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      • KCI등재

        특수합금 모넬 소재의 육각봉 압연 롤러 반력을 이용한터닝 휠의 구조해석

        이성진,양영준 한국기계기술학회 2023 한국기계기술학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        Hexagonal bolt, nut, fittings, and high-pressure valves with special alloy play an important role in many industrial products, for instance, such as semiconductor facilities, hydrogen stations and fuel cell electric vehicles. The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural stability of turning wheel using the reaction force of roller in variable hexagonal rolling die. As the results, the bearing groove had the possibility of damage in turning wheel, especially, in case of Bottom condition. Furthermore, the turning wheel showed structural instability by using safety factor but structural stability using strength, respectively, as a safety criterion.

      • KCI등재

        장기요양기관 요양보호사의 직무스트레스가 직업의식과 직무만족도에 미치는 영향

        이성진 인문사회 21 2019 인문사회 21 Vol.10 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to investigate whether job stress of long-term care centers' caregivers affects job consciousness and job satisfaction. For this purpose, the results of the study of long-term caregivers and caregivers in Chonnam area showed that first, the job stress of caregivers had an effect on job consciousness and job satisfaction. Second, the higher the job consciousness, the higher the job satisfaction. Third, the caregiver’s job consciousness was found to affect role ambiguity and job satisfaction in the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction. Therefore, this paper suggests ways to improve the quality level of long-term care services and suggests ways for job stress to raise job consciousness and job satisfaction and to prepare countermeasures. 본 연구는 장기요양기관 요양보호사의 직무스트레스가 직업의식과 직무만족도에 영향이 있는지를 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 전남지역 장기요양기과 요양보호사를 대상으로 연구한 결과 첫째, 요양보호사의 직무스트레스가 직업의식과 직무만족에 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 요양보호사의 직무의식 중 직업가치, 전문성 인식, 직업에 대한 긍지는 직업의식이 높을수록 직무만족도도 높은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 요양보호사의 직업의식은 직무스트레스의 역할갈등과 직무만족도와의 관계에서는 역할모호성과 직무만족도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 장기요양 서비스의 질적 수준향상을 도모할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고, 직무스트레스가 직업의식과 직무만족도를 높일 수 있는 방안과 대책마련을 할 수 있는 기회를 시사하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        좋은 수학수업에 대한 초등특수교사의 학습경험 탐색

        이성진,남윤석 국립특수교육원 2021 특수교육연구 Vol.28 No.2

        이 연구는 특수교육 현장에서 좋은 수학수업에 대한 초등특수교사의 학습경험과 그 의미를 탐색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이에 연구참여자로 수학 교과 연구경험과 수학 교과에 대한 전문성을 갖춘 초등특수교사 20명을 의도적 표집으로 선정 후 심층 면담 중심의 질적연구를 실시하였다. 연속적 비교법을 통해 얻은 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교사들이 경험한 좋은 수학수업의 실제 모습은 삶의 문제를 해결하는 실생활 관련 수학수업, 모든 학생들의 수업 참여를 위한 수준별 수학수업, 학생의 목표성취를 가능하게 하는 수학수업, 학생 참여를 이끌어내는 활동중심 수학수업, 교육과정에 근거한 수학수업으로 나타났다. 둘째, 초등특수교사들은 서적, 학습공동체, 수업의 실행과 반성 등의 학습과정을 통해 좋은 수학수업의 실제 모습을 학습하였다. 이를 통해 교사의 전문성 향상을 위해서는 수업의 실행과 반성을 위한 다양한 프로그램이 마련되어야 하며, 학습공동체의 활발한 운영을 위한 방안이 마련되어야 함을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 교사학습 프로그램의 방향에 대한 몇 가지 논의와 후속 연구를 제언하였다.

      • KCI등재

        동산․채권 등의 담보에 관한 법률상 ‘채권담보권’

        이성진 경북대학교 법학연구원 2011 법학논고 Vol.0 No.37

        After a financial crisis in 1997, financial companies have been aware of assets quality and credit risk, so they have preferred a loan on security that is certainly able to collect debt. And because of the international trends for the unification of collateral laws and increase of an international financial transaction etc., security system which utilize movables and a bond besides real security is being magnified. Because real estate is limited in quantity, the number of user that utilizes real estate to a collateral object is limited too. Therefore, the person which wasn't able to maintain real estate has considerable trouble in financing with real security. Especially, small and medium-sized businesses have trouble in financing with shortages of collaterals such as real estate, even if they are maintaining generally a technology with considerable levels. At this paper, I study new security right of receivables that can register. The new collateral system can set up several security right by adopting the public notification ways of registration on security right of receivables. Although the new act is enforced, the existing security right of receivables system don't be abolished. So the existing security right of receivables system is coexisted with the new security right of receivables system. 『the Act on Security over Movable Property, Receivables, etc.』 define in other to be able to register collateral about providing an obligation with a named obligee. Besides, this law defines in other that a mortgagee can be set up against a third person if mortgagee registers collateral. Collateral having made for the purpose of money bonds that I was newly founded has a problem in all sorts of ways. Thus, we have to study these problem. Before 『the Act on Security over Movable Property, Receivables, etc.』 is enforced, we should supplement and revise various problems of this act. If the new collateral system is come to stay promptly and a system financial of our country becomes advanced, fund supply of small and medium industries can be easy. The new collateral system must be operated in order to systematically harmonize with the existing right of security right of receivables. 동산․채권․지식재산권을 목적으로 하는 새로운 담보제도를 통하여, 자영업자와 중소기업의 자금확보 및 조달을 용이하게 하고 국민경제의 건전한 발전에 이바지하기 위하여 『동산․채권 등의 담보에 관한 법률』이 제정되었다. 즉 이 법률에 의하면, 동산․채권․지식재산권을 활용하여 담보권을 설정할 수 있다. 이 중에서 특히, 이 법률은 금전의 지급을 목적으로 하는 지명채권을 담보로 제공하는 경우에 담보등기를 할 수 있도록 규정한다. 즉 채권을 목적으로 담보권을 설정하는 경우 담보등기를 하면 제3자에 대하여 대항할 수 있다. 그리고, 담보권자 또는 담보권설정자는 제3채무자에게 등기사항증명서를 건네주는 방법으로 담보권설정 사실에 대하여 통지하거나, 제3채무자가 채권등기담보권의 설정 사실을 승낙함으로써 제3채무자에게 대항할 수 있다. 새로이 창설된 『동산․채권 등의 담보에 관한 법률』상 ‘채권담보권’과 관련한 여러 가지 문제점과 미진한 부분들을 고찰함으로써, 이 법률이 시행되기 이전에 개정과 보완을 통하여 새로운 담보제도가 원활히 운용될 수 있도록 하여야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능과 법인격 인정

        이성진 민사법의 이론과 실무학회 2020 民事法理論과 實務 Vol.23 No.3

        Articles 3 and 34 of the Civil Code stipulate the rights and abilities of natural persons and juristic person. Article 3 (Duration of Legal Capacity) of the Civil Code provides that: All persons shall be subjects of rights and duties throughout their lives. And Article 34 (Legal Capacity of Juristic Person) of the Civil Code provides that: A juristic person shall be a subject of rights and duties, in accordance with the provisions of Acts, and within the scope of its objects as determined by the Articles of incorporation. Civil Law does not stipulate rights subjects except natural persons and juristic person. Therefore, it is doubtful that artificial intelligence can have a legal personality. In the context of the remarkable development of artificial intelligence(AI) technology, the examining about legal personality of AI is important in order to maintain stable legal order. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare AI-related policies and legislations in advance in preparation for the impact of AI on society and legal disputes. In particular, the emergence of new contract methods and the unpredictable various illegal acts due to the development of AI technology should also be explored. AI is currently in conformity with the definition of an object in civil law, but it will not continue to be an object of rights. Even now, several opinions have been proposed on the civil and legal status of AI, but no clear solution has been drawn. It is difficult to imagine what kind of society will be developed in the future by AI. Sometimes I wonder if it is too hasty or unnecessary to discuss legal personality for future AI, which is not pre-existing, so it may or may not be realizable. But in-depth research on the recognition of legal personality of AI should be conducted. In addition, the recognition of AI's legal personality is difficult to resolve in the short term, so discussions on AI's legal personality must be continued through various academic viewpoints, and even social consensus should be drawn.

      • KCI등재

        가정폭력 피해여성들의 지각된 통제감과 회피 대처가 외상후 스트레스 증상에 미치는 효과

        이성진,조용래 한국임상심리학회 2009 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.28 No.2

        According to the temporal model (Frazier, Berman, & Steward, 2002), the dimensions of perceived control consist of past, present, future, and vicarious control, as well as future likelihood. This study was conducted to examine the independent effects of the dimensions of perceived control and the unique effect of avoidance coping on post-traumatic stress symptoms, and to shed light on the specific mechanism through which domestic violence influences post-traumatic stress symptoms in a sample of female assault victims. The participants were 103 women in shelter and related counseling centers, who experienced domestic violence. All completed the Korean versions of the Revised Conflict Tactic Scale, the Assault Attribution Questionnaire, the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, and the Coping Style Scale. Simultaneous multiple regression analysis revealed that only past control independently contributed to post-traumatic stress symptoms above and beyond the other dimensions of perceived control. None of the unique effects of the other dimensions of perceived control on post-traumatic stress symptoms were significant. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that avoidance coping uniquely contributed to post-traumatic stress symptoms above and beyond all the dimensions of perceived control. Based on these results and those of previous studies, partial and full mediation models, in which past control and avoidance coping mediate the relationship between domestic violence and post-traumatic symptoms, were proposed addition to the simple effect model. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to evaluate and compare the two mediation models and the simple effect model. The results of SEM revealed that the full mediation model was superior to both the other models. In the full mediation model, the mediation effect of past control appeared to be relatively stronger than that of avoidance coping. In conclusion, the findings indicate the impotance of considering the role of avoidance coping as well as past control in order to prevent and treat the post-traumatic stress symptoms of female assault victims more effectively.

      • KCI등재

        침과 매선요법 복합시술의 유방 확대 효과 136례

        이성진,박상보,홍철희,Lee, Sung-Jin,Park, Sang-Bo,Hong, Chul-Hee 대한한방부인과학회 2017 大韓韓方婦人科學會誌 Vol.18 No.4

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of combined treatment of needle-embedding therapy and acupuncture for breast augmentation. Methods: 136 patients had needle-embedding therapy and acupuncture combined treatments for breast augmentation. The treatments was performed once a week for 10 weeks. We measured bust circumference, underbust circumference, bust circumference and underbust circumference difference, treatments either before or after. Results: The mean of bust circumference was $77.75{\pm}4.93cm$ before the procedure and $80.25{\pm}5.01cm$ after the procedure, $2.50{\pm}1.95cm$ significantly increased. The mean of underbust circumference was $70.01{\pm}3.99cm$ before the procedure and $70.49{\pm}4.08cm$ after the procedure, $0.48{\pm}1.48cm$ significantly increased. the mean of bust circumference and underbust circumference difference was $7.74{\pm}2.24cm$ before the procedure and $9.76{\pm}2.55cm$ after the procedure, $2.01{\pm}1.72cm$ significantly increased. Conclusions: The combined treatment comprising needle-embedding therapy and acupuncture had a significant effect with regard to breast augmentation.

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