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        3∼5세 누리과정 신체운동영역에 대한 교사의 인식 및 실행 시 어려움

        이영심 한국보육학회 2016 한국보육학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to seek ways to raise teachers' awareness of the curriculum, and to provide preliminary data of revised contents regarding the physical motor domain, when the Nuri Curriculum is revised, by identifying teachers’awareness of subordinate aims and detailed contents regarding the physical motor within the Nuri Curriculum for 3∼5 years old children and difficulties when implementing the physical motor domain. J city carried out a questionnaire survey targeting 316 child care center teachers. The results were analyzed into average and standard deviation. The survey results are as follows: First, the subordinate aim with the lowest level of awareness was having a positive awareness about one’s own body. Detailed contents with low levels of awareness by content categories were, telling sensory differences and experiencing them, moving and experiencing by using movement elements and understanding or having an interest in differences of exercise ability between oneself and others. Secondly, without guide books or manuals for the Nuri Curriculum, teachers generally experienced difficulty in recognizing subordinate goals, as well as selecting and teaching activities according to detailed contents. In conclusion, suggested that the Nuri Curriculum should be corrected and supplemented in terms of overall detailed contents, when being revised, aiming at forming a foundation for holistic human development through physical motor stimulation; content categories include perceptual motor, fundamental movement, physical expression activities, and basic physical fitness. 본 연구목적은 3∼5세 누리과정 신체운동 하위목표와 세부내용에 대한 교사인식 및 신체운동영역 실행 시 어려움은 무엇인지 알아보아 인식을 높여줄 수 있는 방안을 모색하고 차후 누리과정 개정 시 신체운동영역 개정내용의 기초자료를 제공하는데 있다. 총 50문항의 설문지를 5점 척도로 구성하여 J도 어린이집 교사 316명에게 조사한 자료를 평균과 표준편차로 분석하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 인식이 가장 낮은 하위목표는 자신의 신체를 긍정적으로 인식하기였다. 내용범주별로 인식이 낮은 세부내용은 감각적 차이 구분하기와 경험하기, 움직임 요소 활용하여 움직이기와 경험하기, 자신과 다른 사람의 운동능력 차이를 이해하거나 관심 갖기였다. 반면에 인식이 가장 높은 하위목표는 신체활동에 즐겁게 참여하기이다. 세부내용은 신체명칭을 알고 움직임에 관심 갖기, 기본운동하기, 규칙적으로 바깥에서 여러 가지 기구 이용하여 신체활동하기였다. 둘째, 하위목표를 인식하거나 세부내용에 따른 활동내용 선정과 지도 시 누리과정 지침서와 지도서 제공이 없으면 어려움을 느끼고, 특히 1일 누리과정 4∼5시간 운영 안에 신체운동 수업계획과 연령에 적합한 지각운동지도를 가장 어려워했다. 결론적으로 차후 누리과정 개정 시 신체운동을 통하여 전인발달의 기초형성에 목적을 두고 내용범주를 신체운동유형별로 지각운동, 기본동작, 신체표현활동, 기초체력향상 운동놀이 영역으로 구성하며 전체적으로 세부내용을 수정 보완하거나 축소시켜 재구성할 것을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        2007년 개정 교육과정 중학교 기술・가정 교과서 주생활영역의 교육내용 분석

        이영심,장상옥 한국가정과교육학회 2011 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of housing area in Technology·Home Economics textbooks of the 2007 revised curriculum which was published in 2011. The structure and the contents of housing area which are consisted of housing/living environment and use of housing space were analyzed. This study aims to examine the changes in the newly revised textbooks as well as suggesting advice for the more improved revised one in the future. For this purpose, this study employed 11 different textbooks and the results were the followings: each textbook had different quantity of pages dedicated to housing area but commonly had the wide range of terminology, plentiful amount of tables/diagrams, reading and activity materials sufficient to have students to carry out in practice. Also, the newly added contents of local area and eco-friendly life are analyzed to be well reflecting the 2007 revised curriculum. In future textbook development, it will be important that the issue of low birth rate, population ageing and green-life to be included as well as emphasizing the content of the network within the local area in order to actively prepare for the environmental issues. 이 연구의 목적은 2007년 개정 교육과정 중학교 기술·가정 교과서 주생활 영역의 교육내용을 분석하여 차기 기술·가정 교과서 개발 및 교사의 교육내용 재구성 시 기초자료로 제공하고자 하였다. 분석대상은 2011년 적용된 중학교 2학년 기술·가정 교과서 11종 전부를 대상으로 하였다. 연구결과, 주생활 영역은 교과서마다 분량의 차이가 있었으나 각 단원별 용어, 표/그림, 읽기자료, 활동자료 등이 풍부하여 실천 문제 중심의 수업에 도움을 주는 것으로 파악되었으며 새롭게 추가된 근린환경과 친환경적 주생활 등은 2007년 개정 교육과정의 내용을 잘 반영하고 있는 것으로 평가되었다. 앞으로의 교과서 개발에는 중요한 현안인 저출산, 고령화와 녹색생활의 관점이 반영되어야 할 것이며 지역사회와의 긴밀한 네트워크로 환경 문제에 적극적으로 대처할 수 있는 교육 내용이 강조될 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        The Multiple Meanings of Nighttown in “Circe”

        이영심 한국제임스조이스학회 2010 제임스조이스저널 Vol.16 No.2

        Nighttown is the setting place of “Circe” where Bloom’s internal thoughts are presented through taking advantage of fantasy drama frame. This setting place is effectively used to raise several important issues related to sexuality and social system due to the fact that night-town itself strongly evokes “dreaming,” “sexuality,” and the fusion of time and place. The most dramatic event in the nighttown is Bloom’s transforming himself into “a prostitute,” which not only matches up with the setting place, but also helps to dismantle the staunch boundaries such as the dichotomy of gender. Also it helps to criticize the social system which has institutionalized “prostitution” at the expense of powerless women’s bodies in the society. Furthermore, the place allows Bloom who is a poor Jewish advertising canvasser in Irish society to transform himself into the most powerful figures such as an emperor and a pope. Therefore, the “nighttown” of “Circe” becomes a kind of cannibalistic place where it is possible to subvert the existing conservative social power structures and conventional ideologies such as patriarchal system and anti-Semitism. The nighttown of “Circe” has multiple meanings regarding sexuality, social system, and ideologies of the society. Thus the setting place of “Circe” plays the role to dismantle the fixed conservative ideologies which are basis of all kinds of dichotomy regarding gender, race, and social position.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 근대 도시의 소외 계층에 대한 현실적 투사와 그 전복적 비전 제시: 제임스 조이스의『더블린 사람들』과박태원의『천변풍경』

        이영심 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2015 영미연구 Vol.33 No.-

        James Joyce and Park Taewon were deeply conscious of the sense of deprivation derived from the fact that their own country was controled both politically and economically by the imperial states such as Britain and Japan. This aspect was scrupulously reflected in James Joyce's Dubliners and Park Taewon's the Chyonbyen Pung Kyoung (or the Sketch of Chyonbyen). In those days, both Dublin and Kyung Seung were the center of Colonialism and Modernism, the realistic and dismal aspect of which the two writers sharply captured in the two texts. Under the colonial oppression, most of the people of Ireland and Korea experienced the very devastated life. And the reason women and children led the most suffering lives in those days derives from the fact that they had to take the two folded burdens. The first one is that their country was colonialized one, which made the men frustrated and this caused them to vent their resentment and frustration on the women and the children. The second one is that the male dominant patriarchal system was deeply rooted in both Ireland and Korea in those days, which brought about the miserable lives to women and the children. And both Dubliners and the Chyonbyen Pung Kyoung reveal the pathetic lives of them realistically. However, the two texts do not satisfy in just making the realistic descriptions of women's miserable lives in those days but offer the vision of the subversion of that reality. In other words, Dubliners and the Chyonbyen Pung Kyoung suggest the new women who express their own voice regarding the various issues, articulate their own sexual desire, and manage to their lives without men's economical support. Regarding those two aspects I compared and analyzed James Joyce's Dubliners and Park Taewon's the Chyonbyen Pung Kyoung.

      • KCI등재

        글쓰기의 형상화와 예술관 드러내기: 제임스 조이스의 『젊은 예술가의 초상』과 박태원의 「적멸」 비교

        이영심 한국동서비교문학학회 2019 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.48

        This article compared “Nirvana” (Jeok Myeol) by Park Taewon with the last chapter of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, focusing on the embodiment of writing and the manifestation of the artistic point of view within the text. James Joyce inserted ‘the creational process of literary writing’ into A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man through a detailed description about Stephen’s writing of a villanelle. Furthermore, the last chapter without any special plot unfolds the literary theory of Stephen who finally recognizes his identity as an artist (or a writer). In the chapter, through his conversation with several other characters such as Davin, Stanley, and Lynch Joyce also effectively reveals Stephen’s artistic autonomy against the narrow minded Irish nationalism, Catholic religion, and the family system. Similarly Park Taewon’s “Nirvana” is ‘a novel about writing a novel’ because it sets up a novelist as its main character and constitutes the story from the process of his writing of a novel. And the novelist’s conversation with a fictional character who can be interpreted as another self of the novelist shows Park Taewon’s attempt to overcome the realistic constraints of Japanese imperialism by embracing the unconscious areas of human beings. Like this, the two writers, in common, inserted their struggle to solve the questions such as “What is the nature of literature?” and “What does it mean to write a novel?” into their own text.

      • KCI등재

        『젊은 예술가의 초상』과 『소설가 구보씨의 일일』에서 활용된 의식의 흐름 기법 비교

        이영심 한국제임스조이스학회 2018 제임스조이스저널 Vol.24 No.2

        The stream of consciousness technique focuses on the inner side of the character and emphasizes on one’s subjective viewpoint which makes it possible to preserve autonomy and independence against the overwhelming and authoritative social forces. In this respect, James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Park Taewan’s A Day of a Novelist Mr. Gubo have many common aspects to analyze. To begin with, both texts set a writer-oriented person as the main character: Stephen who will grow into a writer, and Gubo who is a writer. In addition, the stream of consciousness technique plays an essential role for Stephen or Gubo to reveal their subjective inner thoughts in opposition to the external authority of various levels. In this process, Stephen or Gubo unfold their thoughts on the nature of literature by means of showing the creating processes of their texts. In other words, they show the process of converting their own experiences into their creative literature texts. Also, the innovative narrative methods, stylistic innovations, and language experiments in both texts emphasize the modernistic literary perspective of the two main characters. Stephen, who overcame British imperialism, Catholic religious oppression, and family obstacles, achieved his literary autonomy, proudly declaring that “I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race” (275-76). Gubo also firmly makes up his mind “to write a really good novel” (157) after having realized that the most important thing in his life is creating a novel. In spite of the weakness that all the characters except the main character in both texts are given a secondary position, Joyce and Park created their own splendid modernistic text focusing on the subjective inner consciousness of the main character by means of the stream of consciousness technique.

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