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        정정보도청구 사건에서의 개별적 연관성 판단기준: 소위 ‘바이든ᐨ날리면’ 사건에 대한 비판적 검토를 중심으로

        이예찬 한국언론정보학회 2024 한국언론정보학보 Vol.0 No.125

        이 연구는 MBC의 일명 ‘바이든ᐨ날리면’ 보도에 대하여 외교부가 제기한 정정보도청구 소송에서 원고의 개별적 연관성을 인정한 제1심판결을 법리적으로 검토하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 기존 판례분석 결과 법원은 보도에 원고의 사회적 평가 내지 신뢰를 저하하는 사실적 주장이 적시되었는지 여부를 기준으로 개별적 연관성을 판단하는 태도를 보였다. 그런데 ‘바이든ᐨ날리면’ 사건 담당재판부는 ① MBC가 외교부가 대통령의 외교활동을 제대로 보좌하지 못하여 대통령의 발언 논란을 야기하였다는 취지로 보도하였고, ② 국회에서 가결된 외교부장관 해임건의안의 제안이유 중 하나로 대통령 발언 관련 책임을 들고 있다는 등의 사정을 제시하며, 비록 외교부가 보도에서 직접적으로 지명되지 않았더라도 보도 내용과 개별적 연관성이 있다고 보았다. 이러한 판단은 일반 시청자가 뉴스를 보는 관점을 제대로 반영하지 못한 것으로 보인다. 또한 보도에서 ‘외교 안보라인’으로 언급되었을 뿐인 외교부장관을 두고 외교부의 개별적 연관성을 인정한 논증 과정을 구체적으로 제시하지 못한 점도 지적할 수 있다. 어떤 보도에서 지칭된 개인과 그가 속한 기관은 다른 별개의 인격체라고 보아야 하기 때문이다. The purpose of this study is to legally review the judgment of the first instance court in the so-called “Baiden-Nalimyeon” case, which recognized the individual relevance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The presiding judge ruled that the Ministry had relevance to the MBC report, even if not explicitly mentioned, citing: i) MBC’s reporting suggesting that the controversy over the President’s remarks was partly due to the Ministry’s failure to properly assist the President’s diplomatic activities; and ii) the reason for the recommendation of dismissal against the Minister of Foreign Affairs from the National Assembly includes his responsibilities regarding the President’s remarks. These judgements appear to have failed to properly consider the perspective of the general audience watching the news. Additionally, it can be criticized that the bench did not clarify the argumentative process regarding how they came to recognize the individual relevance of the Ministry, merely mentioning “the diplomatic and security line” in the report.

      • KCI등재

        도로변 농산물 판매장 시설의 문제점 및 개선방안 - 경상남도 밀양시를 중심으로 -

        이예찬,이유직 한국농촌계획학회 2016 농촌계획 Vol.22 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the roadside agricultural product shops located in Miryang city, and to find out the current situation on how people rate the importance and satisfaction levels of various aspects through surveys on sellers and consumers. With this information, the main problems and possible solutions are analyzed with the Important Performance Analysis(IPA) method. First, building parking spaces for customers should be prioritized to improve safety. Because many roadside shops for agricultural products are located alongside two-lane roads, sufficient parking spaces are needed for the consumers' safety. Second, to enhance the rural landscape, consumers express that improving store quality and integrating more with the environment are important. Store owners should take more care in maintaining store quality so that customers do not experience inconvenience while shopping. Futhermore, institutional guidelines and standards must be implemented to allow for a more harmonious relationship between these shops and the environment. Third, both sellers and consumers think that taste, price, and freshness are important aspects of roadside agricultural product shops. However, while sellers and consumers both agree that the price is the most important factor, there is a discrepancy between these two groups regarding the satisfactory price level. The sellers do not agree that their products are being sold at the fair price. This can be interpreted as sellers believe that the prices are set too low. Because pricing is important aspect and also a very delicate issue, mid to long term consideration and study will be needed to improve roadside shops for agricultural products in the future.

      • KCI등재

        SF로 보는 분단 극복의 욕망 : 복거일의 『파란 달 아래』(1992)를 중심으로

        이예찬 민족문학사연구소 2022 민족문학사연구 Vol.80 No.-

        Bok Geo-il’s science fiction plays an important role in the history of Korean literature. In Search of the Epitaph imagination through the form of alternative historical novels, the next work, A Wanderer in History, depicts a newly imaginable nationalism through the form of a virtual historical novel. The third science fiction novel, Beneath the blue moon, depicts the integration process of the inter-Korean moon base pioneered in the near future. While continuously creating science fiction novels, Bok Geo-il has established himself as an exception in the mainstream literary world. However, most of the research on Korean science fiction novels has been focused on the artist’s debut work, which is regrettable. This study aims to pay attention to the problem of de-division presented by Bok Geo-il through Beneath the blue moon. This work shows the characteristics of SF novels and reveals the desire to overcome division. The author showed the reader the process of unification through the eyes of the main female speaker in the northern half. And finally, it presents an ending in which the national task of unification that has not been achieved on Earth is completed on the moon. However, these attempts have limitations that distort the reality of division. 1992 when Beneath the blue moon was created was a time when the post-Cold War came rapidly globally. The problem is the refractive shape of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea presented by Bok Geo-il through his novel. This is because the Northern Hemisphere, viewed by a writer from the Southern Hemisphere, was the remains of the communist bloc that eventually collapsed. Therefore, this study attempts to adjust the distorted reality of division again. Furthermore, by looking at the case of departmentalization imagined as dystopia in Korean SF novels after Bokgeo-il, I would like to confirm what posture is required for the process of overcoming the division of reality.

      • KCI등재

        1980년대 후반 북한문학 ‘열풍’의 문제 - 『실천문학』(1988년 겨울, 통권 12호~1989년 겨울, 통권 16호)을 중심으로

        이예찬 상허학회 2021 상허학보 Vol.61 No.-

        이 글에서는 1988년 7월 19일에 단행되었던 (납)월북문인에 대한 해금 조치 이후 『실천문학』이 발빠르게 ‘북한문학’을 소개했던 과정을 살펴보았다. 1988년 겨울에 발행된 『실천문학』 통권 12호부터 1989년 겨울 『실천문학』 통권 16호까지 『실천문학』의 편집 주체들은 ‘북한문학’을 민족과 민중 나아가 통일의 이정표로써 남한에 소환하고 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 이 과정에서 『실천문학』은 단지 북한문학뿐만 아니라 ‘빨치산’까지도 호명함으로써 분단과 전쟁(1950~1953년) 이후로 금제로써 소외되었던 과거사의 유령들을 다시금 살려내기 위한 노력을 함께 시도하였다. 우선 해방과 분단 사이에 창작되었던 북한문학의 문제를 수령형상문학과 일반 문학의 관점에서 고찰하였으며, 1980년대 동시대 문학에 대해서는 주체사상의 문제와 사회주의 현실주제의 구분을 통해 다시금 해석해야 함을 살펴보았다. 빨치산과 빨치산문학의 경우 어째서 북한문학과 함께 호명되어야 했는가를 내밀하게 보고자 시도하여 분단과 냉전이라는 국내적 상황과 탈냉전이라는 국제적 상황 사이의 균열을 통한 해석 가능성을 엿볼 수 있었다. ‘해금’의 상황에서 ‘북한문학’은 온전한 민족문학에 대한 갈망을 의미함을 확인하였다. 이제는 ‘북한문학’이 내포하고 있는 불완전성을 넘기 위해 ‘조선문학’에 대한 이해와 접근이 필요하다. The purpose of the study is to find out why "Silcheonmunhak" introduced North Korea literature. From 1988 to 1989, "Silcheonmunhak" published North Korea literature. For them, North Korea literature was a tool for the nation, people and unification. The North Korea literature contained in "Silcheonmunhak" has two features. First, literature created between liberation and division. Second, poems and novels created in the 1980s. In this article, the work is interpreted according to each characteristic. "Silcheonmunhak" also mentioned ‘Partizan’. After the division and war, the forbidden past was restored. Through the relationship between North Korea literature and Partizan, a rift was discovered between the domestic situation of division and the Cold War and the international situation of the post-cold war. In the 1980s, North Korea literature was a hope for national literature. But now it is necessary to overcome the imperfections of “North Korea literature” and understand “DPRK literature.”

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