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        북한인권개선을 위한 접근방법과 전략구도

        이원웅 세종연구소 2002 국가전략 Vol.8 No.3

        North Korean human rights situation has seldom been revealed outside world because of their isolation and seclusiveness. However its economic crisis, flow of defectors crossing chinese border, and humanitarian engagement unveil their poor human rights status. Without human rights promotion in North Korea establishment of a Post-cold war order in East Asia and reunification process can hardly put forward in stable and peaceful way. This research is taking strategic approach to bring social dynamism in North Korea and focusing on external factors rather than static and normative criticism. Political change, globalization and South-North human rights dialogue are three key strategic variables which can bring such social dynamism. Constant human rights monitoring activities and criticism by UN human rights bodies and international NGOs will help these efforts put on the rails. Humanitarian aid is also important means for engagement in North Korean human rights development. Government, international human rights bodies, NGOs, media and film industry are main actors in this campaign. They can use various strategic resources to access to North Korean people. It is needless to say North Korean people should take part in this efforts to make promotion in their human rights status. This calls for attitude change of leading elites in North Korea who has yet shown any acknowledgement of universal standard of human rights. 북한 인권실태는 북한체제의 폐쇄성 때문에 외부세계에 잘 알려지지 않았다. 그러나 북한의 식량난, 탈북자의 급증, 대외교류가 확대되면서 그 실상이 조금씩 밝혀지고 있다. 북한인권문제에 대한 접근은 정태적이고 규범론적인 체제비판 차원을 넘어서 북한사회의 변화와 한반도 평화구조의 정착이라는 동태적인 문제의식 속에 추진되어야 한다. 북한인권 개선을 위한 이론적 구도는 국제인권레짐의 북한내 수용성을 높이기 위한 여러 가지 사회적 동태성(social dynamics)을 규명하는 작업이 전제되어야 한다. 이를 위해서 북한체제 변화, 개방화/세계화, 남북인권협력 증진이라는 거시적인 전략목표를 설정하고 국가와 시민사회, 국제적 언론매체 및 영화산업 등 여러 행동주체들이 다양한 전략자원들을 활용하는 다차원적이고 다원주의적인 접근방법이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        North Korean Refugee Women in China: Causes of Flows and Current Situation

        이원웅 신아시아연구소 2010 신아세아 Vol.17 No.4

        The flux of North Korean refugees into China has continued on. At least 70% of North Korean defectors are presumed to be female, and most of them become victims of human trafficking as well as forced labor. A considerable number of North Korean women are reportedly working as sex slaves in Chinese cities under horrible situations. The far most important push factor of the refugee flux is the chronic famine in North Korea. The starvation in North Korea has become prominent primarily due to a mixture of several major external elements. Though these external factors might be counted as the root of the domestic economic crisis, improper policy responses to the crisis and state failure in a broader sense could be claimed as the structural origin of the North Korean famine. In other words, the North Korean famine is a system-induced catastrophe mainly caused by its political inadequacy or state failure. North Korea exhibits deteriorating economic, social, and political infrastructure to supply basic public goods and human security to its population, especially women. The prominent push factor might be women’s relative weakness in terms of social and economic status in North Korea, a state that combines a mixture of East Asian patriarchy and muscular militarism. There are pull factors, as well, such as the demand of the sex industry market in boosting Chinese economy and demographical change in Chinese rural society. There is another parameter, like a newly established illegal smuggling ring between Chinese and North Korean border guards after the collapse of North Korean state-run economy. The essential solution to the North Korean refugee women issue in China might be related to a peaceful transition of North Korean failed state system. In the meantime, the international support network for North Korean refugees in China needs to throw more efforts into protecting women from victimization of human trafficking and sex slavery. Facilitating self-help forms of lifeline and human contacts among the North Korean refugee community, especially between settlers (or survivors) in other host countries and asylum-seekers in China, could help them gain information.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 북한인권 정책네트워크: 구조와 동태

        이원웅 세종연구소 2009 국가전략 Vol.15 No.3

        This article aims at analysing the structure, dynamics and influence of human rights policy network in the United States regarding North Korean human rights issues. This study could contribute to understand the goals, strategy and means of US human rights diplomacy toward North Korea providing analytical insights into interpretation and evaluation of the social network to improve North Korean human rights practice. This network is characterized in its complex, multi-layer structure combining diverse players such as key politicians, individual activists, research institutes, public broadcasting agencies, churches and human rights NGOs as well. In spite of some discrepancies and segmentation in goals and strategic preferences, it has been conducting solid advocacy campaigns based on shared information and values embedded with liberalism and strongly influenced by Christian evangelism. While attracting conceivable media attention and producing some policy impacts such as creation of the 2004 North Korean Human Rights Act, its limitation could also be observed in lacking of financial resources and relatively small scale of voluntary campaign participants. It can exert much more influence on the US human rights diplomacy if it could broaden its network partners such as South Korean human rights NGOs and other humanitarian aid agencies strengthening the international network and mobilize more resources. 본 연구는 미국 NGO정책네트워크의 구조와 동태를 분석하고 북한인권정책에 미치는 영향력을 평가하는 것이다. 여러 층위의 행위주체들에 의해 형성된 정책네트워크에 대한 분석은 미국의 대북인권정책의 목표, 전략, 수단에 대한 정확한 인식 및 예측가능성을 제고시켜 줄 수 있다. 미국 북한인권네트워크는 자유주의와 복음주의를 기본가치로 내재하고 있으며 다양한 행위자가 결합된 복합적 구조를 특징으로 한다. 이들 내부에는 전략목표에 따른 분파성이 관찰되고 있으며 정보 및 가치공유를 중심으로 결합되어 있다. 북한인권네트워크의 가장 큰 약점은 제한된 참여 조직과 물질적 자원이다. 만약 북한인권네트워크가 주요한 국제적 인권NGO와 연대를 강화하고 새로운 참여자 및 자원을 동원할 수 있다면 보다 강력한 힘을 발휘할 수 있을 것이다.

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