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        [서 평]유사성에 대한 실증, 동아시아 문학사의 이례(異例) : 리둥메이, 『이광수와 저우쭤런의 근대문학론: 민족ㆍ문학ㆍ진화』, 소명출판, 2020

        이은지 ( Lee Eunji ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2021 민족문학사연구 Vol.76 No.-

        리둥메이의『이광수와 저우쭤런의 근대문학론: 민족ㆍ문학ㆍ진화』는 이광수와 저우쭤런의 행적, 민족성 개조를 위한 이론들, 근대적 문학 개념을 제시한 이론들을 나란히 비교한 책이다. 이 책의 가장 큰 특징은 두 문인을 비교하는 작업과 두 문인에게 영향을 준 요소들의 추적 작업을 동시에 진행하여, 결과적으로 두 문인의 유사성을 두 문인이 공통적으로 수용한 레퍼런스 목록으로써 실증적으로 뒷받침한다는 점이다. 그래서 이 책에서 형성하는 이광수와 저우쭤런의 관계는, 직접적인 교류 내역은 없으면서도 행적, 문제의식, 레퍼런스 목록에서 놀라운 일치율을 보이는 매우 독특한 사례가 된다. 이러한 논의 방식은 풍부한 후속 논의의 가능성을 열어 준다. 우선 귀스타브 르 봉과 같이 이광수와 저우쭤런을 비교 대상으로 삼았기 때문에 그 중요성이 더욱 부각되는 레퍼런스들이 있다. 또한 이광수와 저우쭤런이 직접적인 교류 없이도 이토록 유사한 참조 목록을 지닐 수 있다면, 비슷한 대상들을 공통적으로 참조한 또 다른 인물이 있지는 않은가, 혹은 레퍼런스들‘끼리의’ 밀접한 관련성이 있지는 않은가 하는 질문을 바탕으로 추후 확장적 연구를 시도해 볼 수 있다. 이광수와 저우쭤런의 관계 자체에 초점을 맞춘다면, ‘무관함’과 ‘높은 일치율’이 공존하는 이 사례를 동아시아 문학사 내에서 어떻게 의미화할 수 있을 것인가 하는 질문이 제기된다. 한편으로 이 책에서는 두 대상의 유사성이 크게 부각되어, 두 사람 각각이 놓였던 맥락 및 그 차이점에 대한 의문이 남기도 한다. 가령 1920년경 이광수 문학론에 변화가 일어났음을 설명하면서, 저자는 그 무렵 이광수가 참조한 대상들을 성실히 소개하기는 하지만, 동인지 문인들과의 대립관계나 제1차 세계대전 및 3ㆍ1 운동의 여파 등 다른 중요한 맥락들은 비교적 소략하게 언급한다. 저우쭤런의 경우 ‘민족’보다도 ‘개인’에 대한 관심이 컸을 가능성을 배제할 수 없어, 이광수와의 사이에서 보이는 차이점도 실상 저자가 논한 것보다 더 많이 발견할 수 있는 것은 아닐까 한다. 두 사람 모두 제1차 세계대전 이후의 이상주의적 흐름에 영향받았을 것을 고려하면, 저우쭤런은 동인지 문인들과 더 면밀하게 비교해 볼 만한 인물이라고도 생각된다. LI, Dong-mei’s A Study on the Modern Literature Theory of Lee Gwangsu & Zhou Zuoren: Nation·Literature·Evolution is a book which compares Lee Gwangsu’s chronicles, the theory of national reformation and the concept of modern literature with those of Zhou Zuoren. The most distinctive feature of this book is that it simultaneously performs comparing the two writers and tracking the factors that influenced them, thereby empirically supporting the similarity between the two writers by their commonly-considered references. Consequently, this book features the relation between Lee and Zhou as an unusual case which is not based on direct contact with each other but still bears striking similarity in their chronicles, theories and lists of references. This way of examination opens various ways for further research. First of all, some references turn out worthier of research as they are found in the list of commonly-considered references of the two writers. It also seems important to explore if there are any other writers who also commonly considered the references, or if there is any background that interconnects the references. In regard to the relation itself between Lee and Zhou, one can account for how we would signify this unprecedented relation of ‘irrelavance’ and ‘concordance’ in the history of East Asian literature. Since this book rises the similarity between the two writers in prominence, however, several questions can be raised to require to address each writer’s social context and the difference between them. For instance, when the author of this book explains the change of Lee’s theory of literature, she provides detailed information about the references that Lee used thereabout, whereas she relatively briefly examines other important contexts, such as the confrontation with the writers of literary coterie, the First World War or March 1. Independence Movement. And regarding that Zhou were also in the context of spread of Individualism at the time, there could be more differences between Lee and Zhou than what is described in this book.

      • KCI등재

        닥나무 속 식물의 엽록체 유전체 기반 InDel 마커의 개발

        이은지,김윤아,이미선,김주혁,최용규,김정성,신창섭,이이,Eun Jee Lee,Yoon A Kim,Mi Sun Lee,Ju Hyeok Kim,Young Kyu Choi,Jung Sung Kim,Chang Seob Sin,Yi Lee 한국자원식물학회 2023 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.36 No.4

        본 연구에서는 닥나무 속 식물에 대한 InDel 마커를 개발하였다. 전국의 닥나무 속 식물 22개체를 수집하였고, 수집한 닥나무 속 식물 중 6개체를 차세대염기서열 분석(NGS)을 실시하였다. NGS를 통하여 얻은 염기서열 정보를 기존에 발표되었던 닥나무 엽록체 서열과 비교하여 InDel 마커 후보를 선발하였다. 선발한 마커 후보를 수집된 닥나무 속 식물에 적용하여 마커의 특성 검정을 통해 총5개의 엽록체 기반 마커를 개발하였다. 개발된 InDel 마커를 22개의 유전자원에 적용한 후 군집 분석을 실시한 결과, 총5개의 그룹으로 나뉘었다. 본 연구에서 개발된 마커들은 닥나무 속의 육종이나 종 판별에 활용할 수 있을 것이라 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        인성교육 프로그램이 초등학생 인성 함양에 미치는 효과

        이은지,정유숙,이세용,이선우,노지혜,심예린,홍진표,정영희,Lee, Eun Ji,Joung, Yoo-Sook,Lee, Se Yong,Lee, Sun Woo,Noh, Ji Hye,Shim, Ye Rin,Hong, Jin Pyo,Chung, Young Hee 대한불안의학회 2017 대한불안의학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        이 연구는 학교 기반, 교사 주도의 초등 인성교육 프로그램이 초등학생들의 인성 함양에 영향을 미쳤는지 분석했다. 분석 결과 프로그램에 참여한 학생들의 인성 수준은 통계적으로 유의미하게 향상되었다. 이는 프로그램이 초등학생 인성함양에 효과가 있었음을 시사한다. 하지만 학년에 따라 인성교육의 효과가 달라질 수 있음을 보였다. Objective : The purpose of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of a school-based character education program on the character development of elementary school students. Methods : A total of 1,325 elementary school students participated in the study. Pre-post changes in eight character virtues (self-esteem, self-regulation, honesty, sincerity, communication & caring, citizenship, justice, responsibility/cooperation) and student satisfaction were assessed. A paired t-test was performed to determine the effects of the program. Results : Of the students who participated in the program, the 4th and 5th grade students showed significantly increased scores on all eight character virtues ; whereas, the 6th grade students showed significantly increased scores on five character virtues. Conclusion : Despite the differences in effect based on the grade levels, the study results supported the effectiveness of a school-based socio-emotional character education program. This study could provide a basis for future research on the development of effective character education programs.

      • KCI등재

        겔화제 첨가에 따른 쌀 묵의 품질특성

        이은지,고봉경,Lee, Eun Ji,Koh, Bong Kyung 한국식품조리과학회 2017 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        Purpose: Rice starch is known not to be suitable to Mook. Its gel is not hard and elastic enough and too sticky. This study investigated the effects of agar, carrageenan, and gelatin addition on low amylose rice flour paste and gel properties for making Mook. Methods: Angemi, low amylose rice, and Goamibyeo, intermediate amylose rice, were dry milled. The properties of Mook were determined by texture profile analysis (TPA), cold storage stability, and sensory acceptance. Results: Addition of agar and carrageenan increased cold paste viscosity, whereas addition of gelatin decreased cold paste viscosity while improving breakdown and setback viscosity. When 30% of gelling agents such as agar, carrageenan, and gelatin were added to low amylose rice, Angemi, Mook-like gels were formed. The hardness, adhesiveness, and springiness of gelling reagent-added Angemi Mook increased, whereas cohesiveness decreased, and fracturability was not observed. The addition of gelling agent decreased lightness and increased yellowness. Angemi Mook added with gelatin showed the best freeze-thaw stability while addition of agar and carrageenan increased syneresis. The carrageenan-added Angemi Mook was equal to Goamibyeo 100% Mook in all sensory acceptance properties without significant difference. Conclusion: Above results suggest that addition of carrageenan and gelatin to low amylose rice can be used to produce Mook with improved physical properties.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Quality on Entrepreneurship Performance

        이은지,조영주,Lee, Eun-Ji,Cho, Young-Ju Korean Society for Quality Management 2022 품질경영학회지 Vol.50 No.3

        Purpose: As the public interest in entrepreneurship has been highlighted and entrepreneurship policies have been generated, this study is to construct Entrepreneurship Ecosystem (EE) models which have a significant relationship to national entrepreneurship with quantitative analysis. It aims to provide implications to EE policymakers that which national components are effective in cultivating innovative entrepreneurship and validate its EE quality based on quantitative performance goals. Methods: This study utilizes secondary data, categorized under the PESTLE factor from credible international organizations (WB, UNDP, GEM, GEDI, and OECD) to determine significant factors in the quality of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This paper uses the Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analysis to select the significant variables contributing to entrepreneurship performance. Using the AUC-ROC performance evaluation method for machine learning MLR results, this paper evaluates the performance of EE models so that it can allow approving EE quality by predicting potential performance. Results: Among nine hypothesis models, MLR analysis examines that the number of the Unicorn company, Unicorn companies' economic value, and entrepreneurship measured as GEI can be reasonable dependent variables to indicate the performance derived from EE quality. Rather than government policies and regulations, the social, finance, technology, and economic variables are significant factors of EE quality determining its performance. By having high Area Under Curve values under AUC-ROC analysis, accepted MLR models are regarded as having high prediction accuracy. Conclusion: Superior EE contributes to the outstanding Unicorn companies, and improvement in macro-environmental components can enhance EE quality.

      • KCI등재후보

        섬유근통 환자의 추나요법 및 한의약치료 증례보고

        이은지,방성필,조현정,김기역,김성태,박재석,최영민,김민성,황춘호,강수우,Lee, Eun-Ji,Bang, Sung-Pil,Jo, Hyun-Jung,Kim, Ki-Yuk,Kim, Sung-Tae,Park, Jae-Suk,Choi, Young-Min,Kim, Min-Sung,Hwang, Chun-Ho,Chiang, Suo-Yue 척추신경추나의학회 2014 척추신경추나의학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Objectives : The purpose of this study is to report a clinical progress of treatment of fibromyalgia through Traditional Korean medicine treatment. A patient was diagnosed with fibromyalgia by clinical correlation on 2009 in Jeonnam university hospital, he had multi sited pain and severe muscle spasm. Methods : Between 27th march 2014 and 15th April 2014, he was treated with acupuncture, cupping, electro-acupuncture and chuna therapy every day and observed by visual analogue scale and assessment about number of pain site and square of pain. Results : After treated by using above treatment, VAS and assessment about number of pain site and square of pain were improved. Conclusions : Chuna therapy and other Traditional Korean medicine treatment are estimated to be good for fibromyalgia. But more cases are required to prove the effectiveness of chuna therapy on fibromyalgia.

      • KCI등재

        반복이 있는 랜덤화 블록 계획법에서 정렬방법과 결합위치를 이용한 비모수 검정법

        이은지,김동재,Lee, Eunjee,Kim, Dongjae 한국통계학회 2017 응용통계연구 Vol.30 No.2

        반복이 있는 랜덤화 블록 계획법을 검정하는 비모수 검정방법에는 Mack과 Skillings (1980), Mack (1981)가 제안한 방법이 있다. 본 논문에서는 Hodges와 Lehmann (1962)의 정렬 방법과 Chung과 Kim (2007)이 제안한 결합위치 검정법을 확장하여 반복이 있는 랜덤화 블록 모형에서 새로운 비모수적 방법을 제시하였다. 또한 모의실험을 통해 모수적 방법과 기존의 비모수적 방법과의 검정력을 비교하였다. Mack and Skillings (1980) proposed nonparametric procedures in a randomized block design with replications as general alternatives. This method is used to find the difference in the treatment effect; however, it can cause a loss of inter block information using the ranking in each block. In this paper, we proposed new nonparametric procedures in a randomized block design with replications using an aligned method proposed by Hodges and Lehmann (1962) that used information of blocks and based on the joint placement suggest by Chung and Kim (2008). We also compared the power of the test of the proposed procedures and established a method through Monte Carlo simulation.

      • KCI등재

        활성탄의 후 처리에 의한 EDLC 전극재의 전기화학 성능 개선

        이은지,권순형,최푸름,정지철,김명수,Lee, Eunji,Kwon, Soon Hyung,Choi, Pooreum,Jung, Ji Chul,Kim, Myung-Soo 한국재료학회 2014 한국재료학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        Commercial activated-carbon used as the electrode material of an electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) was posttreated with various acids and alkalis to increase its capacitance. The carbon samples prepared were then heat-treated in order to control the amount of acidic functional groups formed by the acid treatments. Coin-type EDLC cells with two symmetric carbon electrodes were assembled using the prepared carbon materials and an organic electrolyte. The electrochemical performance of the EDLC was measured by galvanostatic charge-discharge, cyclic voltammetry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Among the various activated carbons, the carbon electrodes (CSsb800) prepared by the treatments of coconutshell-based carbon activated with NaOH and $H_3BO_5$, and then heat treated at $800^{\circ}C$ under a flow of nitrogen gas, showed relatively good electrochemical performance. Although the specific-surface-area of the carbon-electrode material ($1,096m^2/g$) was less than that of pristine activated-carbon ($1,122m^2/g$), the meso-pore volume increased after the combined chemical and heat treatments. The specific capacitance of the EDLC increased from 59.6 to 74.8 F/g (26%) after those post treatments. The equivalent series resistance of EDLC using CSsb800 as electrode was much lower than that of EDLC using pristine activated carbon. Therefore, CSsb800 exhibited superior electrochemical performance at high scan rates due to its low internal resistance.

      • KCI등재

        소아에서 스테로이드 유발 백내장의 임상양상과 수술치료의 결과

        이은지,김정훈,김성준,유영석,Eun Ji Lee,Jeong Hun Kim,Seong-Joon Kim,Young Suk Yu 대한안과학회 2008 대한안과학회지 Vol.49 No.12

        Purpose: To reveal the incidence and clinical manifestations of steroid-induced cataract, and to evaluate the visual outcome after cataract surgery in children. Methods: We reviewed the charts of the pediatric patients who had been receiving oral prednisolone for at least one year and had visited the ophthalmologic clinic between January 1991 and December 2006, and enrolled the patients who had been diagnosed as having steroid-induced cataracts. We investigated the total dose and duration of medication and compared the visual acuity (VA) at the initial visit with that of the last follow-up. We also compared the pre- and post-operative best corrected visual acuity of the patients who had undergone cataract operation. Results: Among the 1408 patients who had been treated with systemic steroids for over one year, lens opacities were found in 92 eyes (2.5%). The total duration and dose of medication were not significantly correlated with the VA (R2<0.1). The lens opacities were found bilaterally in 88 eyes (91.7%), and unilaterally in 4 eyes (8.3%). The posterior subcapsular opacities were the most frequent (84.8%). In 81 eyes who had not undergone surgery, there was no significant change of VA (p=1). The 11 eyes who had undergone cataract surgery showed significant increases in VA (p<0.01). Conclusions: The incidence of steroid-induced cataract in pediatric patients was 2.5%. The dose and duration of medication were not significantly correlated with the visual impairment. There was no significant change in VA during the follow-up. The surgical outcome of the cataract operation was favorable.

      • KCI등재

        $CO_2$ Snow Cleaning 적용 철제유물 표면 이물질 제거 연구

        이은지,조남철,이종명,유재은,Lee, Eun-Ji,Cho, Nam-Chul,Lee, Jong-Myong,Yu, Jae-Eun 한국문화재보존과학회 2011 보존과학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        Cleaning of foreign matter and corrosion products on surface among conservation treatment of iron artifacts is an important part for looking up a original form. The sand blaster is the most popular equipment when it removes the foreign matter and corrosion products on iron artifacts surface. Current foreign matter and corrosion products equipment, which mostly uses, is sand blaster. Glass dust which sprayed from sand blaster is harmful and causing environmental pollution. In order to solve these problems, we investigated the $CO_2$ snow cleaning that use a eco-friendly equipment to apply for cleaning foreign matter and corrosion products on surface of iron artifacts. It examined by using sand blaster and $CO_2$ snow cleaning to aged steel coupon and iron artifacts. In case of aged steel coupon, the result showed that the sand blaster and $CO_2$ snow cleaning methods were similar to the degrees of cleaning foreign matter and corrosion products, through surface roughness, color measurement and SEM. $CO_2$ snow cleaning applied to aged steel coupons weren't worn out the surface in comparison with sand blaster by SEM. When applied to the iron artifacts, power nozzle of the $CO_2$ snow cleaning was an excellent cleaning effect that surface wern't worn out in comparison with sand blaster. And, it showed that internal structure change of metal was no found before and after cleaning by X-ray radiography. Consequently, we confirmed that cleaning of the sand blaster and power nozzle of $CO_2$ snow cleaning were similar to the effect. But, it's very careful to use this method because of high outlet pressure of power nozzle for applying to the iron artifacts. As a result of experiments, it could be found that the cleaning methods should be selected depending on internal state of the artifacts. 철제유물의 보존처리 과정 중 표면 이물질 제거는 유물의 원형을 찾아주는 중요한 단계이다. 현재 표면 이물질 제거 시 가장 많이 사용하는 sand blaster (air brasive)의 경우, 분사되는 유리가루는 인체에 유해하고 환경오염을 유발하는 주요한 물질이다. 그러므로 이런 문제점을 보완하기 위해 타 산업분야에서 친환경세정장비로 많이 쓰이고 있는 $CO_2$ snow cleaning을 철제유물 표면 이물질 제거에 적용하여 비교·연구 하였다. 실험은 부식시험편과 철제유물에 sand blaster와 $CO_2$ snow cleaning을 적용하여 비교 분석하였다. 부식시험편의 경우, sand blaster와 $CO_2$ snow cleaning 방법 모두 이물질 제거 정도, 표면 거칠기, 색도 측정 결과가 유사하게 나타났으며, 특히 SEM을 통해 $CO_2$ snow cleaning을 적용한 부식시험편은 sand blaster에 비해 표면을 마모시키지 않는 것을 확인하였다. 또한 철제유물에 적용한 경우, $CO_2$ snow cleaning의 power nozzle은 sand blaster에 비해 표면을 마모시키지 않고 고른 표면을 유지하는 등 세정효과가 우수하게 나타났다. 그리고 X-ray촬영을 통해 이물질 제거 전과 후 금속 내부의 구조적 변화는 없음을 관찰하였다. 결론적으로 sand blaster와 $CO_2$ snow cleaning의 power nozzle은 이물질 제거 효과가 유사함을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나 $CO_2$ snow cleaning의 power nozzle을 철제유물에 적용하여도 sand blaster와 유사한 효과는 얻을 수 있으나, 분사압력이 높을 경우 철제 유물이 손상될 우려가 있으므로 유물 내부 상태에 따라 적용여부를 판단해야 함을 본 실험을 통하여 알 수 있었다.

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