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        이규보의 『동국이상국집』 영색시(詠色詩)에 나타난 색채관과 특징

        이선이 ( Syun-yi Lee ) 온지학회 2019 溫知論叢 Vol.0 No.61

        고려시대의 시격과 체는 당시 문인들의 시론 가운데 하나였으며, 이규보의 시는 화려하게 운을 활용하는 구조적인 특징을 가지고 있다. 제목에 있는 색명으로는 시문(詩文)에서 색명으로 사용하지 않는다. 색명인청(靑)자로 운을 사용하여, 제목과 함께 백 - 청, 흑 - 청, 황 - 청, 홍 - 청, 청 - 청의 대비효과와 방향성을 가지게 하였다. 평면에서 공간구조로 전한시킨 것이 영색시의 구조적 특징이다. 황홍청을 노래한 시의 공통점은 동식물이 자라고 뛰노는 자연에서 색을 찾으려고 하고 있다. 영홍시에는 적은 청과 대응하는 것은 뜻에 맞지 않는다고 하여 홍을 쓴 이유를 밝혔다. 기존의 사유와는 다른 면이며, 빛의 중요성을 강조한다. 이규보의 영색시는 전통 오방색 청·황·적·백·흑이 아닌 청·황·적·백·흑의 오색을 쓴다. 홍은 빛을 상징하며, 적은 청과 무늬를 이룰때 쓰인다. 때문에 홍과 적은 서로 의미가 다르고 색의 운용방식도 달라진다. 고려청자의 색은 청색 또는 비색이 아니라, 녹색으로 인식되었다. 옥석과 같은 돌의 색을 현재는 청색계열로 분류하지만, 고려는 백색계열로 인식하는 경향이 있었다. 청과 녹을 구분할 수 있었던 것은 청자가 생활 깊숙이 스며들어 있던 결과이다. 이것이 영색시를 통해서 나타난 이규보의 색채관 특징이라 할 수 있다. Forme poetique and adonien in the Goryeo Dynasty were among the Poetics, and Lee Kyu-bo's poems have structural features that utilize their luck with splendor. The color name in the title is not used as the color name in the verse. Using rhyme as the color name "靑(blue)", the contrast effect and direction of 白 (white)-靑(blue), 黑(black)-靑(blue), 黃(yellow)-靑(blue), 紅(magenta)-靑(blue), and 靑(blue)-靑(blue) were given along with the title. Translated from a plain into a spatial structure is a structural feature of Colored poetry. The common thing about poems that sing about 黃(yellow)-紅(magenta)-靑 (blue), and 靑(blue) is that animals and plants are trying to find color in nature, where they grow and run. Magenta(紅) poetry revealed why he used magenta because he said it was not right to react to red. It is different from conventional reasons and emphasizes the importance of light. Lee Kyu-bo's poetry sang the five color(blue(靑), yellow(黃), magenta(紅, or orange), white(白) and black(黑)) in five colors(blue, yellow, red, white and black). Hong(紅) symbolizes light, and is used to make blue patterns. Because of this, the magenta(紅) and the blue(靑) have different meanings and different ways of operating colors. The color of Goryeo celadon not recognized as blue or celadon green(翡色), but It was recognized as green(綠). Although the colors of stones such as jade are now classified as blue, Goryeo tended to recognize them as white. It was in the daily life of the celadon that the distinction between blue and green was made. This can be said to be the colorimetric characteristics of Lee Gyu-bo through a poem sung in colors.

      • KCI등재

        송욱의 동서사상 비교와 후기 시론의 지향점

        이선이 ( Lee¸ Sun-hee ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2020 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.68

        이 연구는 1970년대 접어들면서 송욱이 수행한 동서사상 비교의 방법과 내용을 분석하고, 이러한 비교의 과정에서 얻게 된 한국사상의 보편문화적 가치가 그의 후기 비평에 어떻게 드러나는가를 살피고자 하였다. 이러한 분석을 토대로 송욱의 후기 시론이 갖는 의미와 지향점을 밝히는 데 궁극적인 목적이 있었다. 송욱은 문학과 사상이 다르지 않다고 보면서 둘을 등가적인 것으로 인식하였다. 문학이 곧 사상이라는 전제는 초기에서부터 후기까지 일관되게 견지한 송욱의 비평적 관점이지만 시기별로는 내용적 차이를 보인다. 후기에 해당하는 1970년대에 송욱의 문학적 지향점을 온전하게 포착하기 위해서는, 이 시기에 수행한 동서사상 비교에 담긴 그의 인식을 명확하게 파악할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 기존 연구에서 간과되어 왔던 「東西事物觀의 比較」 (1970)와 「東西生命觀의 比較」(1971)라는 두 편의 글을 집중적으로 분석하였다. 이를 통해 1970년대에 송욱이 어떻게 동서양의 사유를 비교하면서 한국적 사유의 보편성을 확보해 나갔는가를 살폈다. 또 이러한 분석을 바탕으로, 동서사상의 비교를 거친 이후에 진행한 시집 『님의 沈默』에 대한 비평적 실천(『님의 沈默 全篇解說』(1974))에서 이러한 관점이 어떻게 드러나는가를 살핌으로써 송욱의 후기 시론에 드러난 지향점을 규명하였다. This paper examines the methodology and the contents of comparative study on East/West Thoughts Song Wook carried out in the 1970s, and explores how the value of Korean thought’s cultural universality, an insight which Song Wook had gained in such process of comparison, is shown in his later criticism. This study, therefore, aims to identify the meaning and standpoint of Song Wook’s late poetic theory. Song Wook recognized literature and thought as equivalent; the premise of ‘literature is thought’ had been Song Wook’s consistent critical perspective, thus leading to an eventual need for thorough analysis of Song Wook’s perception of thoughts, to comprehend his literary standpoint. In this paper, Song Wook’s two relatively overlooked theses, Comparative Study on View of Ethics in East and West and Comparative Study on View of Life in East and West, are analysed. By doing so, this paper examines how Song Wook compared Eastern and Western thought as well as secured the universality of Korean thought. Based on this analysis, this paper further explores how such Song Wook’s perspective is shown in his critical interpretation of The Silence of Love by Han Young-un, and identifies the standpoints of Song Wook’s late poetic theory.

      • 근대중국의 민족주의와 여성주의 : 딩링(丁玲)의 옌안시기 작품을 중심으로

        이선이 ( Lee Sunyi ) 한국여성사학회 2004 여성과 역사 Vol.- No.1

        This study aims to explore the relationship between nationalism and feminism in modem China through a writer, Ding Ling (1904-1986). While the nation and people were experiencing a difficult time, she tried to achieve her ideal in `Yenan`. During the Yenan period she took a `participatory - irrespective of gender` approach. While recognizing women`s fertility, she intended to participate in the revolution to the same extent as men. In the books she published in Yenan, she described the details of the dilemma that women participating in the revolution had faced. She demonstrated her loyalty through her first work in Yenan, which promoted the need of a war against Japan. However, throughout her stay in Yenan, she had seen women who were neglected by and became a salve to a `grand mission`, that is, the socialist revolution and the movement for the liberation of people. Moreover, she realized that revolutionary leaders relied heavily on traditional Confucian patriarchy. She started criticizing that the oppression of women was embedded in the Chinese revolution that was supposed to facilitate the socialist revolution and the emancipation of people. She adopted a critical attitude towards the social structure and the Party leaders` views in Yenan, rather than automatically identifying herself with the Party. She regarded the Yenan society from various perspectives and argued that it was not one simple entity. Due to her critique of the Yenan society and the Party, Ding Ling attracted considerable criticism during the `Zheng feng movement` in 1942, and had to attend an ideology disciplinary session at a Party executives school. Afterwards, she did not analyse the situation that herself or women in Yenan were in. Groups/societies that are based on class, race or ethnicity have considered the gender issue a taboo or an act to serve the interest of the enemy. This was the case even during the revolution and the war-time in China, given the example of Ding Ling. It is this general context that the critique of Ding Ling can be placed, which started during the `Zheng feng movement` and continued till the anti-rightism battle. Ding Ling`s work during the Yenan period illustrates the development of the Chinese feminism, which was born after the modem age, in the midst of achieving an assignment of `classless society` and `liberation of people`.

      • In vitro comet assay를 이용한 HaCaT 세포의피부 유전독성 예측

        이선의 ( Seoneui Lee ),김아름누리 ( Areumnuri Kim ),신혜림 ( Hye Rim Shin ),전경미 ( Kyongmi Chon ),박경훈 ( Kyung-hun Park ),문병철 ( Byeong-chul Moon ),백민경 ( Min Kyoung Paik ) 한국환경농학회 2016 한국환경농학회 학술대회집 Vol.2016 No.-

        Skin carcinogen such as inorganic arsenic has been shown to promote skin cancer by stimulating DNA damaging, tumorigenicity, carcinogenicity and cell apoptosis due to play a role in cell cycle control. Methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) is a genotoxic chemical and breaks DNA double-strand, and therefore it is used for a reference substances to induce DNA damage induction. HaCaT cells are immortal keratinocyte cell line from human skin.Genotoxicity in HaCaTcells provides some clues of genotoxic and carcinogeniceffects in skin tissue. The alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay is a sensitive and simple test for the detection of DNA damage at the individual cell level. Thus, in the present study, the comet assay was used to evaluate DNA damage and genotoxicity in HaCaT cells. DNA damage in HaCaT cells was elicited by treatment with MMS as positive control for 3 hrs.Theseresults ofDNA damage in HaCaT cells might reveal the possibility ofpredictingthe potential skin carcinogenicity.It is impossible of genotoxicity tests to detect perfectly with a single test, due to the fact that it is designed to detect on particular characteristic.Other genotoxicity tests such as in vitro micronucleus, Ames and lymphoma assay arerecommended, based on the standard test battery for genotoxicity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 한반도 위기에 따른 한국교회의 선교적 과제: NCCK를 중심으로

        이선이(Lee, Seonyi) 주안대학원대학교 2024 주안신학논단 Vol.- No.-

        July 27th, 2023 marks the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Korean War Armistice Agreement. South Korea was liberated from Japanese imperialism in 1945, South Korea established its government on August 15th, 1948, and North Korea formed the North Korean government on September 9th. Then in the tragic fratricide of the Korean War (1950-1953), the two Koreans divided. The main conflicts between North and South Korea are ideological and political differences, historical division, nuclear weapons development, military exercises, and border disputes. Continuous missional efforts by Korean churches are required for peace and unification. The purpose of this study is to examine the challenges of the Korean Church for overcoming the division on the Korean Peninsula. First, the changes in inter-Korean relations in the past 70 years after the Armistice Agreement is analyzed. When the relationship between the two Koreas was stable, there were developments such as the Sunshine Policy, inter-Korean summits, and the Gaesong Industrial Complex. However, in times of instability, North Korean nuclear issues arose and Yeonpyeong Island bombing occurred. Next, missiological reflections and programs for the establishment of peace between the two Koreas will be discussed. Korean church as a reconciler, prophet, and witness, should practice inter-Korean church exchanges and cooperation, establish a DMZ peace park, and denuclearize the Korean peninsula. Lastly, this study suggests some missional aims Korean churches should take during inter-Korean conflicts.

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