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      • KCI등재

        나쓰메 소세키와 경쟁하는 인간 - 『이 몸은 고양이야』를 중심으로 -

        이한정 한국일본사상사학회 2018 일본사상 Vol.0 No.34

        일본의 국민 작가라 불리는 나쓰메 소세키의 삶은 ‘불안’ 속에서 시작되었다. 이러한 그의 불안의식은 인간의 경쟁심을 비판적으로 바라보는 태도로 나타났다. 초기 작품 『이 몸은 고양이야』에는 ‘경쟁하는 인간’에 대한 문제의식이 투영되어 있다. 경쟁이 고조되는 인간사회에서 자아에 사로잡인 개개인은 ‘고립’에 내몰린다고 나쓰메 소세키는 생각했다. 그러면서도 나쓰메 소세키는 인간이 지녀야할 독립적 사고를 ‘자기본위’ 사상으로 말했다. 그러나 여기에 ‘이기주의’를 내포해서는 안 된다고 했다. 치열한 ‘생존 경쟁’에 내몰리면서 인간은 자기만을 생각하게 된다. 그러므로 나쓰메 소세키는 자신의 자아를 중시하는 만큼 타인의 자아도 존중해야한다고 했다. 그는 문명개화로 인해 ‘생존 경쟁’이 치열해지던 시대에 인간에게 필요한 것은 타인에 대한 ‘동정심’이라 했다. 『이 몸은 고양이야』는 고양이라는 동물 화자의 눈으로 경쟁하는 인간의 실상을 여실히 보여준다. 작품 속에 나타난 인간의 경쟁 양상은 현재의 한국에서 보이는 경쟁 사회의 모습과 대비시켜도 크게 다를 바가 없을 것이다. 그러므로 나쓰메 소세키가 말한 타인에 대해 ‘관용하는 동정심’은 치열한 경쟁으로 인간의 고립이 심화되는 현실에서 공동체를 이루는 인간들이 다시 되새겨야 하는 사상이라고 할 수 있다. The life of Natsume Soseki, who is called the nation’s author of Japan, started within ‘anxiety’. His such consciousness of anxiety led to his attitude of observing human competition critically and thus his early work called “Wagahai wa Nedo dearu: I am a Cat” has a deep awareness of problem on ‘competing humans’ The ‘competition’ of humans that accelerated along with the advancement of civilization ultimately causes the ‘isolation’ of humans, said Natsume Soseki. At that time, he emphasized ‘egotism’ as a means to pursue one’s self-independence. In other words, this thought he referred to as ‘individualism’ can easily engender ‘egotism’, but regarding this, Natsume Soseki said humans need to respect others’ ego as much as they respect their ego. Egotism is also a trait of humans who compete with each other, and Natsume Soseki said what humans need in the era of intensifying ‘competition for survival’ was ‘sympathy’ for others.“Wagahai wa Nedo dearu: I am a Cat” shows the actualities of humans who compete through the eyes of cat, the animal speaker. Human competition in this work is not much different even when compared to the overheating ‘competition’ in the Korean society. Therefore, ‘sympathy of tolerance’ on others that can also be ‘romantic morals’ as Natsume Soseki said can be said to have a more important meaning in the human society of intense competition.

      • KCI등재

        일본문학의 번역과 한국문학

        이한정 한국문학연구학회 2015 현대문학의 연구 Vol.0 No.55

        This article examines the tendency of Japanese literature translated in 1960s in Korea and the background of translation. In this period, Japanese literature have poured in to Korea in the form of complete collection or anthology much more than the other foreign literatures. Irrespective of whether it is pure or popular one, Japanese literature at that time have been translated focusing on the ones with literature award or best sellers. The majority of the translators have been writers those who have learnt about Japanese literature during Japanese colonial era. The introduction of Japanese literature in 1960s to the public of Korea has been for expansion of the literatures of Korea. The April 19th revolution of 1960 and treaty between Korea and Japan in 1965 have raised interests in Japan. However, the reasons for translation of Japanese literature have been that the Korean literature have taken the Japanese ones into the 'same class' to cope with the Western literature along with response of readers and marketing strategy of publication companies. Further, the majority of translated literature have been the ones with Akutagawa prize for motivating the new writers of Korea by introducing high-quality Japanese literature which have been acknowledged in Japan. In 1968, Kawabata Yasunari has won the Nobel Prize in Literature and this has stimulated writers of Korea those who have been interested in succession of the 'tradition' of Korea through the universality of Japanese literature. As a result, six editions of 『Kawabata Yasunari Collection』 have been published in Korea as the first personal complete collection of Japanese writer. However, we can point out that the inflow of vast amount Japanese literatures into Korea through translation fifteen years after the end of Japanese colonial era has resulted from high dependency and expectation on Japanese literature of Japanese-generation which have been occupied by Japanese literature during the colonial era. 이 논문은 1960년대에 한국에서 번역된 일본문학의 양상과 번역 배경을 살피고 있다. 어느 외국문학보다도 이 시기에 일본문학은 전집 및 선집류로 발간되면서 대량으로 유입되었다. 작품은 순수문학과 대중문학 가릴 것이 당시 일본의 주요 문학상 수상작 및 베스트셀러를 중심으로 번역되었는데, 이 번역에 참여한 번역자 대다수는 일제 강점기에 일본문학을 체득한 문인들이었다. 1960년대에 일본문학이 국내에 대대적으로 소개된 배경에는 일본문학을 통하여 한국문학의 확장성을 꾀하려는 태도가 엿보인다. 1960년의 4.19와 1965년의 한일협정이 일본에 관한 관심을 고조시킨 원인이었으나, 일본문학 작품의 번역은 독자의 호응, 출판사의 마켓팅 전략과 더불어 서구문학에 대응하는 한국문학이 일본문학을 ‘동류’로 끌어들인 점에서 비롯되었다. 또한 아쿠타가와상 수상작이 집중적으로 번역된 이유는 일본에서 인정받은 양질의 작품을 소개함으로써 한국의 신진작가에게 새로운 자극을 부여하려는 자세에서였다. 1968년의 가와바타 야스나리의 노벨문학상 수상은 ‘일본적인 것’의 세계성이라는 측면에서 한국의 ‘전통’ 계승에 관심을 갖던 문인들을 자극시켰고, 이에 따라 국내 최초로 일본작가의 개인 전집에 해당하는 『川端康成全集』전6권이 간행되기에 이르렀다. 그러나 일제 강점기가 끝난 지 불과 15년 만에 번역을 통해 일본문학이 국내에 대량 유입된 상황은 식민지시대에 일본문학의 세례를 받은 일본어세대의 일본문학에 대한 과도한 의존과 기대 현상에 기인한 점이라고도 지적할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        유비쿼터스 공간 구성에 관한 기초 경향 연구

        이한정,문은설,고귀한 한국문화공간건축학회 2015 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.52

        The 21st century may accelerate the transition to a society with the emergence of various paradigms variety of digital technology. The transition to a pluralistic society brought about many changes in significant areas of human culture has recently started to make all fusion and space. Interactive space became one of the major design paradigms. For elevating the interactive effect, we need user‐centered design methodology which uses the influential factors on the interactivity. As, well developed information technology made a lot of changes to various fields of our society, interactive space with the concept of HCI became a big issue in environmental design field. Digital technology supports them and suggests a diverse possibility and method and embodies them into a life more actively. In a digital society, the space, too is changed into a communication enabled space by responding to information and environment in an organic way and transforming itself in a flexible manner, rather than based on the solid materiality or construction.Initially started to discuss the issue as ubiquitous concept has to bring innovative paradigm shift in the meaning of the information technology sector has traditionally been gradually accepted as space to discuss progress in the various aspects of the ubiquitous environment is no longer a separate user and space interact with each other and not to be present, it may be that the main difference with the existing space. In this study, try to study the case indication of ubiquitous infrastructure that becomes the central concept for the development of smart space.

      • KCI우수등재

        Communicative Efficiency and Preferred Information Structure: Evidence from Differential Subject Marking in Korean

        이한정 한국언어학회 2022 언어 Vol.47 No.4

        In previous theoretical analyses, caseless and case-marked subjects in Korean have been shown to contrast systematically as to their information structure status. The purpose of this paper is to explore the preferred information structure patterns associated with Korean Differential Subject Marking (DSM) on the basis of a close examination of informal conversational interaction. Evidence from analyses of conversation data demonstrates that the substantial majority of caseless subjects are restricted to thetic clauses expressing direct perceptions of an event in the here and now, whereas the majority of attested case-marked subjects are not restricted similarly and are associated with information structure patterns that involve less predictable information in situational or discourse context. Extending H. Lee's (2021) efficiency-based analysis of variable subject marking, this paper argues that the preferred information structure patterns associated with Korean DSM can be accounted for in terms of an efficient use of case marking motivated by communicative efficiency — an optimal balance between production ease and communicative success.

      • KCI등재

        김훈의 『칼의 노래』 일본어 번역본 고찰

        이한정 한국일본어교육학회 2019 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.90

        This study compared and contrasted “칼의 노래The Song of the Sword” published by Hoon Kim in 2001 and its Japanese translated version “孤将Kosho” to focus on the dislocation and connection of the different languages and cultures. The analysis result could be summarized into the following. First, the Korean and the Japanese versions are different in paragraph structure and the use of conjunction words. While the Korean version changes paragraphs according to the ‘imagery’ of the main character, the Japanese version focuses on the transition of storyline and logical development and increased legibility through the logicality and causality of narration by constantly using conjunction words. Second, in the Korean version, the pronoun ‘I’ occurs frequently since the firstperson narrator ‘I’ leads the narration, while the Japanese version omits it in many parts and adds more situational explanations surrounding the ‘I.’ The Japanese version also did not translate onomatopoeias, the keywords in the Korean version, and it did not show only am ambiguous part of the onomatopoeias even if it did translate them, and gave the regular object descriptions for any personifications. Third, to translate culture, a translator’s footnotes, additional explanations, and deletions were employed. By adding Korean cultural aspects that did not exist in the Japanese culture, the Japanese version attempted at a cultural communication, but some of the cultural elements were misunderstood due to partial deletion. A translation of any language does not end as the modification of language. Translation meets with the translator’s intention during its journey from the source language to the target language and it also meets with the language, culture and the climate of the target language. A translated literary work is unique and original in its own way because it is born into a portmanteau from the source language.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        김석범의 언어론 - ‘일본어’로 쓴다는 것 -

        이한정 동국대학교 일본학연구소 2016 일본학 Vol.42 No.-

        재일조선인 작가 가운데 ‘일본어’로 쓴다는 문제의식을 언어론적 차원에서까지 탐구한 작가가 김석범이다. 식민지시대의 유산으로 인해 일본에 거주하면서 일본어로 생활하는 그는 모국어인 조선어가 일본어를 능가하지 못하는 사실을 절감했다. ‘일본어’로 문학 작품을 쓰는 현실과 ‘조선인’이라는 자각 사이에서 고뇌하지 않을 수 없었다. 그리고 조선인으로서 민족적 주체성을 확고히 한다면 일본어의 ‘주박(呪縛)’에 사로잡히지 않고, ‘조선적인 것’을 일본어로 표현할 수 있다고 보았다. 언어는 흔히 국가나 민족과 긴밀한 관계를 맺는다고 생각한다. 민족적 주체의식은 대개 모국어를 통해 최고조로 발현된다. 그러나 김석범은 ‘조선적인 것’을 일본어에 담아도 민족적 주체성은 잃지 않을 것이라고 생각했다. 언어와 언어 사이에는 번역 가능한 요소가 있으며, 그 번역 가능성을 통해 ‘조선적인 것’은 일본어 안에 온전히 담길 수 있다. 김석범의 대표작 『화산도』는 일본어로 쓰였다. 그러나 그 작품은 ‘일본문학’이 아니다. 김석범은 이 작품을 ‘일본어문학’ 나아가 ‘디아스포라 문학’으로 명명한다. ‘조선적인 것’은 재일조선인 작가가 일본어의 ‘주박’에 사로잡히지 않기 위한 제동장치이기도 하다. 이회성은 민족적 주체성을 넘어서는 지점에서 민족적 주체성을 인터내셔널한 방향으로 확장시키려 했다. 김석범은 오히려 민족적 주체성 안에 더 침잠했다. 민족적 주체성을 견지하면 어떤 언어로 문학작품을 쓰더라도 ‘조선인’ 작가로 거듭날 수 있다고 보았다. 인간의 주체성은 언어와의 불가분한 관계에서 형성되지만 그 언어가 반드시 ‘모국어’이어야 할 필요는 없는 것이다. 김석범의 민족적 주체성이 흔히 말하는 일국(一國)주의 혹은 언어내셔널리즘의 민족의식 안에서만 작동하는 것이 아님을 알 수 있다. Kim Sokpom is one of the Zainichi Korean writers who explored writing in the ‘Japanese’ language on the language-theory level. Living in Japan and using Japanese as a living legacy of colonial times, he became keenly aware of the fact that his native language of Korean could not surpass Japanese. He could not but agonize over the ambiguity between his identity as a ‘Korean’ and the reality of his writing in ‘Japanese’. He thought he could express ‘Korean things’ in Japanese if he asserted himself as a Korean of an independent nationality, not bound by the curse of the Japanese language. Language is commonly considered to be closely related to the nation and ethnicity. Ethnic identity manifests itself best through the native language. However, Kim thought writing ‘Korean things’ in the Japanese language would do the ethnic identity no harm. Between one language and another there are points that can be translated; and so, using these points of translation, he was able to convey such ‘Korean things’ within the Japanese language. One of the Kim’s classics, Kazantō, was written in Japanese. However, this novel is not part of ‘Japanese literature’. Kim names his novel a piece of “Japaneselanguage literature” or “Diaspora literature”. The ‘Korean things’ were a kind of brake that helped prevent ethnic Korean writers living in Japan from being overwhelmed by the ‘curse’ of the Japanese language. Lee Hoesung tried to push the boundary of ethnic identity onto an international level. Kim withdrew into the ethnic identity. He thought if he maintained his identity as a Korean, he could be a ‘Korean’ writer no matter what language was used in his novel. Despite the inseparable relationship between the human identity and their language, what makes national identity is not necessarily the ‘mother tongue’. We are able to see that Kim’s national identity is not bound by only ‘one-nationalism’ or ‘language-nationalism’.

      • KCI등재

        Two types of variation in the morphosyntactic expression of recipients of dative verbs in Korean

        이한정 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2018 언어연구 Vol.35 No.3

        It has been observed that a subset of dative verbs that express caused possession such as cwu- ‘give’, ceykongha- ‘offer’ and swuyeha- ‘award’ allow both dative and accusative case on their recipient arguments. These verbs contrast with caused motion verbs such as verbs of sending and throwing, which allow their recipient argument to be realized only with dative case or other oblique postpositions. This paper presents a novel, probabilistic account of the morphosyntactic expression of recipients of Korean dative verbs that can explain two types of variation that remain unexplained by previous approaches to dative verbs: speaker variation and grammatical gradience in the realization of recipients of dative verbs. It is shown that these problems can be accounted for in a unified way in terms of the relative ranking of and the distance between two conflicting constraints in Stochastic Optimality Theory (Boersma and Hayes 2001): a FAITH(REC) constraint requiring faithful expression of the recipient role (Bresnan and Nikitina 2009) and a RECIPIENT/ DIRECTCASE(REC/DC) constraint enforcing direct case more strongly on a semantically stronger type of recipients, i.e., a recipient entailed to possess a theme. This result provides new evidence for probabilistic approaches to argument realization where probabilistic constraints that relate an argument’s semantic prominence and a morphosyntactic prominence contrast (direct vs. oblique marking) play a crucial role in argument marking.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : “자이니치” 담론과 아이덴티티

        이한정 고려대학교 일본연구센터 2012 일본연구 Vol.17 No.-

        Stepping into the new millenium an important and surprising change has happened in the community of Korean residents in Japan. As we have examined above, the issues of ``Zainichi`` can be described as a present progressive form in the making until today interacting with the political and social movement in Japan as well as with the identity of ``Zainichi``. However, the most important thing of all is that the term, ``Zainichi`` emerged from the community itself and is widely used in the community. The Korean residents in Japan questioned the prejudices and discriminations in Japan by highlighting ``Zainichi`` without ``North Korean`` or ``South Korean`` and are endeavoring to re-establish their identity through the struggles and endeavors. In this respect ``Zainichi`` can not be undermined as a movement of a minority group or diaspora in Japan, but is to be considered as a term closely related to the claim of the Korean people in Japan to find their identity.

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