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      • KCI등재

        라오스 산촌마을의 생산구조전환을 위한 투자 경제성 기초 분석

        이보휘,김세빈,이준우,이학준,이상진,이중구,백운기,박범진,구승모 한국산림휴양복지학회 2018 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        This study analyzes the economic feasibility on the transition of production structure to increase income for a local forest village in Laos PDR. The study area was the Nongboua village in Sangthong district where the primary product is rice from rice paddy. Possible strategies were considered to increase the villagers’ revenue, and Noni (Morinda citrifolia) was production in the short-term. We assumed that the project period was for 20 years for the analysis, and a total of 1,100 Noni tree was planted in 1 ha by 3m × 3m spacing. This study classified basic scenario one, scenario two, scenario three by the survival rate and purchase pirce of Noni. Generally Noni grows well. However, the seedlings’average survival rate (= production volume) was set up conservatively in this study to consider potential risks such as no production experience of Noni and tree disease. The scenario one assumed that the survival rate of Noni seedlings was 50% for 0-1 years, 60% for 0-2 years, and 70% for 3-20 years; the scenario two, 10% less, i.e., 40%, 50%, and 60%; and the scenario three, 10% less, i.e., 40%, 50%, 60% and purchase price 10% less, i.e., $0.29 to $0.26, respectively. Our analysis showed that all 3 scenarios resulted in economically-feasible IRR (internal rate of return) of 24.81%, 19.02%, and 16.30% of with a discounting rate of 10%. The B/C (benefit/cost) ratio for a unit area (1ha) was also analyzed for the three scenarios with a discounting rate of 10%, resutling in the B/C ratio of 1.71, 1.47, and 1.31. The study results showed that the Nongboua village would have a good opportunity to improve its low-income structure through planting and managing alternative crops such as Noni. Also the results can be used as useful decision-making information at a preliminary analysis level for planning other government and public investment projects for the Nonboua village. 본 연구는 라오스에 소재한 전형적인 농·산촌 마을을 선정하여, 마을 단위를 대상으로 생산구조를 전환할 경우의 소득증대에 대한 경제적 타당성을 분석하였다. 대상지는 라오스 쌍퉁구에 위치한 농부아 마을로써 산림지역이 혼재된 논농사 위주의 마을이다. 이 마을이 취할 수 있는 소득 제고 전략은 단기적으로 손쉽게 소득을 제고할 수 있는 작목으로 노니(Morinda citrifolia)가 꼽힌다. 사업 기간은 20년으로 가정하고, 1ha 면적에 3m × 3m 간격으로 식재한 총 1,100본을 대상으로, 묘목 생존율과 노니 수매가격에 따라 시나리오 1, 2, 3을 구분하였다. 일반적으로 노니는 생장이 좋은 편이나, 본 연구에서는 생산 경험 부족, 병충해 등의 리스크를 감안하여 기본 시나리오 1을묘목 생존율(=열매 생산량)을 기존 자료(하와이)보다 보수적으로 설정하였다. 시나리오 1은 노니 묘목의 생존율이1년생이 50%, 2년생이 60%, 3년생부터 20년생까지 70%로 유지된다고 가정하였다. 시나리오 2는 묘목 생존율이10%씩 감소되어 40%, 50%, 60%로 제약을 두었고, 시나리오 3은 묘목생존율이 10% 감소되고, 노니 수매가격 또한10% 감소된 경우로 가정하였다. 이러한 조건하에 라오스 시장 할인율 10%를 기준으로, 3개 시나리오 모두 IRR이각각 24.81%, 19.02%, 16.30%로 모두 경제성이 있음이 확인되었다. 또한 ha당 B/C도 각각 시나리오 1, 2, 3에 대해서할인율 10%를 기준으로 모두 1.71, 1.47, 1.31로 분석되었다. 분석결과는 향후 농부아 마을은 대체 작목(노니)를통한 저소득 영농구조를 탈피할 수 있는 좋은 계기가 될 것을 시사하며, 각종 정부 및 민간 투자사업을 계획할 때수행하는 사전진단 절차 단계에서 유용한 의사결정 정보로써 활용이 가능하다.

      • KCI등재

        The analysis of value chains for the chestnut industry in Chungcheongnam-do

        이보휘,지동현,강길남,김세빈 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2018 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.45 No.2

        The aim of this study was to enhance the value of the chestnut industry by analyzing the value chain structure. Based on the value chain theory, it is divided into primary activities and support activities. Thus, in total, 27 subjects from Gongju, Buyeo, and Cheongyang were interviewed and self-administered questionnaire. Regarding the value chain structure of the chestnut industry, the primary activities consisted of production followed by cultivation and storing, sorting and packaging, transportation and marketing sales. The support activities were divided into production infrastructure, policy, R&D, and systematization. The primary activities are able to maximize profits through cost reductions. The production was divided into general and environmentally friendly cultivation. Depending on the labor force, it is family-centered labor. However, the installation of harvest nets depends on a hired labor force (40 - 60%) such that it would be necessary to have a mechanized harvest to replace the manpower for the cost reduction. Transportation, marketing sales, and backdoor selling (38.1%) were higher than the existing channels (31.0%) using the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation. The enhancement of value could be created by maximizing profits through the reinforcement of the links between each subject. The production showed strong connections with cultivation/storing, sorting/packing, and backdoor selling and the National Forestry Cooperative Federation. The processing stage is a very simple structure, it would be necessary to have R&D and to support promotions, infrastructure, machines, and sales increases, which should be expanded by connections with other industries like the food industry.

      • KCI등재

        강원도 폐광산 산림복구지의 지역사회 생태계서비스 인식조사: 태백시 및 정선군을 중심으로

        이보휘,정다워,김지혜,박관인,이학준 한국산림과학회 2024 한국산림과학회지 Vol.113 No.1

        채굴지역의 복구는 생태계에 대한 다양한 피해를 줄일 수 있지만, 생태계서비스(Ecosystem Service, ES)에 대한영향과 지역사회에 대한 기여는 불확실하다. 채굴작업에 의해 영향을 받는 ES 수혜자와 그 주변 환경에 어떻게 이익이 도출되는지를 식별하고, 나아가 수혜자들이 원하는 ES로 채굴지역을 복구·관리해야 한다. 본 연구는 국내 폐광산 지역의 산림복구지와 관련하여 TEEB(The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) 기준에 따라 18개의 ES(공급서비스 4개, 조절서비스 7개, 문화서비스 5개, 서식지서비스 2개)를 선정하였다. 그리고 11점 리커트 척도(0점 ‘모름’, 1점~5점 ‘부정적혜택’, 6점~10점 ‘긍정적 혜택’)의 반 구조화(semi-structure)된 설문지로 지역사회 87명(태백시 62명, 정선군 25명)의 사회인식을 조사하고, 핵심 ES를 도출하였다. 두 지역사회는 폐광산의 산림복구지에 대해 문화서비스(심신건강, 심미적 가치및 영감, 레크리에이션)와 조절서비스(국지기후 및 대기조절, 자연재해조절)를 중심으로 인식과 수요가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 해당 서비스들은 지역사회에서 실생활과 밀접하게 연관되면서, 지역주민에게 긍정적 혜택을 주었거나 향후 삶의 질을높일 수 있는 서비스였다. 하지만 평균 점수가 6~7점에 국한되어, 실제 지역사회에 미치는 혜택은 미비한 것으로 나타났다. 공급서비스는 식량, 원재료 등 이용가능성이 높은 재화를 창출하거나 수익기회를 제공하는데 기여하는 항목임에도 불구하고, 인식은 부정적이었다. 이는 광산활동 이전부터 전통적으로 특정 공급 ES에 의존했던 지역주민을 고려하지 않은 산림복구로 지역사회와 공급 ES의 흐름이 단절된 것을 보여준다. 향후 산림복구지의 지속가능한 이용 및 생태계 증진을 위해서반드시 지역사회의 복지를 고려한 복구과정이 필요할 것이다. 본 연구결과는 국내 광산지역 개별 특성 및 상황에 맞는 산림복구를 위한 맞춤형 생태계서비스 증진 전략을 수립하는데 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 단, 빈도분석에 따른 정성적 평가로연구결과가 도출되었으므로, 추후 폐광산 지역 산림복구에 대한 핵심 ES에 대한 정량화와 가치평가가 이루어져야 할 것으로 판단된다. Rehabilitation of mining areas can reduce damage to ecosystems. However, the effects of rehabilitation on ecosystem services (ESs) and its contribution to local communities are not well known. Thus, the aims of this study were to clearly identify the ES beneficiaries affected by mining activities, to determine how the beneficiaries profit from surrounding areas in cooperation with local stakeholders, and to manage the rehabilitation areas for the ESs that the beneficiaries want. This study chose 18 ESs (4 provisioning, 7 regulating, 5 cultural, and 2 habitat services) based on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. A semi-structured questionnaire survey using an 11-point Likert scale was conducted among 87 community residents to investigate social awareness and identify key ESs. The survey results from two local communities showed high awareness and demands mainly on cultural (mental and physical health, aesthetic appreciation, and recreation) and regulating services (local climate and air quality, and moderation of extreme events). These services were related to the daily lives of residents in local communities, provided positive benefits, and potentially improved the residents' future livelihoods. However, the average questionnaire scores were limited to 6-7 points, indicating that the benefits to local communities were meager. The residents' awareness of provisioning service was negative, even if it provided goods and profit opportunities. This indicated a disconnection between local communities and provisioning services due to forest rehabilitation that did not consider local communities that traditionally relied on specific provisioning services before the onset of mining activities. Future forest rehabilitation in abandoned mine areas must consider the welfare of local communities for sustainable use of rehabilitated forests and enhancing ESs. In this study, only a qualitative evaluation based on frequency analyses was conducted. The quantification and valuation of key ESs are warranted in the future to promote ESs from forest rehabilitation in abandoned mine areas. The study results would be useful for developing site-specific ES promotion strategies for reforesting mine areas.

      • KCI등재

        산림융복합산업 경영체의 성장단계 구분 및 경영요소 분석 연구

        이보휘,박창원,정다워,이창준,이상진,김태임,박범진,구승모,김세빈 한국산림과학회 2019 한국산림과학회지 Vol.108 No.3

        The objectives of this study were to gauge the extent of the forestry business through establishing the definition of forestry industry from the perspective of economic convergence and to analyze key components that affect each growth phase of a forestry business entity by classifying them. A total of 1,397 “sixth-sector industry” management entities were certified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs in South Korea from 2012 –2017. Of these, 259 (18.5%) were in the forestry sector. In this study, the 259 forestry management entities were further classified into three phases based on sales distribution: entrance, development, and maturity. The entrance phase (<100 million KRW), development phase (>100 million and <1 billion KRW), and maturity phase (>1 billion KRW) constituted 33.2%, 55.4%, and 12.4% of the total 259 entities, respectively. The results showed that most of the management entities were either in the entrance or development phases, and only a small portion was in the maturity phase. To identify the key variables that affect each of the phases, chi-square analysis was used. We designed the “sixth-sector industry” type as an independent variable, whereas selected region, business organization, manager age group, forest product, processing type, and service type were designated as dependent variables. The results of the analysis showed that the processing and service types influenced all three developmental phases. Moreover, as the phase advanced, processing type showed a higher proportion of health-functional ingredients, such as powder or extract from forest products, which enable to develop and produce a variety of products. Service type also changed from simple experience to integrated experience tourism and finally to tourism education. Distribution and sales channel also turned out to be a significant factor during the development phase. This study provides the basic information needed to guide government support in the implementation of a formal forestry business through convergence as well as to increase the efficiency of business management. 본 연구는 산림분야 6차산업과 관련된 외연적 개념과 용어를 정립함으로써 산림비즈니스의 범위를 확대하고, 산림융복합경영체의 성장단계를 분류하여 각 성장과정에 영향을 미치는 핵심요소를 분석하고자 하였다. 이에 산림 6차산업과관련된 용어를 ‘산림융복합산업’으로 일원화하였다. 또한 2012-2017년까지 전국에서 인증된 6차산업인증경영체 1,397개중 단기임산물 지원 품목 7가지를 기준으로 약 18.5%인 259개의 ‘산림융복합경영체’를 추출하였다. 추출된 259개의 경영체를 매출액 범주에 따라 분류한 결과, 진입기(1억 미만)가 33.2%(86개), 발전기(1억 이상 10억 미만)가 54.4%(141개)로대부분 발전기에 분포하고 있으며, 자립기(10억 이상)까지 성장한 경영체는 비교적 낮게(12.4%) 나타났다. 이러한 결과를바탕으로 각 성장단계에 영향을 미치는 주요 변수를 분석하기 위해, 독립변수는 6차산업유형으로 종속변수는 지역, 경영체유형, 운영자 연령대, 임산물 품목(1차), 가공유형(2차), 서비스유형(3차)으로 선정하여 교차분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과, 가공유형(2차)과 서비스유형(3차)이 모든 성장단계에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 특히 가공유형은 다양한 상품개발과 생산이가능한 분말, 엑기스 등과 같은 ‘건강기능성원소재’가 진입에서 자립단계로 갈수록 두드러지게 높은 비중을 차지하였다. 서비스유형(3차)은 성장할수록 단순체험에서 체험관광, 관광교육과 같은 융복합화로 변화되었고, 유통판매에 대한 중요성이 발전기부터 높게 나타나 이를 지원해줄 수 있는 중간지원조직의 역할이 중요하게 분석되었다. 본 연구는 산림융복합사업의 내실 있는 추진과 사업관리의 효율성 제고를 위해 지원방향에 대한 시사점을 제공해 줄 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        라오스 대나무 신규소득모델의 효과성 분석: 농부아 마을을 대상으로

        이보휘,이학준,이상진,Phayvanh Alounsavath,이준우,구승모,김세빈 한국국제농업개발학회 2019 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.31 No.4

        The Lao PDR is a developing country that heavily relies on rice farming. During off-season of rice farming, rural villagers produce non-timber forest products such as bamboo products. Until recently many villages have overexploited bamboo resources and supplied raw bamboo materials to foreign companies. Although the Lao government allocated harvesting quotas, most villagers keep on cutting bamboos due to no other income during the off-season. This study provides an alternative income model, bamboo handicraft, that can increase villagers’ income while minimizing the use of bamboo resources. It also accesses the economic feasibility of the new income model for a mountain village, Nongboua village, where surveys were conducted on general incomes of 10 sample families who participated in the new income model voluntarily. A difference was made during the off-season when the sample families worked on cutting bamboos (previous income) or bamboo handicrafts (new income). A daily wage of $ 11.5 was used for the previous income, based on our surveys. For the new income, it was assumed that single family could produce 6 bamboo handicrafts daily with a unit price of $ 2.3, resulting in a daily income of $ 13.8. During the off-season, 8 and 14 working days in a month were assumed for the previous and new incomes based on surveys. Then the previous previous and new yearly incomes were estimated and compared using normality and paired t-tests. This study found that the new yearly income was significantly greater than the previous yearly income (p < 0.001): the former (rice farming and bamboo handicraft, $ 2,064) was 42% ($ 608) greater than the latter (rice farming and bamboo cutting, $ 1,456). These results suggested that the new income model could increase villagers’ income significantly. If the bamboo handicraft model is applied for other areas with bamboo resources, it can provide an opportunity to improve the rural economies and livelihoods of developing countries. 본 연구는 라오스 산촌마을의 기초 소득을 조사·분석하여, 지속가능한 대나무 자원을 활용한 새로운 소득 모델의 효과성을 제시하고자 하였다. 연구 대상지는 비엔티안 캐피털 주의쌍통군 농부아 마을로써 산림과 벼농사지역이 혼재된 자급자족형 논농사 위주의 마을이다. 농부아 마을은 과일, 야채 등 상업적 영농활동은 전무하여, 단순한 소득체계를 가지고 있다. 우기(6월~11월)는 천수답 벼 농사에 의존하고 있고, 건기(12월~5월)는 가축 판매 또는 대나무 벌채를 통한 수익체계로, 2018년 농부아 마을의 기존 소득은 평균 1,456 달러로 분석되었다. 라오스 1인당 GDP (2018)가 2,690 달러와 비교할 때, 농산촌 지역의 소득은GDP의 약 절반가량 수준 이다. 쌍통군 지역의 대나무 수종은 젓가락, 이쑤시개 등 원자재로서 베트남 가공회사로 판매되고 있다. 가공회사는 수익을 위해 수요량에 따라 마을 주민을 고용하여 다량의 대나무를 벌채하고 있다. 이러한 대나무벌채는 빠르고 수익성은 있지만, 회사 수요(농한기 한정)에 따라 비정기적으로 마을주민을 고용(하루 고용비용 $ 11; 고용시간 8시간)하며 노동 강도가 높다. 또한 대나무 자원의 지속가능한 이용에도 한계가 있다. 이러한 조건에서 마을주민의 대나무 단순벌채로 인한 연 소득은$ 552로 분석되었다. 소규모 마을 주민을 대상으로 대나무를 이용한 지역상품을개발·생산하여 기술전수 및 판매를 시범적으로 실시하였다. 대나무 벌채와 비교하여 적은 양의 대나무를 이용하여 고부가가치를 창출할 수 있으며, 노동 강도가 높지 않아서 여가시간에작업공정이 가능하다. 표본 10 가구의 생산량은 초기단계에서하루 최대 6개가 생산가능하며, 제품 단위가격을 $ 2.3로 책정할 때, 연 소득은 $ 1,160 으로 분석되었다. 기존 모델의 소득(농업+대나무 벌채)은 평균 $ 1,456이며, 신규모델의 소득(농업+대나무 공예품)은 평균 $ 2,064로 신규소득이 $ 608 높게 나타났다. 기존소득과 신규소득의 농업 수입이 동일한 조건이므로, 소득에 차이를 주는 요인은 대나무수입으로 신규 소득의 평균 $ 2,064가 기존 소득인 $ 1,456 보다 약 42% 증가된 수치로 나타났다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        목재칩 산업구조 분석 및 안정적 수급 방안 연구

        이보휘(Bo-hwi Lee),김세빈(Se-bin Kim),이창준(Chang-jun Lee),이학준,성용주(Yong Joo Sung),이창배(Chang-Bae Lee),소순진(Soon Jin So),김태훈(Tae Hun Kim) 한국펄프·종이공학회 2018 펄프.종이기술 Vol.50 No.3

        Until the year 2020, the domestic demands of wood pellets and wood chips for power generation is expected to reach 10 million tons. It is forecasted that the competition for raw materials supply would be inevitable inside and outside of Korea to secure reliable and stable energy sources. It is important to design an efficient structure which can supply raw materials from abroad, as much as domestic biomass plantation projects. This study was aim to deduce an efficient business structure for stable supply of raw materials from abroad in the future around a biomass plantation project in Semarang, Indonesia, performed by the Korea Forestry Promotion Institute since 2013. The result encompassed that the division of processes of production based on biomass plantation in Indonesia and of importation in Korea into manufacturing, processing, and usage; and establishment of consortia covering the related agents. The consortia engaged in the project was subdivided into a planting consortium and a manufacturing consortium. Since the domestic power producer who is the final consumer invested directly in the production of raw materials, it appeared that a more stable and efficient business structure would be possible by securing source of demand and supplementing narrow resources.

      • KCI등재

        Study on the reorganization of the legal system for an integrated forestry business

        박창원,이보휘,정다워,박범진,이준우,김세빈,구승모 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2019 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.46 No.4

        The forestry development policies and projects in Korea have been implemented under various related acts. These acts include the Framework Act on the National Land and Framework Act on Forestry enacted by each administration. However, there are some limitations to encourage a variety of mountain villages and forestry development policies due to duplication and overlap between the relevant acts. Nowadays, the fields of local development have evolved and become integrated not only by infrastructures but also in various fields such as multi-functional industries including tourism, green care, cultural welfare, etc. Therefore, the current legal system may not effectively accept and support various mountain village development policies and projects. This study tried to determine the necessity of reorganizing th-e related legal system through a field survey of planners, residents and analysts regarding the correlation between legal systems and projects. For these reasons, this study tried to determine the problems of the current legal system and then, suggested alternative methods related to the legal system for integrated rural development. The scope of the study is as follows: 1) correlation analysis between relevant laws and development projects and 2) field survey to determine the legitimacy and validity for the reorganization of the legal system.

      • KCI등재

        The major factors effecting the decrease of forest cover in the Huaphanh Province, Northern Laos

        Phayvanh Alounsavath,김세빈,이보휘 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2019 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.46 No.2

        The forest of the Huaphanh Province (HP) has continued to decrease at 0.6% (10,560 ha) per year from 1992 to 2010. In the past few decades, the government of Laos and the Huaphanh Provincial Authority have been trying to address the root causes of deforestation. This study attempts to examine the factors effecting the decrease of the forest cover in the HP by analyzing the influence of the local socio-economic development and implementation of forest management policies on changes in the forest cover. The social data of the province focused on population growth and distribution between urban and rural areas including the number of poor people and the economic growth of three sectors, namely agriculture and forestry, industry, and service, while the implementation of the state forest management policy focused on the state forest management plan, tree plantation, forest land use planning and allocation to households, and shifting cultivation including annual upland rice and maize cultivation. In addition, government reports on socio-economic and rural development including poverty eradication of other provinces, where an increase in the forest cover was observed, were also collected and analyzed using qualitative and comparative analysis. The results from this study indicate that the decrease in forest cover in the Huaphanh Province appears to depend on a very slow economic growth and reduction in rural poverty of the province. The increase in the rural population in the province led to an increase in farm households and are as for shifting cultivation. As a result, forests were cleared leading to a decrease in the forest cover.

      • KCI등재

        통합적 농촌지역개발 추진을 위한 법체계 개편방안 연구

        박창원,김세빈,이준우,이보휘,김은순,구승모 한국농촌계획학회 2019 농촌계획 Vol.25 No.2

        The rural development policies and projects in Korea has been implemented with various related acts. For instance, these acts include Framework Act on the National Land, National Land Planning Utilization Act, Special Act on Balanced National Development, etc, enacted by each of adminstration. However, there are some limitations to encourage the variety of rural development policies due to duplication and overlapping between the relevant acts. Nowadays, the fields of rural development have been evolved and integrated not only by agricultural infrastructures but also in various fields such as multi-functional industry including rural tourism, green care, and cultural welfare, etc. Therefore, the current legal system may not effectively accept and support in various rural development policies and projects at all. This study tried to figure out the necessity of reorganization related legal system through the field survey to planners, residents and analysts regarding the correlation between legal systems and projects. For these reasons, this study tried to find out the problem of current legal system and then, suggested alternative methods related to the legal system for integrated rural development. The scope of the study is as follows; 1)correlation analysis between relevant laws and rural development projects. 2)field survey to figure out the legitimacy and validity for the reorganization of the legal system. At last the result of the research has suggested an alternative method to reorganize the legal system and proposed the new legal system with is good for integrated rural development.

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