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        Post-insertion technique to introduce targeting moieties in milk exosomes for targeted drug delivery

        장호충,김효석,김은혜,한건희,장영지,김예리,이종원,신상철,김은경,김선화,양유수 한국생체재료학회 2023 생체재료학회지 Vol.27 No.00

        Background Recently, increased attention has been given on exosomes as ideal nanocarriers of drugs owing to their intrinsic properties that facilitate the transport of biomolecular cargos. However, large-scale exosome production remains a major challenge in the clinical application of exosome-based drug delivery systems. Considering its biocompatibility and stability, bovine milk is a suitable natural source for large-scale and stable exosome production. Because the active-targeting ability of drug carriers is essential to maximize therapeutic efficacy and minimize side effects, precise membrane functionalization strategies are required to enable tissue-specific delivery of milk exosomes with difficulty in post-isolation modification. Methods In this study, the membrane functionalization of a milk exosome platform modified using a simple postinsertion method was examined comprehensively. Exosomes were engineered from bovine milk (mExo) with surfacetunable modifications for the delivery of tumor-targeting doxorubicin (Dox). The surface modification of mExo was achieved through the hydrophobic insertion of folate (FA)-conjugated lipids. Results We have confirmed the stable integration of functionalized PE-lipid chains into the mExo membrane through an optimized post-insertion technique, thereby effectively enhancing the surface functionality of mExo. Indeed, the results revealed that FA-modified mExo (mExo-FA) improved cellular uptake in cancer cells via FA receptor (FR)-mediated endocytosis. The designed mExo-FA selectively delivered Dox to FR-positive tumor cells and triggered notable tumor cell death, as confirmed by in vitro and in vivo analyses. Conclusions This simple and easy method for post-isolation modification of the exosomal surface may be used to develop milk-exosome-based drug delivery systems.

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