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      • 수리부품디자인의 보호에 관한 국제적 동향과 과제

        전성태(Seong-Tae Jeon) 세창출판사 2011 창작과 권리 Vol.- No.64

        Companies supplying parts cannot manufacture a car door that an automobile company has the design rights if the car door is damaged in the accident. In the aftermarket, the companies supplying parts have to buy the car door to the automobile company that has the design rights. Therefore, it is hard for the companies supplying parts to participate in the market. Consumers and insurance industry also suffer when the market is monopolized by a few companies. The regimes of design law for the automobile industry depends on the diverse interests between countries. More to the point, there is no enforceable regulations under the provisions of the spare parts in the international treaties. Therefore, each country needs to consider the reduction of the period of protection for repair parts to minimize harmful effect of spare parts. It is also required the introduction of license agreement to the companies supplying parts in the conditions of payment after a period of years. This study is to review the background of the provision of the repairs and the trends of repair parts design protection in each country. Also, the study presents a few opinions to win antitrust clearance and to protect the design of repair parts. The introduction of license agreement to the companies supplying parts in the conditions of payment is required after a period of years. It will require the reduction of the period of protection for repair parts to minimize harmful effect of spare parts. And the introduction of license agreement to the companies supplying parts in the conditions of payment is needed after a period of years.

      • KCI등재

        딥러닝 기반 실시간 교통사고 유형 및 과실 정보 제공 서비스

        김근모,조진성,김성민,백승환,류승훈,고재종,김봉재,Kim, Geunmo,Cho, Jinsung,Kim, Sungmin,Beak, Seunghwan,Ryu, Seunghoon,Koh, Jaejong,Kim, Bongjae 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2021 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지 Vol.21 No.3

        Determining the percentage of negligence between the parties in the event of road traffic accidents is a significant problem. In order to provide users with more accurate criteria for determining the percentage of negligence, several companies are providing services. However, services currently available are limited to immediate use at the scene of an accident. Generally, the service that determines the percentage of negligence can be used after all accident handling procedures have been completed. This paper provides a real-time traffic accident type and fault rate information provision service utilizing a deep learning-based predictive model to overcome these limitations. Users can immediately identify accident types and fault information by taking pictures at the accident site and check actual precedents of the same accident type. Users will be able to use the service to more accurately and reliably determine the percentage of negligence and handle incidents. 도로 위 교통사고 발생 시 당사자 간의 과실 비율 판정이 주요 문제가 되고 있다. 사용자에게 더욱 정확한 과실 비율 판정 기준을 제공하기 위하여 여러 기업에서 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 하지만 현재 제공되고 있는 서비스들은 사고 현장에서 즉시 사용하기에는 한계가 있다. 일반적으로 현재 제공되는 과실 비율 판정 서비스는 모든 사고처리 절차가 종료된 이후 시간적 여유가 있을 때 사용된다. 이와 같은 한계를 극복하고자 본 논문에서는 딥러닝 기반의 예측 모델을 활용한 실시간 교통사고 유형 및 과실 비율 정보 제공 서비스를 제공한다. 사용자는 사고 현장에서 사진을 찍는 것으로 즉시 사고 유형 및 과실 정보 파악이 가능하며, 동일 사고 유형의 실제 판례를 확인할 수 있다. 사용자는 서비스를 사용하여 더욱 정확하고 확실한 과실 비율 판정 및 사고처리 절차를 진행할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        지식재산소송의 관할집중에 관한 소고

        전성태(Jeon, Seong-Tae),이유리나(Lee, Yulina) 인하대학교 법학연구소 2014 法學硏究 Vol.17 No.3

        지식재산소송의 관할집중에 대한 문제는 1998년 특허법원 설립 후에도 지속적으로 제기되었다. 특히 심결취소소송과 특허침해소송에서의 유ㆍ무효의 판단을 하나의 법원에서 담당토록 관할을 집중하자는 것이었다. 그러나 좀처럼 입법적 작업이 되지 않은 상태가 계속되었다. 그런데 2013년 이후, 국가지식재산위원회와 대법원사법정책위원회는 지식재산소송 사건에 대한 관할집중에 대한 협의(안)을 각각 발표하였다. 두 위원회의 협의(안)이 약간 상의하기는 하나, 그 취지는 동일하다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 협의(안)에도 불구하고, 대한변호사협회는 지식재산소송의 전문화의 필요성에 대해서는 수긍하면서도 반대의견을 분명히 하고 있다. 이러한 현재 우리나라의 상황은 2005년 일본이 지적재산고등재판소를 설립할 당시의 상황과 크게 다를 바 없고, 지식재산소송의 관할집중에 대한 우려의 목소리도 높았다. 따라서 본고에서는 당시 일본이 지식재산소송의 관할집중을 한 배경을 비롯하여, 당시 제기되었던 문제들을 어떻게 극복했는지에 관하여 살펴보았다. 특히 지식재산소송 사건 제1심과 제2심의 관할집중의 배경, 경위, 논의과정 등을 구체적으로 고찰하였다. 여기서 현재 우리나라의 지식재산소송의 관할집중에 있어서 주된 논점이 되고 있는 ‘지식재산 심결취소소송과 침해소송을 모두 취급하는 특별법원의 형태의 문제’와 ‘국민의 사법적 접근성’과 ‘사물 관할’의 문제에 대한 시사점을 도출하였다. Issue of jurisdiction concentration of intellectual property litigation was filed on an ongoing basis after patent court founded in 1998. However, Rare does not accomplish legislative action until now. Recently, Presidential Council On intellectual property and the Supreme Advisory Council of Judicial Policy were released Specific suggestions on jurisdiction focused on litigation of intellectual property. These suggestions have little bit different point, but it can be said that the purposes are same. Nevertheless, Korean Bar Association was clearly the opposite Position. Korea"s situation is quite similar to that of Japan before and after 2005. Therefore, this paper, as well as the concentration of the jurisdiction of Japan"s intellectual property litigation background at the time, looked at about how to overcome the problems.

      • 부분디자인의 유사판단

        전성태(Seong Tae Jeon) 세창출판사 2017 창작과 권리 Vol.- No.89

        This article is that interprets Japanese precedent on how to judge infringement of partial design. It is very important to judge the identity and similarity of two designs in design infringement judgment. Particularly, it has been questioned how to evaluate the location, size, and range in the main characteristic parts of the partial design. When filing a partial design, you must specify the part of the design that you want to protect as the design registration. The way to specify is to write and list them in the design description. A general method is to write a solid line for design registration, and a broken line for other parts. In case of partial design, the description of the broken line part can not be omitted. The description of the broken line is for being in any position of the portion of the whole product for which the design registration is want to be protected. It is the ‘form of part of the article’ which is recognized as the constitution of partial design. The cause of aesthetic in the form of ‘other parts’ is not directly assessed. Items related to design can not be said to be direct components and Location is not a constitution of partial design. Therefore, the main part of the design is recognized in the form of the part of the article. It is considered that the position, which is not the shape of the part of the article, is not evaluated as the main part of the partial design. Therefore this paper explains how the location, size, and range of partial designs affect design identity and similarity judgments.

      • 퇴직 종업원이 한 발명의 분쟁해결방안에 관한 소고 - 한ㆍ중 비교를 중심으로 -

        전성태(Seong Tae Jeon),문병호(Byung Ho Moon) 세창출판사 2016 창작과 권리 Vol.- No.82

        When an employee who works for a certain business makes an invention that has relevance to his current or former duties in the business and such an invention belongs to the business scope of his employer, the invention will be an object in ‘employ invention’. And the employer could be allowed to own a right for the employ invention or to enjoy non-exclusive license for the invention under certain conditions. However, it is very difficult to make a judgment as to when the employee has perfected his invention in question because an invention is essentially the product of one’s mental activities. Consequently, there is a huge possibility of conflicts between an employer and an employee regarding ownership of an invention that is published or applied for a patent immediately after retirement of the employee. In China, an invention that is made after a year sine the retirement of an employee is recognized as free invention of the employee irrespective of the relevance to his current or former duties in the business. Those chinese regime for ‘employ invention’ in the patent law is to maintain a reciprocal benefit and equilibrium between an employer and an employee. Therefore, this present paper compares the regime for ‘employ invention’ in Korea and China and reviews cases of dispute relating to the invention made after retirement of an employee. These findings might provide an appropriate direction to solve conflicts between an employer and an employee regarding ownership of an invention that is made after retirement of the employee.

      • 특허침해소송에서의 무효의 항변

        전성태(Seong-Tae Jeon),전수정(Su-Jeong Jeon) 세창출판사 2012 창작과 권리 Vol.- No.69

        In the customary way, the valid or invalid judgment of the patent was exclusively under the jurisdiction of the administrative agency, in particular patent office. That's why the agency carried out the principle of allocation of authorities faithfully and there was the politic judgment that the specialized agency must be in charge of the technology decision. However if an invalid reason of the relevant patent is obvious in the infringement lawsuit, to judge it invalid in the court precisely without waiting for invalid judgement of the administrative agency, the court could reach a conclusion on whether is the valid or invalid judgment of the patent by reason that it has no occasion to continue the unnecessary dispute and reduce the lawsuit fee. Naturally this is limited to assert the invalid defense of the relevant patent by the defendant. Nevertheless according to acknowledge an invalid defense in the patent infringement lawsuit, there are several issues to realize the economy of lawsuit which had intended. On some circumstances, the lawsuit became complicated, prolonged the period and increased the costs. Therefore this paper investigates on the effect which the approval of the invalid defense in the patent infringement lawsuit has influence on both the party to a lawsuit and practical affairs of court and described to suggest the related issues and future directions in problem solving.

      • KCI등재

        DRM이 저작물의 이용에 미치는 법률문제에 관한 소고

        전성태(Seong-Tae Jeon),전수정(Soo-J니ng Jeon) 한국저작권위원회 2006 계간 저작권 Vol.19 No.3

        DRM 기술은 저작물의 이용자가 콘텐츠에 접근하는것을 차단하기도 하고 , 이용자가 저작물을 어떻게 이용하는지를 감시할 수도 있으며, 아예 이용방법을 정할 수있기도 하다. 이 밖에 다양한 방법으로 저작자 등으로하여금 저작물의 통제나 관리를 가능하도록 만드는 기술이다 . 종래의 경우 저작자등은 자신의 저작물을 이용자와의 관계에서 법적인 통제만이 가능하였으 나 , 이제는 기술에 의한 저작물 관리가 일반화되는 추세에있고 , 이러한 경향은 저작권법 등에 반영되어 저작권자 등의 기술적 보 호조치를 보호하고 있다 . 그러나 DRM 기술이용자들은 자신의 저작물에 전혀 현실적이지못하거나 허용될 수 없는, 더욱 새롭고 정교한 비즈니스모델 을 고안하는 추세에 있다 . 문제는 우리 저작권법이나 컴퓨터 프로그램 보호법 상에 규정된 기술적 보호 조치의 범위를 넘어 DRM 기술이 적용된다는 점이다 . 다시 말해 , D R M 기술 이용자들이 법이 허용된 범위를 초월한 부분에까지 그들의 저 작 물의 통제나 통제능력을 증가시킨다는 것이다 . 어찌 보면 통제의 범위가 확대되어 저작물 이용자나 소비자를 통제하는 수단이 된다고 도 볼수 있을 것이다. 이러한 통제와 통제능력의 증가는 저작물 이용의 측면에서는 상당한 장애요소가 될수 있다 . 저작물의 엄격한 통제는 저작물 의 원활한 이용을 도모하여 문화발전을 이룩하고자하는 저작권법의 목적에도 반하는 것 이다 . 이러한 DRM 기술의 과도한 적용은 저작권법상의 저작권 제한규정이나 보호기간과 같은 저작권법의 이념을 실현하 기 위한 도구가 되는 규정들과 상충되 는 문제점을 야기한다 . 또한 호환성문제 (경 제 법>, 투명성이나 재산권 문 제 (소비자 보호법), 개 인 정 보 보 호 문 제 (정 보 통 신 망 이용촉진 및 정보보 호 등에 관 한 법률 등) 등 다 양 한 영역에서 문 제 를 제 기 한 다 . 따라서 본 논문에서는 DRM이 저작물 이용에 미치는 법률문제들을 저작권법 영역뿐만 아니라 관계된 각영역에서 검토하였으며 , DRM 이 저작물 의 이용에 어느 정도의 영향을 미치는지 검 토하였 다 . 또한 앞으로 우리 저작권법이 D R M 문제에 대처함에 있어 약간의 의견을 제시하였다 . Digital Rights Management is the term used to describe electronic systems designed to facilitate the management and marketing of rights to digital content. DRM technologies can be in connection with both offline and online media. The users of DRM Technology can prevent to access copyright materials from digital contents of consumers, watch on its use and determine its use of method by using DRM Technology. To add to this, they control or manage copyright materials in using diversity of method. Also, DRM makes it possible to devise new, highly sophisticated business models which may otherwise not be at all realistic or affordable. DRM is being applied beyond the extent of in Technological Protection Measure(TPM) prescribed in copyright law or computer program protection law. It is problem. In other words, the increase in control and controllability of DRM Technology o f users is extended to digital contents of uses. This increase in control and controllability can be also have its drawbacks - particularly for consumers and their representatives. Stricter controls over how digital content is used and who can listen to what music how often, when and where, almost inevitably represent an intrusion on the autonomy, anonymity and other legitimate interested of digital contents of users. This is opposed the purpose of copyright law and conflicted the provisions of copyright limitations and terms of copyright protection. Besides, it has connection with the problem of interoperability, transparency or ownership aspects, and protection of privacy and so on. Therefore, The purpose of this article was to consider the impact of DRM on people’s use of digital content and on its availability and accessibility for users of copyright materials. For that reason this article examined the legal problems in relation to DRM in both ins and outs area of copyright. Also, I presented some opinions to meet DRM problems in our copyright law.

      • 특허권 침해에 대한 손해액의 감정

        전성태(Seong-Tae Jeon),유계환(Kye-Hwan Ryu) 세창출판사 2013 창작과 권리 Vol.- No.71

        The determination of damages is a critical part of any patent case. Patent infringement damages are compensatory and should be the amount necessary to put the patentee in a position as good as it recover the actual damages. Compensatory damages, which is our principle of compensation, are monetary awards that are meant to compensate one person for losses caused by another person. Under this principle damages is recovered in payment for actual injury or economic loss, which does not include punitive damages. The amount of patent infringement damages is a question of fact. Compensatory damages are typically assessed against the breaching party. But proving the size of the damage is difficult for patentee because almost of evidence should be in infringer's side. Even if patentee received all evidence materials, it's also difficult to calculate the damages. Because patentees (or their attorney) without accounting knowledge could not understand the meaning of the numbers of the evidence materials. Due to those difficulties, in US, they use damages expert so-called the Masters and the expert witness in the patent litigation to calculate the damages. Japanese Patent Act also have applicable provisions to use an experts who calculate damages in patent litigation. Proper compensations is very important thing for effectiveness of patent system. In this respect, we study the way of using the accounting experts in US and Japan to estimating actual injury or economic loss for patent litigation.

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