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      • Neutrophil-lymphocyte count ratio(NLCR) for prediction of bacteremia in elderly patients with acute pyelonephritis in an ED

        이운정,우선희,설승환,김대희 대한응급의학회 2015 대한응급의학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2015 No.2

        APN is relatively common disease in the ED and could be treated easily. However APN with bacteremia, especially elderly patients, causes cases to progress sepsis and septic shock, NLCR has been reported that it is a rapidly available, cheap and easy to determine bacteremia of ED patients. The aim of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of NLCR for prediction of bacteremia in elderly APN patients. We conducted a retrospective study of elderly patients with APN admitted through the ED. The authors evaluated demographic characteristics, clinical symptoms and laboratory results. ROC curves were plotted for NLCR, CRP, WBC and ESR. We performed multivariate regression analysis to predictive ability of NLCR for bacteremia in elderly APN patients. A total of 256 patients were enrolled and bacteremia was detected in 116 patients. Significant differences in elderly APN patients with bacteremia were detected with respect to NLCR (median 16.6 vs 8.83; p=0.000), CRP (161.98l vs 135.85 mg/dl; p=0.004) but not regarding WBC count and ESR. Multivariate logistic analysis showed that NLCR, complicated APN, temperature and vomiting independently predicted the presence of bacteremia. The area under the ROC curve was highest for the NLCR (0.741). NLCR could be used as a better predictor of bacteremia in elderly patients with APN than WBC count, CRP and ESR.

      • KCI등재

        급성 중독 환자의 임상 양상에 알코올 섭취가 미치는 영향

        이운정,정시경,최세민,최승필,박규남,우선희,윤준성,경연영 대한응급의학회 2009 大韓應急醫學會誌 Vol.20 No.1

        Purpose: This study was conducted to see the effect of alcohol ingestion on clinical features of acute drug intoxicated patients. Methods: We prospectively investigated drug intoxicated patients who visited the emergency department 6 hours after acute poisoning from January 2004 to December 2007. Patients were classified into two groups according to serum alcohol levels: an alcohol group (serum alcohol level>10 mg/dl) and a non-alcohol group. The type of toxic material, age, sex, duration of time to arrive to the emergency department (ED) after poisoning, mean arterial pressure, respiratory rate, base excess level, AST level, serum creatinine level, cause of poisoning, suicide attempt, past psychiatric history, discharge against medical advice rate, and admission rate were checked. The initial and final Poisoning Severity Score (PSS), the Glasgow coma scale, the length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU), the usage of a mechanical ventilator, and death rate were also checked. Results: The study enrolled 222 intoxicated patients of which 75 fell into the non-alcohol group and 147 into the alcohol group. Alcohol ingestion of acute poisoning in males was higher than in females. The AST level and discharge against medical advice rates in the alcohol group were higher than the non-alcohol group. The base excess level, length of stay in ICU, past psychiatric history rate, and admission rates in the non-alcohol group were higher than the alcohol group. The PSS were not correlated with alcohol consumption between the two groups. Conclusion: Alcohol ingestion is not associated with PSS. However, alcohol ingestion is commonly found in acute drug intoxicated patients. The discharge against medical advice rate in the alcohol group was higher than the non-alcohol group.

      • KCI등재

        Expression profiling of microRNAs in lipopolysaccharideinduced acute lung injury after hypothermia treatment

        이운정,김인수,신소영,박기철,양금진,은정우,설해정,정시경 대한독성 유전단백체 학회 2016 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.12 No.3

        We investigated the expression profiles of miRNAs in acute lung injury (ALI) rats after hypothermia treatment. ALI rats were induced with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and maintained with hypothermia (HT) or normothermia (NT) for 6 hours. HT attenuated inflammatory cell infiltration in the lung and improved biochemical indicators of multi-organ dysfunction. Nineteen miRNAs were significantly differentially expressed in the HT group compared with the NT group. miR-142, miR-98, miR-541, miR-503, miR-653, miR- 223, miR-323 and miR-196b exhibited opposite patterns of expression between the two groups. These dysregulated miRNAs were mainly involved in the immune and inflammatory response on functional annotation analyses. This study shows that HT has lung protective effects and influences expression profiles of miRNAs in ALI. And dysregulated miRNAs after HT modulate the immune and inflammation in ALI. These results suggest that dysregulated miRNAs play a role in the mechanism of the lung protective effects of HT in ALI.

      • KCI등재후보
      • Secondary hyperkalemic quadriplegia

        이운정,우선희,설승환,김대희 대한응급의학회 2015 대한응급의학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2015 No.2

        Muscle weakness or paralysis due to an electrolyte abnormality has been described many times previously , especially hypokalemic periodic paralysis in Asian young man, but hyperkalemic paralysis is uncommon. If not recognized early in the ED presentation and misdiagnosed , hyperkalemic paralysis can be fatal. A case of severe hyperkalemic quadriplegia caused by unrecognized existing moderate renal failure and mild dehydration with a timely diagnosis and treatment is presented. A 72-year-old man presented to the ED with isolated flaccid quadriplegia. He had developed weakness in his legs twelve hours prior to presentation that progressively moved to his arms. The patient had profound weakness of both the upper (grade 1/5) and lower (grade 0/5) extremities.The initial point of care arterial blood gas results were: pH 7.18, PCO2 27 mmHg, PO2 mmHg, sodium 132 mmol/L, potassium 9.6 mmol/L. The initial ECG showed widened QRS complexes with hyperacute tall peaked T waves. Following treatment there was significant improvement in the flaccid quadriplegia and the patient was able to move both legs and arms against gravity. The patient was diagnosed with hyperkalemia due to renal failure and underwent emergent hemodialysis and was transferred to the medical ICU. This case report describes a patient with severe hyperkalemia presenting to the ED with only flaccid quadriplegia who was diagnosed early and successfully managed

      • KCI등재후보

        노인 급성 약물 중독 환자의 임상적 고찰

        이운정,최세민,경연영,김형민,윤준성,정시경,우선희,박규남 대한노인병학회 2009 Annals of geriatric medicine and research Vol.13 No.1

        Background: Incidents of suicide attempts and acute poisonings in the elderly population is rising. This study compared elderly and younger patients to investigate the influence of age on the clinical nature of acute poisoning. Methods: We retrospectively investigated 147 patients with acute poisoning who visited the emergency departm ent within 6 hours of exposure. Patients were divided into two groups, young adult (20-40 yrs) and elderly (≥55 yrs). Information on type of toxic material, age, sex, duration of time to arrive to the emergency departm ent (ED ) after poisoning, cause of poisoning, usage of activated charcoal and gastric lavage, previous suicide attempts, and past psychiatric history were collected. And, the mean arterial pressure, respiratory rate, base excess, aspartate am inotransferase (AST), serum creatinine, rate of discharge against medical advice, intensive care unit (ICU) admission rate, discharge rate, duration in ICU, usage of mechanical ventilator, and death rate were analyzed. Initial and final Poisoning Severity Scores (PSS) of each patient were calculated. Results: The mean age of the young adult group and the elderly group were 30.6±6.1 yrs and 66.6±8.2 yrs, respectively. Cause of poisoning was accidental more often in the elderly group than in the young adult group. AST and creatinine levels were higher and base excess was lower in the elderly group. ICU admission rate, duration in ICU, usage of mechanical ventilator, death rate, and initial and final PSS were all higher in the elderly group as well. Conclusion: This study showed that the PSS and death rate from acute poisoning were higher in the elderly group than in the young adult group. 연구배경: 노인 인구의 증가와 더불어, 응급의료센터에 내원하는 급성 약물 중독 환자 중 노인의 비율도 높아지는것을 임상적으로 흔히 접할 수 있다. 이 연구는 젊은 성인과 55세 이상의 노인의 약물 중독 환자의 임상 양상을 비교 연구하여, 노인 약물 중독 환자의 기초 자료 및 향후 치료 및 예후 평가에 도움이 되고자 계획하였다. 방법: 2004년부터 4년 동안 음독 6시간 이내에 응급의료센터로 내원한 급성 약물 중독 환자 20세 이상 40세까지의 환자 107명과 55세 이상의 환자 40명을 두 군으로 나누어 중독 물질 및 나이, 성별, 음독 후 내원 시간, 두 군의 위세척 및 활성탄 사용의 유무, 자살시도 여부, 과거력상 신경정신과 병력을 조사하였고, 초기 평균 동맥압, 맥박수, 호흡수, 염기 결핍, AST, creatinine 및 환자의 경과 관찰 후 중환자실 입원, 퇴원 및 자의 퇴원율과 중환자실 입원 기간 및 인공호흡기 장착률, 사망률을 비교 분석하였다. 또한 두 군에 따른 초기 중독 중증도 지수 및 최종 중독 중증도 지수를 비교 분석하여 조사하였다. 결과: 대상군의 평균 나이는 젊은 성인군은 30.6±6.1세였으며, 노인군은 66.6±8.2세였다. 음독한 물질로는 젊은 성인군에서는 독실라민이 22명(20.6%)으로 가장 많았고, 노인군에서는 16명(40.0%)이 제초제 및 살충제인 농약류를 음독 후 내원하였다. 노인군에서 사고에 의한 중독이 7명(17.5%)으로 젊은 성인군보다 더 많았으며(p=0.010), AST, creatinine, 중환자실 입원율, 중환자실 입원기간, 인공호흡기 장착률 및 사망률은 노인군에서 의미있게 더 높았다(p<0.05). 또한 초기 및 최종 중증도 지수는 노인군에서 젊은성인군보다 더 높았다(p<0.05). 결론: 노인군 약물 중독 환자에서 평가한 중독 중증도 지수가 젊은 성인군보다 더 높고, 사망률 및 인공호흡기장착률이 더 높아, 노인 약물 중독 환자가 응급의료센터에 내원하는 경우 집중 모니터링 및 치료가 필요하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        문화전략이론 관점에서 본 도시재생 유형분석에 관한 연구

        이운정,김상봉 한국도시행정학회 2023 도시 행정 학보 Vol.36 No.3

        본 연구는 문화적 도시재생의 범위를 도시문화전략이론인 장소마케팅과 창조도시론 두 이론의 관점에 기초하여 도시문화정책의 전략적 방식을 도시재생 사례도시별로 유형화하여 도시의 역사, 문화, 환경, 공동체, 경제 등의 도시생활여건을 조성하는 방법과 도시의 문화적 도시재생의 진행결과를 분석하였다. 도시문화전략요소는 기존연구에서 제시된 요소 및 지표들을 추출, 분류하여 모형화했으며, 이를 토대로 국내외 도시재생사업에 문화전략요소들이 활용 및 적용되는 지표를 도출하였다. 이에, 도시문화전략 요소가 도시재생에 미치는 영향과 각 도시별 도시재생 과정과 결과에 어떠한 문화요소가 적용되었는지를 유형화하고, 이를 토대로 문화적 도시재생의 적합한 모델과 방법론적 문화요소의 효용을 평가하였다. 본 연구는 문화도시재생사업의 발전적인 도시전략 모색과 문화적 도시재생사업의 모형을 구축하기 위한 기초연구로써 그 주요 의의가 있다. This study bases the scope of cultural urban regeneration on the perspectives of two theories: urban cultural strategy theory, place marketing and creative urban theory. In the urban regeneration project, the strategic method of urban cultural policy was typified, and the urban living conditions such as the history, culture, environment, community, and economy of the city and the results of cultural urban regeneration were analyzed. The urban cultural strategy element was modeled by extracting, classifying, and classifying the elements and indicators presented in the previous study. Based on this modeling, indicators of the utilization of cultural strategic elements of domestic and foreign urban regeneration projects were derived. Accordingly, the impact of urban cultural strategy elements on urban regeneration and what cultural elements were applied to the urban regeneration process and results of each city were typified. And based on this, the appropriate model of cultural urban regeneration and the utility of methodological cultural elements were evaluated. This study is great significance as a basic research to explore a progressive urban strategy for cultural urban regeneration projects and to build a model for cultural urban regeneration.

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