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        미세다공성 폴리프로필렌 중공사막의 다공도 측정

        장태석,김재진,김은영 ( Tae Seok Jang,Jae Jin Kim,Un Young Kim ) 한국화학공학회 1991 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.29 No.5

        Microporous polypropylene hollow fiber membrane was prepared by the melt spinning and cold-stretching method. In order to measure the porosity of the hollow fiber membrane, bubble point measurement and microscopy of the both sides of a hollow fiber were done, and the area fraction and the volume fraction of micropores were estimated through image analyzer and mercury porosimeter. The bubble point of the hollow fiber measured in 30%(v/v) aqueous ethanol solution was 1.5㎏/㎠ Slit-shaped micropores were evenly spread all over the hollow fiber membrane, and parallel to the fiber axis with a stripe pattern. The micropores of the inside and the outside of the hollow fiber membrane have the similar morphology and their area fractions were 30-40%. Pore size distribution was tend to be normal, and the total volume fraction of the micropores was about 52%.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 금융위기 이후 투자의 추세변화와 원인분석

        장태석 ( Tae-seok Jang ) 한국질서경제학회 2020 질서경제저널 Vol.23 No.3

        Since the global financial crisis, the Korean economy has faced economic difficulties such as a decline in corporate investment, collapse of the main industries, weakening of external competitiveness, and deepening of income inequality. In particular, the path of sustainable growth is woefully inadequate, because the heightened uncertainty and structural changes could entail higher costs and inefficient productions. In addition, large fiscal changes may result in an increase in government debt rather than revitalizing the economy. Hence, firms are reluctant to increase investment and the voice of companies worrying about the long-term recession of the Korean economy is rising in the industrial field. This study has analyzed the causes of a decrease in corporate investment caused by the global financial crisis. The empirical results suggest that although the output declined due to the crisis, which led to a decline in the investment, the investment did not appear to have decreased significantly compared to the decrease in output. The results also show that the weakening of overseas demand and the heightened uncertainty were the main factors for the decrease in investment. In addition, we delved into the main causes of investment reduction by using the sign restrictions test and further identified problems in the domestic supply sector.

      • 단일 카메라 기반 상향등 자동 전환 시스템 설계

        태석(Tae-seok Park),형수(Hyung-soo Jang) 한국자동차공학회 2012 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2012 No.11

        High Beam Assist System provides drivers the long range visibility and convenience at night time. The camera module includes CMOS and DSP is able to recognize the light source of incoming cars or leading cars then to choose what type of beam is proper in that situation. This paper studies some factors that determine the moment when change the beam pattern.

      • KCI등재

        독일 수출결정요인 분석: 신흥시장국에 나타난 소득효과와 한국경제에 대한 시사점

        장태석 ( Tae Seok Jang ),김계환 ( Kye Hwan Kim ),온기운 ( Ki Un Ohn ) 한독경상학회 2014 經商論叢 Vol.32 No.2

        본 연구는 수출수요함수를 통해 2000년대 제품 가격과 무역상대국의 실질 GDP 변화가 독일 수출 성과에 미친 영향력을 추정하였다. 세계시장을 선진국과 신흥국으로 구분하고서 산업과 시장의 특성이 독일 수출수요에 미친 가격효과와 소득효과를 평가하였다. 선진국시장 에서 독일제품에 대한 수출수요는 가격효과에 비해 소득효과가 높게 나타났다. 신흥국시장의 경우, 중고가형과 중저가형 산업에서는 가격효과와 함께 소득효과도 탄력적으로 나타났다. 이와 함께 하르츠 개혁이 독일 수출 증대에 미친 영향은 부분적인 것으로 평가되었다. 본 연구의 실증분석 결과는 품질경쟁력과 신흥국의 소득효과가 독일 수출 성장에 기여했음을 보여준다. 하지만 독일의 경우와는 달리 최근 우리나라의 수출 증가는 실효환율의 평가절하와 함께 달성되어 왔다. 세계화의 경쟁시대에서 우리나라 산업의 경쟁력 제고를 위해서는 가격 경쟁력뿐 아니라 품질제고, R&D 저변확대, 노동시장의 개혁, 장기 산업금융재원의 제공 등과 같은 비가격경쟁력 향상을 위한 노력이 요구된다. In this paper, we estimate Germany’s export demand function and examine the income effect of the trading partner and the price effect in the 2000s. After dividing the world market in developed and emerging markets, we evaluate how the relative weights of price and income effects were influenced by industry characteristics and market characteristics. The main findings of our study show that export demand in developed economies is more elastic to income changes than price changes. Similarly, export demand in emerging markets is elastic to both of price and income changes at the industry level (i.e., medium technology manufactures). Furthermore, Hartz labor reforms only have minor effects on the German trade performance; e.g., low technology manufactures. These results suggest that the market demand of high value-added manufactures in the emerging economies contributes to growth in German export in recent years. Finally, we discuss implications for the Korea’s policy directions based on non-price competitiveness such as high-quality products, R&D investment, labor market reforms, and the supply of long-term financing for industry.

      • KCI등재

        터키의 경제안정화와 공공부채: 신흥시장국의 통화정책과 재정정책에 대한 시사점

        장태석 ( Tae-seok Jang ) 한국질서경제학회 2015 질서경제저널 Vol.18 No.4

        This paper aims to empirically examine the effects of stabilization policies on supply and demand in Turkey during the 2000s. Turkey implemented economic restructuring with export-led growth in the 1980s and experienced an economic crisis at the time of trade liberalization in the 1990s. Afterwards, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the prime minister of Turkey, pursued economic stabilization policy in the 2000s. However, Turkey has faced economic fragility due to external shocks such as the eurozone crisis, domestic consumption-led growth of China, and uncertainty facing the US economy. This study discusses characteristics of emerging economies facing the global recession and structural fragility of their economies, and explains Turkish macroeconomic policies which have different characteristics from those of advanced countries. In particular, high inflation has contributed to a reduction of nominal government debt and a balanced budget, but it has also increased speculative behavior in financial markets with a market opening. The empirical analysis is based on a New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model, which is estimated using maximum likelihood with inflation, GDP, interest rate and public debt as explanatory variables. The results show that the monetary policy of the Turkish Central Bank achieved price stabilization during the last decade though not a significant reduction in fiscal deficit. Turkey is regarded by many as one of fragile emerging economies facing external shocks. To improve economic stability, policy makers should put efforts on structural reforms while increasing investment and labor market flexibility on top of price stabilization.

      • KCI등재

        독일의 안정화정책과 사회적 시장경제

        장태석 ( Tae-seok Jang ) 한독경상학회 2016 經商論叢 Vol.34 No.4

        본 연구는 독일 거시경제의 특징을 파악하고, 재정정책과 통화정책이 경기안정에 미친 효과를 분석하고자 한다. 특히 독일 통일 이후 안정화정책의 특징과 그 효과를 사회적 시장경제의 관점에서 논의한다. 사회적 시장경제는 정책 결정과 집행과정에서 높은 수준의 투명성과 합리성을 담보할 수 있는 구성 및 규제 원칙을 강조한다. 통화정책에서는 물가안정과 준칙주의가 유지될 수 있는 중앙은행의 독립성이 강조되고 있다. 재정정책에서는 독일의 연방주의의 체제로 인해 발생하는 집행과정의 복잡성 때문에 균형재정을 위해 연방정부, 주정부, 그리고 자치단체 간 노력과 협조가 중요한 문제로 부각되고 있다. 특히 통일 이후 경기 호황에 따른 물가상승을 우려한 독일 연방은행은 긴축적 통화정책을 실시하였고, 이것은 높은 수준의 이자율을 유지하면서 경기불황을 심화시키는 정책실패로 귀결되었다. 하지만 2000년대 이후 독일은 노동시장의 개혁과 교육시스템의 정비를 통해 경직된 노동시장의 시스템과 조직을 개편하고 이를 통해 경기안정화를 도모하였다. 2000년대 안정화정책의 성공 이면에는 사회적 시장경제에서 강조하는 정책결정의 투명성과 시장의 변화를 이끌어낼 수 있는 공급측면의 구조개혁 노력이 그 밑바탕에 깔려있다. 독일의 사례는 최근 글로벌 금융위기 이후 저물가와 경기불황이 장기화되고 있는 상황에서 시장 기대심리의 안정화 도모가 경제정책의 효과를 높이는데 중요함을 시사하고 있다. This study examines the macroeconomic factors that have affected the development of German economy through fiscal and monetary policy since 1990s. In particular the analysis is based on characteristics of German economic policy from social market perspective. The social market economy has shaped the principles of politics and institutions based on economic order and regulations. The monetary policy has placed its emphasis on independent decision making process for price stability. The fiscal balance is taken into account in a fiscal policy rule with a close coordination between federal and local states, despite the fact that the decision making process and its implementations are fairly complex. For example, the macroeconomic policy failure after German reunification can be attributed in part to a restrictive monetary policy stance by the Bundesbank. Since 2000s, however, German government has pursued labor market reforms and supported the cooperation between industry and academics. This kind of efforts have helped the German economy to remain resilient to economic recessions in the world economy. In other words, transparency in the decision making process and structural reforms have contributed to the success of stabilization policy in Germany during the 2000s. In particular, the importance of market expectation should be taken into account in the development of German economy after the global financial crisis.

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