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        存在와 幸福: 목회상담학적 접근

        이정기(Lee Jung-Kee) 한신대학교 신학사상연구소 2009 신학사상 Vol.0 No.144

        성서에서 하나님이 인간에게 최초로 하신 선언(창 1:28)은 아리스토텔레스적으로 해석하면 <행복하게 살라>는 말씀이다. 인간의 존재 이유는 행복을 누리며 사는 것이다. 그것이 곧 참 자기를 실현하는 길이며, 하나님의 의도하신 바, 인간의 원초적 운명이다. 아리스토텔레스에 의하면, 인간의 존재 이유는 행복이며 우리가 추구해 가야 할 삶의 궁극적 목적이다. 토마스 아퀴나스는 至福을 말한다. 그러나 그 지복은 우리의 능력을 초월해 있기 때문에 이성의 빛에 의해서가 아니라, 은총의 빛에 의해서만 가능하다. 정신분석학자 프로이드에 의하면 종교는 정신 건강을 와해시키는 환상이며 일종의 질병이다. 죄책감, 억제된 성욕, 억눌린 정서 등을 수반하는 강박노이로제일 수 있다. 사회심리학자 데이비드 마이어스에 의하면 행복은 일시적인 희열이 아니다. 비록 겉으로 흐르는 거품이 있다 해도 강물 밑바닥에 흔들리지 않고 도도하게 흐르는 물줄기에 행복의 근원이 존재한다. 틸리히는 우리들의 시대를 위한 기독교 메시지를 <새로운 존재>라 하였다. 그것은 예수 그리스도와 더불어 가능하다. 기독자가 추구하는 행복은 그 새로운 존재와 더불어 가능하다. 본 논문은 행복의 제 요소를 <사랑>, <자유> 그리고 <자기실현>으로 요약하려 한다. 그리고 그 요소들을 목회상담학적 관점에서 그 의미하는 바를 조명하려 한다. The first proclamation of God for human being written in the Bible, from the perspective of Aristoteles, can be interpreted as follows: Do live happy life. It is the way of actualizing the true self and the original fate of human being destined by God. According to Aristoteles, the raison detre of the human being is happiness and it is also the ultimate goal of human life with which we should pursue. Thomas Aquinas says the bliss. However, it transcends over our capacity. Therefore, it is possible to accomplish the bliss not by the light of the reason but by the light of the Grace. Freud, a psychoanalyst, sees the religion as an illusion and a disease to collapse human mental health. It could be a compulsive neuroses accompanied with the guilty, the oppressed sexuality, and the oppressed emotion. David Myers, a social psychologist sees the happiness as not a transient joy. Even though a lots of lather is worked up outside, there exists a stream as the fountain of happiness flowing a rush under the river, without any shaking up. Paul Tillich delivered a message for our age: New Being. It is possible with Jesus Christ. The happiness pursued by Christian is possible only with the New Being. Based upon such an idea, this essay will summarize the three elements of the happiness as follows: Love, Freedom and Self-actualization. These three elements will be pursued from the perspective of pastoral counseling.

      • KCI등재

        박테리아의 Quorum Sensing 및 생물막 형성 억제를 위한 Quorum Quenching 연구 동향

        이정기 ( Jung Kee Lee ) 한국미생물생명공학회 ( 구 한국산업미생물학회 ) 2012 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.40 No.2

        Quorum sensing (QS) is a cell-to-cell communication system, which is used by many bacteria to regulate diverse gene expression in response to changes in population density. Bacteria recognize the differences in cell density by sensing the concentration of signal molecules such as N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHL) and autoinducer-2 (AI-2). In particular, QS plays a key role in biofilm formation, which is a specific bacterial group behavior. Biofilms are dense aggregates of packed microbial communities that grow on surfaces, and are embedded in a self-produced matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). QS regulates biofilm dispersal as well as the production of EPS. In some bacteria, biofilm formations are regulated by c-di-GMPmediated signaling as well as QS, thus the two signaling systems are mutually connected. Biofilms are one of the major virulence factors in pathogenic bacteria. In addition, they cause numerous problems in industrial fields, such as the biofouling of pipes, tanks and membrane bioreactors (MBR). Therefore, the interference of QS, referred to as quorum quenching (QQ) has received a great deal of attention. To inhibit biofilm formation, several strategies to disrupt bacterial QS have been reported, and many enzymes which can degrade or modify the signal molecule AHL have been studied. QQ enzymes, such as AHL-lactonase, AHL-acylase, and oxidoreductases may offer great potential for the effective control of biofilm formation and membrane biofouling in the future. This review describes the process of bacterial QS, biofilm formation, and the close relationship between them. Finally, QQ enzymes and their applications for the reduction of biofouling are also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        실존적으로 사랑하기 : 그리스도 요법의 상담 심리 치료 방법론 I

        이정기(Jung Kee Lee) 한국기독교상담심리학회 2005 한국기독교상담학회지 Vol.10 No.-

        Christotherapists are different from any other therapists or counselors in their therapeutic aims. In Christotherapy, its therapeutic aims and foundation are based upon the great premise that Christ heals. The difference also makes its methodology and techniques of Christotherapist from others. Christotherapy suggests the two methodologies for pastoral counselors: one is an existential loving, the other is the spirit-feasting: The first one is a technique of loving the client as she/he is. The other is a process of possessing the inner peace and joy. This article focuses on the existential loving, and its process of existential discernment and existential clarification. The theological foundation of the existential loving as a way of counseling methodology is based upon the vangelical synergism, which focuses on the divine grace and human elements as well. In another words, it could be called as a holistic approach to transform human beings. Recently, the pastoral counseling tends to ignore the importance of the divine grace, which means the works of the Holy spirit. One of the reason is its using a lot of psychological theories including psychotherapy without any reservation. The existential loving of Christotherapy as a methodology of counseling will be an alternative idea not only to stress the importance of divine grace as an initiating power of the pastoral counseling, but also to overcome the present phenomenon of the pastoral counseling of Korean context.

      • 합성상항(合成箱桁)의 유한요소(有限要素) 해석(解析)

        이정기 ( Lee Jung Kee ),조진구 ( Cho Jin Goo ),박근수 ( Park Keun Soo ) 한국농공학회 1987 韓國農工學會誌 : 전원과 자원 Vol.29 No.3

        This paper suggests a method for the analysis of box girders which are subject to the membrane and the plate bending actions, Moreover, the method is applied to the box girders under distributed loads which have various geometrical types of cross sections and are made out of different materials. The approach is based on the finite element technique in which the structure is considered to be a spatial assemblage of flat plate elements and the deformations of the plates are to be approximated with 9-noded parabolic isoparametric elements. The results are summarized as follows. 1. In all models, the larger the widths of top flange inside of web are, the larger the vertical deflections are. 2. The maximum transverse and longitudinal moments in the composite box girders are judged to be larger than those in the RC box girders. 3. The transverse and the longitudinal moments in top flange of composite box. girders are larger than those in that of the RC box girders. 4. The transverse and longitudinal moments in web and bottom flange of the composite box girders are estimated to be very small in compare to those in web and bottom flange of the RC box girders.

      • KCI등재

        배양 의존적 및 배양 비의존적 방법에 의한 홍어회 서식 미생물의 다양성 분석

        이종수 ( Jong Soo Lee ),김태형 ( Tae Hyung Kim ),이은정 ( Eun Jung Lee ),이정기 ( Jung Kee Lee ),김하근 ( Ha Kun Kim ),곽한식 ( Hahn Shik Kwak ) 한국미생물생명공학회 ( 구 한국산업미생물학회 ) 2010 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.38 No.3

        발효홍어(홍어회)에 존재하는 박테리아 집단의 다양성을 확인하기 위해, 박테리아의 16S rDNA 절편들을 증폭하고 클로닝하여 라이브러리를 구축하였다. 삽입 서열의 염기서 열을 결정한 후, BLAST 분석에 의해 미생물 동정을 하였다. 동일한 삽입서열 빈도를 계산하였을 때, 발효홍어(홍어회)에는 uncultured bacterium clone 054E11.b가 57.1% 나타남으로써 우점균으로 존재하고 있다고 추정하였다. 또한 발효홍어(홍어회) 현탁액을 한천배지에 도말하여 형성된 집락을 콜로니 PCR을 수행하였을 때, Pseudomonas sp. KC-EPS13 등 12 종의 박테리아가 동정되었다. 배양 의존적 방법과 배양 비의존적 방법으로 홍어회를 분석하였을 때, Psychrobactersp. J466만이 두 가지 방법에서 모두 검출되었고 나머지 박테리아들의 균총은 상이하였다. Fermented skate is a traditional Korean food popular in Southwestern area of Korea. It has a characteristic flavor and alkaline pH. In this study we tried to determine the microbial flora in fermented skate using two different approaches. In culture-independent method, we amplified V2 region of 16S rRNA gene by PCR and cloned them into pUC18 plasmid to construct 16S rDNA fragment library. BLAST searches for the sequences obtained from this library revealed that uncultured bacterium clone 054E11.b was the most dominant flora in this fermented fish. In culture-dependent method, we diluted suspension of skate and spreaded on MRS, PCA, and MacConkey plates. We identified colonies grown on those plates by using PCR amplification of V2 region of 16S rRNA and DNA sequencing. BLAST searches of those DNA sequences resulted in totally different species with the observations from the 16S rDNA library analysis. Discrepancies of results obtained from both approaches suggest that the agar plates used in culture-dependent method may be different from the real condition of fermented skate. Therefore, results from culture-independent approach using 16S rDNA fragment library analysis may reflect real microbial flora in fermented skate.

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