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        협동학습에 기초한 그림책 활용 리더쉽 교육활동이 종일반 유아의 대인간지능과 서번트 리더쉽에 미치는 영향

        이윤옥 한국영유아교원교육학회 2011 유아교육학논집 Vol.15 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to construct a leadership education activity using picture books on the basis of cooperative learning and to investigate changes in interpersonal intelligences and servant leadership of 4~5 year old children. The concepts in Servant leadership 9 picture books are goal setting, respect, caring, listening, sharing leadership, support and encouragement. Persuasion and cooperation are sub factors based on the high factors from reviewing numbers of existing literature and validity check processes by field experts. The experiment group's children participated in the cooperative leadership education activity with peers for 9 weeks with their teachers. They complimented cooperative task through brainstorming about Inquiry themes in the picture books. They played three or four cooperative tasks and cooperative games which were 30~40 minutes-per-activity during five days per a week. The effects of the cooperative leadership education activity using picture books was as follows: the experiment group's children showed a significant increase in interpersonal intelligence and servant leadership. Accordingly, it proved that cooperative leadership education activities using picture books was efficient teaching-learning method for improving Interpersonal Intelligences and Servant Leadership by this result on this study. 본 연구는 종일반 유아들의 인성함양을 목적으로 협동적 리더쉽 교육활동을 구성하여 그 효과를 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 연구대상은 경기도에 소재한 유치원에 재원중인 만 4세와 5세의 혼합연령으로 구성된 종일반 학급의 유아 40명(실험집단 20명, 통제집단 20명)을 선정하여 실험집단 유아들에게 협동적 리더쉽 교육활동을 9주 동안 적용하였다. 본 연구에서 구안한 협동적 리더쉽 교육활동은 리더쉽의 9가지 구성요소를 협동학습 모형에 반영시켜 구성한 그림책 활용 문제해결 활동이다. 연구결과, 협동학습에 기초한 그림책 활용 리더쉽 교육활동을 적용한 실험집단 유아들의 대인간지능과 서번트 리더쉽이 증진된 것으로 나타났다.

      • 협력학습을 통한 인성교육 프로그램 개발

        이윤옥,박신용 서원대학교 교육연구소 1998 敎育發展 Vol.1998 No.17

        The purpose of this study was to develop the effective personality education program with cooperative learning strategies. This program was based on the socio-moral development theories and was connected with the attempt to combine two traditions of representation study : Piagetian symbolic representation approach and Vygotskian Semiotic mediantion approach. The objectives of this program was the improve the children's personality traitis as follows : altruistic behavior, the ability of emotional-awarness and problem-solving ability. The contents of the program was compose by 4 sub-areas as follows : Responsibility, Interpersonal problem solving skills (friendship skills, cooperation skills, compassion skills, compassion skills,) Self-esteem, Empathy. The effect of the program will be tested empirically.

      • 유아의 사회적 행동 척도 타당화 연구

        이윤옥,김병선,김정현 서원대학교 교육대학원 2001 목적과제연구보고서 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to validate the Child Behavior Scale(CBS) with a population of Korean children. Subjects were 374 mothers and childrens of five years old(male; 191, female; 183) and their teachers selected from 15 Kindergraten classes in Seoul, Daejon. Choungu, Chung-Buk. The K-CBCL(오경자외 3인, 1996) and the Peer Nominations of Aggressio Sociometric indexes were used as a methodlogical insutrument. Statistics used for data analysis were %, Cramer's V, factor analysis, Pearson's r, and Crobach's α. The major findings were that 35 items of the 63-items scale were found acceptable through the item discriminant method. Six factors (Aggressive with Peers, Asocial with Peers, Excluded by Peers, anxious-fearful behavior, Prosocial with Peers, Hyperactive-Distractible) were extracted by factor analysis. The correlation between the K-CBCL and the Peer Nominations of Aggression, Sociometric indexes were examined to test cirterion- related validity, and the correlations between 3 factors of the CBS was significant (r=.17∼.60 p<.001). Finally, the internal consistency of the CBS appeared to be at an acceptable level (Cronbach's 'α=.68∼.91).

      • 사회적 수용도가 낮은 유치원 아동의 코칭과 모델링 전략을 통한 사회적 기술 훈련 효과에 관한 연구

        이윤옥 부산여자대학 1986 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of the present study was to compare two effective treatment methods (coaching and modeling) in training children’ s social skills, using two different classes of dependant variables. Four categories of behavioral observations, peer nomination constituted the dependent measures in this study. The hypotheses of this study were ; 1. It was expected that children receving social-skills training groups would evidence positive changes in the frequency of social behaviors displayed with peers from pre to posttest. 1-1 It was expected that children in coaching group would increase in social behaviors from pre to posttest. 1-2 It was expected that children in modeling group would increase in social behaviors from pre to posttest. 2. It was expected that children in modeling group would more increase in social behaviors from pre to posttest than coaching group. 3. It was expected that children receving social-skills training would evidence positive changes in their level of peer acceptance from pre to posttest. 3-1 It was expected that sociometric status of coaching group would make more gain than the control group. 3-2 It was expected that sociometric status of modeling group would make more gain than the control group. Based on sociometric scores and social behaviors, thirty socially less responding five age children (M=66.2 months) selected from upper-middle preschool in the pusan area served as subjects. Thirty children were randomly assigned to one of the three groups-coaching (n=10), modeling(n=10), and control(n=10)-with the restriction that the groups be balanced for sex and social behavior scores composition. The two instruments used for this study were the sociometric task based on positive peer nomination and the behavioral observation task based on oden & Asher (1977), Gresham & Nagle (1980). this task was composed of 24 intems that is four cartegory, cooperation (6 items) , communication (6 items) , physical contacts (6 items), nonverbal gestures (6 items). Observational data consisted of the following frequency of initiating positive behavior to peers, receving positive behavior to peers, positive interaction with peers. Observations were collected by trained observers 2 weeks prior to the first treatment session, 1 week after the last treatment session (3 weeks later) , and 3 weeks after the second assessment, Yielding pretest, posttest, and follow-up measures. Eight observers were trained in the behavioral observation code to an average interobserver agreement of 91% over a period of 12 days (12 hours training). Each target child was observed for a total of 60 minutes over a period of 3 days (20 minutes each day) in the free play situation. Experimental conditions of coaching groups were verbally instructed in the following social skills ; Cooperation, communication, physical contact, nonverbal gesture. Coachig was divided into three conceptual states : (a) presentation of rules and standards for behavior, (b) behavior rehearsal with the coach and peer partner, and (c) feedback on performances as well as discussion and suggestion. Twelve coaching sessions were conducted over a 2-week period. Subjet in the modeling condition were shown a serres of six live-adult models for a total of twelve session over a 2-week period. Twelve modeling sessions dipicted identical social skills taught to coaching group children. All modeling scenes were narrated by a female voice to increase the salience of the modeled behavior in the live-adult models. Children in the control group had no treatment. The hypothesis was tested using a 3 (assessment time)×3 (treatment) multivariate analysis of Variance. No Significant difference were found between groups on dependent measures at pretest (p> 05). The major findings of research were as following. First, there was a significant effect for assessment time [F(2,81) =35.39, P<.01]. To determine specifically where the significant effects existed, A Newman-keuls post hoc analysis were generated. Children in the training group (coaching, modeling) demonstrated an increase in the frequency of positive social behavior from pretest to posttest. Second, there was a main effect for treatment [F(2, 81) = 23.99, P<.01]. However, A Newman-Keuls post hoc analysis showed that the coachiong and modeling groups improved significantly in the frequency of positive social behavior from pretest to posttest than the control group, wheras the treatment groups were not significantly different from themselves. Third, there were some gains over time in the number of peer nominations, However there was no significant main effect for treatment [F(2, 81) = 1.77, P>.01].

      • 유아의 또래수용도와 또래집단 가입행동 유형간의 관계성

        이윤옥 서원대학교 교육연구소 1995 敎育發展 Vol.1995 No.14

        The goals of this research were to identify specific behavioral patterns that lead to successful outcomes and that differentiate popular and unpopular children in a specific situation, that of peer group entry. Popular, rejected, and neglected Kindergarten boys and girls(N=90) were asked to initiate play with a dyad of average peers in a structured laboratory setting. Observations of video records of the entry behaviors were conceptualized and coded as tactics used by children to complete the task of entry. Results were as follows. First, Observations of video records of the entry behaviors revealed that the status groups differed in the frequency of their attempts at peer group entry and the behaviors that they used during entry. The status group means revealed that the popular group was more likely to engage in group-oriented statements than other groups, F(2.51) = 8,098, P<.001, the rejected group engaged in disruptive entry tactics than other groups, F(2.51) = 4,139, P<.05. Second, popular group and neglected group were more likely to receive a neutral peer response than rejected group F(2,51) = 4.30, P<.05. Third, entry acceptance degree to entry attempts revealed that the popular group were more likely to receive high rates than other groups F(2,51)= 3.28, P<.05. Fourth, Positive response was positively related to the frame of reference of the group such as self-feferent statements in the popular and neglected group, while negative response was positively related to the disruptive behavior in the rejected group. The findings reported in this study would provide an important components of children's interpersonal skill program development in order to enhace to initial interactions with peers in children's peer group entry situations.

      • 유아를 위한 통합적 창의성 개념 모형 탐색

        이윤옥 서원대학교 교육대학원 2003 교육논총 Vol.7 No.-

        The purpose of this research was to build up a comprehensive model of the concept of creativity synthesizing various theories and to investigate the relations among the composing factors of the model. The conceptual model includes an idea of what creative components was and a vision of what it ought to be in preschool curriculum for young children. The confluent creativity was conceptualized as an active process of producing new solutions of problems. Three components of creativity was conceptualized. The cognitive aspects which involved with creativity are ; convergent thinking and behaviors, general knowledge and skills, specific knowledge and skills. The affective aspects which involved with creativity are ; motivation and motives, problem focusing and task commitment, openness and patience with ambiguity. The environmental system is comprised of direct contextual data and macro environment, micro environment, and social environment. Creativity is a dynamic system which cooperates many contrasting and dialectic components in personal and cognitive aspects. The model implies creative test can be used to provide additional information in evaluating creativity of and used as an instrument for identification of children. The model also implies that education which strives for the development of creativity of children should employ holistic approach. The programs to foster creativity developed on the basis of the composing factors will grow as young children increase the experience of creative problem solving.

      • 3세~6세 아동의 지각조망, 개념조망, 감정조망에 관한 실험연구

        李潤玉 亞成出版社 1985 釜山女子大學 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        According ot piagetian, chilren show progressive changes in the ability to coordinate perspective-taking. Whereas preschool children often donot distinguish between their own and another's viewpoint, most children in the early school age years understand the relative nature of perspectives but still have some difficulty coordinating specific points of view. It is not until 9 or 10 years of age that a consolidated system of perspectives based on logical operations is developed. This study is aimed to determine the level of development and relationship among perceptual, conceptual and affective perspective-taking of preschool children. The hypotheses of this study were; 1. Among the four expermental groups (3age, 4age, 5age, 6age), the perceptual perspective taking ability of the older group would be higher than that of the younger group. 2 . The conceptual perspective taking ability of the older group would be higher than that of the younger group. 3 . The Affective perspective taking ability of the older group would be higher than that of the younger group. 4 . There wouldn’t be sex differences in the perceptual. conceptual, affective perspective taking. 5 . There would be positive correlaationship Among perceptual, conceptual, affective perspective taking. A total of 160 upper-middle-class children initially served as a subject: In order, the mean age for the three age through six age subject were 42.8 ; 53.1 ; 62.9 ; 71.9. Subjects were administered perspective-taking tasks developed by waxler et al (1977) and kurdek & Rod-gon. Of the perspective-taking tasks, three were perceptual task: photo of man' s face, Table Setting, photo cubues, six were conceptual task; Birthdat gifts, chair choice, game preference, taste preference, cat in bush, picture story. Another was the affective perspective-taking task. Those tools were presented with a random order. The expermental design for variance analysisis based of age and sex that rated perspective-taking as a success or a failure and pearson product-moment correlations were calculated among pereptual, conceptual, affective perspective taking responses. The major findings of research were as following. First, children's perceptual perspective-taking responses were increased depending on the agεincreasement and there were main effects of age variable[F(3,156) =6, P<.01)]. Second, Children' s conceptual perspective-taking responses were increased depending on the age increasement and there were main effects of age variable [F3.156) = 13.45, P<.01]. Third, Children’s affective perspective-taking responses were increased depending on the age increasement but the 4 age is higher than the 5 age. Fourth, all perspective-taking responses, there were no significant difference of sex variable. Fifth, all intercorrelations among the three perspective-taking responses were low and nonsignificant with the exception that perceptual and conceptual perspective-taking were positively correlated at the three age (r=.48, P<.01), for age (r=.31, P<.01)..

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