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        요양소의 담을 넘어

        이지형(Jeehyung Lee) 동아시아일본학회 2018 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.68

        본 논문은 1950년대 일본 한센병문학 위기 논쟁의 실체와 진행과정을 한센병문학이 태동된 1930년대부터 50년대에 이르기까지의 한센병자 당사자 담론을 중심으로 고찰하였다. 특히 한센병문학의 정의, 한센병문학의 소멸 위기 및 사회화 문제에 대해 어떻게 진단, 모색하는지에 초점을 맞춰 살펴보았다. 논쟁의 계보를 살펴보면, 1930년대는 『생명의 초야』의 작가 호조 다미오의 등장과 더불어 한센병문학의 정의 및 의의에 대한 근본적 논의가 촉발되었다. 나문학은 결코 특수한 문학이 아니라는 주장에도 불구하고 나병 없이는 잉태될 수 없었던 한센병문학의 딜레마가 여실히 확인된다. 1953년 나병예방법 개정을 둘러싼 공방 속에 논쟁은 더욱 심화된다. 그 종착점이 1958년의 특집기획 좌담회이다. 좌담회 내용이 실린 두 특집기사, 「문학에의 지향」과 「「문학에의 지향」을 읽고」에서 주목되는 것은 고이즈미 다카유키와 나가카미 게스케이다. 요양소 내부에 여전히 무게중심을 두는 나가카미의 입장에서 ‘세계의 일원이라는 자각’에 기초해 요양소의 담을 넘어 바깥세계를 지향해야 한다는 고이즈미의 주장으로 이동해 가는 과정이 곧 논쟁 전체를 상징적으로 대표하고 있기 때문이다. This paper examines the reality of the 1950`s Japanese Hansen`s disease literacy crisis and its progress. The main consideration is the discourse of the Hansen`s disease patient parties from the 1930"s until the 1950"s when the Hansen`s literature began. In particular, I focused on the definition of Hansen`s disease literature, how to diagnose and search for the crisis of extinction and socialization of Hansen`s disease literature. Looking at the genealogy of controversy, in the 1930s, with the emergence of Tamio Hojo, writer of “The Beginning Night of Life,” a fundamental debate about the definition and significance of Hansen`s disease literacy was sparked. Despite the claim that Hansen`s literature is not a special literature, the dilemma of the Hansen`s disease literacy that could not have been conceived without Hansen`s disease is confirmed. The controversy deepens in the struggle over the revision of the ‘leprosy prevention law’ in 1953. Its end point is the special planning symposium of 1958. It is Takayuki Koizumi and Nagakami Gesuke who are attracting attention in two feature articles on which the content of the symposium was posted, “the direction to literature” and “reading 「the direction to literature」”. Because the process of moving to the claim of Koizumi that Hansen’s disease literature should go beyond the walls of the sanatorium to the outside world based on the “awareness of being a member of the world” from Nagakami"s position still centered on the inside of the sanatorium represents the structure of entire controversy.

      • Experimental Study of brake pipe oil leak by sealing performance impro vement

        Jeehyung Lee(이지형),Ilmin Hong(홍일민),Sunho Kim(김선호) 한국자동차공학회 2013 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2013 No.5

        The study presents how the characteristic of brake tube nut surface treatment can be affected brake oil leak at pipe connection area. Brake oil leak issue is one of the most chronic problems in Automobile manufacturing and as the issue is normally approached by torque increase for containment or improving part quality and assembly quality, the problem is fluctuated due to the quality control. According to vehicle corrosion requirement is gradually severe and workers require easier finger-start for brake pipe installation, brake tube nut surface treatment is selecting ZnNi rather than Zn. If we control the same coefficient of friction spec for both, there is no difference for sealing performance in theoretical. Even though Zn surface treatment is regarded better sealing performance than ZnNi empirically by sealing mark test result, there was no objective evidence of relationship between sealing mark and brake oil leak and it is very difficult to define with CAE analysis So, we approached this issue as below - Comparison brake pipe flare and tube nut - Comparison leak test with brake pipe and tube nut each supplier - Comparison leak test with different machining method to increase thread length - Comparison leak test with pipe misalignment condition - Comparison seal mark test according to tube nut friction of surface treatment - Comparison seal mark test for tube nut surface treatment (ZnNi vs Zn) From the experimental study, we verified what dominant factor is for brake pipe sealing. We checked the ZnNi surface treatment has lighter seal mark than Zn cause by increasing friction and found the friction increase because ZnNi layer of tube nut at thread area can easily be damaged at aluminum port without anodized surface. As a result of the experimental study, tube nut surface treatment shouldn’t be selected ZnNi because most of modulator material are aluminum without anodized surface. If ZnNi should be applied for corrosion improvement and easier finger-start, it should be considered the torque increasing.

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