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        한국대학생의 원어민 교수 중국어 수업에 대한 인식 연구

        林娟廷(Lim, Yeon-jung) 중국어문학연구회 2018 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.112

        The purpose of this study was to present basic data for effective College Chinese Courses taught by Native Chinese-speaking Professors in the future. We conducted a questionnaire analysis (quantitative research) to obtain objectivity and a one - on - one interview (qualitative research) to get in - depth opinions about Wuniversity students who have took lectures of Native Chinese-speaking professors. We hope that the contents of this article will help balanced development of Chinese language education in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        林娟廷(Lim Yeon-jung) 중국어문학연구회 2011 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.70

        “le zhe guo” is considered the most important and difficult area in TCSL(Teaching Chinese as a Second Language). This paper first analyzes examples of “le zhe guo” in three current TCSL teaching materials at the primary stage, it then discusses four current teaching methods used in “le zhe guo” teaching design: ‘Grammar Translation’, ‘Audiolingual Method’, ‘Cognitive Approach’, ‘Functional Approach’, and ‘Communicative Approach’. I demonstrate the insufficiencies of these methods in “le zhe guo” teaching, and then suggest the TBLT (Task?based Language Teaching) method as an alternative. I also analyze theories based on TBLT and their applications to grammar teaching in TCSL. I next try to apply TBLT to “le zhe guo” TCSL at the primary stage, and show current TBLT methods that can be effectively used. I conclude the paper by arguing that educators need to create complementary methods that employ TBLT and current methods, which will result in more successful “le zhe guo” teaching and learning in TCSL.

      • KCI등재

        빛-색깔 그리고 예술의 놀이

        임연정 ( Lim Yeon-jung ) 한국동서철학회 2017 동서철학연구 Vol.0 No.84

        예술의 영역에서 아름다움이 이념과 현상의 괴리를 매개하듯이, 빛-색깔은 시각과 관찰대상을 연결시켜준다. 일견 사소해 보이는 이러한 사실은 주관과 객관의 이분법을 넘어서는 일이다. 빛-색깔의 사례연구를 통해서 논자는 가다머의 존재론적 작업을 두 가지 측면에서 해명하고자 한다. 첫째, 근대의 주관을 통해 빛-색깔이 결정되는 것이 아니라 빛-색깔은 원래 객관적으로 존재하고 있다는 점이다. 다시 말해, 존재의 지향성은 주관의 마음으로부터 연유하는 것이 아니다. 둘째, 가다머가 존재의 지향성을 언어로 규정하고자 할 때, 언어는 개별자가 보편적 개념 속에 편입되는 양상이 아니다. 그것은 아름다움의 이념이 아름다운 대상 속에 생생하게 이미 존재하듯이, 언어는 세계를 이미 가지고 있다. 그러므로 근대의 주관이 갖는 사고의 경험 또는 지각의 경험은 언어 경험으로 대체된다. The light and color connect vision with the object of observation like as the beauty mediates an estrangement between ideology and phenomenon in the field of art. This fact which seems trivial at a glance exceeds a dichotomy between subjectivity and objectivity. I aim to explain Gadamer`s ontological research from two points of view through case study of the light and color. First, I would like to mention that the light and color are not determined by subjectivity of recent days but they have been originally existed objectively. In other words, the direction of existence does not stem from subjective mind. Second, when we define Gadamer`s direction of existence in language, in which individuals do not assume to be included in the universal concept. The language already embraced the world as an ideology of beauty which has ever existed in the object of beauty vividly. Therefore, experience of thought or that of perception which the subjectivity of recent days possesses, is replaced with experience of language.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        온라인 수업 유형에 대한 대학교 중국어 학습자의 인식 조사 연구 - 전공계열별 비교 분석을 중심으로

        林娟廷(Lim, Yeon-jung) 중국어문학연구회 2021 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.126

        Due to the global spread of the Corona 19, the online lecture is rapidly diffused in university education. Thus, this thesis aimed to seek for the future direction by comparing the perception of university Chinese language learners who took online courses in different methods. First, as the subjects of comparison, this study selected the students who learnt elementary Chinese language just from prerecorded video, and the students who took the flipped learning-based course by participating in real-time video lecture after watching prerecorded video. After conducting two times of surveys in the first semester of 2020 and the second semester of 2020, the results were comparatively analyzed in each major field. Hopefully, the results of this study could be utilized as the basic data for the design and effective enforcement of online curriculum in the future.

      • KCI등재

        탄뎀학습법을 활용한 활동식 중국어교육의 문제점 및 발전방향에 관한 질적연구

        林娟廷(Lim, Yeon-jung) 중국어문학연구회 2017 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.106

        This study aims to seek for the future development direction after analyzing problems of activity-type Chinese language education using Tandem learning method. Tandem learning is such an effective Chinese language education measure to improve Chinese language ability based on student-centered education, and also to naturally understand Chinese culture. However, relevant preceding researches focus on the suggestion of educational measures and analysis of effects after performance, so that it is hard to find researches on students" thinking or opinions as the subjects of education. Thus, this paper conducted the one-to-one interview targeting university students participating in activity-type Chinese language course using Tandem learning method, by introducing the qualitative research method, also drew the current problems by analyzing their opinions, and then suggested the future development direction. The results of this study are expected to be helpful to the development of Chinese language education using Tandem learning method.

      • KCI등재

        플라톤 철학의 기본 범주로서의 그림 (그럴듯한 이야기:eikotes logoi)

        임연정 ( Lim Yeon-jung ) 한국동서철학회 2017 동서철학연구 Vol.0 No.86

        플라톤(Plato, BC. 428~347)의 철학은 존재론이다. 그의 존재론의 시작에는 우주의 본성에 관한 탐구 활동이 포함된다. 그에 따르면 우리가 별들과 태양 그리고 하늘을 바라 볼 수 있는 것은 신이 우리들에게 눈을 준 혜택이며 이 혜택의 기능이 철학(Philosophia)을 할 수 있는 기능이 된다고 말한다. 그렇다면 이 본다는 것의 상응은 무엇인가? 이것이 모상(eikon)이기에 앞선 설명들 즉, ‘그럴듯한 이야기’(eikotes logoi, wahrscheinlich)이다. ‘그럴듯한(εiκwζ)’의 그리스어가 내포하고 있듯이 ‘εiκwγ’는 ‘그림’을 뜻한다. 이런 유비(類比) 관계(analogia)를 통해 그는 최고의 선(善)을 ‘그림’에 대한 ‘선분(線分)의 비유’로 상승시켰다. 그에게 최고의 선(善)은 수(數)이며, 신이 우리에게 준 눈의 기능으로 우리는 수를 기하학을 통해 배울 수 있게 되는 것이다. 그러므로 플라톤의 철학의 언어는 변증법의 언에만 국한되는 것이 아니다. 그가 그림을 사용한다는 것은 철학의 합법적인 언어놀이가 된다. 이때 그림은 이데아를 관통할 수 있게 하는 매개역할이 된다. 따라서 논자는 그의 ‘그럴듯한 이야기’의 기본 범주로서의 그림을 통해 철학에 그림이 어떻게 적용되고 있는 가를 고찰하고자 한다. 또한 그의 우주론은 현대의 우주론 다시 말해, 일반상대성 이론을 특징짓는 4차원의 기하학을 내포하고 있음을 밝히고자 한다. Platonism, the philosophy of Plato (428-347 BC), can be classified as ontology. The beginning of Platonism was an exploration of the nature of the universe. According to Plato, we are able to see the stars, the sun, and the sky because god privileged us with eyes, and this ability to see enables us to engage in philosophy. Then, what corresponds with this ability to see? As it is eikon, it is "a plausible story (eikotes logoi, wahrscheinlich)". The greek term for "plausible" is εiκwζ, and εiκwγ means "painting". Through this analogy, Plato compared the highest good to "a segment in a painting". As such, the language of Platonism is not just used for the dialectic. He argues that "using a painting is like legitimate word play in philosophy." I aim to contemplate how paintings as a basic category of Plato's "plausible story" are utilized in philosophy. I also aim to highlight that his cosmology encompasses modern cosmology, which is defined by four-dimensional geometry marked by the general theory of relativity.

      • KCI등재

        한국대학생의 중국어 읽기 전략과 읽기 성취도, HSK 자격증 취득 간의 상관성 소고

        林娟廷(Lim, Yeon-jung) 중국어문학연구회 2015 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.94

        This study is designed to analyze the correlation of Korean college students’ Chinese reading strategies with reading achievement and acquisition of HSK qualification. First, questions were carefully selected from Chinese reading textbooks and HSK textbooks on the market and Chinese reading achievement test was conducted. After translating SORS (Survey of Reading Strategies) of Mokhtari & Sheorey(2002) in accordance with the linguistic situation of Chinese language, questionnaire survey was conducted in order to research reading strategies and retention of HSK qualification. The result showed that top students usually use an global reading strategies and problem solving strategies, while middle and lower performing students usually use problem solving strategies and support reading strategies. In addition, students with HSK qualification showed a tendency similar to the students at the top of the achievement level and students without HSK qualification showed a tendency similar to the middle and lower achieving students. However, there were some differences between strategies that students with HSK qualification and students at the top of the achievement level preferred. Based on the result of statistical analysis using the SPSS 22.0, Chinese reading achievement and HSK reading scores shows a positive correlation with global reading strategies and a negative correlation with problem solving strategies. It is expected that the result of this study will be contribute to the qualitative improvement of Chinese reading education and more methodical HSK education for college students.

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