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      • KCI등재

        The effective Use of Live and Recorded Videm on Satellite TV and the Internet in FLT/L

        이충현 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2004 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.7 No.1

        The use of satellite TV (STV) and the Internet is now available to some extent at all levels, particularly in higher education, due to development in technology and rapid expansion in their use in today's society. Live and recorded videos on STV and the Internet are now familiar in foreign language teaching and learning (FLT/L) and seems to be the center of teachers' and students' interest. However, it is worth noticing that the most important consideration in using the technologies in FLT/L does not lie with their technical aspects, since technology develops and changes rapidly, but in the question of which technology can deliver which media, and how. Their effective use in FLT/L is related to their role and content, and how they can be integrated into the foreign language classroom. The purposes of this paper are, therefore: 1) to reconsider the positive features and limitations of video in the language classroom; 2) to discuss the effective use of video on STV and the Internet; 3) to suggest a model of teaching method and techniques in the use of video for the communicative language classroom.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Collagen Gel을 이용한 사람의 고환 조직배양에 관한연구

        이충현,이상철,이선주,손준웅,장성구,김진일,채수응,Lee, Choong-Hyun,Lee, Sang-Cheol,Lee, Sun-Joo,Sohn, Joon-Woong,Chang, Sung-Goo,Kim, Jin-Il,Chai, Soo-Eung 대한생식의학회 1993 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.20 No.1

        A recently developed collagen gel culture technique has been applied to study on growth in tissue of human testicular tissue. Minimum Eagle's medium supplemented with amino acid, 10% Fetal Bovine Serum and 0.1mM non-essential amino acid are emploid. Tissue fragments on collagan gel are fixed at time intervals for the histologic findings of testis. The mature spermatids are maintained for 2 weeks and can be observed until four weeks. But the rate of glucose consumption is increased contrary to histologic findings.

      • KCI등재

        동시대 인체 조각에서 나타나는 재현 방식에 관한 연구 -데이비드 알트메이드와 올리버 라릭의 작업을 중심으로-

        이충현,고경호 한국기초조형학회 2023 기초조형학연구 Vol.24 No.2

        The fundamental role inherent to the medium of sculpture ever since antiquity has been in representing life and articulating their existence. Its essential role awakens the desensitized senses of men and enables us to attain to a higher dimension of our awareness and perception of our bodies. However, in the modern society with the expanded and ambiguous realm of time and space, the overflowing amount of digital images confusing our perception are often conceived as physical sculptures, inducing visual tactility. Therefore, in the current climate where the assertion for sculpture to exist as tangible material is becoming less convincing, more studies on the fundamental questions surrounding the existence of sculpture as a substantial art form are needed. To serve as a breakthrough to such issues, the purpose of this study lies in the examination of the representation of the human body in contemporary sculptures. The sculptures scrutinized in this study are limited to those depicting the human body in three­dimensional materials. The approach of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis between the works of David Altmejd and Oliver Laric to examine the non­representational attributes in their sculptures, concentrating on their divergent languages. First, the human body sculptures of the two artists are analyzed as substance representing not specific and direct but non­representational subjects—space with infinite amount of energy, the formation and division of invisible material, and the moments of the modification of data that transcends the notions of the original and replication and creation of new versions. Second, the physical process of the artistic practice is examined. By uncovering the elements represented in human body sculptures such as materiality, virtuality, data, and non­human, the study will suggest the complex values derived from corporeal sculptures and support the path towards their enhanced understanding.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI우수등재

        개념의 실체화에 대한 치유기제로서 용수와 아도르노의 ‘부정(否定)’ 비교 연구

        이충현 불교학연구회 2018 불교학연구 Vol.57 No.-

        Dialectics of Western philosophy have been often compared with Nagarjuna’s thought. It’s mainly due to Hegel’s dialectic asserting that the relation between ‘These’ and ‘Antithese’ is not just oppositional but also connected each other. Nagarjuna also emphasizes that all things are dependently originated in Mūlamadhyamakakārikā (MMK). This study compares Nagarjuna’s logical negation in MMK with Adorno’s dialectical negation in Negative Dialektik, by focusing on suffering. These two philosophers share common insight on the causes and cure mechanism of suffering. This study points out two causes of suffering: one with conceptualization caused by differentiation on object, and the other with the substantialization of conceptions. It also indicates cure mechanism as the right negation, which has two traits: one is the concrete reasoning that necessarily but naturally leads to negation of substantial conceptions, and the other the self-awareness and self-reflection that will be enlarged by realizing the error of conventional and substantial conception. However, two thinkers have a large difference about the extinction of suffering. Nagarjuna targets even the thinking of differentiation as the thing to be negated and reflected, while Adorno insists never to give up thinking. Since Adorno’s dialectics begin with the solid premise, separating of the subject and the object, in his aspect, the individual’s suffering is related to the social problems, and therefore it is impossible for the individual completely to resolve his suffering in the world, not Utopia totally free and lack of suppression. Contrastively, Nagarjuna sees the relation of the subject and the object temporal and originating dependently. So his thought opens the possibility for extinction of suffering even under the world with lots of suppression and discomfort through the acquisition of the sincere realization for emptiness. 서구 변증법과 용수 사상은 종종 비교 연구되어 왔다. 특히 대립하는 정과 반이 매개되어 상호연관성을 지닌다는 헤겔 변증법은 공성이 곧 연기임을 주장하는 용수 사상과 비교된다. 본 논문은 헤겔 변증법을 계승하면서도 부정을 강조한 아도르노의 『부정변증법』과 용수의 『중론』을 고통의 문제를 중심으로 비교해보고 있다. 고통이란 주제에 천착했던 두 사상가는 서로 다른 시대와 문화권에 서 있음에도 불구하고 고통의 원인과 치유기제에 대한 통찰을 공유하고 있다. 두 사상의 비교를 통해 고통의 원인으로 개념을 구성하는 개념화의 문제와 구성된 개념을 실체적으로 받아들이고 사용하는 개념의 실체화 문제를 구분해보고 치유기제로서 부정이 강조됨을 확인할 수 있다. 치유기제로서의 부정에는 반대를 위한 부정이 아닌 사안을 잘 알아보는 구체적 사고를 통해 자연히 도출되는 부정의 성격과 오류를 인식함으로써 생기는 자각적이고 반성적인 부정의 성격이 강조된다. 두 사상가는 부정이 치유기제가 될 수 있다는 통찰을 공유하지만 고통의 소멸에 대해서는 입장차가 크다. 아도르노는 사고의 오류로 인해 야기되는 고통을 치유하는 길로 오직 끊임없는 사유를 통해 부정하는 길을 제시하지만 용수는 이와 더불어 마음의 작용이 사라지면 사고의 대상도 사라지는 연기의 측면을 강조하면서 사고의 틀 자체도 부정의 대상에 포함시킨다. 더불어 용수는 진리인 공성의 참된 이해가 현실적으로 가능하다고 보기에 아도르노와 달리 완전한 자유가 실현되지 못한 시대 속에서도 개인의 고통이 해결될 수 있는 가능성을 열어놓는다. 개별적 삶의 방식이 강화되고 정보가 무차별적으로 쏟아지는 오늘날 많은 이들이 혼란과 불안을 느낀다. 점점 더 개념을 실체화하며 이기적이고 병리적인 사고방식에 익숙해져 간다. 따라서 개념의 실체화를 고통의 문제에 핵심으로 보고 치유기제로서 참된 부정을 행하는 두 사상가에 대한 비교연구가 이 시대 고통의 무게를 덜어내는데 의미 있는 작업이 될 수 있다.

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