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        북한 학계의 백제 역사인식

        이성준 백제학회 2022 백제학보 Vol.- No.40

        The goal of the North Korean academia about the history of Baekje is to contribute to establishing the history of Goguryeo right. The recognition that Baekje was established by the son of the founder of Goguryeo emphasized the influence of Goguryeo in almost all areas, including the state system, material culture, and foreign relations. This is a part of measures to discover the history of the people's struggles to solidify the historical necessity of socialist construction and to strengthen ideology. However, as it resulted in the interpretation that Baekje's system and culture blindly followed Goguryeo's advancedness and subjectivity, it clearly showed the flaws stemming from an exaggerated historical perception and biased perspective. Until the mid-1980s, North Korean academics defined the founding of Goguryeo as early 1st century BC, and Baekje became a small feudal state in the mid-1st century BC and a feudal state in the mid-1st century AD. However, after the 2000s, according to the teachings of Kim Jong-il, the founding of Goguryeo was revised to 277 BC, and Baekje was changed to become a feudal state in the middle of the 3rd century BC and a feudal state at the end of the 1st century BC. In order to solve the blind spot that Baekje’s Sabi capital was 48 years ahead of Goguryeo’s Janganseong capital, the construction of Naseong started after the construction of Janganseong, and it suggests the logic that the Goguryeoꠓstyle capital system was completed in Sabi in the first half of the 7th century. The theory continues that the spread of advanced technologies and systems of Goguryeo is clear even in archeology. The common features identified in the morphological characteristics, technical types, and patterns of pottery are that life customs, emotions, emotions, and hobbies were the same. Stone Mound Tomb was set to lag behind Goguryeo by two to three quarters. By analyzing the stone chamber tomb of Baekje in consideration of the structure of the stone chamber tomb in Goguryeo, parts of Neungsan-ri in Buyeo and Garak-dong in Seoul were defined as the 4th century. In addition, it is said that the Neungsan-ri temple in Buyeo was built with the introduction of the tomb system of Goguryeo, and Neungsan-ri Tomb No. 2 (Junghachong) was defined as the tomb of Gutae, the founder of Baekje. As such, the gap between academia in South Korea and North Korea is a problem that cannot only be said to be caused by differences in academic methodologies. In order to find a meaningful point of contact in the future, it will be necessary to make an effort to form a consensus that Baekje and Goguryeo played an important role in the dynamics of ancient East Asia. 백제사에 대한 북한 학계의 지향점은 고구려사의 정립에 일조하는 것이다. 고구려 시조의 아들이 백제를 건국했다는 인식은 국가체제, 물질문화, 대외관계 등 거의 모든 분야에서 고구려의 영향력을 강조하게 하였다. 이것은 소위 인민의 투쟁사를 발굴하여 사회주의 건설의 역사적 당위성을 공고히 하고, 사상을 강화하기 위한 조치의 일환이다. 하지만 백제의 제도와 문화가 고구려의 선진성과 주체성을 맹목적으로 추종했다는 해석으로 귀결되면서, 과장된 역사인식과 편중된 시각에서 비롯된 폐단을 분명히 보여주었다. 1980년대 중반까지 북한 학계는 고구려의 건국시점을 기원전 1세기 초로 규정하였고, 이에 따라 백제는 기원전 1세기 중엽 봉건소국, 기원후 1세기 중엽 봉건국가가 된 것으로 정리되었다. 하지만 2000년대 이후 김정일의 교시에 따라 고구려의 건국을 기원전 277년으로 수정하면서, 백제는 기원전 3세기 중엽 봉건소국, 기원전 1세기 말 봉건국가가 되었다고 정정된다. 그리고 백제의 사비 천도가 고구려의 장안성 천도보다 48년 앞선다는 맹점을 해결하기 위해 장안성의 건설 이후 나성이 착공되었고, 이에 따라 7세기 전반 고구려식의 도성제가 백제에 완성되었다는 논리를 만든다. 고고자료에도 고구려의 선진기술과 제도의 파급이 선명하다는 기조는 이어진다. 토기의 형태적 특징, 기술적 유형, 문양 등에서 확인되는 공통점은 생활풍습, 감정, 정서, 취미가 서로 같았기 때문이고, 백제 초기 수막새에서 고구려의 전형적인 특징이 관찰된다고 한다. 기단식적석총은 고구려보다 2~3분기 정도 후행하도록 설정하였고, 고구려 석실묘의 구조를 감안하여 백제의 석실묘를 편년하면서, 부여 능산리와 서울 가락동의 일부를 4세기로 분류하였다. 또한 고구려 능제의 도입을 부여 능산리 사지의 건설 배경으로 제시하며, 능산리 2호분(중하총)을 성왕이 아닌 백제 시조 구태의 능으로 비정하였다. 이처럼 한국과 북한 학계의 간극은 학문적 방법론의 차이에서 비롯되었다고만 할 수 없는 문제이지만, 향후 의미 있는 접점을 찾아가기 위해서는 고구려뿐만 아니라 백제도 고대 동아시아의 역학구도에서 중요한 축을 이루었다는 공감대를 형성하려는 노력이 필요할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of Surface Roughness on Friction and Wear Characteristics of SUS 321 for Hydraulic Cylinder Parts Application

        이성준,장용훈,김창래 한국트라이볼로지학회 2023 한국트라이볼로지학회지 (Tribol. Lubr.) Vol.39 No.6

        This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the impact of surface roughness on the friction and wear properties of SUS 321, an austenitic stainless steel variant produced using the laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) technique, which is a prevalent additive manufacturing method. After the LPBF fabrication, the specimens go a heat treatment process aimed at alleviating residual stress. Subsequently, they are polished extensively to achieve a refined and smooth surface. To deliberately introduce controlled variations in surface roughness, an etching process is employed. This multi-step method encompassed primary etching in a 3M hydrochloric acid solution, followed by secondary etching in a 35 wt% ferric chloride solution, with varying durations applied to different specimens. A comprehensive evaluation of the surface characteristics ensued, employing precise techniques such as surface roughness measurements and meticulous assessments of water droplet contact angles. Following the surface treatment procedures, a series of friction tests are performed to explore the tribological behavior of the etched specimens. This in-depth investigation reached its peak by revealing valuable insights. It clarified a strong correlation between intentionally altered surface roughness, achieved through etching processes, and the resulting tribological performance of LPBF-fabricated SUS 321 stainless steel. This significantly advances our grasp of material behavior in tribological applications.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of Scratch Characteristics of Diaphragm forApplication of Hydrogen Compressor Parts

        이성준,김창래 한국트라이볼로지학회 2023 한국트라이볼로지학회지 (Tribol. Lubr.) Vol.39 No.5

        Diaphragm compressors play a crucial role in safely compressing large volumes of high-purity hydrogen gas without contamination or leakage, thereby ensuring quality and reliability. Diaphragm compressors use a thin, flat, triple-layered diaphragm plate that is subjected to repetitive piston pressure for compression. They are usually made of metallic materials such as stainless steel or Inconel owing to their high-pressure resistance. However, since they are consumable components, they fail due to fatigue from repetitive pressure and vibration stress. This study aims to evaluate the scratch characteristics of diaphragms in operational environments by conducting tests on three different samples: Inconel 718, AISI 301, and Teflon-coated AISI 301. The Inconel 718 sample underwent a polishing process, the AISI 301 sample used raw material, and the Teflon coating was applied to the AISI 301 substrate at a thickness of 50 μm. To assess the scratch resistance, reciprocating motion friction tests were performed using a tribometer, utilizing 220 and 2000 grit sandpapers as the counter materials. The results of the friction tests suggested that the Teflon-coated sample exhibited the lowest initial friction coefficient and consistently maintained the lowest average friction coefficient (0.13 and 0.11 with 220 and 2000 grit, respectively) throughout the test. Moreover, the Teflon-coated diaphragm showed minimal wear patterns, indicating superior scratch resistance than the Inconel 718 and AISI 301 samples. These findings suggest that Teflon coatings may offer an effective solution for enhancing scratch resistance in diaphragms, thereby improving compressor performance in high-pressure hydrogen applications.

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      • KCI등재

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