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      • 국가 대향 레이저 연구시설 소개 - 페타와트 극초단 초강력 레이저 연구시설(PULSER) 구축 및 국내 펨토과학기술 연구 현황

        이종민,Lee, Jong-Min 한국광학기기산업협회 2013 光學世界 Vol.144 No.-

        펨토초는 1000조 분의 1초를 말한다. $10^{-15}$를 의미하는 단위명이 펨토(Femto)이기 때문에 붙여진 이름이다. 눈을 한 번 깜박이는 시간이 약 10분의 1초, 총알이 물체를 통과하는 데 걸리는 시간이 약 100만 분의 5초인 점을 감안하면 펨토초는 상상하기도 힘들 정도로 빠른 시간인 셈이다. 이런 펨토초 동안 벌어지는 물리, 화학, 생물학적 현상을 연구하는 학문이 펨토과학이며 주로 펨토초 레이저를 이용해 관찰한다. 현재 전 세계적으로 펨토초의 극히 짧은 시간에 1000조 와트(페타와트)의 고출력 레이저를 발생시킬 수 있는 광양자빔 연구시설 구축 사업이 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 국내에서는 광주과학기술원(GIST) 고등광기술연구소가 '극초단 광양자빔 연구시설 설치 운영사업(사업책임자: 이종민 교수)'을 통해 국가 대형 레이저 연구시설인 '페타와트 극초단 초강력 레이저 연구시설(PULSER)'을 최근 구축 완료했다. 이번호에서는 21세기를 이끌 신성장동력 중 하나로 각광 받고 있는 펨토과학기술의 국내 연구 현황과 페타와트 극초단 초강력 레이저 연구시설(PULSER)에 대해 자세히 소개하고자 한다.

      • 高麗時代 寺址 出土 磁器의 器種과 性格 : 생산과 소비의 관점에서 Variety and the Characteristics

        이종민 용인대학교 박물관 2004 丹豪文化硏究 Vol.- No.8

        Since 1990s, the major achievement in Korean Archaelogical studies includes the excavations of temple sites, where a lot of ceramics has been dug up as their major specimens. The excavations from temple sites reflect the consumptive trend of the monks, the largest consumer group in the times when Buddhism was the dominant religion. Goryeo monks consisted of the social elites and cultural leaders in the hierachical society, so we can say their consumptive trend had a lot of influence on making of the celadon porcelain. It can be summarized briefly according to the data from excavations: porcelain excavations from temple sites can be categorised in celadon, white porcelain, and imported porcelain; historic temples seemed to have consumed common items from the early Goryeo to later times. Among these items, Korean celadons were found in the form of bowl and tea vessels even in the earliest stage. In the Middle Goryeo Dynasty, various everyday vessels appeared in place of bowl and tea vessels; and in later Goryeo celadon items were simplified, usually in the forms of food vessels. Celadons were circulated nationwide if they were in high quality, but if they were in low quality, they came from the kiln near the temples. Compared to this, white porcelain was found in the temples near the workshops, which signified the consumptive pattern different from the ones of the high quality celadon. The import porcelain such as Yaozhouyao-type(燿州窯系 celadon(靑磁), Dingyao-type(定窯系) white porcelain(白磁), Jingdezhenyao-type(景德鎭窯系) qingbaiporcelain(靑白磁, porcelain with bluish-white glaze), Jianyao-type(建窯系) tenmoku(天目, stoneware with black-glaze), Jizhouyao-type(吉州窯系) tenmoku(天目) were found as many as the high quality celadon in proportion and numbers, which was related to the conditions for domestic porcelain production. Especially the celadons with molded design and hard white porcelains in good quality, and black glazed tea bowls were the major imports, which could not be produced found in Goryeo dynasty (高麗) Porcelains from the temple sites consistently corresponded to the products from kilns in each age. This implies most of the kiln products were consumed in temples. As time passed by, the items changed in types, and this might be because the new forms of porcelain from China accelerated the change. Also it was partly due to the gradual change in social institutions. It is not certain how much the temples have contributed to the change, but it is for certain that since the active majority who accepted the new culture of ceramics gathered around the temples. thus playing an important role the change of the types in Goryeo celadon.

      • KCI등재

        급성기 뇌졸중에서 섬망이 기능 회복에 미치는 영향

        이종민,김보람,임정훈,고성은,이인식,김종문,김한영,이종민 대한재활의학회 2010 Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol.34 No.4

        Objective: To investigate the risk factors for poststroke delirium and evaluate its influence on functional recovery after ischemic stroke. Method: Risk factors for delirium were investigated retrospectively in three hundred twenty nine acute ischemic stroke patients over 60 years of age. Among the 329 patients, sixty seven developed delirium. Data were analyzed between delirium group (n=22) and control group (n=22) according to age, sex, lesion location and clinical features. Korean modified Barthel index (K-MBI), Korean National Institutes of Health stroke scale (K-NIHSS) and Korean mini-mental state examination (KMMSE) were measured at second and sixth weeks after onset and compared for both groups. Results: Parameters showing statistically significant difference between two groups were age over 80, hyponatremia, sleep deprivation, cognitive impairment and cardiogenic embolism. There was no significant difference in K-MBI, K-NIHSS and K-MMSE scores at second week between the two groups. The delirium group showed significantly less improvement in K-MBI and K-NIHSS scores compared to control group (9.5±10.2 vs 18.5±11.6, p=0.011; −0.7±1.2 vs −1.8±1.3, p=0.014). There was no significant improvement in K-MMSE score. Conclusion: The possible risk factors for delirium in acute ischemic stroke are age over 80, hyponatremia, sleep deprivation, cognitive impairment and cardiogenic embolism. Stroke patients with comorbid delirium showed poorer functional outcome. Delirium seems to have detrimental effect in functional recovery after stroke. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2010; 34: 403-408)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        韓國初期靑磁의 形成과 傳播 -塼築窯와 土築窯를 중심으로-

        이종민 한국미술사학회 2003 美術史學硏究 Vol.- No.240

        곧 보내겠습니다(번역중..). B4 2장 분량입니다.문의전화 이종민 016-345-2583.. 월화수는 강의중이므로 문자메시지나밤에 연락바람. 사진과 도면은 빠른 등기로 보내겠습니다.원고는 한글 97로 작업함.

      • KCI등재

        Experimental validation of ASME strain-based seismic assessment methods using piping elbow test data

        이종민,김재윤,송현석,김윤재,김진원 한국원자력학회 2023 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.55 No.5

        To quantify the conservatism of existing ASME strain-based evaluation methods for seismic loading, this paper presents very low cycle fatigue test data of elbows under various cyclic loading conditions and comparison of evaluation results with experimental failure cycles. For strain-based evaluation methods, the method presented in ASME BPVC CC N-900 and Sec. VIII are used. Predicted failure cycles are compared with experimental failure cycle to quantify the conservatism of evaluation methods. All methods give very conservative failure cycles. The CC N-900 method is the most conservative and prediction results are only ~0.5% of experimental data. For Sec. VIII method, the use of the option using code tensile properties gives ~3% of experimental data, and the use of the material-specific reduction of area can reduce conservatism but still gives ~15% of experimental data

      • KCI등재

        중학교 체육교사의 학교스포츠클럽대회 지도에 따른 삶의 변화

        이종민,이근모 한국스포츠사회학회 2015 한국스포츠사회학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        The purposes of this study are to understand in depth of the emotional world and variousexperiences gained from guiding students to participate in interscholastic sports club competition bydirectly running a variety of sports club competition as a middle school physical education teacherand to examine how interscholastic sports club competitions change the lives of the physicaleducation teachers. In order to conduct the study, six male physical education teachers working inpublic middle school in 'B' area were selected as participants of the study, and from April toSeptember in 2014, participatory observation, in-depth interview, research journal, and other relateddata were collected. After widening the prospect of the participating physical education teachers inthe study by reading the collected data repeatedly, related section were divided to find the concepts,and the verified concepts were categorized. In result of analysis of data, as interscholastic sportsclub competitions were vitalized, physical education teachers who guided and ran the thosecompetitions were going through various changes in their lives in and outside of the school. In theschool, the physical education teachers were living as those who are obsessed with triumphalism,those who are not doing what they should do as teachers, those who were demanded of excessiveresponsibility of guidance, and those who generate unnecessary conflicts with the parents. Outsideof the school, they were going through frequent conflicts with their spouses, they were estrangedfrom their children, and their lifestyles were being changed due to constraints imposed on theirprivate lives and leisure activities. This is the time in which rational management plan ofinterscholastic sports club competition that can change the lives of the physical education teachers,that are changing in negative direction due to interscholastic sports club competition, in positivedirection needs to be concerned. 이 연구의 목적은 중학교 체육교사가 학교스포츠클럽대회에 출전하기 위해 학생들을 지도하고 각 종스포츠클럽대회를 직접 운영하면서 겪는 다양한 경험과 감정세계를 심층적으로 이해하고 학교스포츠클럽대회가 체육교사들의 삶에 어떠한 변화를 주는지 알아보는데 있다. 연구를 수행하기 위해 ‘B’지역의공립 중학교에 근무하는 남자 체육교사 6명을 연구 참여자로 선정하였고 2014년 4월부터 9월까지 참여관찰, 심층면담, 연구일지, 기타관련 자료를 수집하였다. 수집된 자료를 반복적으로 읽으면서 연구 참여체육교사에 대한 지평을 넓힌 다음 연구내용과 관련된 부분을 분할하여 개념을 찾고 확인된 개념들을범주화하였다. 자료를 분석한 결과 학교스포츠클럽대회가 활성화됨에 따라 이를 운영하고 지도하는 체육교사들은 학교 안과 밖에서 다양한 삶의 변화를 겪고 있었다. 학교 안에서는 승리지상주의에 빠진 체육교사, 교사 본연의 업무에 충실하지 못한 체육교사, 과중한 지도 책무를 부여받는 체육교사, 학부모와불필요한 갈등을 빚는 체육교사로 살아가고 있었다. 학교 밖에서는 배우자와 잦은 갈등을 겪고, 자신의아이들과는 멀어지고 있었으며, 사적인 생활과 여가활동에 제약을 받아 생활방식이 변해가고 있었다. 학교스포츠클럽대회로 인하여 부정적으로 변해가는 체육교사의 삶을 긍정적인 방향으로 변화시킬 수있는 합리적인 학교스포츠클럽대회의 운영방안에 대한 고민이 필요한 시점이다.

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