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        이재옥 聖潔敎神學大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        Abstract A school organization is bureaucracy. When society has been advanced, education desire and educational organization have become larger and educational purpose has been various, the division of labor and specialization, impersonality, hierarchy of authority, rules and regulation and career orientation have been discovered in school organization, And all of these are featurers of bureaucracy. Becoming a bureaucracy of school organization dispirits the creation of constituent, checks the education of marked individuality and autonomy and brings about impersonality. So teacher should give full play to discretionand train personality and creation of students. At the same time, educational administrators have to admit the speciality of teacher to the utmost and acclimate theirself to a social change. It is the democratic educational administration to open a passage of the organization

      • 성장과 분배의 관계

        이재옥 경일대학교 산업정보연구소 1999 産經硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        성장과 분배간의 관계는 많은 학자들의 관심의 대상이었으며 수십년동안 연구의 초점이 되어왔다. 그러나 이에 대한 연구는 매우 복잡하고 방대하며 접근하기가 용이하지 않다. 왜냐하면 성장으로부터 분배로의 인과관계와 분배로부터 성장으로의 인과관계를 보는 서로 다른 시각, 즉 성장과 분배간의 인과관계의 방향이 완전히 상반되는 두 인식이 존재하기 때문이다. 본 연구를 통해서 이러한 상이한 두 인식에 관해 고찰하였으며, 이에 대한 그 동안의 연구동향을 살펴보았다. 성장과 분배와의 관계에 대한 연구는 근래에 이르기까지 수십년동안 주로 쿠즈네츠가설에 입각하여 성장으로부터 분배로의 인과관계에 초점을 맞추어 왔음을 부인할 수 없다. 또한 이와는 역의 경로인 분배로부터 성장으로의 인과관계에 대해서도 역시 쿠즈네츠가설에 의존하여 성장의 초기단계에서는 소득불평등이 심화된다는 부분을 역으로 해석하여 성장을 이룩하기 위해서는 불평등한 분배가 불가피하다는 논리로 받아들여 불평등한 분배가 경제발전의 전제조건으로 인식하는 이론적 기초가 되었다. 그러나 이러한 논리가 정당화되려면 무엇보다도 먼저 쿠즈네츠가설의 타당성이 입증되어야 하나 그렇지 못하며, 다만 현재의 선진국들의 경험을 토대로 분석한 하나의 경험적 법칙에 불과할 뿐 선 ·후진국 모두에 일반적으로 적용되지 못하고 있다. 그러므로 분배로부터 성장으로의 인관관계에 대한 시각은 지금까지의 쿠즈네츠가설 의존에서 탈피하여야 할 것이다. 아무튼 기존의 전통적인 시각인 성장으로부터 분배로의 인과관계와 더불어 역방향인 분배로부터 성장으로의 인과관계의 메카니즘에 대한 이론적 구축이 필요하며, 성장과 분배의 문제는 궁극적으로는 양방향으로의 인과관계의 시각에서 종합적으로 접근해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        산화촉매를 이용한 Fast SCR에서의 SCR 촉매 저감 연구

        이재옥,이대훈,송영훈,오동규,서정욱 한국공업화학회 2013 공업화학 Vol.24 No.3

        Experimental investigation to estimate the feasibility of fast selective catalytic reduction (SCR) or oxidation catalyst combined ammonia SCR system to abate NOx in low temperature condition (150∼250 ℃) is reported. Because the conversion of NO to NO2 is pre-requisite of the fast SCR process, the effect of the amount of oxidation catalyst to NO conversion to NO2was tested. 37, 45 and 51% of conversion rates were obtained for the OCV of 563000, 375000 and 281000 h, respectively. De-NOx performance in the case of NO2/NOx ratio of 45% showed the best result in all tested temperature conditions. Comparison of the fast SCR and standard SCR with the condition of NO2/NOx ratio of 45%, 200∼250 ℃ and space velocity of 10000∼30000 h showed that the fast SCR does not show much difference according to the variance of space velocity. Also it was shown that using the fast SCR, the volume of SCR catalyst can be reduced less than half of the standard SCR condition by increasing space velocity without the loss of De-NOx performance.

      • 교육에서의 성불평등에 대한 관점 정립과 실증적 분석

        이재옥,김정희 한국교육학회 대구·경북지회 1997 교육학논총 Vol.18 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate academic trends of research on the relationship between education and gender inequality, approached by both theoretical and empirical analysis, and thereby to explore the alternatives on how to diminish a fundamental problems of gender inequality in schooling. For this purpose, 39-items were developed to identify school teachers and collegiate students' perceptions toward three viewpoints (liberalism, radicalism, socialism), and five domains (educational opportunity, ideals and purpose of education, contents of education, interaction between teacher and student, preference of student to academic courses of colleges, gender distribution of the teaching profession) of gender inequality in schooling.. The data were gathered from 380 elementary and secondary school teachers and collegiate students in Seoul, Kyungki, Taegu, and Kyungbuk provinces. Comparison were made among school levels (elementary, secondary, collegiate), status (teacher, collegiate student), and gender(male. female) concerning gender inequality issues. MANOVA(Multivariate Analysis of Variance) was used as the method of analysis. The results of the study were as follows: First, three viewpoints toward gender inequality were no statistically meaningful difference among school levels and status. Second, three viewpoints toward gender inequality were statistically meaningful difference between gender. Female teachers and collegiate students perceived higher than those of male on gender inequality. Third, five domains of schooling toward gender inequality were statistically meaningful difference among school levels. Collegiate students perceived higher than secondary school teachers, except in those on the domain of gender distribution of the teaching profession on gender inequality issues. Fourth, five domains of schooling toward gender inequality were statistically meaningful difference between status. Collegiate students perceived higher than teachers group, except in those on the domain of gender distribution of the teaching profession on gender inequality issues. Finally, five domains of schooling toward gender inequality were statistically meaningful difference between gender. Female groups perceived higher than those of male group concerning gender inequality in schooling.

      • 우리 나라 動物産業의 現況과 國際競爭力 提高方案

        이재옥 건국대학교 동물자원연구센터 1990 국제 심포지움 Vol.- No.1

        Korean agriculture is being faced with too much difficulties occured both inside and outside. Specifically, Uruguay Round negotiation on agriculture, which had been launched in 1987 and is scheduled to be terminated in December, 1990,. for the purpose of reducing not only border measures but also all agricultural subsidies, will greatly influence Korean agriculture of which structure is still vulnerable with insufficient investment. Whether a product or an industry is strong in its international competitiveness highly depends upon the situation of demand and supply surrounding the industry. The commodities whose demand is newly created continuously even at higher price have more competitiveness than otherwise. And the commodities which can be produced cheaply by using more abundantly endowed production factors have more competitiveness that much. In order to cope with rapid liberalization of agriculture, it is needed that agricultural production system, particularly composition of products, be transformed into such competitive one that the advantages of principle of comparative advantages can be attained. Furthermore, the international competitiveness of agriculture should be enhanced through technology development, expansion of production scale, modernization of marketing systems, and demand creation. In this context, considering that the demand for livestock products has been drastically, however continuouly, increased in line with the increases in population and per capita GNP and that sufficient competitiveness can be secured on condition that some particular problems are solved, it is certain that livestock industry in Korea would be much more prospective one than other agricultural industries. The common problems of Korean livestock industry are as follows small scall, high input cost including feed grain, inefficient marketing structure, poor facilities of slaughter-houses, low level of technology for processing flesh, and disposal of livestock refuse water and excrements. This study has reviewed the present situation of Korean livestock industries and suggested strategies for strengthening international competiveness of selected livestock products. The commodities coverd in this study are Korean native cow, dairy cow hog, broiler and eggs, rabbit, apiculture colonies, deer, fox, and mink. Without enhancement of international competitiveness, it is almost impossible that Korean agriculture be maintained and developed in the age of industrialization and internationalization.

      • 교육패러다임의 변화와 교사 역할 재정립에 대한 일 고찰

        이재옥 聖潔大學校 社會科學硏究所 1999 社會科學硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        AbstractLast decade has been characterized as change or innovation period in education throughout the World. Change is inevitable if an organization is to survive in a new changed society.Therefore, the role of teacher must be change. Teachers are most important issue in educational quality. Teacher's role most undergo a paradigm shift old norms and beliefs must be challenged.We forecast that a next age is knowledge based society. Knowledge based society request that teachers should be student orientation, use the educational techniques and teacher's morality.

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