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      • 유아교육기관의 운영관리 및 유아기 프로그램 평가

        이소은,하진희,류혜선,박영주,주은혜,이종순 충북대학교 교육생활연구소 2001 생활과학연구논총 Vol.4 No.-

        This purposes of this study were to assess the state of current administration and program contents in early childhood institutes. Using APECP(Assessnt Profile for Early Childhood Programs), assesment data were gathered from 27 apprentices in child care centers and 6 apprentices in Kindergarten in Cheongju. Descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney test were used to analyze data. The result were as follows : (1) The distribution of percentile rate in administration was from 55% to 78%, and the area of Program Development scored the lowest. The assessments for Kindergarten were higher than those of child care center in the areas of Physical Facility, Food Service, and Program Management. (2) As for the program contents, percentile rate was from 62% to 80%, and generally the assessments for Kindergarten were higher than those of child care center. It appears that the certification and assessment system for ealry childhood institutions should be supervised more strongly in order to improve the qulaity of those institutions.

      • 토의학습과 유아의 언어능력

        오관순,이소은 충북대학교 교육생활연구소 2001 생활과학연구논총 Vol.4 No.-

        The purposes of this study were to investigate the effect which the discussion method in learning has on young children's language abilities, and to offer fundamental data for the development of language teaching model to improve young children's language abilities. The subjects were 44 children in public kindergarten of C elementary school in Choeng-won, Chung-buk area, whose average age was 66 months. There were two groups. Half of them were assigned to experimental group, in which the subjects took parts in the discussion for improving the language abilities. The other half of them were assigned to were control group. The results of this study were as fort lows. First, the young children with discussion method in learning were competent in vocabulary abilities than their counterparts. Second, the young children with discussion method in learning were competent in sentence comprehension abilities than their counterparts. Third, the young children with discussion method in learning was not competent in abilities than their counterparts. Fourth, no sex difference was found in discussion method in learning according to their sex. The results of this study indicate that the discussion activities for fairly tales improve the young children's language abilities, that is, their vocabulary abilities and sentence comprehension abilities. Also, it can be concluded that discussion method in learning has equivalent effect regardless of sex.

      • 동시를 통한 통합적 접근모형과 유아의 언어능력 및 조망수용능력

        한은경,이소은 충북대학교 교육 ·생활연구소 생활과학연구센터 2002 생활과학연구논총 Vol.5 No.-

        The purposes of this study were to investigate the effect of integrated poem activities on young children's language and perspective-taking abilities. The subjects were 40 5-year-old children in public kindergarten of D elementary school in Chonju City, Chung-buk area. Children were divided into two groups. One was experimental group which was exposed to integrated poem activities, and the other was control group. To assess children's language, cognitive and affective perspective taking abilities, K-ABC(Korean Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children) and Kurdek & Rodgon's perspective taking test were used. To analyse data, frequency, mean(M), standard deviation(SD) and Mann-Whitney test of non-parametric statistics were used. The results of this study were as follows. First, the language abilities of children with exposure to integrated poem activities were higher than those of control group. Second, the affective perspective taking abilities of experimental group were higher than those of control group. Third, no difference was found in cognitive perspective taking abilities according to treatment conditions. Fourth, among children with treatments, no sex difference was found in language, affective perspective taking and cognitive perspective taking abililties. The results of this study indicate that the integrated poem activities are effective tools for improving young children's language and perspective taking abilities.

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