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      • KCI등재

        타동성 논의에 포함될 필요가 있는 문법적 연어의 특징에 대하여

        임근석 ( Geun Seok Lim ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2014 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.21 No.-

        This paper aims to clarify that the discussion of the transitivity in Korean, in order to show the overall figure of its transitivity, should deal with some grammatical collocations such as ‘-에 대해, -을 가지고, -을 보고’ etc. To obtain this goal we re-examine the prototypical features of transitivity studied by many scholars both at home and abroad, and show the unit-ness of grammatical collocations and an indirect evidence that some non-canonical markers are used in some languages, especially for the sentences in low degree transitivity. When we regard the transitivity as a collection of prototypical features, we could get the potential result that the sentences, using accusative marker ‘-을/를’ for their objects, show wide distribution on the types of transitivity, on the contrary the sentences, using the grammatical collocations instead of the accusative marker, only show quite restricted and low-degree transitivity.

      • 논문 : 언어유형론적 관점의 연어 연구를 위한 시고

        임근석 ( Geun Seok Lim ) 국민대학교 어문학연구소 2015 語文學論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        This paper aims to examine how to analyse characteristics of lexical collocations of individual language from the typological point-of-view. For the purpose, this paper suggest an method, or Lexical Function, that was created and used mainly by Igor Mel`cuk. According to his approach, all lexical collocation can be explained by lexical function which grasps the lexical relation between the base and collocate. In this paper I showed some examples of lexical function-standard lexical function and non-standard lexical function-which can be used to analysing the characteristics of Korean collocations by comparing the Korean collocation to Japanese and Chinese ones. For instance, Oper1 and Open/Close are very useful lexical functions for showing the common point and the difference among those languages from the perspective of linguistic typology.

      • KCI등재

        타동성의 관점에서 살펴본 ‘-을/를, -에 대해, -을/를 가지고’ 비교 연구

        임근석(Geun-Seok Lim) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2016 언어학 Vol.0 No.15

        This paper aims to show and compare the characteristics of ‘-eul/reul’, a typical objective marker in school grammar, and ‘-e daehae, -eul/reul gajigo’ which are grammatical collocations and can be substituted for ‘-eul/reul". as many preceding literature, we prepose that transitivity is composed of many grammatical components and can be explained by the prototype theory. This paper follows the approach of Lim(2014) and analyzes the real data of ‘-eul/reul, -e daehae, -eul/reul gajig’ based on the 8 grammatical features : substitution of other case markers and grammatical collocation, passivization, serial verb construction, relative clause, intentionality, effectedness, perfectivity, individuation. Finally we gain the result that ‘-eul/reul’ has 4.9 scores for its transitivity, ‘-e daehae’ 3.95 and ‘-eul/reul gajigo’ 3.01 respectively.

      • KCI등재

        문법적 연어의 개념 정립을 위하여

        임근석(Lim, Geun-seok) 형태론 2005 형태론 Vol.7 No.2

        국어 연어 연구는 어휘소와 어휘소의 결합을 그 연구의 중심에 두어왔다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 어휘소와 문법소의 위계적 결합이 연어적 특성을 보여주는 예들이 많이 발견되는데, 이에 대한 언어학적 고찰이 아직 제대로 이루어지지 않았다고 할 수 있다. 그리하여 본고에서는 문법적 연어의 개념을 새로이 정립하는 것을 그 목적으로 삼고 있다. 본고는 연어를 광의의 연어와 협의의 연어로 나눈 후, 협의의 연어를 다시 어휘적 연어와 문법적 연어로 나누었다. 협의의 연어는, 광의의 연어의 공기어가 가지지 못한 특성으로 구성 요소의 2항 관계성, 구성요소의 선택의 제약성,단위성 등을 가진다. 문법적 연어가 어휘적 연어와 구별되는 특징으로는, 첫째 연어핵과 연어변의 어휘적 특성이 어휘적 연어의 그것과 다르다는 점, 둘째, 문법적 연어의 구성요소들이 서로 강한 인접성을 갖는다는 점, 셋째, 문법적 연어의 연어핵이 연어변을 선택할 때의 특성이 어휘적 연어의 그것과 다르다는 점, 넷째, 문법적 연어 구성 전체가 하나의 문법소적 기능을 수행하거나 연어변에 의해 연어핵의 문법적 기능이 제한된다는 점 등을 제시하였다. The study of Korean collocation has focused on combinations of content words, but there are examples consisting of a content word and a function word that show the features of collocation and yet have not been investigated linguistically. The primary aim of this study is a classification of collocations in terms of their own characteristics. Collocation can be divided into ‘collocation in the bread sense’ and ‘collocation in the narrow sense’. Collocation in the narrow sense ca be further sub-divided into lexical collocation and grammatical collocation. This study demonstrates the conceptual difference between lexical collocation and grammatical collocation.(Mokwon University).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국어 어미적 연어의 필요성과 목록 선정에 관한 연구

        임근석 ( Geun Seok Lim ) 한국언어문화학회 2010 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.42

        This paper aims to show the list of Eomijeok Yeoneo(ending-like grammatical collocation) and to argue that the ending-like collocations need to be registered as regular entries or subentries in the linguistic dictionary. Korean ending-like collocation plays an important role just as the Korean verbal-ending which normally has some grammatical meanings of tense, aspect and modality. For example, Korean grammatical collocation `-eul su iss-` has the meaning of possibility and probability. Through this paper, we suggest simple criteria to judge the ending-like collocation and describe some important characteristics of subtypes of Korean ending-like collocation. In the end, we show about 160 entries of Korean ending-like collocation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국어 {이다}의 어휘소 분할에 대하여

        임근석(Geun Seok Lim) 한국어학회 2012 한국어학 Vol.57 No.-

        This paper`s goal is to separate the lexicographic senses (= lexeme) and show the functions of the Korean I- (or IDA). Ecen though the precious studies of I- showed the keen insights on the grammatical status and affiliation of part of speech, they all resorted to the limited and typical uses of I-. But we believe that, in order to obtain the genuine characteristics of Korean I-, we need to examine the whole range of I- uses. Typological, semantic and syntactic considerations that was given in GS Lim(2009) are used in this paper to divide the lexeme. Through the application of these considerations and the discussion of the characteristics of I-, this paper shows that I- can have at least 10 lexemes.

      • KCI등재

        ‘-고 있-’과 ‘-는 중이-’의 상적 특성 비교

        임근석 ( Lim Geun Seok ) 한국언어문화학회 2016 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.60

        This study aims to examine the distribution and characteristics of ‘-go iss-’ and ‘-neun jungi-’, considered as typical Korean progressive markers or constructions, through analyzing the sentences which were selected from a corpus. In chapter 2, after reexamining the largely accepted concepts of progressive, I suggest that ‘-go iss-’ and ‘-neun jungi-’ can obtain the qualification as typical and prototypical markers of the progressive, and reconsider the preceding papers dealing with those markers. In chapter 3, I present the aspectual senses that ‘-go iss-’ and ‘-neun jungi-’ might have as aspect markers, and then introduce the methodology chosen in this paper. Corpus-based approach and linguistic typological outcome would be strongly accepted. In chapter 4, Some inferences would be given on the aspectual characteristics of the markers with the result of the analysis of the sentences which were sampled and selected from the corpus. In conclusion, ‘-go iss-’ is less prototypical progressive markers than ‘-neun jungi-’, and it is fairly probable that the function of focalized progressive of ‘-go iss-’ has been being handed over to ‘-neun jungi-’ because the marker, ‘-go iss-’, extends the function of aspect markers to other aspectual functions such as resultative, iterative and continuous.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 소유 서술구문의 유형과 분포

        임근석(Lim, Geun-seok) 한국어학회 2016 한국어학 Vol.70 No.-

        This study aims to examine the distribution of possessive predicative constructions such as ‘있-, 가지-, 지니-, 소유하-’ in terms of sub_types of possessive concepts, in order to unveil characteristics of Korean possessive predicative constructions. In chapter 2, some criteria are given for selecting possessive predicates. In chapter 3, two steps of data analysis are divided in order to maintain objectivity of this study. In chapter 4, we gain the following conclusive results. Firstly, possessive predicative constructions are realized by various possessive predicatives. Therefore, the approach to deal only with ‘있-’ as Korean possessive predicative can not be justified. Secondly, possessive predicative ‘있-’ has the right to represent Korean possessive predicative construction due to the various appearance of the sub_type distribution. Finally, other predicatives other than ‘있-’ have showed in restricted subtypes. Especially, ‘소유하-’ mostly shows in subtype 1 and 9. As we mention in this article, subtype 1 is the prototypical subtype of possessive predicative construction.

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