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        샤를 필리퐁의 "불경 캠페인" - 프랑스 7월 왕정에 대한 한 풍자화가의 문제제기

        전수연 연세대학교 인문학연구원 2018 人文科學 Vol.114 No.-

        Louis-Philippe, King of the French or the Citizen King, became Pear King on 14 November 1831, when Charles Philipon sketched four images that changed progressively from a portrait of the king to a pear. Philipon's performance was part of his trial defense against the charge of publishing a caricature offensive to the person of the king. This was the beginning of Philipon's “Campaign of Disrespect”. The various pyriform caricatures created by Philipon's “little army” of talented caricaturists appeared not only in opposition newspapers including La Caricature and Le Charivari, but also in the print-shop window of La Maison Aubert. The pear became enormously popular because of the simplicity of its outline. The walls of Paris and the provinces were covered by pyriform graffiti. The success of the pear as a symbol for the king could be also attributed to its widely accepted connotation. Narrow on the top and broad at the bottom, it represented a combination of stupidness and gluttony. Philipon's pear captured the growing disappointment and anger of many French who felt that the July Monarchy was betraying the July Revolution. Just days after the Fieschi's attempted regicide on 28 July 1835, a project for repressive press laws was presented in the Chamber of Deputies. As this notorious September Laws of 1835 reintroduced prior censorship of caricature, Philipon was forced to cease publishing La Caricature. However it was a Pyrrhic victory for Louis-Philippe. The pear survived him and his image as a pear would always be linked to his reign. Philipon was right when he said, in La Caricature's last issue, that he was leaving materials for the study of the first years of Louis-Philippe's reign. Philipon's pear was indeed the main primary source for this present paper in which we tried to analyze the ambiguous legitimacy of the July Monarchy. 풍자화가 필리퐁의 “불경 캠페인”은 1831년 11월 14일 파리 중죄법원에서 시작되었다. 국왕모독죄로 기소된 그는 루이-필리프 왕이 점진적으로 과일 배로 변해가는 네 개의 스케치를 법정에서 그리는 퍼포먼스를 펼쳤다. 이제 시민 왕은 배 왕이 되었다. 이것은 기소된 <눈가림 손질> 뿐 아니라 캐리커처 일반에 대한 변호였다. 배 캐리커처는 필리퐁이 운영하는 풍자 주간지 『라 카리카튀르』와 풍 자 일간지 『르 샤리바리』를 비롯한 좌우 야권의 신문들, 그리고 오베르 출판사 의 진열장을 통해 확산되었다. 이 캐리커처는 누구라도 시도해 볼 수 있을 정도 로 그리기 용이하다는 강점을 가지고 있었기에 낙서의 형태로 파리와 지방의 벽 을 장식하며 대중적 공명을 일으키는 데 성공했다. 위가 좁고 아래가 풍성한 배 형상은 어리석음과 탐욕의 시각적인 조합으로 인식되었으며, 이러한 배 캐리커 처의 성공의 배경에는 이미 1830년 가을부터 보수적인 노선을 채택한 루이-필리 프와 그의 체제에 대한 실망과 분노가 자리하고 있다. 7월 혁명 당시 거리에서 복고 왕정 타도에 나섰던 필리퐁이 <7월의 거품>이나 <눈가림 손질>로 전하고 싶었던 메시지는 새 체제가 7월의 강령, 특히 언론의 자유에 대한 약속을 망각하 고 있다는 경고였다. 1835년 7월 28일 피에스키의 국왕 암살 기도 후 전격적으 로 통과된 억압적인 9월 법으로 인해 필리퐁은 정치 풍자화를 포기할 수밖에 없 었다. 하지만 마지막 승자는 검열의 가위를 휘두른 루이-필리프가 아니라 7월 왕 정 연구에 필수불가결한 사료를 남긴 필리퐁이다. 7월 왕정의 모호한 정통성에 대한 분석을 시도한 이 논문의 기본 사료 역시 필리퐁과 그의 최고 작품인 배 캐리커처다.

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        크림 제형 화장품용 스마트 패키징 기술 개발

        전수연,문병근,오재영,강호상,장건,이기성 한국포장학회 2019 한국포장학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        The degree of cosmetic’s oxidation depends on the storage conditions and external conditions when using the product. The microbial contamination and oxygen exposure often results in the quality deterioration of cosmetics. In addition, the problem is that consumers often use cream-type cosmetics, which have short expiration period (6-12 months), even after the product is expired. When using the deteriorated cosmetics, it can be fatal to consumers’ safety including some symptoms such as folliculitis, rashes, edema, and dermatitis. Therefore, it is necessary to develop sealed smart packaging for cosmetics to prevent the deterioration of cosmetics and improve consumer safety. In this study, we have developed smart packaging design for cosmetics that can measure the surrounding environment and expiration date for the cosmetics in the real time. In addition, the smart packaging includes sensor, which are linked to the mobile application. Users can find out the measurement results through the application. Also, the packaging design and functions were set up based on the survey results by the user and feasible model can be produced based on user choice. The measurement in the three environment has been done after manufactured the sensor, PCB, and mobile application. As a result, it works normally within a certain range under all three environmental conditions. It is believed that the information on expiration dates and storage environment can be efficiently delivered to the consumers through developed cosmetics smart packaging and applications. The development of UI/UX design for consumer is further studied. The UX/UI design of the application plays an essential role in achieving this goal through the commercialization the cosmetic products in the wide range.

      • 脫稅의 經濟的 模型의 再考

        全洙淵 건국대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        Tax evasion is defined as the reduction of tax liability by illegal or fraudlent means and should be distingished from tax avoidance. Tax evasion is widely seen as a serious problem for a number of reasons in modern capitalism. First, it results in a loss of tax revenue. Second, because opportunities to evade taxes differ among tax-payers, tax evasion may impair the chances of realizing the distributional or equity goals of taxation. Third, opportunites for tax evasion may skew the allocation of resources away from more productive areas of the economy. Tax evasion, however, may have some socially desirable consequences. If tax evacion is seen as a serious problem for a number of reasons. we need to seeks to research on tax evasion undertaken of disciplines. The nature and extent to tax evasion problem is examined and the factors underlying the tax evasion decision-making are discussed in light of theorical and emprical research. This paper is argued that economic models of evasion fail to account for emprical findings which suggest the importance of non-maxmizing behavior and social norms of compliance. A model of tax evasion which incorporates these is concepts discussed. Finally, this paper suggested implications for future research and for tax administration and policy.

      • 19세기말 프랑스의 농업보호정책

        전수연 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1994 人文科學 Vol.72 No.-

        Le de´bat entre le libre-e´change et la protection, qui a par le passe´ donne´ lieu a、 des controverses passionne´es, redevient d´actualite´. Et la France semble, comme il y a cent ans, soucieuse de rote´ger son agriculture contre la concurrence e´trange、re, surtout ame´ricaine. Le 'coup d´Etat douanier' de Napole´on Ⅲ a instaure´ en France un re´gime pratiquement libre-e´changiste, qui dure plus de trente ans malgre´ de vives protestations des milieux industriels. C´est l´agri-culture qui change la situation. La crise qu´elle traverse alors est se´ve、re et double. La Grande De´pression, qui a commence´ dans les anne´es 1870, frappe l´agriculture europe´enne, y compris franc¸aise. Elle s´inscrit dans la phrase de contraction des prix re´compense´es par la hausse du prix a、 cause de l´introduction massive des produits agricoles du Nouveau Monde. Les producteurs ce´re´aliers commencents a、 re´clamer la protection. En plus, l´invasion du phylloxe´ra, paralysnat le vignoble, peut-e^tre le seul scvteur agricole franc¸ais capable de re´sister la concurrence, prend l´allure d´une catastrophe nationale. Les vignerons se joignent au protectiennisme. En face de cette double crise agricole, le gouvernement finit par abhe´rer au mouvement agrarien. Le mouvement a e´te´ dirige´ en premier lieu par les notables traditionnels pour critiquer la olitique e´cnomique du gouvernement re´publicain. C´est la rivalite´ entre l´agrarisme de droite et celui de gauche qui fait passer la loi sur le tarif ge´ne´ral des douanes, dite 'la loi Me´line', en 1892. L´agrarisme gouvernemental des opportunistes, que leurs successeurs n´abandonnent pas, aura pur conse´quence a、 la fois e´conomique et politique: l´importance de l´agriculture dans la socie´te´ industrialise´e et celle du poids rural dans le monde politique franc¸ais.

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