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      • KCI등재

        시와 도(道)의 도서관 발전과정과 현황: "한국도서관통계"를 중심으로

        전명숙,Chun Myung-Sook 한국문헌정보학회 1997 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        본 연구는 $\ulcorner$한국도서관통계$\lrcorner$에서 시와 도의 도서관수, 직원수, 장서수, 증가책수, 이용책수. 이용자수, 예산액을 수집하여 시계열분석하여 과거의 시와 도의 도서관 발전과정을 이해하고 현재의 상황을 비교하였다. 이 결과 시$\cdot$도별 도서관은 한국의 정치, 사회의 여러 가지 조건에 따라 발전하였으며, 도서관간에는 차이가 많고 장서수, 예산액 등이 적으므로 도서관당 예산액과 장서수를 증가시켜서 지역도서관이 균형 있게 발전하게끔 해야 한다. The purpose of this study is to interpret the growth and the present status of in 6 major Korean cities and 9 provinces libraries using statistical data. The data were collected from The Statistics on Libraries in Korea, and were analyzed for a time series by using the Excel program. The result shows that there are great differences in major statistics of libraries in Korea due to the historical backgrounds and various political and social conditions of the country. The differences are also more likely related to the size of the library collections, budget and number of staffs.

      • KCI등재

        상호대차(相互貸償) 제도의 이론(理論)과 응용

        전명숙,Chun Myung Sook 한국문헌정보학회 1986 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.13 No.-

        Interlibrary loan has been a very common library service in the developed countries but it is yet to be actualized formerly in Korea. As Korea is moving toward an information society where all the individual user's request in the library should be met, we need to understand, in detail, the theory and practice of interlibrary loan service. As various information technology has been applied to the libraries, the libraries became the open system. Thus, the libraries become more cooperative, form networks, and make interlibrary loan service available. This study is based on the following three hypothesis formulated from the systems theory. 1. If libraries cooperate each other and form some kind of networks by mail, computers or telecommunications, they become the open system. 2. If a library develops as the open system, interlibrary loan becomes available in the library. 3. If the interlibrary loan system works, the role of the librarians will be changed. The research was carried out by analyzing the various studies about interlibrary loan service and by examining the interlibrary loan systerns presently working in the U.S.. The conclusions are reached deductively from the data. Some of the terminology used are defined as follows: System: a network of interrelated procedures that are joined together to perform an activity or to accomplish a specific objective. It is, in effect, all the ingredient which make up the whole. Cooperation: Working together to benefit participant libraries. Network: a much more structured type of cooperation in which definite regions or areas are connected by electronic or other means to promote interlibrary loaning of materials, in-service traing & other sharing of resources. Interlibrary loan: the lending of books between libraries. The model of cooperation or networks was used to be (1) a star type, (2) a hieranchical type, (3) a distributed type or (4) the combination of aforementioned three. However, the development of the telecommunications and computers enables all kinds of libraires cooperate together. Interlibrary loan service starts with the needs of user's information. The information have to be logically accessed through bibliographies, computers, electronic mails and satellite communications. And the logical access requires the information technology and the libraries become cooperative. The physical access to the information follows next but only traditional method of mail and some commercial service are currently available for this purpose. Therefore, researches are needed to develop this physical access. If the libraries form networks, the microaspect of library changes accordingly as the macroaspect changes. If the libraries . cooperate to become one large world library, the librarians plan, organize, control library operations and report the results. And the librarians work inside and outside of the library to cooperate with other libraries. Only the cooperation of the libraries will enhance interlibrary loan and the Korean librarians have to be prepared to accept the new role of librarianship for the interlibrary loan service.

      • KCI등재

        한국 대학도서관 수서(收書)에 관한 연구

        전명숙,Chun Myung Sook 한국문헌정보학회 1984 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.11 No.-

        Korean university libraries are increasing their library collection each year according to the standard set by the Ministry of Education. The standard states that all the university libraries are required to keep 3 books for newly enrolling students, 30 books for each enrolled student and 5, 000 books for each department. The increasing number of the university library collection brings many problems in the libraries. 1. The size of the library collection is not related to the satisfaction of the library user's requests. The satisfaction is usually related to number of the new publications received in the library. Z. The Korean publication is limited to a small number. It could not meet the university standard. Therefore, the number is filled with the foreign publications. But the use of them is not frequent. Even the number of the domestic and foreign new publications together could not meet all the requests of the university library users. Only cooperation with other libraries will be able to meet most of the diversified requests. 3. Most of the present library collection are not likely to be used in the future and they should be eventually discarded. Present library administration put too much emphasis on the size of library collection and only the aquisition of the material is main concern of the university librarians. They need to consider other factors in the aquistion of the library collection. They should make their collection development in accordance with user's requests in addition to meet the university standard.

      • KCI등재

        한국 도서관의 컴퓨터 기술 도입에 관한 연구

        전명숙,Chun Myung Sook 한국문헌정보학회 1989 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.17 No.-

        1. Introduction Korean society is moving toward an information society in 2000. At present a few Korean libraries are computerized and networks between libraries have yet to be formed. And there is no study done on the computerization of the Korean libraries. Therefore, this study will attempt to find elements that influence the computerization of Korean libraries. This research is composed of the following three parts. 1) Survey on the present status of computerized Korean libraries. 2) The influencing factors for Korean library computerization on the level of organization. 3) The relationship between professionalism and the access to the computer information on the level of librarians. 2. Hypothesis The basic hypothesis of this research is from the theory of the innovation of organization by Moch. He found that the size of the organization, specialization of the staffs, the task differentiation, and decentralization of decision making were the underlying influence for the organizational innovation. From this theory, hypothesis were formulated as follows. 1) The size of the library influences the library computerization. 2) Specialization of the librarians influences the library computerization. 3) Differentiation of the library services influences the library computerization. 4) The decision making process influences the library computerization. 3. Collection of the data Questionnaires were sent to 21 computerized libraries among which were 8 experimental group and 7 other controlled group libraries. Data were collected from April to July 1988. 4. Findings 1) The present status of Korean library computerization. -Korean libraries are computerized mostly in cataloguing. -The computer technology gate-keepers are mainly librarians. -The computerization budgets are not specifically allocated or funded by the organization but librarians made decisions to allocate library budget for the computer application. Gradually, more libraries are being funded specially for library computerization. 2) Factors that influence library computerization. -The size of the western books and the number of western periodical subscription influence the library computerization. -The number of annual book increase influences library computerization. -The number of annual book use influences library computerization. -The number of annual library users does not influences library computerization. - The size of the library budget influences the library computerization. -Librarian's specialization influences the library computerization. -Differentiation of library service influences the library computerization. Information service is positively related to the library computerization while data service is not related to the library computerization. -Decentralization of decision making in library service influences the library computerization.

      • KCI등재

        문화변용이론의 시각에서 본 우리나라 공공도서관의 발전과정

        전명숙,Chun Myung Sook 한국문헌정보학회 1983 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.10 No.-

        The concept of the public library defined by the Korean Library Association does not describe the current state of the Korean public library but describes the public libraries in the western society. Korean public library was formed after the western public library but it was modified and reconciled with the tradition of Korea. The difference between the concepts occured in the acculturation process of the Korean public library. According to the International Encyclopeadia of the Social Sciences, acculturation comprehends those phenomena which result when groups of individuals having different cultures come into continuous firsthand contact, with subsequent changes in the original cultural patterns of either of both groups. Korea opened its door to western world in 1876, and it began to contact with the western world. As the consequence, the concept of the public library of the West diffused to Lee Dynasty which were characterized by the confucianism and the extended family system. These two characteristics were against the public library concept and it could not function as it was and it had to be modified to fit to Korean society. The American public library was formed by the diffusion of English public library. The concept fitted in the colonial American society which was characterized by the Christianity and nuclear family system. Religion and family life were closely knitted together and they contributed much to the formation of the American public library. Also the society needed various information to form their new nation. The need of the public library grew and the public library repidly developed as the American society was urbanized and industrialized. The changes of Korean public library has passed the following process of acculturation. 1. The Korean culture contacted with Western world. 2. The public library concept diffused to Korea, but the people were illiterate and the need of the public library was for the preservation of the old books. The collection was not for people. 3. The function of the public library in Korea was altered slightly as several intellectuals who formed the first modern public library tried to literate Koreans as a means of liberation :from Japan through the library service. 4. The traditional libraries such as sodandg and hyangyo disorganized and finally disappeared as the traditional elements of the culture disappeared and the new cultural elements prevailed in Korea. 5. When the traditional elements of culture were disorganized, a reinterpretation of the diffused culture appeared. With the appearance of the vouth group which was not existed in the traditional society, cultural facilities for them were needed. They began to use public library as their reading rooms. This pattern has been institutionalized ever since in Korean public library. 6. When the new element of the culture spread, the traditional cultural elements react against this element. As the new public libraries sprung out, there were movements to restore the old Korean tradition of the family libraries and Hyangyo to counteract to the new libraries. This movements were not successful and they all disappeared as they could not keep up the rapid social change occurred in the Korean society. 7. In the process of the cultral change, cultural lag occurred between the public library and the users who could not adopt to the new library. This has been continued to the present time. 8. This diffused concept of the public library was modified and became native to Korean society. However, the acculturation of the public library concept has not changed the traditional ideas of Korean people and their behavior. The Korean society recently has been changing rapidly and the function of the Korean public library is improving accordingly; 1. The extended Korean family system is disorganizing. As the consequence, the public library could substitute the family system offering information and recreation service, etc. 2. The growth of educate

      • KCI등재

        학교도서관의 매체변환에 관한 이론과 실제

        전명숙,Chun Myung-Sook 한국문헌정보학회 2005 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.39 No.4

        학교 도서관의 이용자가 영상세대의 유비쿼터스 이용자, 포스트 디지털 이용자가 되면서 학교도서관의 소장 자료도 이미지와 디지털 자료를 수집하고 보관하여 교수-학습 자료로서 이용되어야만 학교도서관이 그 기능을 다할 수가 있다. 그러므로 사서들이 종이 자료를 다루는 기술은 물론 도서관의 자료를 변환하는 기술도 습득하여 중요한 자료를 변환 시킬 수 있어야 한다. 그리고 교사들이 교과목에 꼭 필요한 이미지나 디지털 자료를 만들 수 있도록 기술적으로 도와주어야 교수-학습자료를 충족시킬 수 있다. 이러한 역할은 사서교사들이 사서자격증을 가지는 것은 물론 첨단 정보기술능력도 갖출 때 수행할 수 있다. The major role of school librarians in Korea has been providing reading guidance and library user education with paper resources. However, digital users have become more ubiquitous and demand more information with the images and digital materials. Therefore, school libraries need to collect more images and digital materials. At the same time, school librarians have to equip themselves with the ability to cope with this transformation. The qualified school librarians not only should have a teaching certificate but also know about techniques to transform various library materials into digital formats. Teachers and students could use these materials for their Web site homepages and Powerpoint presentations.

      • 통역안내원 자격제도 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        전명숙(Myung-Sook Chun) 한국여행학회 2000 여행학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        The roll of tour guide is the key of the tour itself. Especially foreign language speaking tour guide show to the tourist not only the tour site but also the history, culture, tradition and the way of life of a country. To develop of the Korean tourism indusry and improve the level of the tour guide I submit such alternative as follow: 1. Practical and realuistic education system needed in any kind of tourism institute or school. 2. Instead of giving a licence to the people those who get certain points from the exam, limit the numberof the professinal tour guide and reeducate and manage them throughly. 3. The juries of the interview of the tour guide exam should be professional and expert for tourism. 4. The developement of the tourism industry and tour guide's quality needed strong supper from the government. 5. The treatment of the tour guide should make reasonable salary basis or daily charges and guarantee the stabilized social status. 6. It needs to make a professional tour guide association system under the governmental tourism organigation to get new infomation and training, reeducation.etc.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        GC-MS 및 HPLC를 이용한 대추발효주의 유리 아미노산 및 향기성분 분석

        전명숙(Myoung Sook Chun),김순진(Soon Jin Kim),노봉수(Bong Soo Noh) 한국식품과학회 2012 한국식품과학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        통대추(JW1), 대추과육(JW2), 대추과즙(JW3)에 효모를 사용하여 만든 대추발효주의 제조과정 중 유리 아미노산과 향기성분을 HPLC와 GC-MS로 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. Cysteine등 18종의 유리 아미노산이 검출 되었고 시험구별 총량은 각각 통대추구(JW1)가 141-210 ppm, 과육구(JW2)가 147-342 ppm, 과즙구(JW3)가 336-362 ppm이었다. 이 중 다량 검출된 유리 아미노산은 proline, aspartate, glutamate, arginine이었다. 한편 향기성분은 ethyl alcohol, iso-butyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, iso-amyl alcohol, namyl alcohol, phenethyl alcohol의 alcohol류 6종, ethyl acetate, hexyl acetate, ethyl caprylate, phenethyl acetate의 ester류 4종, diethylacetal, furfural, benzaldehyde의 aldehyde류 3종이 검출 되었으며 이 중 ethyl alcohol(30.50-33.95% peak area), benzaldehyde(2.55-15.97% peak area), iso-amyl alcohol(1.04-14.73% peak area), furfural(0.07-15.28% peak area), phenethyl acetate(0.78-9.28% peak area)가 많이 검출 되었다. Characteristic chemical compositions of jujube wine using different preparation methods including fermentation were investigated. Fermentation for jujube wine started using whole fruit (JW1), seed-removed fruit (JW2) and whole fruit heated at 100oC for 2 h and then extracted (JW3). The free amino acids and flavors were analyzed quantitatively by HPLC and GC-MS. A total of 18 amino acids were identified in all samples. The amount of total free amino acids was detected from 141-210 ppm (JW1), 147-342 ppm (JW2), and 336-362 ppm (JW3). Large amounts of proline, aspartate, glutamate, arginine and alanine were detected in jujube wine. Thirteen kinds of volatile compounds including six alcoholic compounds (ethyl alcohol, iso-butyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, iso-amyl alcohol, n-amyl alcohol, and phenethyl alcohol), four ester (ethyl acetate, hexyl acetate, ethyl caprylate, and phenethyl acetate) and three aldehydes (diethylacetal, furfural, and benzaldehyde) were detected. Ethyl alcohol (30.50-33.95% peak area), benzaldehyde (2.55-15.97% ratio), furfural (0.07-15.28% ratio), isoamyl alcohol (1.04-14.73% ratio), and phenethyl acetal (0.78-9.28% ratio) were abundant in jujube wine.

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