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        외국인을 위한 한국어 발음 교육에서 음운의 제시 순서 연구

        장향실 국제한국언어문화학회 2014 한국언어문화학 Vol.11 No.3

        본고는 외국인을 위한 한국어 발음 교육에서 자음과 모음의 제시 순서에 대해 고찰하였다. 제시 순서란 발음 교 육에서 교수-학습의 대상이되는 내용 요소들의 배열 순서를 의미한다. 본고에서는 음절로 묶여발화되는 음운 의 특성을 고려하여, 자음과 모음을 초성, 중성, 종성으로 분리하여 살펴보았다. 또한 각 음운의 제시 순서를 설 정하기에 앞서 설정 기준을 수립하였는데, 하나는 학습의 용이성이고, 또 하나는음운의 체계성이다. 학습의 용이성은 두 가지 측면에서 살펴볼 수 있다. 하나는 교수자의설명이 쉬워 학습이 용이한 경우이고, 또 하나는 목표어의 음운 자체가 인식하고 산출하기 쉬워 학습이 용이한 경우이다. 전자를 위해서는설명이 명확 하고 간결해야 하고, 후자를 위해서는 목표 음운이 학습자에게 쉬운 음운이어야 한다. 이러한 기준들을 반영하여 음운의 제시 순서를 도출하였다. 그 결과단모음의 제시 순서는 <ㅏ→ ㅓ → ㅗ → ㅜ → ㅡ → ㅣ → ㅔ/ㅐ>이고,이중모음의 제시 순서는 <ㅑ → ㅕ → ㅛ → ㅠ → ㅖ/ㅒ → ㅘ → ㅝ → ㅟ → ㅞ/ㅙ/ ㅚ → ㅢ>이다. 초성 자음은 <비음 (ㅁ → ㄴ), 유음 (탄설음[.]) → 파열음 (ㅂ, ㅍ, ㅃ → ㄷ, ㅌ, ㄸ → ㄱ, ㅋ, ㄲ) → 파찰음 (ㅈ → ㅊ→ ㅉ) → 마찰음 (ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅎ)>순, 종성 자음은 <7종성의 불파음화 → 평폐쇄음화 → 자 음군 단순화>의 순이다. This thesis aims to research on the order of presentation with consonantsand vowels in the teaching Korean pronunciation for foreigners. Theorder of presentation means the arrangement of content elements whichare the subjects of education in teaching Korean pronunciation. On this thesis, the study separately carried out researching on consonantsand vowels as the onset, as the nucleus, as the coda of syllables. And also,it studied on the basis of the facility of learning and the phonologicalsystemicity. The facility of learning could be explained to two differentaspects. First, it should be easy to understand teacher’s explanation aboutthe pronunciation for learner. Second, it is easy to understand thephoneme of target language and produce it. Because of these sides, thelearner can easily learn the target language. For the former, theexplanation is simple and articulate. And the latter, the phoneme of targetlanguage is easy to understand for the learner. This thesis deduced the order of presentation with phoneme on the basisof above criterions. As a result, the order of presentation with monothongis as follows; <ㅏ→ ㅓ → ㅗ → ㅜ → ㅡ → ㅣ → ㅔ/ㅐ>, and that withdiphthong is as follows; <ㅑ → ㅕ → ㅛ → ㅠ → ㅖ/ㅒ → ㅘ → ㅝ → ㅟ→ ㅞ/ㅙ/ㅚ → ㅢ>. The order of consonants as the onset is as follows;<nasal(ㅁ → ㄴ), lateral(flap [.] in onset) → plosive(ㅂ, ㅍ, ㅃ → ㄷ , ㅌ, ㄸ → ㄱ, ㅋ, ㄲ) → affricate(ㅈ → ㅊ → ㅉ) → fricative(ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅎ)>, and that of consonants as the coda is as follows; <unreleased of seven soundsin syllable-final → unreleased phenomenon → syllable- final consonantcluster simplification>.

      • KCI등재

        세종학당재단 한국어교육 정책 현황과 제안

        장향실,구민지,이진경,정다운 국제한국언어문화학회 2022 한국언어문화학 Vol.19 No.2

        This study analyzed the entire Korean language education policy project that has been promoted by the King Sejong Institute Foundation and examined the current status of the Korean language education policy of this foundation. Through this, a project direction has been proposed to improve the quality of the King Sejong Institute Foundation’s Korean language education policy project. In the future, the King Sejong Institute Foundation needs to first seek to expand its business to various areas. Currently, most of the institute’s projects are biased toward education, so there is a need to expand the proportion of cultural projects; such cultural projects should be expanded beyond education to include mutual cultural exchange activities. Next, it is necessary to avoid the problem of redundancy through exchange and cooperation with various ministries of the government and to emphasize the features that make the King Sejong Institute Foundation unique. It is also necessary to expand projects related to teacher training and strengthening teachers’ competencies. Since the King Sejong Institute Foundation operates many King Sejong Institutes abroad, it is necessary to focus more on localized education for teachers so that they can provide customized Korean language education specialized in their region. Finally, it is necessary to attend to the project to distribute and utilize materials through the localization of educational materials.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 대학생의 문단쓰기 실태 및 문단쓰기 능력 신장 방안

        장향실 우리어문학회 2010 우리어문연구 Vol.38 No.-

        본고는 외국인 대학생의 문단쓰기 실태를 점검하고, 이를 바탕으로 문단쓰기 능력을 신장시킬 수 있는 수업 방안을 제시한 것이다. 이를 위해 K대학교 글쓰기 수업인 <사고와 표현>을 수강하는 외국인 대학생들을 대상으로 실험을 실시하였다. 이들의 글을 대상으로 문단쓰기의 실태를 점검하여 문제점을 발견하고, 이를 개선할 수 있는 수업 모형을 마련하였다. 그리고 수업 모형에 근거하여 수업을 진행한 후, 그 효용성을 검증하였다. 문단 쓰기에 나타나는 문제점을 파악하기 위해 강의 첫 시간에 4가지 주제를 주고, 이들 중 하나를 선택해 글을 쓰게 하였다. 쓰기 결과물을 점검한 결과, ‘문단 나누기’와 ‘담화 표지의 사용’은 문제가 없었으나 문장들 간의 논리적 연결면에서 문제가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위해 문장 간의 연결에 주의한 문단 쓰기 수업 모형을 마련하였다. 이 모형은 귀납적이고, 학습자 중심으로 구성되었으며, 특히 학습자의 글을 활용함으로써 동기 부여에 주의를 기울였다. 수업의 결과 학습자들은 문단쓰기에 많은 진전을 보였다. This thesis aims to research problems in writing a paragraph written by foreign students in colleges and present the methods of promoting writing skills for foreign students. For these purpose, I conduct a survey of writing skills of a paragraph written by foreign students studying in K university. And then I presented the model of writing class for correcting problems. Consequently, I evaluated effects of the class and verified results of it. For researching problems of writing a paragraph, I gave four themes of writing to foreign students. After writing, I evaluated every compositions of foreign students. There were severe problems in logical connections between sentences. But there were not particular problems in conversational markers and in dividing paragraphs. After that, I presented the idealistic class of writing for correcting these problems, especially correcting logical connections between sentences. The class consist of this orders, introduction, presentation observation, explanation, exercise, evaluation and conclusion. At this process, I used students' compositions as examples for motivating. After this class, a number of students made progress in writing paragraphs. I recommend this class will be helpful for correcting writing problems of foreign students studying in college.

      • KCI등재

        중국인 학습자의 한국어 음운규칙 습득 연구

        장향실 이중언어학회 2011 이중언어학 Vol.46 No.-

        This thesis aims to research on Chinese learners’ acquisition process for Korean phonological rules, and on which rules are easy to acquire and which are not. And also, I am going to make clear factors that affect acquisition process for Korean phonological rules with quickness and easiness. For this study, this thesis researched a group of students studying Korean at Korean Language and Culture Center in K University. The process of research is as follows;Step 1. Selecting Korean phonological rules for research. Step 2. Making sentences including selected phonological rules. Step 3. Recording and transcribing speeches of each student. Step 4. Analyzing each speech. Selecting Korean phonological rules, I considered two facts. First, these rules are shown and explained in Korean language textbooks for level 1, 2, 3students. Second, even though not shown in textbooks they were needed to learn for Chinese learners. Results of research are as follow. First, The acquisition of Korean phonological rules closely related with the presenting order of phonological rules. But the frequency of experiencing and contacting rules, such as changing to plain plosive, are acquired regardless the presenting order of phonological rules. Second, in cases of being interference of mother tongue, the acquisition of phonological rules are not acquired for a long time. Finally, the simple rules are acquired with easiness, but difficult rules in finding patterns like the simplification of consonant cluster are delayed.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 학습자를 위한 한국어 음운 규칙의 제시 순서 연구

        장향실 국제한국어교육학회 2008 한국어 교육 Vol.19 No.3

        At this thesis, I researched the presenting order for phonological rules of Korean in teaching pronunciation of Korean for foreign learners, especially concerning contents which taught and learned phonological rules. Criteria of presenting order are the frequency of using, the degree of difficulty and the possibility of generalization. For accurate understanding about these criteria, I set up specific methods. I researched head words based on the Korean dictionary for foreign learners for grasping the frequency of phonological rules. And the degree of difficulty depends on the ease of learning. Specially, it is different from rules which can predict the surface form by phonological informations or which needed the morphological informations. Finally, the possibility of generalization is measured by the grade of ranks in phonological rules. As these results, I decided on the order of application as follows; the degree of difficulty → frequency of using → possibility of generalization. Because results could be different according to the order of criterion. After all, the teaching order of phonological rules are as above texts.(Korea University)

      • KCI등재

        외국인 대학생을 위한 교양 한국어 쓰기 수업 모형 개발 연구

        장향실,김서형 국제한국어교육학회 2009 한국어 교육 Vol.20 No.2

        The purpose this article are to develop a writing educational model based on portfolio assessment and to examine the educational effect by analyzing improvement of student's writing ability after appling this model. For this, the experimental sample is consisted of 47 students. They were divided into two groups, 22 students in the advanced high level and 25 students in the advanced middle level. The latter who participated in this writing educational model have made portfolio files as regards outline, draft with feedback and revised writing. Further more, it can get the opinion of students about the effects of this writing class style. The findings after experiment are as follows. It was found that this writing model helped improve student's writing ability. 25 AML students showed the higher rates of improvement in writing ability than 22 students in the AHL. 25 AML students replied through self-assessment that their writing ability, after this model, had improved and been satisfied of this writing class and teacher's feedback style. As the results, this new model has several meaningful factors as follows. Under the application of this writing class model, instructors can process teaching and assessment at once. Students can check up what they learned and what would be needed. Instructors can observe whole curriculum and examine the student's writing ability. Student's writing offer contents which need to be built up in the basic writing class. This writing educational model can be directly applied.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 한국어 사용자를 위한 음운규칙 항목 선정 연구

        장향실 한국언어문학회 2008 한국언어문학 Vol.65 No.-

        This thesis aims to select contents which taught and learned phonological rules in teaching pronunciation of Korean for foreign learners. For these purposes, I divided the whole phonological rules of Korean into two groups. The one should be taught and learned, and the other do not need to be taught and learned. There are two types of phonological rules of Korean which taught and learned for foreign learners. First type are rules which can predict the surface form by phonological informations. Second type are the rules needed the morphological informations. But informations are already learned in grammar, and these are applicable to all cases in a specific circumstances. There are four kinds of phonological rules do not need to be taught and learned. First, it is the rule the result of the phonetic change is reflected to spelling and spellings coincide with the pronunciations. The second is the optional rule. The third is the rule needed the morphological information. And the last one is phenomenons could not explain by the synchronic phonological rules for the impossibility with predicting the occurring conditions of phonological rule.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 북경대 도서관 소장 『삼강행실도』에 대하여

        장향실 우리어문학회 2004 우리어문연구 Vol.23 No.-

        This essay aims to research the family line of Samgang-Haengsildo(三綱行實圖) collected by Beijing University library. And also I want to take a view of phonological characteristics appeared in this edition. This edition is the same as Samgang-Haengsildo collected by Tokyo university library. These texts attached to the first-class data of the revised edition in the period of Sunjo(宣祖) reign according to the essay presented by Sibu(1992). It is different with the first edition printed in the period of Soengjong(成宗). The first edition was translated again, and impressed in the late 16th century. This fact means that this is the important text for researching the study on the 16th century Korean language. And so, I studied on the phonological characteristics of this edition. On the view of phonology, this edition perfectly shows characteristics of the 16th century Korean language. 본고에서는 북경대 소장 삼강행실도의 이본 계통을 살피고, 국어학적인 면에서 음운론적 특징을 살펴보았다. 북경대 소장 삼강행실도는 동경대 도서관본과 판본이 일치하는데, 두 자료는 志部昭平(1992)에서 제시한 宣祖改譯本의 제1종 자료에 속한다. 1579년 이전에 간행된 것으로 판단되는 북경대 소장 삼강행실도의 언해문은 성종판 초간본과는 다르게 새롭게 번역되었다는 점에서 16세기 국어 연구를 하는 데 중요한 자료가 된다. 이에 본고에서는 음운론적인 면에서 언해문을 살펴보았다. 먼저 분절음의 개별적 변화를 살펴보았는데, ‘ㆍ’는 어두와 비어두에서 거의 유지되고 있고, ‘ㅸ’은 w로 변하거나 완전히 탈락된 모습을 보인다. ‘ㅿ’은 그대로 유지된 경우, 소실을 반영한 경우, ㅅ이나 ㅈ으로 표기한 경우가 있다. 합용병서는 ㅅ계, ㅂ계, ㅄ계의 세 계열이 어두에서 그대로 유지되었다. 음운 현상에 있어서는 먼저 움라우트의 경우 ‘버히다’와 ‘겨집’의 두 어휘를 제외하고는 움라우트된 것이 나타나지 않았다. 원순모음화의 경우 원순모음에 의한 동화는 꽤 나타나지만, 순자음에 의한 원순모음화는 ‘님굼’ 하나만 나타난다. 이외에도 ‘ㅗ∼ㅜ’ 교체나 비음화와 설측음화가 일부 단어에 나타나고, 어두의 ‘ㄴ’이 ‘ㄹ’로 대치되는 현상이나 반대로 ‘ㄹ’이 ‘ㄴ’으로 표기되는 현상도 나타난다. 결론적으로 음운론적인 면에서 북경대본 삼강행실도는 16세기의 국어의 모습을 충실히 반영하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

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