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      • KCI등재

        韓国語母語話を対象にしたピアㆍラーニングにおけ るペアおよびグループ内の問題の実態と学習意識 - インタビュー調査を中心に -

        이시즈카 동북아시아문화학회 2016 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.48

        Peer learning that focuses on writing and reading has been introduced in Japanese education and implemented in various learning environments. Through various studies, the method has proved its effectiveness on learning and is now widely used and accepted. Peer learning has several pros so is recognized as a learning concept that should be adopted in many areas, not only in English and Japanese education. However, it does not mean that peer learning does not have issues. Issues related to cooperative learning since peer learning was first introduced in Japanese education are still unresolved. Even though successful examples have been introduced in actual practice, the method does not necessarily proceed ideally in the classroom. Studies so far have dealt with some problems in peer learning. However, most of them are limited to speculation from teachers, but only a few are from learners’ perspectives, who are the principle actors in learning. Attention has not been drawn to the state of mind of actual learners, the kinds of problems that occur in peer learning, the quality of effort learners put in, and what measures have been taken to solve these problems. Qualitative research is required to identify in detail the real conditions of peer learning. Therefore, through an interview survey, the kinds of specific problems that occur have been analyzed. Also, research has been conducted into the kinds of effort learners put in to overcome issues when they arise. At the same time, Ishizuka(2016)’s questionnaire survey was conducted for the purposes of confirmation and review. The results of the questionnaire survey were almost the same as those of Ishizuka(2016). However, problems in learner pairs and groups remain unresolved. In the interview, advanced learners and beginners generally gave different answers. Learners pointed to willingness to participate and differences in the language levels of partners or group members as the most difficult hurdles. When forming groups, teachers need to consider intimacy between participants as well as an appropriate balance in language skills between learners. As a result of this questionnaire survey, problems associated with peer learning that learners experience and the real mindset of students have become specific and clear. Peer learning assessment has stood out as a task to be completed, but I aim to find an effective way to improve this teaching method through actual research.

      • KCI등재

        韓国人学習者に共通する表記および文章ルールの誤用分析 - 通訳・翻訳・作文における副教材の開発を目指して -

        이시즈카 일본어문학회 2014 일본어문학 Vol.67 No.-


      • KCI등재

        韓国語母語話者の学習者を対象とした協同に対する認 識の研究 - 協同作業․ディスカッションイメージ·ディスカッションスキルを中心に

        이시즈카 동북아시아문화학회 2017 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.52

        Belief in Cooperation Study that Targets Native Korean Learners - Focused on cooperative work, discussion image, discussion skill Ishizuka Ken A survey targeting learners who study Japanese as a foreign language in Korean universities was conducted using “The Belief in Cooperation Scale,” developed by Yasunaga (2006) to clarify whether the concept of cooperative learning is an appropriate educational approach for Japanese learners whose mother tongues are Korean and how they perceive an image and a skill related to cooperative learning while having a ‘conversation.’ In addition to the survey, which is the original method of this study, an interview, qualitative research, was conducted at the same time to analyze and consider the learners’ perception from different perspectives by quoting specific situations and cases. After researching students’ tendencies, I cannot deny that there were differences by individual. The aggregate method can be averaged, but research that clarifies individual properties more specifically needs to be implemented. For that research, in addition to quantitative data, a class can be set up which introduces cooperative learning and observes the learners’ changes and the progress in the learners’ belief by researching repeatedly over time. Interviews, qualitative research, which target learners who are weighted towards high scores and low scores respectively, can be conducted as well. As a result, unexpectedly, the learners’ answers were mostly in the categories of ‘Harmony,’ ‘Motivation,’ ‘Cooperation,’ and ‘Initiative,’ and less in ‘Level Difference,’ ‘Grade Difference,’ and ‘Gender Difference.’ They speak up and directly express honest opinions while showing a tendency to avoid a leader’s role. Also, they consider vertical relationships and gender differences less than expected, but depend highly on higher level classmates. Based on this result, when designing a class, teachers need to fully grasp through the methods of a questionnaire survey, learning perception research, and preliminary interviews, a balance between learners, especially for those who do not get along with each other. However, from time to time, a positive learning atmosphere is not formed, even between close learners, and an adjustment will be needed.

      • KCI등재

        韓国人学習者に共通する誤用の研究- 韓国語的表現の分析および教材開発の試み -

        이시즈카 동북아시아문화학회 2014 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.40

        This research inquires about the misuse of the student of the Korean who learns Japanese. It was analyzed for misuse by analyzing the composition data of 427 persons obtained in nine years up to 2013 from 2005, to share in the Korean learners. By performing a classification of misuse whole, it was divided into five “A grammar”, “B expression”, “C vocabulary,” “D notation” and “E sentence rules”. And, it was analyzed with a focus on “B expression”, about what kind of misuse in this paper. In addition, we consider citing misuse example why misuse such about what happens. Finally, I gave recommendations also considering the future development of teaching materials. Rather than simply end with error analysis study, we noted the need to continue to apply to the field of useful actual learning.

      • KCI등재

        韓国語母語話者を対象としたピア․ラーニングにおける学習形態の違いに対する学習者の意識 - 教室空間とグループ編成を中心に -

        이시즈카 동북아시아문화학회 2017 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.50

        Learners’ Mindset When Methods Are Different in Peer Learning that Targets Native Korean Learners - Focused on learning space and grouping - Ishizuka Ken This study conducted a survey to clarify how different learning spaces (or classrooms) and grouping (or pair) methods of peer learning affect the mindset of a learner. Also, an interview was carried out to add a qualitative factor. In the three different class types of uniform learning, ‘ㄷ,’ and a fixed group, a Japanese class with a peer learning concept was given, and then the survey and the interview were conducted. Before the survey, a preliminary survey was conducted to identify the learner’s tendency and to set questions. In the uniform types of learning classroom, learners freely choose seats and members to do assignments with, but they normally do activities with the same members. They accept positively that they can study both in the seats and with the friends they like, but from the perspective of peer learning, only a few pairs or groups achieve effective learning. Intimacy reduces psychological anxiety, but it is hard to balance language level or motivational differences between group members, so this method is effective on only a portion of learners. In the ‘ㄷ’ type of classroom, a sense of unity, partner diversity, and novelty are accepted positively, but it has a negative impact on building relationships with partners. The survey result shows that it is better to have the same partners for a certain period, rather than to have a new partner in every class. Also, having a teacher to choose partners, who knows the readiness of the learners (*readiness refers to a learner’s information such as one’s learning maturity, the learner’s condition, or the learning environment), gives more balanced learning pairs. In the fixed group types of classroom, the learners accepted this method positively from the perspective of interactive learning. Not only was their own Japanese learning stimulated through activities with other members, but it also clearly showed that the burden on learners was reduced. However, it became clear that motivation, cooperation, and appropriate level differences in the group members are the necessary conditions to achieve those effects. Even from a conductor’s point of view, this type can control both small and large groups; it is expected to be one of the most effective learning space methods in peer learning.

      • KCI등재


        이시즈카 동북아시아문화학회 2023 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.74

        The hybrid class format has been adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic and has a high possibility of becoming established as a teaching format from here onwards. However, it can be said that learners and teachers perceive it more negatively. Ishizuka (2021) also failed to confirm any clear advantages, and did not point out any notable advantages other than an "increase in class format options”. Hybrid classes are a burden on teachers and involve several problems, such as the teachers’ tendency to avoid them. Therefore, in this study, literature survey, questionnaires and interview research were conducted in order to verify the following three issues: ① While hybrid classes are spreading, do they really provide no advantages? ② Is there an educational effect unique to hybrid classes that goes beyond face-to-face and Zoom-only classes? ③ If there are any demerits, how can they be turned into advantages? As a result, although the advantages of the environment for taking classes were confirmed, the advantages of hybrid learning itself in terms of class quality could not be confirmed. Despite trying various approaches to explore the unique advantages of hybrid classes that go beyond face-to-face and Zoom-only classes, a clear answer could not be obtained. It is likely that hybrid classes will remain in the future, but it is necessary to continue exploring the ongoing issue of whether hybrid classes have unique educational effects or not. This time, the focus was on research in Japan, but in the future, it will be necessary to survey research on hybrid classes outside Japan and consider them comprehensively.

      • KCI등재


        石塚健(이시즈카) 동북아시아문화학회 2015 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.45

        This study is that the Japanese teaching materials which were made with an investigation of a misuse common to a Korean learner at the session. And its effect was checked. When these teaching materials studied Japanese through a questionnaire survey, it was examined whether it was effective. And learner"s consciousness to these teaching materials was asked. And it was considered focusing on 3 of future"s improvement points. A result of the investigation showed that this handbook is useful for Japanese learning and that it becomes the hint which finds the cause of the learner"s misuse when correcting composition. And it became clear from a result of the questionnaire survey that it was very useful for improvement of composition and improvement of Japanese ability. It was lacking in the quantity of the explanation and the example for a learner as improvement points. When correcting the mistakes from now on, there are more possibilities which become the teaching materials which can feel the effect for a learner.

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