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        의복유형과 헤어스타일이 남성의 인상형성에 미치는 영향

        임남영,강승희 服飾文化學會 2003 服飾文化硏究 Vol.11 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of clothing type and hair style on men's impression formation. The experimental design was 4×2×2×2 (clothing type×hair style×perceiver's age×perceiver's role)factorial design with between-subjects design. The stimuli of color photographs of male in his 20's model and semantic differential scale were used. The data were obtained from questionnaires completed by 881 men and women in the metropolitan area of Seoul. The SPSS package was used for data analysis which includes factor analysis, t-test, and Cronbach's a to measure the reliability. This study showed the following results. Four factors were derived to account for the dimensions of impression formation. These were dignity, activity, individual character, and social intercourse. Men evaluated individual character factor higher than women did. Dignity factor was evaluated higher by students, while social intercourse factor was evaluated higher by office workers. The clothing type of shirts/pants was evaluated to be more active and more sociable than of jacket/pants. Men wanted to exhibit natty image and women did elegant image through clothes.

      • KCI등재

        스커트 원형 자동제도 프로그램을 위한 기본단위의 체계화에 관한 연구

        임남영 服飾文化學會 1994 服飾文化硏究 Vol.2 No.1

        Nowadays computer technology is being applied in various areas of apparel design. In particular, since the task of pattern making is to be performed by a set of predefined drawing rules, the effect of computer application in pattern making will be signficant. There have been a large number of studies on pattern making program. For instance, the previous studies have developed computer programs for pattern making of women's wear, men's wear, children's wear, Han-Bok, etc. Most of them have focused on the development of computer program for a particular kind apparel only and, however, have disregarded the feasibility of developing a multi-purposed computer program so that it just can be modified to adapt for various styles. For example, by widening the hem-wide of the basic H-Line skirt and then connecting its waist line and widened hem-wide, we can draw the A-Line skirt. Therefore, we have developed a program which can make a pattern for the basic skirt and can make, with a slight change of the program, other patterns for various style as well. The objective of this paper is to identify and organize modules which will be used for developing a general pattern making computer system. This general pattern making system is a computer program by which we can draw a variety of apparel styles. This system is restriced to skirt pattern making only. The representation scheme used in organizing these modules is an AND-OR tree, the one being often used in representing a complex problem in artificial intelligence domain.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        <백학선전>의 통속성 연구- 여주인공의 서사를 중심으로

        남영 한국고전여성문학회 2023 한국고전여성문학연구 Vol.- No.47

        이 논문은 여성영웅소설 <백학선전>의 통속성을 여주인공의 서사에 주목함으로써 탐색하였다. 일반적 여성영웅소설에서 주체성을 강화하는 요소인 남장 화소, 출정 논리, 결연 과정의 인물 관계가 <백학선전>에서 변화한 점을 분석하여 이 작품의 통속적인 면모를 살폈다. 첫 번째로, <백학선전>의 남장 화소는 해제되는 과정에서 여주인공의 목표인 결연 성취와 관련된다. 이 작품은 남장이 해제되는 시점들에서 남녀 주인공의 결연을 인정하는 주변 인물들을 활용하여 서사의 내적인 결연 논리를 강화한다. 결연 논리가 강화되는 남장 해제 과정에서 독자는 결연의 행복한 결말을 확신하며, 변용된 남장 해제 문법에 흥미를 느끼고, 결연 강화와 함께 고난이 완화되는 서사구조에서 고난을 보상받았다 여기는 만족감을 얻는다. 두 번째로, <백학선전>에서 여주인공의 출정 논리는 효에서 충으로 확장되는 대신, 열에서 충으로 직접 연결된다. 천자에게 삼강(三綱)을 언급하는 여주인공은 출정을 통해 충과 열을 동시에 실천하고자 하며, 충을 열의 도구로 재해석한다. 애정 중심의 소설 구조가 뒷받침하는 충의 재해석 과정에서 독자는 익숙한 가치의 재해석에 참신함을 느끼게 되고, 익숙한 출정 요청이 애정 성취를 위한 논박 과정이 되는 점에 흥미를 느낀다. 마지막으로, <백학선전>에서 결연 과정은 일대일에 한정되지 않고 여주인공이 시가에 편입하는 과정까지 묘사한다. 여주인공은 시아버지에게 열의 자질을 시험당한 후, 황릉묘(黃陵廟)의 방문 이후 연쇄적으로 남주인공 가문의 인물들을 만난다. 결연 과정의 인물 관계 확장은 이 작품에서 열을 중시하는 여성 영웅을 형상화할 개연성을 제공한다. 열을 중심으로 형상화된 여성 영웅의 모습을 확인한 독자는 현실의 여성 윤리인 열을 중시하는 여주인공에게 쉽게 친밀감을 느끼게 되고, 영웅적 능력에 대한 심리적 거리감도 줄어들게 된다. This paper explores the popularity of the female heroine novel, Baekhaksonjeon, by focusing on the narrative of the female Protagonist. By analyzing the changes in male attire motif, the logic of participation in a battle, and the relationship between the characters in the process of male-female relationship, which are elements that strengthen subjectivity in general female heroine novels, I examined the conventional aspects of this work. First, the male attire motif in Baekhaksonjeon is related to the achievement of marriage, which is the goal of the heroine in the process of being unmasked. The work reinforces the narrative's internal logic of male-female relationship by utilizing peripheral characters who recognize the male-female relationship of the male and female protagonists at the point of unmasking. In the process of unmasking, where the internal logic of bonding is reinforced, readers are assured of the happy ending of male-female relationship, is intrigued by the transformed grammar of unmasking, and gains a sense of reward in the narrative structure where hardships are alleviated along with the strengthening of unity. Second, the logic of the heroine's participation in the battle in Baekhaksonjeon does not extend from filial piety(孝) to loyalty(忠), but virtue(烈) to loyalty. The heroine, who mentions the Three Bonds(三綱) to Emperor of China, seeks to practice both loyalty and virtue through battle, and reinterprets loyalty as a tool for virtue. In the process of reinterpreting filial piety, which is supported by the novel's love-oriented content, readers feel a sense of novelty in the reinterpretation of familiar values, and are intrigued by the logic which is utilized as a familiar genre grammar in female heroine novels, becomes an argumentative process for the fulfillment of love. Lastly, in Baekhaksonjeon, the process of marriage is not limited to one-on-one, but also depicts the process of the heroine's integration into the male protagonist's family. After being tested by her father-in-law, the heroine meets a series of characters from the male protagonist's family after a visit to the illusionary world of the Huangling Miao(黃陵廟). The expansion of relationships to in-laws in the bonding process, provides the scope for a female virtue-oriented heroine in this novel. Once readers watch the figure of a female hero centered on virtue, they can easily relate to the heroine who emphasizes virtue, which is a real-life female ethic, and the psychological distance to her heroic abilities is reduced.

      • KCI등재

        의류산업의 인터넷 활용과 전자상거래

        임남영(Nam Young Im),김성근(Sung Kun Kim) 한국복식학회 1997 服飾 Vol.35 No.-

        Firms` utilization of internet is completely changing their business environment. Apparel firms`, whitout exception, are using internet as their essential marketing mechanism and as a new media for educating customers. Some apparel firms`, at the same time, acquire valuable customer information from internet users. These business cases become evident in developed countries. In constrast, most domestic apparel firms` are unable to see the strategic importance of internet. Accordingly, their level of internet utilization remains quite low. This paper describes apparel firms` use of internet as electronic commerce mechanism, based on cases of pioneering apparel firms` which adopted internet technologies in the first place. We further discuss problems that these

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      • KCI등재

        Why are 3D Apparel CADs Not Used?

        김성근,임남영 한국데이터전략학회 2013 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.20 No.3

        A 3D CAD is one of latest innovations in apparel industry. Despite a rapid progress of related technologies and an emergence of several commercial products in markets, an adoption of 3D CAD tools in apparel industry is much slower than originally expected. In an effort to diffuse such a technological advance in apparel industry, more behavioral studies of why and how apparel designers adopt and use a 3D CAD are needed. Toward that goal, this study aims to identify more about whether such an adoption decision would be more associated with organizations or individuals. Using TAM and TOE framework, the study findings show that the intention to adopt 3D garment CAD is more explained by individual attitudes rather than organizational characteristics.

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