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      • KCI등재후보

        동강의 어류군집에 대한 생태학적 연구

        전상린 ( Sang Rin Jeon ),변화근 ( Hwa Kun Byeon ),최청일 ( Cheong Il Choi ) 한국하천호수학회 2002 생태와 환경 Vol.35 No.5

        영월댐 담수예정지역인 동강의 어류상과 어류군집을 밝히기 위하여 1998년 추계 및 1999년 춘계와 하계에 본류의 10개 정점과 지류의 5개 정점에서 조사를 실시하였다. 총 32종의 석이 확인되었으며 일차담수어는 26종, 주연성 담수어는 6종으로 일차담수어의 구성비가 매우 높았으며 어종별로는 갈겨니가 계절별로 55.24%, 48.73%, 48.70%로 매우 높은 구성비를 나타내고 있었다. 우점종은 본류정점에서는 모두 Zacco temmincki이었고 지류정점에서 Moroco oxycephalus와 Moroco kumgangensis이었으며 아우점종은 대부분의 조사정점에서 Coreoleuciscus splendidus와 Microphysogobio longidorsalis이었으며 우점도지수는 전 조사정점에서 비교적 고르게 높았다. 유사도지수를 비롯한 각 종의 생태지수는 대체로 지류와 본류의 정점간에 차이를 나타내어 서식환경의 차이를 반영하고 있었다. The fish fauna and community of the Dong River was studied at 15 stations along the Dong River Valley. The study took place main stream (10 stations) and the branch stream (5 stations) from 1998, autumn to 1999, spring and summer. Total of 32 species (primary freshwater: 26 species, peripheral freshwater: 6 species) were found with the primary freshwater fishes being highest. The dominant species in the main stream was Zacco temmincki, Moroco oxycephalus and Moroco kumkangensis found in the branch stream. The subdominant species, Coreoleuciscus splendidus and Microphysogobio longidorsalis were found at all surveyed stations. All indices including the similarity index showed the differences between the main stream and branch stream, which in turn, showed the difference in habitats. The occurrence of Korean endemic species (16 species) was very high and among these 1 species was identified as qualifying for possible designation as a natural monument category; 5 species also qualified for possible designation as being special for wildlife category, and 2 species were identified for designation required to potect under a wildlife category. It is suggested that the conservation for fish fauna in this area should be emphasized.

      • KCI등재후보

        소양호의 어류상과 어류군집

        변화근,전상린,김도한 ( Hwa Kun Byeon,Sang Rin Jeon,Do Han Kim ) 한국하천호수학회 1997 생태와 환경 Vol.30 No.4

        The ichthyofauna and fish community were surveyed at six stations of Lake Soyang from May to November 1996. It was confirmed that 34 species of thirteen families at each surveyed stations and 26 species of primary freshwater fishes (76.5%) and eight species of peripheral freshwater fishes (23.5%) of the confirmed 34 species. Twelve (35.5%) of 34 species were known as Korean endemic species. Dominant species are Hypomesus olidus (39.1%), Zacco platypus (16.22%), Squalidus japonicus coreanus (19.19%), Lepomis macrochirus (14.59%), Opsariichthys bidens (3.0%) and Siniperca scherzeri(2.44%). Introduced species in Lake Soyang were 9 species: four species of Anguilla japonica, Hemiculter eiganmanni, Hypomesus olidus and Silurus asotus were transplanted from other native river system but five species of Cyprinus carpio nudus, Carassius cuvieri, Salmo gairdneri, Ictalurus panctatus and Lepomic macrochirus were introduced frum foreign country.

      • KCI등재

        치악산 계류의 어류상

        변화근,최재석,전상린,최준길,송병용 ( Hwa Kun Byeon,Jae Suk Choi,Sang Rin Jeon,Jun Kil Choi,Byeong Yong Song ) 한국환경생물학회 1996 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        To establish the methods of conservations of fish fauna of Mt. Chiak area, the author surveyed the aquatic environments and fish fauna at 16 stations from April 5, 1994 to September 26, 1995. All of the investigated stations were mountainous valley of river types of Aa and showed considerably dear water quality. It was confirmed that 29 species of freshwater fishes from each surveyed stations and 25 species of primary freshwater fishes(86.2%) and four species of pheripheral freshwater fishes(13.8%) of the confirmed 29 species. Fourteen out of 29 species of fishes(48.3%) were known as Korean endemic species. Moroco kumgangensis inhabit in Chupo-river and Kangrim-river, but not in Hasunam-river and Pong-river. The four species of Moroco kumgangensis, Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpus, Cottus poecilopus and Hemibarbus mylodon are needed particular conservation for their survivals. Dominant species are C. poecilopusis, M. kumgangensis and M. oxycephalus in the upper stations, and Zacco temmincki, Coreoleuciscus splendidus and Z. platypus in the lower stations of the streams of Mt. Chiak.

      • KCI등재후보

        팔당호에 도입된 파랑볼우럭 ( Lepomis macrochirus ) 의 식성

        변화근,송호복,전상린,손영목 ( Hwa Kun Byeon,Ho Bok Song,Sang Rin Jeon,Yeong Mok Son ) 한국하천호수학회 1997 생태와 환경 Vol.30 No.1

        The authors investigated the diet of bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) at Lake Paldang from November 1995 to August 1996. The food items of L. macrochirus consist of phytoplankton, zooplankton, plants, Mollusca, Annelida, Decapoda, Arachnida, aquatic insect, bryozoa, terrestrial insect, fish (Cyprinidae) and fish egg. Larger fish tend to ingest a higher proportion of the larger prey types, such as fish, fish egg, Odonata, Mollusca, Annelida, but younger year-class is more Zooplanktonic. The bluegill introduced into Lake Paldang shows dietary shift with wider food niche including piscivorous than that of bluegill with congeners in their home land.

      • KCI등재후보

        열목어 ( Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis ) 의 먹이선택 습성

        변화근,조규송,최재석,박정호,최준길,손영목,전상린 ( Hwa Kun Byeon,Kyu Song Cho,Jae Suk Choi,Jung Ho Park,Jun Kil Choi,Yong Mook Son,Sang Rin Jeon ) 한국하천호수학회 1995 생태와 환경 Vol.28 No.3

        We investigated diet of Manchurian trout(Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis) at Jindong stream from October 1993 to August 1994. The stomach was U shaped with 57-69 Pyloric caeca. Gill rackers number externally on first gill arch was from 12 to 20, and premaxillary teeth with pointed was 24. The diet of B. lenok tsinlingensis was mainly acquatic insects, such as ephemeroptera, trichoptera, plecoptera, diptera, and nematoda, teleost fishes, land insects, amphibian and decapoda. Larger fish tended to ingest a higher proportion of the larger prey types, such as amphibian(frog), teleost fishes(Moroco kumgangensis, Ladislavia taczanowskii), nematoda(nematomorpha) and decapoda(crayfish), but younger year-classes to eat more Chironomidae. Land insects of the stomach contents was found mainly autumn. Aquatic insects(ephemeroptera, trichoptera and diptera) constituted the bulk of food items ingested during each season. The prey selection indices for ephemeroptera were positively selected in summer, and negatively selected in spring and autumn, plecoptera and trichoptera were positively selected in spring and negatively selected in summer and autumn. In contrast, diptera was always positively selected. B. lenoktsinlingensis classification of trophic categories is chaser.

      • 배봉천산 둑중개속 어류의 형태적 특징

        김지현,전상린,변화근 상명대학교 기초과학연구소 1999 기초과학연구 Vol.12 No.-

        배봉천 상류역에 서식하는 둑중개속의 미확인종을 배봉천 하류역에 서식하는 한둑중개 및 육봉형인 둑중개와 형태적 특징과 수정란의 크기 등을 비교하였다. 배봉천 상류역의 둑중개속의 미확인종의 수정란은 대란형의 특징을 지니고 있어서 둑중개의 특징을 나타내는 반면 변(1995)과 전(1998)에서 둑중개와 한둑중개의 주요 검색형질인 체장에 대한 배지느러미 길이와 미병장, 두장에 대한 문장, 가슴지느러미 기조수, 등지느러미 기조수, 뒷지느러미 기조수 뿐만 아니라 미병장에 대한 미병고, 체장에 대한 두장, 체장에 대한 미병고 등의 여러 형질에서도 한둑중개와 일치하였다. 위의 결과로부터 배봉천 상류역의 둑중개속의 미확인종은 대란형의 특징을 지닌 한둑중개로 동정되어서 배봉천산 하류의 한둑중개가 육봉화되었다고 생각된다. The authors compare with the morphological characteristics and the fertilized egg size of genus Cottus, Cottus sp. of upstream, Cottus hang ionens is of downstream in Paebong- river and the landlocked Cottus p oecilop us. C. sp. in upstream from Paebong- river has characteristics of C. p oecilop us because the fertilized egg size of C. sp. was large egg type. The six main characters (ventral fin ray length and caudal peduncle length to standard length, snout length to head length, number of pectoral, dorsal, anal fin rays) of C. p oecilop us and C. hang ionens is according to Byeon (1995) and Jeon (1998) and the three character s (caudal peduncle depth to caudal peduncle length, head length and caudal peduncle depth to standard length) correspond to the characters of C. hang ionens is . The authors thought that C. sp in upstram from Paebong- river was identified with the large egg typed C. hang ionensis , which C. hang ionens is in downstream from Paebong-river was landlocked.

      • KCI등재

        치악산 계류에 서식하는 둑중개(Cottus poecilopus Heckel)의 식성

        최재석,전상린,변화근,최준길,심하식,손영목 한국어류학회 1995 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.7 No.2

        둑중개(C. poecilopus)의 식성을 조사하기 위하여 치악산 계류에서 1993년 4월부터 1994년 3월까지 월별로 조사를 실시하였다. 조사된 위 내용물은 주로 수서곤충인 Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera이며 그 밖에 Nematoda, 치어, 어란, 육상곤충 등이 검출되었다. 육상곤충은 주로 가을에 섭취하였고, 여름에 Moroco oxycephalus 치어를 소량 포식하였다. 전반적으로 본 종의 먹이는 Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Diptera 등이 대부분이었다. Ephemeroptera는 여름에 양의 선택성을 나타내었고 가을과 겨울에는 음의 선택성을 나타낸 반면 Trichoptera와 Diptera는 가을과 겨울에 양의 선택성을 여름에 음의 선택성을 나타내었다. 또한 수컷이 수정란을 보호하고 있는 동안 먹이량이 부족하면 보호하고 있는 알을 먹는 습성이 있다(filial-cannibalism). The authors investigated feeding habit of river sculpin(C. poecilopus) were conducted at the Chiak streams from April 1993 to March 1994. The feeding habit of C. poecilopus was mainly acquatic insects, such as Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, and Nematoda, teleost fishes, fish egg and terrestrial insects. Terrestrial insects in the stomach contents were found mainly in autumn, and teleost fish(Moroco oxycephalus) was in summer. Aquatic insects(Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Diptera) constituted the bulk of food items ingested during each season. The prey selection indices for Ephemeroptera were positively selected in summer, and negatively selected in autumn and winter, Tricoptera and Diptera were positively selected in autumn and winter, and negatively selected in summer. Additionally, analysis for stomach contents of guarding males suggests that the parental males eat their own eggs during egg guarding(filial - cannibalism).

      • 제주도산 담수어의 분포에 관하여

        이인균,전상린,변화근 상명대학교 자연과학연구소 1999 自然科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        To clarify the structures and functions of ecosyst em and to establish the methods for conservation of natural resource in the streams of Jeju Island, the authors surveyed the freshwater fish fauna at 27 stations from Aug . 16 to Aug . 31, 1999. Air temperature of the surveyed at each station was high (25.6∼34.2℃) and water temperature has great difference at each station (17.1∼28.0℃). DO was high in all st ations (6.9∼10.7mg/ℓ) and EC was very different at each station (2,570∼52μMHOS/cm). Especially EC at St. 12 and 26 were high (2,000μMHOS/cm). PH were almost neutral (7.2∼8.7) which means the suitable condition for fish habitat. In this study, River width was almost narrow and very different each station (1∼40m). Water depth was very different at each station (5∼150cm) with the exception of reservoir and length of rivers were not long. In general, bottom structure was made up of boulder, cobble, pebble, gravel, sand, and mud. However most of the survey st ations wasn't suitable condition for fish habitat where were made up of boulder, cobble and pebble. Collected fishes in this survey were identified 13 family, 31 species . Of them primary fresh - water fish was 10 species (32.26%), peripheral fresh - water fish 15 species (48.39%), and sea water fish 6 species(19.35%). Exotic fishes were two species, Carassius cuvieri and Oncorhynchus my kiss . Moroco oxycephalus was found at most stations. The most number of species and individual were collected at St. 12(species 8, individual number 154), while was least at St. 22 and 27(species 1, individual number 1). Considering of the former data and this study, primary fresh-water fishes and peripheral fresh-water fishes (including sea water fish) were total 40 species which distribut ed in fresh-water area and brackish-water area. Primary fresh-water fishes were 11 species and Induced species were two species, Carass ius cuvieri and Oncorhynchus my kiss. Species who first found in this survey were three species, Carass ius cuvieri, Ps eudorasbora p arva and M isg urnus mizolepis. The authors compared the fresh-water fish fauna of Jeju Island(1,840km2 ) with those of Geoje Island (389km2 ) and Namhae Island(298km2 ). As those results, 14 species (Choi and Jeon, 1980), and 18species (Son, 1995) in Geoje Island were reported. Also, 11 species (Choi and Jeon, 1980) and 13 species (Son, 1995) in Namhae Island were reported The number of fresh-water fish in Jeju Island was fewer than those of two other islands in spite of being much larger than Geoje Island or Namhae Island in size. It is thought that two reasons that Jeju Island have been located far from the Korean peninsular and the unstable flow water of streams has resulted from the characteristics of geological structure made the less favorable condition to inhabit of fresh water fish.

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