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      • KCI등재

        청 초기 이번원(理藩院)의 위상과 인적구성

        이선애 명청사학회 2016 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.45

        作为清代外藩统治机构的理藩院, 被评价为清朝固有的机构。理藩院也可看做管理赋予了清朝多文化ㆍ多民族特征的非汉族地区, 即外藩地区的机构, 其存在的本身也反映了清朝的特征。这种理藩院的特征, 在清朝廷内部将理藩院看做满族机构的这一事实中也得以体现。皇太极欲将内三院与理藩院的机构位置变更时, 汉人官僚们的反对, 也显示出他们将理藩院看做满族固有机构的认识。顺治年间与康熙初期, 理藩院地位的变化, 也应理解为顺治帝为强化皇权进行的政治改革, 及顺治帝死后围绕其改革政策产生的满ㆍ汉政治文化冲突。 适用于清代中央衙门的满汉并用原则, 在理藩院却不适用, 这一事实也可看为理藩院的特征。除了在汉档房的官员与笔帖式等任职的部分下级官吏以外, 理藩院的堂官全部由满洲和蒙古任职, 这一原则一直持续到清末。在崇德年间, 通过政治ㆍ文化与蒙古部族保持密切关系的叶赫贵族出身的人才得到了任用。且在入关后, 蒙古出身的旗人们, 成为了构成理藩院官员的主要人员。他们大体上为蒙古的首领层博尔济奇特氏族, 或是历任侍卫和内大臣等身份的较高的满洲ㆍ蒙古旗人。侍卫及管辖他们的内大臣主要为皇帝直属的上三旗(镶黄ㆍ正黄ㆍ正白旗)出身的旗人。他们作为皇帝的亲信, 形成了朝廷的核心权力层。在理藩院上层官员中, 布设皇帝的亲信势力, 也反映了清朝与蒙古之间的关系, 与藩部统治是清政权安定与发展的重要部分。 康熙中叶, 喀尔喀附属于清朝之后, 理藩院尚书中主要任命的是在满洲旗人中清朝最高名门出身的人。康熙帝为保护有关外藩事务的机密, 涉及外藩事务的官吏全部为皇帝直属的上三旗出身, 他们经过侍卫升至较高的职位, 最后剩下最亲信的满族被任命为理藩院尚书。康熙中叶开始, 理藩院尚书重用满洲旗人的同时, 尚书下面总管业务的侍郎和其它官员中, 增加了任用蒙古旗人的比重。蒙古旗人是体现清代满蒙关系与清朝的多文化ㆍ多民族特征的存在。他们的祖先是后金向清发展的阶段中, 被编入满族政权内部的蒙古人。蒙古旗人虽对蒙古有着同类意识, 但却认为自己是“旗人”。清朝也认为这些既忠于朝廷, 同时又对蒙古的语言和习惯有着很好理解的蒙古旗人, 是在进行包括外藩蒙古在内的藩部统治, 以及藩部事务的管理上最为合适的人才。然而, 在比理藩院的最高职位尚书相对下一级的侍郎和掌管实务的司官中, 蒙古旗人的比率更高。这一事实令人想起清朝的支配层仍是满洲。蒙古旗人虽为‘旗人’, 但终究不是‘满洲’。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        滿文史料를 통해 본 後金시기 滿ㆍ蒙 관계

        이선애 명청사학회 2018 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.49

        청대 만몽관계의 실상을 파악하기 위해서는 청대 관찬사료에서 의도한대로 청과 몽골의 관계를 일방적인 정복과 복속의 과정으로 보는 틀에서 벗어날 필요가 있다. 입관 전 상황을 생생하게 기록한 초기 만문사료를 이용해 후금 시기 만주와 몽골이 어떤 복잡한 과정을 거쳐 상호관계를 맺었는지를 검토하는 작업은 그 첫걸음이 될 것이다. 누르하치 치세의 후금은 여진 부족들을 통합하고 명과 차하르라는 강적을 상대하기 시작했다. 명과의 적대관계가 명확해져 가는 상황에서 누르하치는 내몽골 부족들과 연맹을 맺고자 노력했고 내할하5부와 코르친 등 비교적 강력한 세력을 유지하고 있던 몽골 부족들을 타협적으로 다룰 수밖에 없었다. 따라서 누르하치 치세의 후금과 몽골의 관계는 주종관계가 아닌 맹우의 관계였다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 후금이 명의 요동지역을 장악해가면서 명과 후금 사이에서 저울질하던 몽골부들의 태도가 후금 쪽으로 기울어갔다. 릭단 칸이 몽골의 맹주를 자처하며 주변 몽골 부족들을 공격하자 위기의식을 느낀 코르친은 적극적으로 후금과의 연합을 추진했다. 홍타이지가 즉위한 초기에는 내부적으로 버일러의 공동통치라는 정치체제로 인해 누르하치만큼의 권력 장악력이 부재한 상황이었다. 그러나 점차 다른 버일러들의 권력을 압도하게 되었는데 여기에는 코르친 좌익과의 중첩적이고 돈독한 혼인관계가 중요한 요인으로 작용하였다. 그리고 차하르 원정을 통해 내몽골 부족들을 규합하고 이들에게 후금 한(han)의 명령을 군율로 엄격히 적용함으로써 몽골 수장과 속민에 대한 통제력을 강화했다. 결국 차하르부까지 궤멸되면서 릭단 칸이 소유했던 傳國璽를 전해 받은 홍타이지는 몽골 大汗으로서의 정통성까지 확보했다. 홍타이지는 차하르부와 명에 대한 원정을 통해 내몽골 부족들에 대한 영향력을 심화시켰다. 그는 후금에 내속한 몽골인들을 八旗로 편제하는 한편 독자적인 세력을 유지한 몽골 부족들에 대해서는 유목 영역을 확정하고 호구를 조사하여 니루로 편제하는 등 후금의 통제력을 체계화했다. 홍타이지가 大淸國(Daicing Gurun) 황제로 즉위하자마자 의례적 장치를 통해 내몽골 수장들에 대한 종주권을 확인한 것은 그 결정판이라 할 수 있다. 그리고 이러한 홍타이지 시대의 몽골에 대한 정책은 이후 청대 외번몽고 통치의 원형이 되었다. In order to capture the realities of Manchu-Mongol relations during the Qing period, it is necessary to view the relations between the Manchu regime and the Mongols outside the framework of unilateral invasion and subordination, which was described by the official archival materials compiled by the Qing Dynasty. Early Manchu archives vividly describe the historical situations of Manchu-Mongol relation before 1644. Thus, they can provide the first step to exploring the complex process in which the Manchus and Mongols formed a complicated interrelation during the Late Jin period. Late Jin dynasty under Nurhaci’s reign was faced with the difficult tasks of unifying Jurchen tribes and tackling the powerful enemies of the Ming and the Chakhar tribe. As the antagonism between the Ming and the Late Jin became pronounced, Nurhaci strove to form an alliance with Inner Mongolian tribes and inevitably made compromises with Mongol tribes such as the Five Inner Khalkha and the Korcin tribe, which still maintained relatively strong power and influence in the region. Therefore, relationship between Late Jin under Nurhaci’s reign and the Mongols was not one of subordination, but one of alliance. However, as Ligdan Khan attacked neighboring Mongol tribes, the Korcin tribe that felt threatened by his action actively pushed for an alliance with the Late Jin. And Nurhaci carried out a full-scale attack on the Inner Khalkha later and turned the situation around to set a solid foundation to dominate the Inner Khalkha. In the early years of Hong Taiji’s reign, he lacked the strength to have a complete dominance over the other forces due to the co-ruling system of princes. Nevertheless, he gradually overpowered the other beile, which was made possible by the strong, multi-layered marital ties he formed with the Korcin Left Wing. In addition, he rallied the Inner Mongolian tribes via the campaigns against the Chakhar, and have them submit to the command of Late Jin ruler through strict military discipline, which reinforced the control over the Mongol leaders and the people. After defeating the Chakhar tribe and being offered the Yuan dynasty's imperial seal which used to be in Ligdan Khan’s possession, Hong Taiji eventually secured the legitimacy as the Great Khan of the Mongols.

      • KCI등재

        유아의 바깥놀이 활성화에 대한 연구 - 유아교사의 인식과 운영실태를 중심으로 -

        이선애 한국유아교육ㆍ보육복지학회 2019 유아교육·보육복지연구 Vol.23 No.1

        This study is a rudimentary investigation about an activation of outside plays through the early childhood teachers' perception and operating conditions. It encourages the teachers to have a new understanding of outside plays as "taking a rest" or "facilities and playgrounds" or "various activities available in outside". The objects of this study, conducted by mailing and visiting, are 128 teachers from the kindergarten and 72 teachers from day care center in Seoul-Incheon area. To be specific, the sample of the study is without some careless answers and omitted questionnaires. The questionnaire consists of 21 questions, improved based on Hee Jin Kim(2012), Dong Joo Shin(2005), Yang Sun Hwang(2003) studies, and 2 open questions. The study results indicated that early childhood teachers thought that outside plays were necessary, highly necessary or absolutely necessary. Even if they were close to natural environments, early childhood teachers used the facilities most. It suggests that their play concept is instrumental. The teachers used play facilities and play equipments mainly. About the time they take for outside plays and play contents, they thought 30 minutes was proper a little more then 30 minutes was not enough. That the early childhood teachers regarded the outside plays as "taking a rest" rather than a curriculum sounds a little inappropriate. The difficulties arising from the outside plays were safety problems, repetition of similar activities and practices and parents' demands for the academic-based curriculum. This result indicates that both teachers and parents need to understand the outside play in a new light. To nurture the diversity of outside plays, we need to recognize the importance of the elements the outside plays, such as program development, the perception of the teachers and preschools, the parents' perception and facility fund support, After all, we have to promote the outside play curriculum and its diversity. Also, it is necessary that the training of teachers for outside plays is needed to promote the outside plays. They have to change their misunderstanding that outside plays were possible only by taking advantage of play facilities. 본 연구는 ‘바깥놀이에 대한 유아교사의 인식과 운영실태를 중심으로 바깥놀이 활성화’의 목적에 둔다. 바깥놀이를 ‘휴식개념’과 ‘놀이시설과 놀이터중심의 전이놀이‘형태로 인식하는 관점에서 ‘바깥에서 할 수 있는 교육과정의 다양한 활동’이라는 놀이중심교육과정으로 인식시키며 바깥놀이운영실태를 분석하여 활성화 방안을 제언하고자 하였다. 연구대상은 경인지역의 유치원교사 128명과 어린이집교사 72명을 대상으로 우편과 방문표집 후 무성의한 자료와 문항의 누락설문지를 제외한 189명(94.5%)을 분석하였다. 연구도구는 김희진(2012), 신동주(2004), 황양선(2003)연구를 참고하여 연구자가 수정ㆍ보완한 설문지 21문항과 개방형 설문 2문항으로 구성하여 SPSS21.0으로 분석하였다. 연구결과는 유아교사들의 바깥놀이에 대한 필요성인식은 매우 높은 것으로 나타났으나 놀이자원인식은 지역여건이 자연친화적 환경임에도 시설중심으로 바깥놀이 개념이 도구화됨을 알 수 있었다. 놀이환경에서 유아교육기관은 고정놀이기구와 비 구조화된 놀이공간을 구성하고 있었으나 교사들은 바깥놀이의 주요활동을 놀이시설과 놀이기구를 중심으로 활용하는 것으로 나타났다. 바깥놀이운영의 어려움은 안전과 활동내용 및 지도방법이 다양치 못한 문제, 부모들의 인지기능중심 교육요구로 나타나 바깥놀이에 대한 전반적인 교사-부모의 재인식이 필요했다. 개방적 질문에서는 바깥놀이에 할애되는 시간과 편성에서 다수의 교사들은 운영시간을 30분으로 중식 후 휴식시간으로 교육과정의 활용보다는 ‘휴식이나 쉼’으로 인식하는 미흡한 수준이었다. 운영활성화의 방안으로 바깥놀이 프로그램 개발과 시설재정지원을 요구하는 것으로 보아 추후 바깥놀이의 중요성과 활동요인을 분석하여 바깥놀이의 활성화를 지원해야 할 것이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        과립형 β-삼인산칼슘을 사용한 Brushite계 골시멘트의 보관 조건에 따른 경화 특성

        이선애,정태주,오경식,Lee, Sun-Ae,Chung, Tai-Joo,Oh, Kyung-Sik 한국세라믹학회 2008 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.45 No.10

        In the bone cement composed of dense granules of $\beta-Ca_3(PO_4){_2}(\beta-TCP)$ and $Ca(H_2PO_4){_2}H_2O$, the compressive strength, setting time and temperature rise were measured to observe the degradation of cement with respect to the stored days before setting. Decreases of compressive strength and temperature rise were observed, while setting time increased with respect to the stored days. The similar trends were repeated with the increase of temperature of storage. Such a change virtually meant the fading of the character of cement and it took place only when the two starting materials were mixed during storage. The degradation could be mitigated taking advantage of granular $\beta$-TCP instead of powdery one. The formation of $CaHPO_4$, which resulted from reaction with ambient humidity, was attributed to the degradation observed during storage. Dependence of the degradation behavior on mixing and temperature during storage was discussed in terms of the driving force for reaction of cement.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Storage Conditions on the Setting Properties of Brushite Bone Cement Containing Granular β-Tricalcium Phosphate

        이선애,정태주,오경식 한국세라믹학회 2008 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.45 No.10

        In the bone cement composed of dense granules of β-Ca3(PO4)2 (β-TCP) and Ca(H2PO4)2H2O, the compressive strength, setting time and temperature rise were measured to observe the degradation of cement with respect to the stored days before setting. Decreases of compressive strength and temperature rise were observed, while setting time increased with respect to the stored days. The similar trends were repeated with the increase of temperature of storage. Such a change virtually meant the fading of the character of cement and it took place only when the two starting materials were mixed during storage. The degradation could be mitigated taking advantage of granular β-TCP instead of powdery one. The formation of CaHPO4, which resulted from reaction with ambient humidity, was attributed to the degradation observed during storage. Dependence of the degradation behavior on mixing and temperature during storage was discussed in terms of the driving force for reaction of cement In the bone cement composed of dense granules of β-Ca3(PO4)2 (β-TCP) and Ca(H2PO4)2H2O, the compressive strength, setting time and temperature rise were measured to observe the degradation of cement with respect to the stored days before setting. Decreases of compressive strength and temperature rise were observed, while setting time increased with respect to the stored days. The similar trends were repeated with the increase of temperature of storage. Such a change virtually meant the fading of the character of cement and it took place only when the two starting materials were mixed during storage. The degradation could be mitigated taking advantage of granular β-TCP instead of powdery one. The formation of CaHPO4, which resulted from reaction with ambient humidity, was attributed to the degradation observed during storage. Dependence of the degradation behavior on mixing and temperature during storage was discussed in terms of the driving force for reaction of cement

      • KCI우수등재

        확장·심화·연계, 명청시대사 연구의 연속성과 변화

        이선애 역사학회 2022 역사학보 Vol.- No.255

        The trends of Ming-Qing historical studies in 2020 and 2021 can be summarized as follows: First, the perspectives and topics have diversified and contributed to suggest new historical points of view. Second, A prominently growing phenomenon is the reexamination of the existing historical materials and the and utilization of of hitherto untapped materials. Translation and annotation of Chinese historical sources that have been overlooked in the history of Korea-China relations, particularly contributed to provide a balance to existing studies. Third, not only the scope of historical studies has been enlarged geographically and spatially, but also the research fields have been expanded and interconnected, which can be termed as the consilience of research disciplines. However, there seems to be something missing in these trends of researches. First of all, scholarship on Ming period is noticeably small compared to the studies on Qing. Also, while the historical perspectives from the periphery have been emphasized, research interest has been still concentrated on the Chinese dynasties in the Central Plains. It is hoped that further studies with a broader perspective pay attention to the diverse regions, peoples, and frontier regions, as well as the connection of East Asia and the world. 이 글은 2020~2021년 국내에서 발표된 명청시대 관련 연구 동향을 되짚어보고 발전 방향을 제언하기 위해 작성되었다. 최근 명청사 연구는 외연이 더욱 확장되고 질적으로 심화되며 영역의 틀을 뛰어넘고 있다. 그리고 그 기저에는 명청시대사 연구의 연속성과 변화라는 장기적인 흐름이 있다. 2020~2021년 명청시대사 연구의 동향을 다음 몇 가지로 꼽을 수 있다. 첫째, 시각과 주제가 다양화되어 새로운 역사상을 구축했다. 둘째, 기존의 사료를 재검토하거나 기존에 많이 활용되지 않은 사료를 소개·활용한 연구들이 두드러진다. 또 사료 역주를 통해 연구자들에게 편의를 제공했다. 특히 한중관계사 연구에서 주목받지 못한 중국 사료를 역주해 기존 연구의 균형을 맞추는 데 기여했다. 셋째, 다루는 역사의 범위가 지리적·공간적으로 확장되었을 뿐 아니라 연구 분야의 확장과 연계 즉 학문 분야의 통섭이 이루어지고 있다. 다만 명청시대사 연구경향에도 아쉬운 부분이 있다. 우선 청대에 비해 명대 관련 연구가 현저히 적다는 점을 지적할 수 있다. 또 주변으로부터 보는 역사상이 강조되고 있지만 여전히 연구의 관심은 중원 왕조에 있다. 다양한 지역과 민족, 변경에 주목하고 동아시아와 세계를 연결하는 보다 넓은 시야의 연구가 더욱 많아지기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        딥러닝 학습을 이용한 한글 글꼴 자동 제작 시스템에서 글자 쌍의 매핑 기준 평가

        전자연,지영서,박동연,임순범 한국멀티미디어학회 2020 멀티미디어학회논문지 Vol.23 No.7

        Hangul is a language that is composed of initial, medial, and final syllables. It has 11,172 characters. For this reason, the current method of designing all the characters by hand is very expensive and time-consuming. In order to solve the problem, this paper proposes an automatic Hangul font generation system and evaluates the standards for mapping Hangul characters to produce an effective automated Hangul font generation system. The system was implemented using character generation engine based on deep learning CycleGAN. In order to evaluate the criteria when mapping characters in pairs, each criterion was designed based on Hangul structure and character shape, and the quality of the generated characters was evaluated. As a result of the evaluation, the standards designed based on the Hangul structure did not affect the quality of the automated Hangul font generation system. On the other hand, when tried with similar characters, the standards made based on the shape of Hangul characters produced better quality characters than when tried with less similar characters. As a result, it is better to generate automated Hangul font by designing a learning method based on mapping characters in pairs that have similar character shapes

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