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        제왕절게수술에 관한 임상적 고찰

        이계용(KY Lee),장세훈(SH Chang),정태묵(TM Chung),송상환(SW Song) 대한산부인과학회 1967 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.10 No.7

        The Study was carried out retrospectively based on the clinical charts of patients who had 241 Cesarean seations performed, and 246 new borns including 5 pairs of twins delivered at Dept. of Obst. & Gyn., Yonesei University Cllege of Medicine, from January 1,1962 to December 31, 1996. The results were as follows: 1.Cesarean section rate was 7.4% for the period. 2. The indications for Cesarean section were that cephalo-pelvic disproportion was the most prevalent and 30.3%, repeat section 29.9%, antepartum hemorrhage (Placenta previa and abruptio placentae) 10.0%, malpresentation 12.8%, cervical cancer was 2.5% and so on. 3. In type of operation, low cervical section was 86.6%, classic 7.9%, and Csearean hysterectomy was 4.5%. 4. The average pelvic diameters by Colcher-sussman X-ray pelvimetry in disproportion cases were 10.39 Cm. and 12.30 Cm. in antrerio-posterior and transverse dimeters of pelvic inlet, 10.59 Cm. and 9.57 Cm. in anterio-posterior and transverse diameters of mid pelvis and 6.98 Cm. and 9.48 Cm. In posterior sagital and transverse diameters of pelvic outlet respectively. 5. The types of anesthesia until the baby was delivered were local, spinal, and general anesthesia respecively 7.0%, 50.2% and 42.8%. 6. In new borns, 14.6% had low birth weight, and 4.47% of total births had Apgar score 0, 12.6% Apgar sore 1-5, and heavier babies had higher scores. 7. Perinatal mortality was 6.69% and the half of those were premature babies. 8. Puerperal infection was 17.77% in cases with membrane ruptured, and 10.80% in cases with mombrane was intact when Cesarean section was decided respectively, and was 12% in average. 9. Maternal deaths accured in two cases corresponding to 0.83% of mortality and were caused by a hypofibrionogenemia and septicemia complications respectively.

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