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      • KCI등재

        유치원 현장실무교육이 예비교사들의 교사효능감과 자기개념에 미치는 효과

        이혜주 한국아동교육학회 2002 아동교육 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of kindergarten practical teaching method on teacher efficacy and self concept, and is to investigate the differences on teacher efficacy and self concept with reference to students' grades. The subject in this study were 365 college students. In this study, pre- test, practical teaching method treatment, post- test were taken. Practical teaching method took 15 sessions during 2 months. One teaching session took 2 hours. In order to examine the effects of practical teaching method, two kinds of measurement instruments were used : the Kindergarten Teacher Efficacy Scale(KTES ; Lee, Hye Joo, 1998) and the Self-Concept Test(SCT ; Kwon, S-M, 1996). The two-way MANOVA procedure in SPSS-PC was applied to test the hypotheses of this study. Major conclusions of the research are as follows : 1. Teacher efficacy of the consistant participating group in practical teaching method were promoted than non participating group and non participating consistantly. However no differences were found in self-concept. 2. Teacher efficacy had no differences within the grades. However, there were differences in self-concept. Second grade were significant higher than first grade in self-concept.

      • KCI등재

        데이터마이닝을 이용한 초등학교 고학년의 교사애착에 대한 예측변인에서의 남녀 차이

        이혜주,정의현 한국교원교육학회 2012 한국교원교육연구 Vol.29 No.1

        연구에서는 초등학교 고학년의 교사애착을 설명하는 변인들을 남녀별로 탐색하고, 성별에 따라 예측 변인들의 조합관계를 조사하기 위해 한국청소년패널조사(Korea Youth Panel Survey: KYPS) 초 4 패널의 3차년도에 해당하는 초등학교 6학년 자료(총 2671명, 남: 1417명, 여: 1254명)를 중심으로 데이터마이닝의 의사결정나무분석을 통해 교사애착의 예측변인을 탐색하였다. 그 결과 초등학생의 교사애착을 증가시키는 관련 변인과 그 조합은 성별에 따라 다르게 나타났으며, 남학생은 부모애착이, 여학생은 이웃친밀정도가 교사애착에 대해 가장 중요한 설명력을 가진 변인으로 나타났다. 구체적으로 초등학교 남학생의 교사애착은 부모애착, 자기신뢰, 공부고민, 휴대폰이용시간, 성적, 주변비난, 부모공부기대가, 여학생의 교사애착은 이웃친밀정도, 자아존중감, 자기신뢰, 형제자매사이, 이웃감독, 공부고민, 집단중시가 예측하는 것으로 나타났으며, 이러한 변인들은 조합되는 다양한 조건과 경로에 따라 교사애착을 증가시키거나 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 본 연구의 결과를 통해 초등학생의 교사애착에 대한 이해를 넓히고, 교사와의 바람직한 애착관계를 형성하는데 실제적인 도움을 위한 이론적 기틀을 마련할 수 있음을 제언하였다.

      • 현대 디자인에 응용된 데 스틸(De Stijl)운동의 조형언어 분석

        이혜주 中央大學校 家庭文化硏究所 1995 가정문화논총 Vol.9 No.-

        The objective of this research is to analyse the formal language of De Stijl Movement which has become a source of inspiration for modern design in a large variety of different context. This research included theoretical study and historical case study to support the theory. The De Stijl Movement became a part of Avant garde Art Movement amid the turmoil of the World War I, manifesting the most experimental and radical vision to the art world. Its theoretical background included the most progressive streams such as the Russian doctrine regarding synthesis of art and living, the cult of machinery of Futurism, the dismantling of the objects based on the multidimensional view point and the simplification of forms of Cubism, the architectural language of Berlages and also the organic spacial construction of Wright, pursuing absolute reality based on the methodological faith of Theosophy and a strong religeous background of Protestantism of Netherlands. They tried to use cosmic and a universal language to express the most essential and internal aspects of objects rather than external ones. They believed that abstract art was the only form of art appropriate to their utopian Ideals. Turning away completely from traditional artistic conventions, these artists wanted to develop a totally new vocabulary of form. De Stijl was a conscious return to the basic principles of art itself ; colors, shapes, planes and lines. They developed a new metaphorical language, graphically displaying an ideal counterworld to reality, creating absolute abstract forms. Their utopian intention to realize ideas as geometrical compositional arts and as mathematical forms of language which includes architecture, interior design, texiles, furniture and drama were accomplished in the fuctional environment which regarded mass producing of models very important. The formal language of the modern art of De Stijl has tured out to be suitable for the creative requirements of our industrial societies the Age of the Machine. As a result their ideas were spreaded into the entire industrial design, they are now part of our normal visual experience. The basic elements of formal language which has enfluenced on modern design are as follows. 1. The contrast of straight lines forms right angle of squares, rect and eventually creates geometrical figures in compositional constructions which almost seemed technical and dynamic senses. 2. Rather than depicting a certain subject, they aimed at communicating with the viewer through the manifold and at the same time subtle variation of a few elementary compositional principles, such as horizontal versus vertical, small versus large, light versus dark and the three primary colors. Closed and open shapes as well as density, width color and plane are seen in a tense. This is where the Utopian function of art could be found. 3. Colors are important instruments to express as two dimensional space. The architects toward the end of the movement regarded colors as organic and stress the harmonious relations expressing both time and space. Primary colors, shades of colors, black and white were representing planes, and horizontal or vertical lines were black. In architecture, the black and white represents space but colors mean for the material. 4. The importance of equivalence between formal instruments, resulted in asymmetric form creates vivid and strong rhythm. 5. The elements of oblique lines and diagonals, a move that was to incorporate the inherent principle of dynamics. The elements were used to decompose the volume into deregulated planes. Then they are assembled again not to creat perspective vision but to create four dimensional forms in the area of fine art, they developed the idea of open space by dividing the planes respecting their interrelations, which the architects did by dissolving cubics and opening their corners. The central concepts De Stijl theory--the Universal, the General, the Absolute, the Individual, Balance, Harmony, Dualism, Unity, Reality, (also ; Cosmic Reality), Purity, Evolution, etc.. were not defined, but simply taken granted.

      • 담배(Nicotiana tabacum L.)에서 박테리아 베타-glucuronidase의 발현

        이혜주,김성천,홍주봉,배무,Yi, H.J.,Kim, S.C.,Hong, C.B.,Bae, M. 생화학분자생물학회 1989 한국생화학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        Agrobacterium tumefaciens/binary vector 체제를 이용하여 Escherichia coli 외 베타-glucuronidase 유전자를 담배에 도입한 후 담배에서 베타-glucuronidase 유전자의 발현을 RNA Northern 분석과 베타-glucuronidase 효소활성도를 측정함으로써 확인하였다. 형질전환체인 담배의 callus와 분화된 담배의 잎으로부터 모두 약 2.4 kb의 위치에서 mRNA band가 확인되었으며 아울러 베타-glucuronidase 효소의 활성에 따른 p-nitrophenol 형성에 의한 발색 반응이 관찰되었다. Bacterial beta-glucuronidase gene (GUS) has been introduced into tobacco by means of Agrobacterium tumefaciens/binary vector system. Northern analysis and enzyme assay for GUS from the regenerated tobacco following A. tumefaciens infection indicated that GUS has been successfully transferred into tobacco and expresed. Northern bands for GUS from the transformed plants were at the mRNA size of ca. 2.4 kb, and spectrophotometric analyses for the enzymatic activities of the plant extracts for beta-glucuronidase showed a peak at ca. 400 nm indicating beta-glucuronidase activities in the transformed plants.

      • 생활환경에 나타난 퓨전 문화(Fusion Culture)에 관한 연구

        이혜주,김계연 중앙대학교 생활과학연구소 2002 생활과학논집 Vol.15 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to get a better understand of 'fusion' which os considered as the new main stream of culture in the 21st century. The research has been undertaken based on warious sources ranging from newspaper, documents to internet. The result of analysis is categorized as follows: fusion of between oriental and western culture, virtual reality and reality, technology and tradition, among genres, past and future, high-art and low-art, male and female and etc. Further more each category mentioned above is in process of fusing and merging amongst each other resulting in a new fusion category. Therefore fusion can be understood as a inevitable process: the combining of better elements ultimately leading to a fulfillment of higher quality in the life for all human beings.

      • 문화경제학의 역사적 개념 및 방행에 관한 연구

        이혜주 중앙대학교 생활과학연구소 2002 생활과학논집 Vol.15 No.-

        The 21st century is being referred to as the century of culture. The interest in culture economics has in creased immensely and in turn many countries are considering and carrying out new polocies on culture. Korea is no exception. This research focused on the concept of culture economics based on previous studies and more so on history itself. It includes with the proposal of the direction of culture economics should take. The direction of future study must concentrate on the macroview as apposed to micro-vision the previous the previous studies had until now. We must consider at the fact that the culture of the world has become more complex and various than it ever has been, and that this is an ongoing process.

      • 성장기 여학생(12~18세)의 체형 변이 및 체형 분류 (제1보)

        이혜주,함옥상 복식문화학회 2001 服飾文化硏究 Vol.9 No.2

        This study attempts to measure body sizes and somatotypes of 844 female middle and high students girls in their growth period and to investigate characteristics of each of the measured somatotypes. The data used for this study were 50 items of body sizes obtained from anthropometric measurements. The purposes of the study are as follows: 1.to analyze physical characteristics according to age 2.to extract factors of somatotypes using factor analyses 3.to classify somatotypes according to physical characteristics using cluster analyses The study results were as follows: 1.The anthropometric measurements indicated that there existed collective patterns of somatotypes across Group I (12∼13 years old), Group II (14∼15 years old), and Group III(16∼18 years old). 2.Through factor analyses, 6 factors were yielded from each age group. The cumulative proportions of these factors were 77% for Group I, 75% for Group II, and 72% for Group III. Factor 1 indicates a horizontal size factor and Factor 2 indicates a vertical size factor. 3.Group I and Group II were classified into 5 types and Group III was classified as 3 types. In Group I, middle height and a little slim types were most prevalent(28%). In Group II, low height and very slim types were most prevalent(28.9%). Finally, In Group III, low height and slim types were most prevalent(44.6%). Key words : anthropometric measurements(인체계측치), age groups(연령집단), factor analysis(인자분석), cluster analysis(군집분석), horizontal size factor(수평적 크기 인자), vertical size factor(수직적 크기 인자), somatotype(체형).

      • KCI등재

        예비 초등교사의 인지양식 유형에 따른 학습전략과 자기결정성 동기와의 관계

        이혜주 한국교원교육학회 2008 한국교원교육연구 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 예비 초등교사의 장독립적-장의존적 인지양식에 따라 학습전략과 자기결정성 동기간에 어떠한 관계가 있는지를 조사하는데 있다. 이를 위하여 먼저, 예비 초등교사를 인지양식별로 구분하고, 자기결정성의 정도에 따라 동기를 지식추구 동기, 지적성취 동기, 지적자극추구 동기, 동일체 동기, 내적강요 동기, 외적강요 동기, 무동기의 일곱 유형으로 세분화하여 각 인지양식별로 학습전략과의 관계를 조사하였다. 연구결과, 장독립적 예비 초등교사들은 지적자극추구 동기와 동일체 동기가 더 높고 무동기가 낮을수록, 장의존적 예비 초등교사들은 지적성취 동기가 높고 무동기가 더 낮을수록 학습전략을 더 자주 사용하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 동기를 자기결정성에 따라 세분화하려는 자기결정성 동기 이론의 개념화를 지지할 뿐만 아니라 예비 초등교사들은 인지양식과 상관없이 학습전략을 사용할 때, 자기결정성이 높은 동기에 의해서 영향 받는다는 것을 제시한다. 또한 같은 내재적 동기라 하더라도 장독립적-장의존적 인지양식에 따라 학습전략의 사용에 영향을 미치는 동기 유형이 다르다는 것도 제시한다. 이러한 본 연구의 결과는 초등교사의 전문성과 능력을 신장시키기 위한 효율적인 교사양성 교수방법이나 교육과정 설계 및 개발에 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것이라 기대된다.

      • 父母의 存否가 子女의 性格 및 生活適應에 미치는 영향

        李惠周,李采貞,李信子,黃春仙 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교육심리학과 1961 心理硏究 Vol.- No.2

        1. 兩에 비해서 偏이 멀支配的이고 주관적, 감정적이다. 2. 偏에서 충동성. 사려성 사회성은 男女差가 현저 하다(男이 더 높다) 3. 偏은 정서적으로 불안정하다. 4. 偏에서 男이 더 건설적이고 生活하려는 욕구가 강하다. 5. 女子가 더 많이 자기 환경에 마음을 쓰고 감정을 잘' 다타내려 하지 않는다.

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