 연로자와 장애인 에 대한 형사책임 감면이 당대와 같은 분화는 일어나지 않았지만, 당률에서 감면의 중심이 되는 속면이 적용되고 또 독질이 감면대상으로 명시되어 있는 등 당률의 특성이 상당부분 내포되어 있었다. 당률「노소급질유범조」에 규정된 노·소·장애인(불구자)에 대한 형사책임의 경감·면제는 3단계로 되어 있었다. 그리고「노소급질유범조」와「범시미노질조」에는 모두 당률 전체를 관통하는 당률의 대원칙인 유가의 휼형사상이 반영되었다. 송률의 노·소·장애인(불구자)에 대한 형사책임 감면에는 당률에 없는 송률의 독자성이 현저한 규정이 적지 않았다. 다만 송률도 형사책임 감면에 대한 입법 사상은 휼형사상에 두고 있었다. 이런 점에서 송률의 노·소·장애인(불구자)에 대한 감면제도도 당률과 마찬가지로 주대 이래의 휼형사상을 계승하였다. This study cooperates Nosogupjilubumjo and Bumsiminojiljo that is reflected to Hulhung theory and conditioned confucius examples. First, in details, analyzes the problem’s Seong and then Nosogupjilubumjo which is conducted the periodical reduction to criminal responsibility and last, in Song dynasty we study the reduction of responsibility and then induced to the aspect of the development and changes of conventional Chinese legislation from Dang to Song dynasty. A basis legislation and notion of Nosogupjilubumjo has a blind man in the main stream. Especially, in Jurye ‘Samsajibup’ allows all step that includes ages using the reduction and exemptions criminal responsibility. In Jin dynasty the reduction of criminal responsibility of the elderly, young, and mentally and physically challenged indicates height standard. However, in Han dynasty It is changed into ages and diseases. In the periods of We-Jin Nam Buk Jo, the reduction of criminal responsibility to the elderly and mentally and physically challenged does not show the divisions like the period of Tang dynasty, however, has attributes of Tang dynasty which has an important steps and includes people with a heavy desease. In the rule of Tang dynasty, Nosogupjilubumjo to the elderly, young, challenged of criminal responsibility reduction and exemptions regulate three steps. Each step indicates the contents of criminal responsibility reduction in detail and the its contents have a basis of old maxim of confucious facts and shows the main stream of ‘Gungnohulyou’, Hulheongsasang that reflects to Youga. With respect to Nosogupiilubumjo reflects ‘Yejuhungbo’ which representatives the principle and guidance of Tang dynasty rule through ‘Yulso’ all of it. The regulation of criminal responsibility reduction to the elderly, young, challenged in Song dynasty rule gives tips in ‘Songhyungtong’, ‘Songheoyogipko’ and ‘Keongwonjobupsaryu’. Amg these books, ‘Songhyungtong’ has contents of ‘Leehang’ which indicate the important changes based on the procedures from Tang dynasty to Song dynasty. Moreover, in ‘Songheoyogipko’ and ‘Keongwonjobupsaryu’ when the mentally and physically challenged people are seduced and corrupted to other conditions, the criminal responsibility reduction are excepted and imposed a prison sentences and regulate other various changes in Baeyehang that show characteristics of Song dynasty rule. In the Song dynasty rule, the standard of criminal responsibility reduction is based on hulheongsasang. In that case, the reduction system to the young, elderly, and challenged is inherited to ‘hulheongsasang’ like that of Tang dynasty rule.

      • KCI등재

        唐·高麗의 律典에 구현된 立法原則과 예치시스템

        전영섭(Jun, Young Seop) 효원사학회 2013 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.43

        The myeongryeyul(名例律) in Dangryulsoui( 唐律疏議) that corresponds to the general provisions of the code consists of the regulations on the kind and grade of punishments, the name of sins, the principle for imposition of punishment, and conceptual definition. In this paper, what is remarkable is that Soui( 疏議), dealing with myeongryeyul, takes the manner of ingyeonggyeolog (引經決獄) which uses the quotations from the Confucian texts to account for the legislative basis and its origin, and that most of them are taken from those concerning the concept of courtesy. It can be said that these are representative features in that the idea of punishment in the code is based on the concept of courtesy. Moreover, among the citations of Confucian in the Soui, iljunholye(一准乎禮), ‘yejuhyeobo(禮主刑輔)’and ‘deojuhyeobo(德主刑輔)’ are stated as legislative principle that runs through the entire Dangryulsoui. In addition, a reign under the courtesy based on it is expressed as the realization of myeongdeogsinbeol (明德愼罰), yuhyeongsihyul(惟刑是恤), and, the system of courtesy based governing is codified which is greatly divided into feudal order and social status order, which are at the center of the system of courtesy in the Confucian texts dealing with the origin of legislation of each yulmun legislation and constituent of criminal law. As shown from myeongryeyul included in Criminal Code in Goryeosa( 高麗史), though there are principles of punishment, they are less than those of Dangryulsou in terms of the number. Thus, it would be impossible to derive contents of ingyeonggyeolog from it. As reviewed in this study, however, it is also true that the principles of punishment are quite similar to those of myeongryeyul of Dangryulsoui on a bigger scale of the legislation.

      • 10~13세기 동아시아 교역시스템의 추이와 海商 정책 : 宋 · 高麗 · 日本의 海商 관리규정 비교

        전영섭(Jun Young Seop) 효원사학회 2009 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.36

        This study inquired into the trade system progress of Song, Goryeo, and Japan and the seaborne trade of each country. Hosi(Kwansi) trade as tribute and private existed at the foreign trade in the early period of Tang. Moreover, the Hosi had been controlled under the national management system. In the late period of Tang, however, the development of southern sea trade and triangular trade among the East Asian three countries of the tenth century led to the advent of Sibaksa which was in charge of harbor service. Therefore, The national trade system had been changed into the civilian trade system because of the appearance of Sibaksa. This same kind of trade system change in the Tang and Song equally happened in Goryeo and Japan. The Sibaksa system in Tang Dynasty was superficially operated under the national control trade system, however, was actually operated under the private trade system. In the early period of Goryeo Dynasty, thus, there existed the national control trade system, which was in the form of Sahun trade of Yebinsung foreign trade department. However, from the late period of 12th century there was a shift to private trade system despite the effort of Goryeo Dynasty. In the case of Japanese sea trade management, the national control trade system like administration buying goods in advance existed in the late period of 9th century in Daejaebu, however, it was also changed into the private trade system that government officers, Kuksa, and the wealthy class joined in spite of the central government efforts by 10th century. In brief, the foreign trade system among the East Asian three countries from the 10th to the 13th century changed from Hosi:national control trade system to Sibaksa:private trade system.

      • KCI등재

        唐·宋·元의 律典에 具顯된 謀大逆罪의 構成要件과 刑罰體系

        전영섭(Jun, Young-Seop) 효원사학회 2018 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.53

        본고에서는 당·송·원대의 律典에 규정된 謀大逆罪의 구성요건과 형벌체계를 비교·분석하여 刑政認識의 변화를 구명하였다. 첫째, 『당률소의』에 규정된 내용은 다음과 같다. (1) 모대역죄의 구성요건은 “宗廟·山陵 및 宮闕을 훼손하려고 꾀한 행위”였고, 主刑은 교수형이었다. 처벌상 특례로서 (2) 모대역죄는 단독으로 규정되지 않고 ‘謀叛 이상’ 또는 ‘謀反·謀大逆·謀叛’이라는 형식이 중심을 이루었다. (3) 首從之法이 적용되었고, 漏泄한 경우에는 교수형에 처해졌다. (4) 告와 관련하여 ①不告罪에 대한 엄중 처벌, ②告할 수 있는 범위의 확대, ③誣告·事容不審에 대한 엄중 처벌 등이 있었다. (5) 담당 관원이 ①모대역죄를 즉시 掩捕하지 않은 행위 및 奏聞을 생략한 행위, ②모대역죄에 대한 고발을 접수한 軍府의 官員이 신속하게 처리하지 않은 행위, ③범인을 收捕하는 과정에서 奏聞을 생략한 행위에 대해서도 상응하는 처벌규정을 두었다. (6) 집행 규정으로서 ①사형 집행 금지기간의 적용 금지, ②1覆奏制의 시행, ③三審制의 부적용 등이 설치되었다. (7) 唐 후기가 되면 모대역죄가 포함된 중범죄는 ‘惡逆 이상’이라는 형식이 주를 이루었다. 둘째, 송대 율전에 규정된 내용은 다음과 같다. (1) 중범죄에 대한 범주로서 ‘惡逆 이상’이 법제화됨과 동시에 확대·운영되었다. (2) 모대역이라는 죄명은 謀反·謀大逆·謀叛이 통합된 謀逆으로 대체되었고, 처벌도 斬市刑이었다. (3) 처벌상의 특례로서 配隸된 자가 십악죄를 범한 경우에는 移配시키는 않는다는 규정, 매월 2월 天慶節에 형을 집행한다는 규정이 확립되었다. 셋째, 원대 율전에 규정된 내용은 아래와 같다. (1) 모대역죄의 구성요건은 “종료·산릉 및 궁궐을 훼손하려고 꾀한 행위”였지만, 법률적으로 사문화되었고, 이를 謀逆이라는 죄명이 대신하였다. (2) 모역죄의 구성요건은 “妖言에 의해 人衆을 煽惑시킨 행위”였고, 이에 대한 主刑은 참수형이었다. (3) 한편 원률에는 이외에도 首從之法의 적용, 妻子 등 家의 구성원의 沒官이라는 처벌상의 특례도 존재하였다. In this paper, we compare and analyze the constitutional requirements and the punishment system of the mother-in-law, which is a "felony crime against the emperor"s domination order The change of the perception of the form according to the flow of the age was investigated. First, there are some characteristics of the constitutional requirements and punishment system of the Modaeyeokje (1) In the case of "Dangrulsoyei", the constitutional requiremet of the mother-in-law was defined as "an act intended to undermine the Jongmyo, the mountainous palaces and palaces". (1) In the case of the Party of Mortality, the constitutional requirement of the maternity offense was defined as "the act intended to damage the nursery, the mountainous ruins and the palace". On the other hand, in this rate, as for the various punishment exemption for Modaeyeokje, (2) "Moban Yeisang" that the forms of "Moban·Modaeyeok·Moban" was centered on (3) The method of branching was applied, and if it leaked, it was hanged, (4) As the proceedings proceeded, various regulations related to the previous stage of prosecution were made. In addition, (5) Regulations on lawsuits, trials and enforcement also stipulate the constitutional requirements and penalties for offenses committed during the arrest, trial, trial, (6) When enforcing the Modaeyeokje, ① the period of prohibition of executions was not applied, ② Fuzhou was implemented as a criminal lawsuit, and ③ Criminal system was not applied. Second, it is noteworthy that the constitutional requirements of the maternity offense implemented in Song, and the provisions on penalties and various punishment exceptions, (1) The fact that the major crimes of the ten wickers who have been changed since the late of the period have been legalized as "Moban" and "Yakyeok". (2) The term "Modaeyeok", which incorporates "Moeyok" as "Moban․Modaeyeok․Moban․yakyeok" is found. In this way, it can be seen that Song Bae was integrated into the term "Modaeyeok" without being used alone. Third, the constitutional requirements and punishment system of welfare system implemented in the welfare system are basically followed by (1) "Dangrulsoyei" and "Songhyungtong", but (2) Particularly "Wonjeonjang" is the fact that he was punished by "the case of Fuzhou" as a constitutional requirement for Modaeyeokje and the act of "falsifying the god" "is a case that comes out.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        10세기 전후 동아시아 교역체제의 변동과 내륙도시 長安

        전영섭(Jun Young-Seop) 부산경남사학회 2011 역사와 경계 Vol.78 No.-

        본고는 10세기 전후 ‘호시체제에서 시박사체제로’라는 동아시아 교역시스템의 변동 속에서 그 외연에 있는 내륙도시의 동향에 대하여 舊都 長安이 포함되어 있는 陝西 京兆府의 戶口실태와 인구이동을 중심으로 고찰하였다. 호시체제시기 중국의 戶口는 전체적으로 증가하였고, 또 북방지역이 중심이었다. 이 시기 京兆府가 속한 州(道ㆍ路ㆍ省)와 경조부의 호구수의 비율을 보면, 주(도ㆍ로ㆍ성)는 전체의 약10% 내외였고, 경조부는 주(도ㆍ로ㆍ성)의 약50~60%였다. 시박사체제시기의 戶口는 五代의 급격한 감소를 제외하고는 전체적으로 완만한 곡선을 그리면서 지속적으로 증가하였다. 이 시기 京兆府의 인구는 五代에서 北宋 徽宗 崇寧 원년(1102)에 이르기까지 지속적으로 감소하였고, 金ㆍ元代는 격감하였다. 시박사체제시기 陝西 지역 전체의 호구수에서 경조부의 그것이 차지하는 비율은, 州(道ㆍ路ㆍ省)는 전체의 약5~6%로서(최하는 원대의 0.6%) 호시체제 시기보다 비중이 약5% 정도 감소하였다. 호시체제시기 인구이동은 唐과 주변지역 간의 이동이 중심이었다. 여기에는 ‘내륙[陸域]권’으로 대표되는 호시체제시기의 특징이 집약되어 있다. 이 시기는 정치ㆍ경제의 중심이 내륙[陸域]권’에 있었다(육로경제권). 따라서 이 시기 대외교역은 육상루트(실크로드)에 초점이 두어져 있었다. 이러한 호시체제시기 唐에 들어와서 적극적으로 교역활동에 종사한 것이 商胡로 불리는 소그드인이었다. 이들의 주된 활동무대는 長安을 포함한 京兆府 지역이었다. 시박사체제시기(10세기초~13세기) 경조부의 인구는 戰爭移民(五代)과 饑饉流民(北宋 초) 등에 의한 유출이 일반적이었고, 유입된 사례는 보이지 않는다. 그 결과 경조부지역의 호구는 감소하였다. 宋金ㆍ宋元대치시기 陝西 지역은 매년 대규모 전쟁이 진행됨으로써 그 중심부에 있던 京兆府 지역은 流民이 대량 발생하였고, 이에 따라 이 지역의 戶口는 급속히 감소하였다. 또한 이 시기 京兆府의 인구감소는 상업의 쇠퇴와 밀접한 연관이 있었다. 이를 잘 나타내주는 것이 이 시기 주변 이민족, 그 가운데 외래상인의 유입이 거의 보이지 않는 점이다. 이 시기에는 육로무역이 쇠퇴하고 그 대신 海路를 통한 商船무역이 발전하였다. 해로를 통해 유입된 海商의 주된 활동지역은 廣州ㆍ楊洲ㆍ泉州 등 해항도시였다. 이에 따라 국가전반의 시스템도 해상교역체제를 중심으로 운영되었다. 이러한 상황에서 長安을 포함한 京兆府 지역은 급격하게 쇠퇴하였고, 인구도 지속적으로 南遷하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        동아시아 율령네트워크의 형성과 律令體系 : 唐·日本·高麗의 律令格式 비교 연구

        전영섭(Jun Young-Seop) 효원사학회 2012 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.41

        In this paper the formation of the network according to the statute of the East Asian countries included in the domains considered in Goryeo and Japan as in the Original laws and Import laws and convergence through contact with Tang Dynasty's laws of each country's legal system through analysis of the structure came review your. China's Statute was compiled by the Gaehwang Statute, Jeonggwan Statute, Younghwi Statute and Gaewon 25 years Statute. Statute of the period, separated by a criminal and administrative law as to the compilation, Statute has already been established, partly since it does not change. To amend the Statute, the Statute re-create the former, should be abolished. Statute was compiled in the Goryeo Dynasty. The publication process that follows. King Seongjong accepted the Tang Dynasty's Statute. And the Statute when it is necessary to modify or supplement, respectively, of the Statute to review the content and then respond to it in a variety of provisions that were promulgated in the form. Thus, independent Statute made by the Goryeo Dynasty were determined. Statute of Japan the geungangryeong, daeboryeong, ranging from yangnoryeonge was compiled in the course of a series of. Of this Statute, Statute of the Daebo Statute accepted the Statute of the Tang dynasty, it became independent. Yangnoryeongt is slightly modified and supplemented. Goryeo Dynasty, and Japan accepted the Statute of the Statute of the party, gradually undergoing a process of organizing it is that. This process was the formation of a network of East Asia Statute. For each dynasty, even though there are some differences that period was the middle of the 11th century.

      • KCI등재

        당(唐) 전기(前期) 신분편성원리(身分編成原理)와 직역(職役)

        전영섭 ( Young Seop Jun ) 대구사학회 2007 대구사학 Vol.86 No.-

        This thesis was about a relation of a social status system composition, theory, and imposing taxes led by Tang dynasty breaking from a ruling class logic that was generalized to an order for ruling in Yangchun(良賤) system and noticing a social point of view on a mechanism of social unity recently. A social system in Tang dynasty consisted of dual structures which were Wangong(王公)-Kwanin(官人)-Yi(吏)-Baksung(百姓)-Chunin(賤人) and Wangong-Kwanin-Youye(流外) or Jabyip(雜任)-Seoin(庶人). The dual status structures were inherent in an each different formation theory. The former showed a political status formation that led to a division of labor founded owning jobs according to people`s social status reformed mandate social status(Baksung) and a bureaucrat group was posted at the top in order to govern them. In other words, a ruling class(Wangong-Kwanin-Yi) and class under the control(Baksung-Kwansachunin 官私賤人) were strictly divided at that time. Therefore, a social status order such as Wangong-Kwanin-Yic-Baksung-Chunin was a mechanism of a social and lawful·political status combination. However, the latter was about a bureaucrat inner status formation governing a class under the control(Baksung·Chunin) among a social status order such as Wangong-Kwanin-Yi-Baksung-Chunin. This inner status formation functioned a politeness system or politeness order as a normative principle that forced each status class consisted in a bureaucrat group to obey Kings and be imposed an authority in the social status order such as Wangong-Kwanin-Youye or Jabyip-Seoin. Among this unique status formation in Tang dynasty, the social status order, Wangong-Kwanin-Yi-Baksung-Chunin, was directly related to status and imposing taxes. Each social status had considerably different imposing taxes, however, the strict standard dividing status was a statute labor assigned to person that meant a correspondance between status and statute labor in the Earlier Period of Tang dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        唐律 「同居相爲隱條」의 ‘相容隱’ 규정과 立法 원칙

        전영섭(Jun, Young-Seop) 효원사학회 2015 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.48

        『唐律疏議』의 總則에 해당하는 「名例律」의 「同居相爲隱條」및 其他律條 등 各則에 보이는 ‘相容隱’ 규정은 유교의 親親主義 내지 親屬一體主義에 기초한 ‘親屬相隱’ 사상이 법률에 반영된 조문이다. 특히 본 조문에서는 친속관계 등에 기초하여 범인을 은닉한 행위에 대한 免刑을 규정하고 있다. 이러한 면형이 적용되는 관계를 ‘相容隱’ 또는 ‘相容隱者’라고 한다. 따라서 이에 대한 究明은 唐律의 저변에 흐르는 지배원리로서 禮制의 본질 입법 사상뿐만 아니라 당률 전후의 시기별 변화양상 등을 이해하는데 도움이 된다. 「同居相爲隱條」에서는 이른바 ‘相容隱’ 규정을 총론적으로 명시하고 있다. 본 조에서는 ‘相容隱’을 범인에 대해 은닉이 허용되는 ‘相容隱’과 허용되지 않는 ‘非相容隱’으로 대별하고, 각각에 해당하는 친속의 범주와 相隱행위에 대한 처리방식 및 減免이 허용되지 않는 제한 행위를 규정했다. 본 조와는 달리 各則에 해당하는 律條등에는 ‘相容隱’ 규정에 따라 ‘相容隱者’가 ‘爲隱하는’ 罪行으로서 自首告言체포 共犯은닉과 도주 幇助증인 등이 구체적으로 제시되어 있고, 제한 규정에서도 죄수도망과 형구 해탈을 위한 물건지급 등이 명시되어 있다. 게다가 이들 律條에는 ‘相容隱者’의 爲隱罪行에 대한 免刑의 종류 및 ‘상용은’ 규정의 위반 罪行에 대한 처벌도 비교적 세세하게 제시되어 있다. 이러한 특징을 보이는 ‘상용은’ 규정에는 親親主義와 그것에 기초한 親親相隱(父子相隱) 원칙이 반영되었을 뿐 아니라 儒家의 혈연에 기초하는 宗法制度와 존비장유의 신분질서가 기능하고 있었다. 다만 이 ‘상용은’ 규정은 謀反ㆍ謀大逆ㆍ謀叛과 같은 황제와 국가의 권익을 침해하는 十惡罪에는 적용되지 않았다. 이는 ‘상용은’ 규정이 유교의 親屬主義가 刑法에 반영된 것이지만, 이러한 친속주의는 황제를 정점으로 한 國家主義의 통제 하에서 기능하였음을 말해준다. This study has focused on Sangyongeun(相容隱) which showed in Mungrarul(名例律) of Tangrulsoeui(唐律疏議) and extra ruljo(律條) that was general rules in rules of Tang dynasty belonged to reflection of rules which were based on rules for Chinchinism(親親主義) of confucianism or Unanimism of relatives that was Chinjoksangeun(親族相隱). Especially, this study provided remission of sin on hiding criminals because of relative relationship. This remission of sin belonged to the relationship which was Sangyongeun(相容隱) or Sangyongeunja(相容隱者). Therefore, this study on the topic helps us understand not only the basics of Yeje (禮制) and legislative principles and philosophy but the status of period changes during before and post of rules of Tang dynasty. In Dongeosangwieunjo(同居相爲隱條) the principle of misprisions of criminals each other noted the category of relatives that applied to the behavior of conceal criminals because of the relative relationship and regulated universally according to status orders of clan rules such as the relationship of elders and juniors and owners and servants. the regulation of Sangyongeun(相容隱) concretely showed the criminal behaviors which concealed Sangyongeunja(相容隱者) according to the rules Sangyoneun(相容隱) in extra rules. These rules divided on the behaviors which was self-surrender, accusation, arrestment, accomplice concealment and escape support, witness and moreover, divided to criminal escapes, receptacle damages for punishment and object provision etc. Moreover, others of ruljo(律條) regulated punishments on criminal behaviors that belonged to break the principles of Sangyongeun(相容隱) and types of remission of sin on harbouring of Sangyongeunja(相容隱者). The regulation of process on behaviors of Sangeun(相隱) of Sangyongeunja(相容隱者) divided into bilateral Sangyongeun(相容隱) which allowed them to harbour each other and unilateral Sangyongeun(相容隱) which allowed them to harbour one side and are different. The regulation of Sangyongeun(相容隱) were based on Chinchinism(親親主義) and philosophy of Chinchinsangeun(親親相隱). Thus the remission of sin were differentiated depending on confucian definite uniform, however, the principle of Sangyongeun(相容隱) had characters on operation of national priority. Thus the principle of Sangyongeun(相容隱) reflected on the punishment which belonged to confucian relatives system and this confucian relatives system were realized under national control of emperor.

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