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      • KCI등재

        노원에코센터(제로에너지건물) 연간 에너지모니터링 결과 분석 연구

        임인혁(Lim, In-Hyok),이응신(Lee, Eung-Shin),이명주(Lee, Myoung-Ju) 대한건축학회 2014 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.30 No.10

        Among world’s effort to take action to the effect of climate change, a district in Korea with a progressive mind took its first step in realizing a net-zero energy ecological center. The concept of net-zero energy building design can only be stated as a fact if the simulated energy demand and the actual monitored usage can be reflected upon its variances. Hence, in this research, the quantitative data sets of simulated and monitored usages were analyzed by comparison and to determine its specific occurrence of variances. From the simulation report, energy demand and the consumption were compared and analyzed based on the data collected from March 2012 to February 2013, through the monitoring system in the subject building. The comparison between the demand and consumption was made in following categories: heating and cooling energy consumption and the energy production from geo-thermal heat pump, lighting energy demand and electricity consumption for lighting, and hot water demand and the energy gained by solar heating. The original programming had changed during actual residence and increased the energy demand, which became the source of error between the simulated data and the monitored consumption. Since this research is based on monitoring of the project building per annum, there could be error occurring form the profile change, weather patterns, or the energy usage patterns by the occupants. Therefore, the further research must be followed with the accumulated data in long-run.

      • KCI등재

        제로에너지 공동주택 추가 공사요소의 장기수선충당금 분석 연구

        임인혁(Lim, In-Hyok),손은정(Son, Eun-Jeong),이명주(Lee, Myoung-Ju) 대한건축학회 2016 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.32 No.2

        The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport had announced ‘Building Energy Performance Improvement Plan’ to achieve Zero Energy building with sufficient thermal insulation capability by 2025. However, the uncertainty regarding the high initial investment costs and the excessive repair costs had been a concern in the construction market and impeding the prevalence of zero energy houses. By analysing the long-term repair cycle and costs for the additional energy saving elements from the Zero Energy Housing Complex in Nowon-gu, this study aims to provide a basis for the long-term repair plan budgeting guidelines in order to benefit future Zero Energy housing cost estimation process. As a result of the anlaysis, the large-scale long-term repair occurred after the completion of the 25th-year(for elements of external insulation, hign insulation windows and heat recovery ventilation system) and 30 year cycle(for elements of high insulation doors and photovoltaic equipment). The additional long-term repair costs for each household was analyzed by 28,988 won/month. In the case of the future active construction market, the additional costs is expected to decrease.

      • 제로에너지주택의 감정평가기법에 관한 연구

        박진규 ( Park Jin-gyu ),임인혁 ( Lim In-hyok ),김준형 ( Kim Jun-hyung ),이상영 ( Lee Sang-young ) 한국부동산분석학회 2017 부동산분석학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2017 No.-

        The government of Republic Korea has intensified the related standards of obligation of newly constructed zero energy housings in 2025 to cope with the climate change and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Intensification of energy efficiency of housing reduces the energy cost during the operation period while increases the initial construction cost and maintenance fee. In the case of developed countries, where leading the field in energy efficiency of buildings, has continued the research on techniques of real estate appraisal since the mid-1990s, especially about the economic effect of each energy performance of buildings and its value change. To revitalize the zero energy housing market in Korea, grounds were prepared to apply the energy efficiency of buildings on property value in real estate appraisal of green buildings in December 2016. Moreover, practical standards included the increasing values as having the environmental friendly equipments, such for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, new/renewable energy use and efficient energy use. However, current practical standards do not offer the specific details and concrete methods to reflect those increasing values, and bring difficulties to calculate the market values substantially. This study built basic database for the zero energy housings` real estate appraisal, based on the design statement of empirical complex of zero energy housings, currently constructing in No-Won district of Seoul, and its result of energy simulation. It, also, offered the method of appraisal how to apply the increased values from DCF Analysis and Cost Approach by comparing the regular housings and zero energy housings.

      • KCI등재

        패시브 공동주택 세대 위치별 에너지요구량에 따른 냉난방 에너지비용 비교 연구

        이명주(Lee, Myoung-Ju),임인혁(Lim, In-Hyok),허다운(Hur, Da-Woon) 대한건축학회 2015 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.31 No.11

        We analyzed and compared the cooling/heating energy demand and cost of nine households of different positions in a passive house Apartment. To do this, the Passive House Planning Package(PHPP) was used on Building 102 of the Net Zero Energy Housing Complex located in Hagye-dong, Nowon-gu, Seoul, Korea. For the heating energy demand, it was analyzed that the middle floor and the first floor have the lowest and highest demands, respectively, and the highest demand was about twice as the lowest. On the same floor, the units in the middle had the lowest demand, while the units on the right and left of the building had little difference. For the cooling energy demand, the higher floors had higher demand, and the highest cooling energy demand was about 40% higher than the lowest. There was not much difference between the units on the same floor when it comes to cooling energy. By analyzing the cooling and heating costs of each household, we concluded that the household with the highest electricity bills payed about 50% higher cost than the one with the lowest bills.

      • KCI우수등재

        건축물 에너지 효율등급 강화에 따른 주택건설의 경제적 파급효과 분석

        최명섭(Choi, Myoungsub),김준형(Kim, Jun-Hyung),임인혁(Lim, In-Hyok),이상영(Lee, Sang-Young) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2016 國土計劃 Vol.51 No.5

        This Paper aims to analyze the effects of construction of the energy efficient housing during 2017-2025 by building energy efficiency rating on national economy, using the Input-Output Table. The improvement of building energy efficiency rating increases the effect on production inducement, but decreases that on value-added inducement and employment inducement. Because the value-added inducement coefficients and employment inducement coefficients of residential construction sector is lower than those of renewable energy sector. However, the construction of energy efficient housing could have positive effects since the increasing rate of construction cost have higher than the decreasing rate of the inducement coefficients by improving the building energy efficiency rating. During 2017-2025, economic effects of construction of the housing with building energy efficiency rating level 1+++ would be greater than building energy efficiency rating level 2. The new construction of the housing with building energy efficiency rating level 1+++ induces 261.5 and 76.8 trillion won of production and value-added respectively, and the induced employment is 82.1 ten thousand person.

      • KCI등재

        에너지효율주택의 감정평가: 원가법과 DCF법의 적용

        박진규 ( Park Jin Gyu ),김준형 ( Kim Jun Hyung ),이상영 ( Lee Sang Young ),임인혁 ( Lim In Hyok ) 한국감정평가학회 2017 감정평가학논집 Vol.16 No.3

        정부는 온실가스 감축과 기후변화 대응을 위해 2025년 신축주택 제로에너지 성능 의무화를 목표로 관련 기준을 단계별로 강화하고 있다. 감정평가업계에서는 에너지 성능을 건물가치에 반영할 수 있는 근거를 마련하여, 온실가스배출량 감축설비, 신ㆍ재생에너지 활용설비 등 친환경 설비 및 에너지효율화 설비에 따른 가치증가분을 포함하여 감정평가하는 실무기준을 신설하였다. 이에 본 연구는 최근 신축한 제로 에너지주택의 설계내역과 건축물 에너지 모의실험 결과를 바탕으로 에너지효율주택의 감정평가에 필요한 기초자료 DB를 구축하였다. 이를 토대로 기존건물과 제로에 너지건물을 비교 분석하여, 에너지효율주택의 시산가액산정을 위한 감정평가방법을 원가법과 DCF법으로 구체적으로 제시하였다. 각 방식에 의한 평가 결과, 일반 건물에 비해 대상 건물이 갖는 가치는 원가법을 기준으로 할 때 8억 4천만 원, 그리고 DCF법으로 기준할 경우 2억 5천만 ~ 3억 3천만 원으로 도출되었다. To cope with climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Korean government has reinforced mandatory standards for “zero-energy housing” slated to start construction in 2025. In line with this move, the real estate appraisal industry has also reset field standards to reflect higher building values through ecofriendly facilities, such as those that reduce CO2 emissions, use new and/or renewable energy sources, and are highly energy efficient. This study built a basic database for the appraisal of energy-efficient housing based on the latter’s design specifications set by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and conducted energy simulations. This research also utilized the appraisal method of calculating higher value by comparing regular and zero-energy housing using the cost approach and DCF analysis. The resulting values were KRW 0.84 billion and KRW 0.25~0.33 billion, respectively.

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