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      • KCI등재

        Moire 영상을 이용한 근골격계 질환의 한의학적 진단에 관한 연구

        이은경,유승현,이수경,강성호,한종민,정명수,천은주,송용선,이기남,Lee Eun-Kyoung,Yu Seung-Hyun,Lee Su-Kyung,Kang Sung-Ho,Han Jong-Min,Chong Myong-Soo,Chun Eun-Joo,Song Yung-Sun,Lee Ki-Nam 대한예방한의학회 2000 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        This research has conducted studies on an Oriental medicine-based method of diagnosing of occupational musculoskeletal system diseases. This researcher has searched through existing relevant medical literature. Also, this researcher has worked on a moire topography using moire topography. In this course, this researcher has reached the following conclusion in relation to the possibility of using a moire topography as a diagnosing device of musculoskeletal system diseases under Oriental medicine . 1 The Western medicine outlines its criteria of screening occupational musculoskeletal system diseases as follows A. The occupational musculoskeletal diseases must clearly include one or more of the subjective symptoms characterized by pain, hypoesthesia dysaesthesia, anaesthesia. etc . B, There should be clinically admitted objective observations and diagnosis outlining that the disease concerned shows symptoms such as tenderness, induration. and edema that can appear with occupational musculoskeletal system diseases. dyscinesia should be admitted with the disease concerned, or there should be observations and diagnosis outlining that abnormality exists in electric muscular or nervous diagnosis and examination . C. It should be admitted that prior to the occurrence of symptoms or observations and diagnosis on musculoskeletal system-related diseases, a patient has been engaged in works with conditions requiring improper work posture or work movement. That is, this is an approach whereby they see abnormality in the musculoskeletal system come from material and structural defect, and adjust and control abnormality in the musculoskeletal system and secreta . 2. The Oriental medicines sees that a patient develops the pain of occupational musculoskeletal diseases as he cannot properly activate the flow of his life force and blood thus not only causing formation of lumps in the body and blocking the flow of life force and blood in some parts of the body. Hence, The Oriental medicine focuses on resolving the cause of weakening the flow of life force and blood, instead of taking material approach of correcting structural abnormality Furthermore , Oriental medicine sees that when muscle tension builds up, this presses blood vessels and nerves passing by, triggering circulation dyscrasia and neurological reaction and thus leading to lesion. Thus, instead of taking skeletal or neurophysiological approach. it seeks to fundamentally resolve the cause of the flow of the life force and blood in muscles not being activated. As a result Oriental medicine attributes the main cause of musculoskeletal system diseases to muscle tension and its build-up that stem from an individual's long formed chronicle habit and work environment. This approach considers not only the social structure aspect including companies owners and work environment that the existing methods have looked at, but also individual workers' responsibility and their environmental factors. Hence, this is a step forward method. 3 The diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases under Oriental medicine is characterized by the fact that an Oriental medicine doctor uses not only photos taken by himself, but also various detection devices to gather information and pass comprehensive judgment on it. Thus, it is the core of diagnosis under Oriental medicine to develop diagnosing devices matching the characteristics of information to be induced and to interpret information so induced from the views of Oriental medicine. Diagnosis using diagnosing devices values the whole state of a patient and formal abnormality alike, and the whole balance and muscular state of a patient serves as the basis of diagnosis. Hence, this method, instead of depending on the information gathered from devices under Western medicine, requires devices that provide information on the whole state of a patient in addition to the local abnormality information that X-ray. CT, etc., can offer. This method sees muscle as the central par

      • KCI등재

        형식도야이론의 재해석 : 교육목적으로서의 ‘일반능력’의 타당성

        이은경(Eun-Kyung Lee) 한국도덕교육학회 2018 道德敎育硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        핵심역량기반 교육이론과 형식도야이론은 근본적으로 동일한 이론적 문제를 제기한다. 그 문제는 바로 삶의 전반에 걸쳐 동일하게 발휘되는 ‘일반능력’이라는 것이 존재하는가, 그리고 그것이 존재한다면 그것은 어떤 매체에 의하여 함양되는가 하는 것이다. 두 이론은 모두 일반능력-즉, ‘핵심역량’(key competency)과 ‘정신능력’(mental faculty)-이 존재한다는 데에는 의견의 일치를 보이지만 그 매체에 대해서는 상이한 대답-활동과 지식-을 내어놓고 있다. 듀이에 의하면, 형식도야이론은 정신능력과 그것의 매체로서의 지식의 관계를 사실상 분리된 것-즉, ‘이원론’-으로 파악한다는 점에서 한계를 가진다. 듀이의 견해를 따르면 일반능력을 교육목적으로 삼을 수 있는가의 여부는 일반능력과 매체와의 관계를 어떻게 파악하는가에 따라서 결정될 수 있다. 그 관계를 파악하는 데에는 두 가지 방식이 있을 수 있는데, 하나는 일반능력은 교육실천 이전에 ‘사전에’ 결정될 수 있고 그것을 실현하는 데 효과적인 것이면 어느 것이나 매체가 될 수 있다는 관점이며, 다른 하나는 일반 능력은 교육실천, 즉 지식을 가르치고 배운 ‘결과로’ 획득되는 것이며 일반능력이 무엇인지는 교육실천에 의하여 비로소 확립된다는 관점이다. 이 두 경우에 ‘일반성’의 의미와 ‘전이’는 완전히 판이하게 이해될 가능성이 있다. 본 논문은 이홍우의 형식도야이론에 대한 고찰을 중심으로 ‘일반능력’을 교육목적으로 삼을 수 있는가를 탐색하고자 한다. 그 세부적 논의는 그의 ‘순환론의 오류’와 ‘추상의 오류’에 관한 논의를 거점으로 하여 형식도야이론에 대한 종래의 비판-즉, 듀이의 이원론-이 타당한가를 검토하는 방식으로 이루어진다. 형식도야이론과 핵심역량기반 교육이론은 모두 ‘일반능력’의 중요성에 주목한다는 점에서, 형식도야이론의 재활가능성은 그 자체로 그것의 현대판 이론인 핵심역량기반 교육이론의 정당성을 검토하는 시금석이 될 것이다. 이것을 논의하는 과정에서 교육과정이론이 해명해야 할 근본적이고 항구적인 문제가 무엇인가가 드러날 가능성이 있다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the conception of ‘general competency’ and to identify its validity as an educational aim. The main issues of key competence-based theory(CBT) and formal discipline theory(FDT) are whether or not ‘general competency’ is and how it is to be cultivated. They both conclude that there is general competency to be applicable in a wide variety of contexts in social lives, but they disagree how to cultivate general competency. The difference of method is necessarily implied the difference of the conception of general competency. The relation of general competency and its method can be understood by the two viewpoints, i.e., means-ends viewpoint and metapractical viewpoint. I think that CBT takes the former, but FDT takes the latter. In metapractical view point, the meaning of ‘general’ should be understood, in its proper sense, ‘universal’ to be equally realized in all things and to be the standard of all things. From the viewpoint of metapraxis, general competency is not an end which is determined before practice and regarded as leading it, but ‘the ideal form’ which is realized imperfectly in our life and must be established through our practice. J. Dewey says that the conception of General competency of FDT is to be based upon the error of dualism, but the dualism can be reinterpret to be based upon the two unmistakable errors of formal logic, i.e., the error of abstraction and the error of circularity by Hong-woo Lee. The two errors, which are genuine and should be avoided in formal logic, are inescapable in any education aiming at the cultivation of the Mind-Nature. In other words, the two formal logical errors are overcome or nullified in the practice of education.

      • KCI등재

        단일항 안장점근사법에 의한 확산모형의 추정

        이은경,이윤동,최영수,Lee, Eun-Kyung,Lee, Yoon-Dong,Choi, Young-Soo 한국통계학회 2010 Communications for statistical applications and me Vol.17 No.3

        최근 확산모형의 추정을 위한 매우 다양한 방법론들이 제시되고 연구 되어 왔다. 본 연구에서는 제안된 확산모형의 추정 방법 중에서, 안장점근사법을 이용한 확산모형의 모수 추정방법에 대하여 살펴보게 되고, 가장 단순한 형태의 안장점근사법인 단일항 안장점근사법의 사용을 제안하게 된다. 단일항 안장점근사법은 오일러근사법과 마찬가지로 계산속도가 빠르고, 다양한 모형에 적용이 가능하면서도 최대우도추정량과 마찬가지로 성능이 우수한 특성을 갖고 있음을 살펴보게 된다. OU 확산모형을 대상으로 한 시뮬레이션 연구를 통하여 단일항 안장점근사를 이용한 추정량과 다른 추정량들과의 성질을 비교한다. Recently various methods were suggested and reviewed for estimating diffusion processes. Out of suggested estimation method, we mainly concerns on the estimation method using saddlepoint approximation method, and we suggest a term saddlepoint approximation(ASP) method which is the simplest saddlepoint approximation method. We will show that ASP method provides fast estimator as much as Euler approximation method(EAM) in computing, and the estimator also has good statistical properties comparable to the maximum likelihood estimator(MLE). By simulation study we compare the properties of ASP estimator with MLE and EAM, for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion processes.

      • KCI등재

        구개열로 인한 연인두 폐쇄 부전 환자의 보상조음

        이은경,박미경,손영익,Lee Eun-Kyung,Park Mi-Kyong,Son Young-Ik 대한후두음성언어의학회 2005 대한후두음성언어의학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Background and Objectives The compensatory articulation not only influences general speech intelligibility, but also prevents precise assessment of the velopharyngeal function. This study was performed to investigate frequently affected phonemes, prevalence and the characteristics of compensatory articulation in the patients with cleft palate having velopharyngeal insufficiency. Material and Method An archival review was taken on 103 cleft palate subjects. Their age ranged from 2.6 to 63 years (mean age of 9.8 years). They were grouped into two : preschool group (n=71) and older patient group (n=32). The prevalence and patterns of compensatory articulation were examined on oral high pressure consonants such as plosives, fricatives and affricates. Results : Compensatory errors were observed in $49.5\%$ of the subjects and were mostly glottal stops with the exception of 4cases who had pharyngeal fricatives in addition to glottal stops. The most frequently substituted phonemes were velar plosives and tense sound. There was no significant difference of prevalence in both groups. However, errors for bilabial and alveolar plosives were more frequently observed in preschool group. Conclusion High prevalence of compensatory articulation observed in both preschool and older age group indicates that their articulation errors tend to remain unless appropriate speech therapy is provided. To improve speech intelligibility of the patients with cleft palate having velopharyngeal insufficiency, it is advisable to address and correct the compensatory articulation errors in their earlier ages.

      • KCI등재

        고차원 대용량 자료의 시각화에 대한 고찰

        이은경,황나영,이윤동,Lee, Eun-Kyung,Hwang, Nayoung,Lee, Yoondong 한국통계학회 2016 응용통계연구 Vol.29 No.6

        본 논문에서는 고차원 대용량 자료의 시각화에서 발생할 수 있는 문제점들을 살펴보고 이에 대하여 개발된 방법들에 대하여 논의하였다. 고차원 자료의 경우 2차원 공간상에 표현하기 위하여 중요 변수를 선택해야하며 다양한 시각적 표현 속성과 다면화 방법을 이용하여 좀 더 많은 변수들을 표현할 수 있었다. 또한 관심있는 뷰를 보이는 낮은 차원을 찾는 사영추정방법을 이용할 수 있다. 대용량 자료에서는 점들이 겹쳐지는 문제점을 흩트림과 알파 블렌딩 등을 이용하여 해결할 수 있었다. 또한 고차원 대용량 자료의 탐색을 위하여 개발된 R 패키지인 tabplot과 scagnostics, 그리고 대화형 웹 그래프를 위한 다양한 형태의 R 패키지들을 살펴보았다. In this paper, we discuss various methods to visualize high dimensional large-scale data and review some issues associated with visualizing this type of data. High-dimensional data can be presented in a 2-dimensional space with a few selected important variables. We can visualize more variables with various aesthetic attributes in graphics or use the projection pursuit method to find an interesting low-dimensional view. For large-scale data, we discuss jittering and alpha blending methods that solve any problem with overlapping points. We also review the R package tabplot, scagnostics, and other R packages for interactive web application with visualization.

      • KCI등재

        얼랑분포의 축차확률비검정과 관련된 적분 방정식의 해

        이은경,나명환,이윤동,Lee Eun-Kyung,Na Myung Hwan,Lee Yoon-Dong 한국통계학회 2005 응용통계연구 Vol.18 No.1

        본 연구에서는 얼랑(Erlang)분포의 규모모수에 대 한 축차확률비검정(SPRT)과 관련된 적분방정식의 정학한 해를 구하는 법을 살펴보기로 한다. 축차확률비검정에서 그 평균 표본 개수, 그리고 1종 오류 확률과 2종 오류 확률은 프레돔 형태의 적분 방정식으로 나타나게 된다. 이러한 적분 방정식은 보통 가우시안 쿼드러쳐(qudrature)를 이용하여 근사적으로 그 해를 구하는 것이 일반적이다. 얼랑분포의 경우 이러한 적분방정식의 해가 정확하게 구할 수 있음이 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 얼랑분포에서 그 해를 구하는 구체적 방법을 살펴보기로 한다. In this paper, we propose a method to evaluate the solutions of the renewal equations related to SPRT for Erlang distribution. In SPRT, the Average Sample Number(ASN) and type I or type II error probabilities are shown in Fredholm type integral equations. The integral equations are generally solved by the approximation method using Gaussian quadrature. For Erlang distribution, it has been known that the exact solutions of the equations exist. We propose the algorithm to solve the equations.

      • KCI등재

        집단 약동학 모형을 위한 모형 진단과 적합도 검정에 대한 고찰

        이은경,Lee, Eun-Kyung 한국통계학회 2012 응용통계연구 Vol.25 No.1

        집단 약동학 모형 추정의 결과는 환자에게 투약학 약물의 용량결정에 직접적 영향을 미치므로 추정 모형에 대한 타당도와 적합도의 검증이 중요하다. 본 논문에서는 다양한 집단 약동학 모형 적합도 검증을 위한 방법들을 비교, 분석하고 실제 임상자료를 이용하여 최적의 집단 약동학 모형을 찾고 이에 대하여 다양한 타당도, 적합도 검정을 실시하여 모형을 진단해 본다. The result of the analysis of a population pharmacokinetic model can directly influence the decision of the dose level applied to the targeted patients. Therefore the validation procedure of the final model is very important in this area. This paper reviews the validation methods of population pharmacokinetic models from a statistical viewpoint. In addition, the whole procedure of the analysis of population pharmacokinetics, from the base model to the final model (that includes various validation procedures for the final model) is tested with real clinical data.

      • KCI등재

        집단 약동학 모형에 대한 통계학적 고찰

        이은경,Lee, Eun-Kyung 한국통계학회 2010 응용통계연구 Vol.23 No.3

        약동학 모형은 약동학 모수들의 복잡한 비선형형태의 함수로 복잡한 미분방정식의 형태로 나타나기도 한다. 집단 약동학은 약동학 모형에서 약동학 모수들의 개인 간 차이를 나타내기 위해 이를 랜덤효과로 가정하므로 비선형 혼합 효과 모형이 된다. 본 논문에서는 임상약리학에서 약동학적 특징을 설명하기 위해 사용하는 집단 약동학 모형에 대한 통계학적 고찰을 해 본다. 또한 실제 임상자료를 이용하여 집단 약동학 모형을 적용하여 분석해 봄으로써 통계적 의미를 살펴본다. The Pharmacokinetic model is a complex nonlinear model with pharmacokinetic parameters that is some-times represented by a complex form of differential equations. A population pharmacokinetic model adds individual variability using the random effects to the pharmacokinetic model. It amounts to the nonlinear mixed effect model. This paper, reviews the population pharmacokinetic model from a statistical viewpoint; in addition, a population pharmacokinetic model is also applied to the real clinical data along with a review of the statistical meaning of this model.

      • KCI등재

        확산모형 전이확률밀도의 급수근사법과 그 계수

        이은경,최영수,이윤동,Lee, Eun-Kyung,Choi, Young-Soo,Lee, Yoon-Dong 한국통계학회 2010 응용통계연구 Vol.23 No.2

        확산모형은 최근 금융현상의 연구 등에 자주 사용되는 모형이다. 본 연구에서는 확산모형의 추정에서 중요한 역할을 하는 전이확률밀도를 구하는 방법과 이를 급수전개 방식으로 근사하는 기존 연구들을 검토하여 보고, 급수전개법에서의 계수를 손쉽게 구할 수 있는 방법을 고려하게 된다. 급수전개법 계산과정에서 중요한 허밋다항식에 딘킨연산자를 반복적으로 적용하는 과정을 손쉽게 계산할 수 있는 알고리즘을 제안한다. Modelling financial phenomena with diffusion processes is frequently used technique. This study reviews the earlier researches on the approximation problem of transition densities of diffusion processes, which takes important roles in estimating diffusion processes, and consider the method to obtain the coefficients of series efficiently, in series approximation method of transition densities. We developed a new efficient algorithm to compute the coefficients which are represented by repeated Dynkin operator on Hermite polynomial.

      • KCI등재

        프로프라놀롤 치료를 시행한 유아모세혈관종 1예

        이은경,정호경,김남주,이민정,권보상,곽상인,Eun Kyoung Lee,Ho-Kyung Choung,Nam Ju Kim,Min Joung Lee,Bo Sang Kwon,Sang In Khwarg 대한안과학회 2010 대한안과학회지 Vol.51 No.11

        Purpose: To report a case of periorbital infantile capillary hemangioma treated with propranolol. Case summary: A 6-month-old girl visited our clinic for a mass on the right upper eyelid, which had been present since birth. A dome-shaped, red-purple colored mass occupying almost the entire right upper eyelid was observed, and overlying branch-shaped telangiectases were also detected. The visual axis of the right eye was partially obscured, due to the ptotic eyelid, and her ability to fix and follow was poor in the right eye. The patient was diagnosed with infantile capillary hemagioma. Because amblyopia in her right eye was suspected, treatment with propranolol was initiated. After 2.5 months of propranolol treatment, the hemangioma decreased in size and volume dramatically, changed from red-purple to light red color, and softened. The ptosis of the right upper eyelid improved, as well as the ability of the right eye to fix and follow. No significant adverse effects (e.g. hypotension, bradycardia, hypoglycemia, bronchospasm, or elevated liver enzymes) were observed, except transient QTc prolongation during cotreatment with ibuprofen, due to an upper respiratory infection. Conclusions: Propranolol should be considered as a treatment option for periorbital infantile capillary hemangioma. Further clinical studies are required to establish the optimal guidelines and long-term outcome. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2010;51(11):1513-1519

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