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        미중 무역전쟁의 예측 가능성: 다차원적 복합 게임이론 관점

        전동한 한국국제상학회 2024 國際商學 Vol.39 No.1

        미국은 중국에 대해 오래된 무역적자의 경제적 불만과 불공정 무역관행에 대해 재균형과 변화를 강요하면서 고율의 관세를 부과하였고 이에 중국이 미국에 보복관세로 맞대응을 하면서 2018년 두 나라는 무역전쟁을 시작하였다. 본 연구는 미중간 무역전쟁이 장기화됨에 따라 연구방법으로 게임이론에서 대표적 비협력게임인 죄수의 딜레마 게임과 치킨게임을 모델로 하여 미중 무역전쟁의 예측 가능성을 분석하였다. 여기에 국제협상에서 협상력에 영향을 미치는 양면게임이론을 통해 미중 양국간 진행되고 있는 무역전쟁과 무역협상을 다측면적이고 복합적 관점에서 분석하였다. 현재 미중간 무역전쟁이 장기화 조짐을 보이면서 진행되고 있는 상황으로 볼 때 세계 경제에 미치는 부정적 영향은 상당하지만 G2 양국은 패권의 주도권 다툼 양상을 띠면서 전면전으로 확대되고 있다. 결국 이 무역전쟁의 본질은 자국 중심 보호무역 정책과 경제질서의 범위를 넘어 세계 패권국가임을 자부하는 미국에 대해 중국의 전방위적 도전이라고 할 수 있다. Purpose : The research purpose of this paper is the predictability of the US-China trade war that started in 2018 and is prolonging. The purpose is also to study negotiations and settlement in the protracted trade war. Research design, data and methodology : The research method of this paper used the prisoner's dilemma game and game of chicken, which are representative non-cooperative games in game theory and added two-level game theory. Results : Both US-China are expect to have a negative economic impact on the world but China is expected to suffer greater damage. The essence of this trade war is China's all-out challenge to the United States which prides itself on being the world's hegemony. Conclusions : When looking at US-China trade war from a long-term perspective China's damage is expected to increase, and it is highly likely that the US will ultimately win this trade war.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아세안 후발가입국과의 교역 활성화 방안 연구 : CLM 국가를 중심으로

        전동한,박정섭 한국국제상학회 2014 國際商學 Vol.29 No.3

        1967년에 창설된 아세안은 현재 10개 회원국으로 구성되어 있다. 선발 가입국과는 달리 베트남을 포함하여 캄보디아, 라오스, 미얀마는 후발로 아세안에 가입한 국가들이며 이들 국가들의 공통된 특징은 공산주의 사회경제 체제를 지금까지 유지하거나 또는 최근에 개방을 시작하여 개혁 의지를 보이면서 사회전반에 대한 발전을 시도하고 있다. 이들 국가들은 선진 국제사회로부터의 ODA를 통해 풍부한 천연자원을 바탕으로 농업 중심의 산업을 탈피하여 저개발국 미개발 분야를 변화시키고자 외자유치 및 해외 투자를 시도하고 있다. 이에 우리나라는 아세안 후발가입국들의 경제 및 사회개발에 요구되는 역할을 찾아서 교역 활성화 방안을 모색하여야 한다. 아세안 후발가입국이 현재 가입하고 있는 RCEP과 차후 예상되는 TPP 가입 등 이들과의 관계에서 중요성을 인식하고 교역을 활성화 시킬 수 있는 방안을 모색하여야 할 것이며, 중국 및 일본과의 경쟁에서도 우위를 선점해야 하는 과제까지 포함하여 이 분야에 대한 심도있는 연구는 계속되어야 할 것이다. Purpose : The purpose of this paper is to seek ways to vitalize the trade between Korea and Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar who recently became the nations of ASEAN. Research design, data, methodology : This paper was prepared through literature research and an analysis on the present economic condition. Chapter 1 is the introduction, chapter 2 is on ASEAN regional economy, chapter 3 is on the present economic condition and limitations of CLM nations, chapter 4 is on solution for vitalization of trade with CLM nations, and chapter 5 consists of conclusion of this study. Results : CLM nations are still remaining in the level of underdeveloped countries, but they have growth potential in various aspects as increased foreign investments according to their rich natural resources, openness, and reformation. Conclusions : CLM nations who recently became the nations of ASEAN have common limitations from low educational level to poor health care facilities, insufficient industrial infra, various ethnic conflicts, and corruption. On the other hand, they also have economic growth potential in common due to rich natural resources, low personnel expense, reformation, and openness. In the light of such circumstances, it is very important for Korea to search ways to vitalize the trade with these nations.

      • KCI등재

        욕망하는 걸작: 자크 루이 다비드의 〈호라티우스가의 맹세〉

        전동호 ( Dong Ho Chun 錢東호 ) 미술사와 시각문화학회 2013 미술사와 시각문화 Vol.12 No.-

        Jacques-Louis David`s The Oath of the Horatii, painted in 1785, has been widely regarded as the landmark piece to mark the advent of Neoclassicism. It deals with the story of the three sons of Horatius, heroes of the ancient Roman kingdom. The tale of the Horatii is based on the early Roman history written by Livy. Livy`s history was dramatized by Corneille in the seventeenth century, and Corneille`s play Les Horaces became extremely popular throughout the eighteenth century. The tale runs as follows. The three sons of Horatius were chosen to represent the city of Rome against the Curiatii, the three corresponding counterparts to fight for the neighboring city of Alba. The unexpected twist to the tale involves the tragedy that the two families were interconnected via marriage: one of the Horatii was married to a sister of the Curiatii, whereas their only sister, Camilla, was engaged to one of their enemies. The two parties fought to death with only one of the Roman combatants surviving. Thus Rome won the battle. The tale, nevertheless, had a violent twist to the end: the triumphant victor on his way back to Rome found his sister mourning her betrothed and slew her in patriotic rage. Their father, however, valuing loyaltiy to country above all else, sided with his son in front of Roman citizens and secured the son`s exoneration. David`s picture illustrates one imaginary moment in the story, the moment of taking oath to defend Rome to death, an episode which does not feature in any of the written sources. Traditional interpretations of this painting tend to regard it as the supreme embodiment of the doctrines of Neoclassicism and the philosophy of French state patronage system. The old views, however, are ill prepared to account for a recurrent pattern of inarticulate hostility toward David and his painting from those contemporary critics who were on the conservative side of the Academy of Painting and Sculture, which organized and managed the Salon exhibition where the picture was shown to the public at no cost. The painting`s popular success at the Salon seems to them as something incomprehensible and vaguely threatening. What were they afraid of? What was the origin of their disagreement, their sense of crisis? Based on a close reading of contemporary art criticisms, this article seeks to chart the trajectory the painting has gone through. Revealing the unstable patterns and interplays between the ambitions of the artist and the ideological struggles among different interest groups, this paper argues for the significance of propaganda in the making and reception of a masterpiece and proposes the reconsideration of the painting within the framework of permanent dialogue between the circumstances it is viewed and the viewer`s desires both tangible and intangible.

      • KCI등재

        여성 누드 다시보기

        전동호(錢東?) 한국미술연구소 2008 美術史論壇 Vol.- No.26

        누드(nude)라는 장르는 고대 그리스 이후 조각이나 회화 등 다양한 매체로 무수히 많이 제작되어 왔다. 특히 여성 누드는 고대로부터 현재에 이르기까지 끊임없는 찬사, 혹은 비난 및 논란의 대상이 되어 왔다. 그렇다면 우리가 누드를 만들고 본다는 것은 무엇을 의미하는 것일까? 과연 인간의 마음속에는 의식적이든 무의식적이든 ‘이상적인 미(ideal beauty)’에 대한 관념이 존재하며 이는 우리가 벌거벗은 인간의 신체를 보거나 평가할 때에도 은연중에 작동하는 것일까? 아니면 누드란 항상 누군가에게 보여지기 위한 신체이며 따라서 누드란 본질적으로 여성의 신체를 대상화하여 이를 남성 시선에 종속시키는 시각적 메커니즘인가? 본 논문은 특정 누드에 대한 미시적인 분석에 앞서 누드에 대한 거시적 조망을 해보려는 시도로, 서양 미술사에서 본격적인 누드 연구의 고전이라 할 수 있는 영국의 미술사학자 클라크(Kenneth Clark)의 『The Nude』와 이에 대한 페미니즘적 반론의 대표작인 니드(Lynda Nead)의 『Female Nude』를 중심으로 누드의 정의와 간략한 역사, 그리고 여성 누드 연구가 제기하는 몇몇 문제를 살펴본다. Those who have ever cared to survey the history of western art must have been struck by prevalent images of the naked human body. Framed images of naked human bodies, especially, female, dot the walls of major art galleries in Europe and America, and they are widely regarded as an icon of westem culture and thus a sign of civilization and artistic accomplishment. Nude is a term specifically employed to refer to the depiction of such naked human figures in visual arts, As a subject for art, it is basically a western invention, emerging in ancient Greece around the fifth century B.C. Religious prohibitions prevented the nude from appealing in quantity from the lise of Christianity in the third century until the Renaissance, when it began to dominate the depiction of the human figure in high art. Attitudes to the subject of the nude mirror the boundaries of what is acceptable and what is not in a given society and culture. Despite a varying degree of self-censorship by artists, it has often been subjugated to moral condemnation, willie it has also been considered to be the visual embodiment of virtue and truth, revealing the sense of the ideal beauty lodged deeply at the back of the human mind. This essay is all attempt to revisit the female nude in western art, reviewing its definition, its history, and the recent feminist interventions in the subject. In doing so, it calls for more historically grounded and conceptually sophisticated approaches to the subject than those metaphysical and dogmatic formulations, advanced by Kenneth Clark and Lynda Nead.

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