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        정구 선수의 소속별 스포츠상해 관련 요인에 대한 분석

        정구 한국스포츠학회 2019 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구는 정구선수의 소속별 스포츠 상해관련 요인 분석을 하여 최종적으로 정구 지도자와 선수들의 스포츠 상 해에 대한 재활과 향후 대처 방안에 대한 구체적인 정보를 제공하는데 연구의 목적을 두고 실시하였다. 이에 본 연구는 소속별 정구 선수 179명에게 스포츠 상해 특성을 분석하기 위한 설문을 실시하였으며, 설문조사 결론은 다음과 같다. 상해 유형에 관한 분석결과 근육통과 인대손상의 빈도가 높게 나타났으며, 소속별 상해원인 분석결과 환경적인 요소에 서는 소속별 모두 장소에서 상해유발 요인으로는 훈련강도와 훈련방법에서 통계적으로 유의한 빈도에 의한 차이를 보 였다. 재활치료에 관한 분석결과 중 재활치료 장소로 병원과 한의원에서 주 1-2회의 치료횟수에 대한 유의한 빈도 차이 를 보였으며, 상해 후 경기 복귀 기간에 대한 결과는 고등부와 대학부는 1주미만, 일반부는 2-3주에 통계적으로도 유의 한 빈도에 의한 차이를 보였다. 소속별 상해 인식대한 분석결과에서는 고등부는 ‘아니다’ 와 대학부와 일반부에서 ‘그렇 다’ 재 상해에 대한 분석결과에서는 고등부는 ‘없다’ 대학부와 일반부는 ‘있다’에 통계적으로 유의한 빈도에 의한 차이를 보이는 결과를 보였다. 결론적으로 정구 선수들의 스포츠 상해 방지를 위한 기술의 특성을 과학적으로 분석 및 체계적이 며 효과적인 운동 프로그램을 개발 하는데 노력을 하여야 하며, 지도자들 또한 선수들의 상해 예방을 위한 교육 및 훈련 지도가 필요함을 제시하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to analyze sports injury-related factors at each teams in soft tennis players and provide information on rehabilitation and further coping methods for sports injuries for soft tennis coaches and players. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 179 soft tennis players at each teams to analyze the characteristics of sports injuries. The following conclusions were drawn. The result of analyzing injury types showed high frequency in muscle pain and ligament injury. As a result of analyzing injury causes at each teams, first, environmental elements were statistically significantly different in all places at each teams and second, injury causing factors were statistically significantly different in training intensity and training methods. For the results of analyzing rehabilitation, there was a significant difference in frequency in hospital and Oriental medicine clinic for rehabilitation place and once or twice per week for rehabilitation frequency. For the periods for return to play after injury, a statistically significant difference in frequency was found in less than one week for high school and university teams and in 2-3 weeks for general teams. For injury perception at each teams, there was a statistically significant difference in frequency in 'No' for high school teams and 'Yes' in university and general teams. For re-injury at each teams, while there was a statistically significant difference in frequency in 'No' for high school teams and in 'Yes' for university and general teams. In conclusion, efforts should be made to scientifically analyze the characteristics of techniques to prevent sports injuries and develop systematic and effective sports programs for soft tennis players. Moreover, coaches should receive education and training coaching to prevent players’sports injuries.

      • KCI등재

        한국형 양극성 장애 약물치료 알고리듬 2022: 유지치료

        이정구,박원명,우영섭,정종현,서정석,추일한,양찬모,김원,심세훈,정명훈,전덕인,박성용,손인기,김문두,윤보현 대한신경정신의학회 2022 신경정신의학 Vol.61 No.3

        Objectives In this study, we investigated and organized the maintenance-treatment strategies for Bipolar I and II disorders outlined in The Korean Medication Algorithm Project for Bipolar disorder 2022 (KMAP-BP 2022). Methods The questionnaire sought to survey expert opinion on medication for bipolar disorders and was completed by a review committee consisting of 87 experienced Korean psychiatrists. It comprised 56 questions, and each question included various sub-items. The questionnaire for the maintenance treatments covered overall treatment strategies after acute mood episodes in bipolar I and II disorders, the choice of mood stabilizers and atypical antipsychotics and antidepressants, duration of medication, and treatment strategies for breakthrough symptoms. Results In the case of bipolar I disorder, mood stabilizer monotherapy, atypical antipsychoticsmonotherapy, and a combination of mood stabilizers and atypical antipsychotics were selectedas the first-line treatments. In maintenance management of bipolar II disorder, mood stabilizermonotherapy, atypical antipsychotics monotherapy, and combinations of mood stabilizers wereselected as the preferred first-line treatments. Conclusion There has been a growing body of evidence that atypical antipsychotics have agreater preference than observed in the previous KMAP-BP of 2018. Also, monotherapy ofmood stabilizers or atypical antipsychotics was more frequently selected in KMAP-BP 2022 thanin the KMAP-BP 2018.

      • KCI우수등재

        국내 홀스타인종 유우의 유량에 대한 연령보정계수 ( 年齡補正係數 ) 추정

        이정구,오봉국 ( J . K . Lee,B . K . Ohh ) 한국축산학회 1985 한국축산학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        Age-correction factors were developed on 4,538 complete lactation records from registered Holstein cows in the Animal Improvement Association of Korea from 1969 to 1983. These factors were computed by use of the gross comparision method for separate two seasons and overall season because yields of lactations initiated in season 1 (December through June) were about 6% larger than amounts produced by cows calving in season 2 (July through November). The new factors were smoothed across ages to eliminate minor fluctuation in yield that result from small number of records available in some age-month groups. It was concluded that the younger cows would lead to have 1 to 3 percentage of biased production records and that the older cows would have 5 to 7 percentage of biased production records if USDA age adjustment factors were used to the Korean field data.

      • KCI등재

        전남 도시공단의 문제점과 대책

        이정구 전남대학교 지역개발연구소 1983 지역개발연구 Vol.15 No.1

        So far the urban industrial estates in Chonnam Area have been examined in their present situation and also from such exammination the serious problems that should be solved Gave been found. All urban industrial estates except for Yoo Chun estate can be defined a kind of industry-promoting districts rather than industrial estates. The reasons for this are as follows. (l) The supporting system for industrial estates is very poor. (2) The infrastructure facilities of industrial estates are not furnished out. (3) The entry firms have not been selected systematically. (4) The location of factories in estates are not arranged and organized well. Therefore, in order that the urban industrial estates may play an important role to encourage industrialization and to lead community development the following countermeasures must be considered. (1) The selection for industrial estate location should be made in the light of long-term development. (2) The infrastructure facilities needed to industrial estates should be furnished completely. (3) The devices to protect many kinds of pollution should be furnished. (4) In order to get the economic effect of agglomeration through complementary relationship, the entry firms in industrial estates should be selected and arranged systematically in advance. (5) The common facilities which all entry firms can use together, for example, laboratory, medical facilities, dormitory, dining-room, bank, post office and so on, should be furnished. (6) The strong incentives to attract investments from outside should be given. (7) The industrial estates of ancillary relationship between big firms and small or medium firms should be developed. (8) The design of industrial estates should be made so as to play a role as industrial parks. And the protection belt around the industrial estates should be established, (9) The management guidance and technical assistance for entry firms should be served.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        철기 이범석 장군의 군인정신에 관한 고찰 (청산리 전투에서 보여준 군인정신을 중심으로)

        이정구 국방정신전력원 2024 정신전력연구 Vol.- No.76

        본 연구는 ‘청산리전투의 영웅’이자 ‘국군건설의 아버지’, ‘애국애족 무인 정신의 상징’ 철기 이범석(1900∼1972) 장군의 군인정신에 관한 글이다. 연구 중점은 그의 생애 중 중국으로 망명(16세)하기 전 민족의식과 항일무장투쟁의식이 어떻게 형성되었으며, 이후 청산리전투에서 직접 지휘관으로 참가하여 보여준 군인정신(개인적 차원의 가치관)이 어떻게 발현되었는지를 조망해 보고, 그것이 한국군에게 주는 함의에 대해 제시하고자 한다. 암담하고 암울한 시기에 중국으로 망명한 이범석 장군이 청산리 전투(백운평·천수평·어랑촌 전투)에서 보여준 군인정신은 오늘을 살아가는 국군장병들에게 많은 교훈을 준다. 첫째, 이범석은 항일무장투쟁 준비와 청산리전투에서 백병전을 치르면서 구차하게 안일을 추구하지 않았다(명예). 둘째, 이범석은 조국 독립을 위해 진실된 마음과 신념으로 상관(김좌진 장군)에 대한 충성과 조국에 대한 충성, 나아가 자신의 행동과 선택을 통해 헌신하는 자신에 대한 충성을 보여주었다(투철한 충성심). 셋째, 이범석은 전투현장에서 지휘관으로서 비록 열세한 전력에도 불구하고 한발 물러섬이 없이 두려움을 극복하고 백병전까지 펼치면서 진두지휘함으로서 전투에서 대승할 수 있었다(진정한 용기, 필승의 신념, 임전무퇴의 정신, 책임완수). 넷째, 이범석은 전투 현장에서 지휘관으로서 자기의 희생과 헌신을 전제로 한 애국애민의 정신이 가슴속 깊이 내재해 있었기에 청산리 전투에서 승리할 수 있었다(애국애민). 이범석 장군이 2일간 약 36시간 동안 청산리 전투에서 보여준 진정한 군인정신은 오늘을 살아가는 국군장병들의 표상이자 본보기로서 부족함이 없을 것이다. 그리고 그의 군인정신에 대한 장병 정신교육을 통해 정신전력을 한층 강화하는 계기가 되었으면 하는 바람이다. This study is about the military spirit of General Lee Beom-seok (1900-1972), the ‘hero of the Battle of Cheongsan-ri’, the ‘father of the construction of the national army’ and the ‘symbol of the patriotic military spirit’. The focus of the study is how his national consciousness and sense of anti-Japanese armed struggle were formed before he defected to China (at the age of 16), and how the military spirit (personal values) that he showed by directly participating as a commander in the Battle of Cheongsanri was expressed. I would like to take a look at it and present its implications for the Korean military. The military spirit that General Lee Beom-seok, who defected to China during a dark and gloomy time, showed in the Battle of Cheongsanri (Battles of Baekwoon-pyeong, Cheonsu-pyeong, and Eorangchon) offers many lessons to South Korean soldiers living today. First, Beom-seok Lee did not pursue complacency (honor) while preparing for the anti-Japanese armed struggle and fighting in close combat at the Battle of Cheongsanri. Second, Lee Beom-seok showed loyalty to his superior (General Kim Jwa-jin) and his country with a sincere heart and belief for the independence of his country, and further, loyalty to himself through his actions and choices (utter loyalty). Third, as a commander at the battlefield, Lee Beom-seok was able to win the battle by overcoming fear and leading the way in close combat without taking a step back, despite his inferior strength (true courage, belief in sure victory, spirit of never giving up, responsibility). completed). Fourth, Lee Beom-seok was able to win the Battle of Cheongsanri because the spirit of patriotism and love for the people, which presupposed self-sacrifice and dedication as a commander at the battlefield, was deeply embedded in his heart. The true military spirit that General Lee Beom-seok showed during the Battle of Cheongsanri for about 36 hours over two days is not lacking as a symbol and example for the soldiers of the ROK Armed Forces living today. And I hope that his military spirit will serve as an opportunity to further strengthen his mental strength through mental education for soldiers.

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