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      • KCI등재

        익상편조직의 섬유모세포에 미치는 사이클로스포린의 영향

        이종수,이승욱,이상준,김나미,Jong Soo Lee,Seung Wook Lee,Sang Jun Lee,Na Mi Kim 대한안과학회 2012 대한안과학회지 Vol.53 No.3

        Purpose: To evaluate the response and cellular damage of cultured human pterygial cells according to the concentration and exposure time of topical cyclosporin. Methods: Human pterygial cells were exposed to a cyclosporin A concentrations of 0.1 μg/ml (0.0001%), 1 μg/ml (0.0001%), 10 μg/ml (0.001%), 100 μg/ml (0.01%), or 500 μg/ml (0.05%) for 5 or 10 minutes. An MTT-based colorimetric assay was performed to assess the metabolic activity of cellular proliferation, and a lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage assay was used to determine cellular damage. The extra-cellular matrix of PIP, laminin and MMP were evaluated, and the measurement of pro-inflammatory cytokine, TNF-α and IL-1b. IL-6, IL-8 was performed using ELISA kits. Results: The pterygial cellular inhibitory effect of cyclosporin was similar to that of the control according to the concentration and exposure time (p > 0.05). Compared with the control, the level of LDH did not show a statistically significant difference between concentration and exposure time (p > 0.05). There was no significant difference of inhibitory effects by PIP, laminin, or MMP between the experimental and control groups (p > 0.05). The production of TNF-α and IL from the experimental pterygial cells due to the effect of cyclosporin was not significantly different from that of the control at a longer exposure time or stronger concentration (p > 0.05). Conclusions: The response of pterygial cells to topical cyclosporin A at concentrations less than 0.05% for less than 10 minutes of exposure time showed no prevention of pterygial recurrence. With regard to cellular damage, little effects on inhibition of PIP, laminin, MMP, IL, and TNF-α were observed compared with that of the control. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2012;53(3):466-472

      • KCI등재

        정상 및 원추각막에서 각막 전, 후면의 융기 및 시상면만곡도의 비교분석

        이종수,이승욱,이승민,이미현,Jong Soo Lee,Seung Wook Lee,Seung Min Lee,Mi Hyun Lee 대한안과학회 2012 대한안과학회지 Vol.53 No.10

        Purpose: To compare changes of anterior and posterior corneal elevation, and sagittal curvature according to the severity of keratoconus and to compare differences between keratoconus and normal cornea. Methods: A total of 81 eyes diagnosed with keratoconus and 20 eyes of normal subjects were evaluated with a Pentacam Scheimpflug camera. The keratoconus eyes were divided into 3 groups according to mean keratometer (K): mild (K ≤ 47.0 diopters (D)), moderate (47.0 to 52.0 D), and severe (52.0 D≥). The following parameters were obtained to evaluate the correlation of keratoconus: corneal thickness, anterior and posterior corneal elevation, and sagittal curvature. Results: Out of 81 keratoconus eyes, 56 eyes were mild, 12 eyes were moderate, and 13 eyes were severe keratoconus. The mean central corneal keratometer, anterior and posterior corneal elevation, and sagittal curvature of the keratoconus eyes were 49.7 D, 22.07 μm, 38.16 μm, 52.76 D and the values increased statistically compared to the normal eyes. Furthermore, the values increased significantly with the severity of keratoconus. ROC curve analysis showed the estimated meaningful value for anterior and posterior corneal elevation and sagittal curvature of keratoconus for diagnosis; there were no diagnostic values for corneal thickness and refractive power. Conclusions: The index of 5.5 μm for mean anterior elevation, 12.5 μm for mean posterior elevation, and 44.5 μm for mean sagittal curvature using the PentacamⓇ are useful to diagnose keratoconus. Variation of anterior and posterior elevation, and sagittal curvature measured by PentacamⓇ are useful in understanding the process of keratoconus. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2012;53(10):1432-1437

      • Candida sp. L-16이 생성하는 Xylitol dehydrogenase의 생성조건에 관한 연구

        이종수 대구산업정보대학 1995 논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        The opitmal cultural conditions such as carbon and nitrogen sources, cultural temperature, initial pH, aeration and cultural time for production xylitol dehydrogenase which catalyzed the conversion of xylitol to xylulose from Candida sp. L-16. were investigated. The maximum yield of xylitol dehydrogenase was observed with cultivation in a medium containing 5.0% D-xylose as a carbon source and 0.3% yeast extract, 0.3% malt extract and 0.5% bactopeptone as nitrogen sources and pH 4.5. The optimal conditions for production of xylitol dehydrogenase were 28℃ of cultural temperature and 4.5 of initial pH. It was found that the production of enzyme reached a maximum in a 3 days of cultivation in the 100㎖Erlenmeyer flask containing 40㎖ broth.

      • KCI등재후보

        정보통신 서비스 확산의 대체, 보완현상에 관한 국제 비교 연구 : 인터넷, 휴대전화, 유선전화를 중심으로

        이종수,이민규,Lee, Jong-Su,Lee, Min-Kyu 한국과학기술정보연구원 과학기술정보센터 2006 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice Vol.37 No.1

        Due to the dramatic development of the Internet, the ICT market has changed from a voice based services to data based services. Substitution and complementary dynamism has emerged from communication technology services such as the Internet, mobile phone, and telephone. This paper analyses diffusion patterns of communication technologies such as the Internet, cellular phones, and telephones in different country groups. We estimate modified logistic growth model using time series data for the years 1975-2002. As a result, it is possible to categorize country groups according to the patterns of diffusions. This research creates essential information to forecast demand for new services based on incumbent services as well as provide information on strategies for entering the network industry. 인터넷이 빠르게 확산됨에 따라서 기존의 통신 서비스 시장이 급격하게 변화하고 있어서 음성 중심의 통신 서비스에서 데이터 중심의 통신 서비스로 이행되고 있다. 이 과정에서 대표적인 정보 통신 서비스인 유선전화, 휴대전화, 인터넷 서비스는 서로 영향을 주고받으며 성장하고 있다. 본 연구는 유선전화, 휴대전화와 인터넷의 확산과정을 기술들의 상호관계를 고려하여 여러 국가의 사례를 통해서 분석해 보고자 한다. 이를 위해 1975년부터 2002년까지의 국가별 시계열 자료(time series data)를 이용하여 수정된 로지스틱 성장모형(modified logistic growth model)을 통해 통신 기술의 확산과정을 살펴본다. 이를 통해서 통신기술 간의 상호관계가 국가적으로 어떤 형태를 보이고 있는 지 확인할 수 있을 것이다. 또한, 본 연구는 기존 통신 서비스의 확산과정을 토대로 신규 통신 서비스가 출현했을 때의 수요예측에 필요한 핵심적인 정보를 도출하며, 인프라 투자의 비중이 높은 네트워크 산업의 시장진출 전략에 함의를 제공할 것이다.

      • 아쉬운 과학기술 특종기사

        이종수,Lee, Jong-Su 한국과학기술단체총연합회 1998 과학과 기술 Vol.31 No.7

        기자라면 누구나 특종기사를 쓰기 바라지만 그렇게 쉬운 일은 아니다. 특종기사는 크건 작건 국익이나 관련자에게 피해를 주는 경우가 많아 기자로서 고민을 하게될 때가 있다. 관계된 사람의 눈물 호소 앞에 첫 특종기사가 될 뻔한 것이 묻혀버린 적도 있었다. 재미있고 유익하되 피해자가 없는 과학기술 특종기사가 많았으면 한다.

      • 일본 견문기(Ⅶ)

        이종수,Lee, Jong-Su 한국과학기술단체총연합회 1997 과학과 기술 Vol.30 No.5

        일본 사람들은 일을 결정하는 과정에서 자문하는 것을 좋아한다. 정부기관의 경우도 남의 도움말을 듣기 위해 많은 자문기관을 만들어 놓고 있다. 이러한 많은 자문기관들이 유명무실한 것이 아니고 거의가 뚜렷한 의도를 가진 질문에 만족을 줄만한 답신을 보내고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        송아지 혈청 농도가 인체의 각막상피세포에 미치는 영향

        이종수,김은희,김수진,Jong Soo Lee,MD,PhD,Eun Hee Kim,MD,Su Jin Kim,MD 대한안과학회 2011 대한안과학회지 Vol.52 No.7

        Purpose: To investigate the biologic effects of topical calf serum on corneal epithelial cells in vitro. Methods: The effects of calf serum on the corneal epithelial cells were evaluated using the MTT (3-[4,5-Dimethylthiazol- 2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay, and the concentration of IL-1α, TGF-β1 and MMP-9 in the cells was measured. Cell damage was determined using lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and cellular morphologies were examined by transmission electromicroscopy. Results: Metabolic activity of the corneal epithelial cells decreased at higher concentrations and longer exposure durations. IL-1α, TGF-β1 and MMP-9 titers were lower in calf serum-treated cells than in the control. LDH and cellular damage to the corneal epithelial cells, such as chromatin margination and cytoplasmic organelle swelling, were prominent in cells treated with 30% calf serum. Conclusions: Cellular metabolic activity was higher and cellular toxicity was lower in cells treated with 10% calf serum compared to those treated with the 20% and 30% concentrations. Furthermore, inflammatory cytokines were sufficiently inhibited in cells treated with the 10% solution. These results indicate that 10% calf serum could be used clinically. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2011;52(7):852-858

      • KCI등재

        모바일 환경에 적합한 적응형 마쿼트 알고리즘 제시

        이종수,황은한,송상섭,Lee, Jongsu,Hwang, Eunhan,Song, Sangseob 한국스마트미디어학회 2014 스마트미디어저널 Vol.3 No.2

        본 논문은 형광 X선 분석 시스템에서 관찰되는 스펙트럼에서 원하는 원소의 피크값을 검출하는데 쓰이는 마쿼트 알고리즘을 모바일 환경에서 더욱 효과적으로 사용하는 데에 있다. 이러한 마쿼트 알고리즘은 본래 잡음이 섞이기 전의 순수한 데이터가 무엇인지 알아가기 위한 유추해 가는 과정의 방법이다. 이러한 마쿼트 알고리즘에서 매우 중요한 역할을 하는 매개변수가 있는데 이 매개변수에 따라서 구하고자 하는 변수 값을 더욱 빠르게 구할 수도 있고 아닐 수도 있다. 기존의 방법에서 불필요한 계산량을 줄이기 위하여 매우 중요한 역할을 하는 매개변수인 ${\mu}$ 자리에 이 매개변수 대신 다른 매개변수를 도입한다. 또한 하드웨어적 측면을 고려시, 여러개의 정규분포의 모양으로 되어있는 함수를 여러개의 정규분포로 나누어서 생각하면 원하는 값을 구하기 더욱 간단해지지만 신뢰도 문제가 발생할 수 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결할 새로운 시스템을 제시한다. The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm is the most widely used fitting algorithm. It outperforms simple gradient descent and other conjugate gradient methods in a wide variety of problems. Based on the work of paper[1], we propose a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for better performance of mobile system. The LM parameter at the $k_{th}$ iteration is chosen ${\mu}=A{\bullet}{\parallel}f(x){\parallel}{\bullet}I$ where f is the residual function, and J is the Jacobi of f. In this paper, we show this method is more efficient than traditional method under the situation that the system iteration is limited.

      • KCI등재

        참깨 탈립 작업기계 개발에 관한 연구(III) - 최종기 제작 및 평가 -

        이종수,김기복,Lee, Jong-Su,Kim, Ki-Bok 한국농업기계학회 2009 바이오시스템공학 Vol.34 No.6

        The developed final shattering machine for labor-saving mechanization of shattering of sesame consisted of input part, shattering part, re-shattering part for unshattered pod and pneumatic sorter. The bundle of sesame was held as upside down and fed into the machine continuously. Then, the fed bundle of sesame was shattered by side shock and agitation. The performance of shattering for the sun dried bundle of sesame of conventional manual work and final shattering machine was compared. Since the shattering ratio measured by the final machine was 97.2% at the first operation, in case of fully dried sesame by drying stand, the harvest of sesame can be completed by only one time shattering operation. The work hour per area of 10 a for the mechanical work and the manual work were 0.3 hour and 13.9 hour, respectively. The total shattering ratio of the final machine with vertical feedings of bundle of sesames was 97.2%.

      • 한국의 인문.사회과학:그 위기와 극복방안

        이종수,Lee, Jong-Su 한국대학교육협의회 1998 大學敎育 Vol.92 No.-

        대학이나 학술연구의 진흥을 통하여 우리나라의 고유한 학술문화가 발전되고, 세계속의 우리 위상이 제고될 것이다. 21세기 한국의 학술문화를 선진 수준으로 끌어올리기 위해서는 학문의 균형적 발전이 필요한 바, 종합적인 학술진흥 정책 추진이 요구된다. 경제가 아무리 어려워도 과학기술 우선정책으로 인하여 인문.사회과학을 홀대하거나 침체를 외면해서는 안 된다.

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