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      • KCI등재

        중국문화의 근대성과 우생학 ― 19세기 말과 20세기 초를 중심으로

        이보경 한국중국현대문학학회 2008 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.47

        The concept of “negative selection” (survival of the unfit over the fit) stirred up anxiety among the Chinese literati, which subsequently inspired them to embark on the modernization project of eugenics. In particular, Yan Fu's translation of Thomas Huxley's Evolution and Ethics created fear in the intellectuals who believed that China's collapse was imminent: The inferior majority would eventually dominate and exterminate the superior minority. Scholars explored ways to preserve and pass on the superior Chinese race. They encouraged intermarriage between Chinese and white Westerners as a way to carry out their belief. In order to establish theoretical grounds, they juxtaposed the two disparate races in terms of “racial proximity” moreover, they delved into the yin-yang binary opposition to explain the affinity with regards to the mutually supplemental relationship between yin and yang. Despite Chinese literati's efforts to theorize their arguments, the intermarriage could not be easily applied to real life. As a result, the reformation of everyday customs, ban on early marriage, population control, and improvement of daily habits was proposed as a starting point for racial reform. Later in the 1920s and 30s, eugenics became a popular topic among the New Youth critics and inside the circle of the liberal critics. For example, Chen Duxiu, Lu Xun, and Pan Guangdan paid attention to eugenics either as in a form of birth control or of birth increase. In addition, free marriage and model families became controversial issues when eugenics appeared as a main theme with the increasing discussion of cultural modernization.

      • KCI등재

        五四 백화문 운동과 언어 이데올로기 - 對待論적 해석의 가능성 初探

        이보경 한국중국현대문학학회 2006 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.39

        In general, Baihuawen(白話文) movement is represented an evolutionist project which goal was the extinction of traditional writing. Yet, if you read the writings of Hu Shi(胡適) and Lu Xun(魯迅), you could find some inconsistencies. For example, while Baihuawen movement was in a highly-elated atmosphere, Hu Shi got into work of “rearrangement of traditional writings(國故整理)” and Lu Xun revised traditional Wenyan(文言) short-story. To interpret their inconsistency, this essay tries to re-reading on Hu Shi's “historical literary theory” and Lu Xun's “madman diary”. It is hard to say that “historical literary theory” was totally from evolutionist thinking. It seems to be a serious attack to the traditional writing, yet, Hu Shi's criticism aimed at Wenxun-pai(文選派) which was a part of traditional writings. As a result, Hu shi's modern project was linked to the more conservative writing of Dongcheng-pai(東城派). Lu Xun's “madman diary” is a frame story and has no last frame. It means the future is open to the world of Baihua. It is necessary to read his essay collection tomb(墳) to explain “madman diary” more delicately. While Baihua was being institualized, tomb written with Baihua and Wenyan was published. Lu Xun seemed to display the modern condition of writing by publishing tomb. If you pay attention to this point, the prologue of “madman diary” shows to you a different meaning. The Wenyan world is read not a should-be perished thing but the essential background for the future. In sum, it is very hard to explain Hu Shi and Lu Xun's modern language project with the western evolution theory. Then, it is very disserve to note “Duidai theory”(對待論) proposed by Liu Bannong(劉半農). At that time, his “Duidai theory” seemed to have not a strong effect in an intellectual discourse, but, I think it seems an unspoken ideology in the discourses of modern chinese writing.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷과 매체-중국의 인터넷 문학에 관한 보고

        이보경 한국중국현대문학학회 2005 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.33

        Writing media have an influence on the whole process of literary production and consumption. It has been changed from jiagu(甲骨), jinwen(金文), zhujian(竹簡) to paper in Chinese writing history. Now, according to the rapid development of technology, Internet rises up as a new writing media. It was American-Chinese who lead up to the way of network literature. Since Chinese become to use internet in 1994, network literature has been increasing. Especially from 1998 to 1999, network literature was spread rapidly. Some of journalists and scholars described excitedly it as “the advent of the era of popularization in writing”, “the possibility of anti-utilitarian writing”, others mocked internet as “the mass-production place of beautiful women's writing.” However, the number of internet users is too few to say “the advent of the era of popularization in writing”, and because of commercialization of writers and internet sites, literature is being actively involved with markets, and it is impossible for Chinese women to access to the internet owing to their limited education and economics. Yet, in the light of development in literary genre, “network literature” as a new term deserves our attention. Because the new term sometimes indicates the possible mode of future literature. However, in conclusion, it is plausible to assert that internet more augment the inequality of information and culture rather than dissolve it in China.

      • KCI등재

        센다이 루쉰과 ‘기의종문(棄醫從文)’ 재독

        이보경 영남중국어문학회 2022 중국어문학 Vol.- No.90

        This essay explores a new understanding of Lu Xun’s stay in Sendai along with his famous event “Abandoning Medicine for Literature.” Lu Xun’s “abandoning of medicine” began simultaneously with his study of medicine. This is because “deliberation” was the most important value for Lu Xun. The beginning for Lu Xun’s abandoning of medicine prioritizes an importance of deliberation for human beings, which was even more important than his lifetime mission of recreating Chinese national character. The deletion of portrayal of absent-minded Chinese in “Mr. Fujino” is hereby significant. While Lu Xun’s discovery of problematic Chinese is meaningful, the influence of Russo-Japanese War on Lu Xun should be noted as well. The Question Leak Incident, which took place before the Lanternslide Incident, also has the Russo-Japanese War as a background. Lu Xun’s seek for literature should not be limited to the events that took place precisely in Sendai. The Japanese victory in the Russo-Japanese War heralded national liberation for the intellectuals of colonial citizens; at the same time, the resurrection of racial discourse came around such as in a form of Chinese inferiority. The Russo-Japanese War as well as the changes made to the global discourses may have been a critical background for prompting Lu Xun’s seek for literature.

      • KCI등재

        루쉰의 ‘곡필(曲筆)’과 ‘유활(油滑)’의 서사 ― 근대소설(novel)의 한계와 파탄

        이보경 중국어문학연구회 2019 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.115

        This essay explores Lu Xun’s concepts of modern fiction, that is “novel.” Regarding his artistic accomplishments of “Divorce” in his collection Wandering (1926), Lu Xun was satisfied with a level of reluctance. After publishing this short story, Lu Xun was coincidentally no more creating works of so-called modern fiction genre. I wanted to deliberate on the reasons for his retiring from modern fiction by examining the concepts such as “distortion” (qubi) and “facetiousness” (youhua). Lu Xun talked about “distortion” and “facetiousness” respectively in the prefaces to Call to Arms (1923) and Old Tales Retold (1935). In general, “distortion” is rendered as simile, symbol and metaphor, while “facetiousness” is as disruption of language or parody. In this essay, I interpret the concepts as something more than simple literary techniques, showing Lu Xun’s understanding of the modern fiction genre. First, “distortion” denotes the disruption of the writing principles of modern fiction. Even though Lu Xun writes it was unavoidable choice out of the general’s order, he must have realized the limits of modern fiction genre. For this reason, Lu Xun made an experiment to modern fiction genre with his particular method of “facetiousness” and brought forth a termination to the genre. “Distortion” and “facetiousness” lie neither in the immaturity of the modern nor in Lu Xun’s immaturity in handling the modern fiction genre. This is rather a reflection of the limits of modern fiction with its origin in the West. The realization of the limits of modern fiction and his subsequent efforts for its disruption resulted in a new form of literary prose, miscellaneous essays (zawen). Interpretations of “distortion” and “facetiousness” result in one thing as follows: the miscellaneous essays are perhaps what Lu Xun as a modern being found most appropriate for conveying his own literary characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        魯迅의 글쓰기와 치유 ― ‘환등기 사건’을 중심으로

        이보경 한국중국현대문학학회 2009 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.51

        Lu Xun becomes an interesting text in order to explore healing capacity embedded in writing. Starting his literary career, simultaneously giving up his medical school, Lu Xun exemplifies writing as an asset for a medical application. Writings of a philosopher, illuminator and revolutionary, Lu Xun’s texts require a careful reading regarding his conversations with the world. In this regard, the readings of the "lantern slide" occasion suggest Lu Xun’s literary career as a choice for self-healing. Instead of interpreting the experience as his literary enlightenment, I explore it as an origin of shame and despise directed to himself, which explains the reason for his preference of literature to medicine. Lu Xun sympathized with himself for spending his childhood as a beggar. Troubling with his suicidal impulse and matricidal drive, Lu Xun filled his life with a clinical pain. For Lu Xun, writing served as his self-healing machine. To this end, characters attempt to make conversations. Although narrative of conversation reveals incapacity, especially in pessimistic conditions, Lu Xun could not give up his belief in writing as in healing and subsequent consolation. Therefore, he continued to discover new literary dimensions such as childhood, fairy tales, and animal kingdoms. In addition, Lu Xun even destroyed basic narrative structure by interweaving his writings only with storytelling. Motivated by self-healing, Lu Xun, as a text, is even more significant in its extension to Chinese society; furthermore, Lu Xun’s thoughts of human freedom and liberty eventually justify his self-healing writing.

      • KCI등재

        예비 영어교사의 영어교재 및 지도법 관련 관심 주제 분석: 성찰문 과제를 통해 본 사례 연구

        이보경 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2016 교과교육학연구 Vol.20 No.5

        본 연구는 ‘외국어교과교재 연구 및 지도법’을 수강하는 예비영어교사들의 교재 및 지도법에 관한 관심 주제를 알아 보기 위해, 해당 교과목의 다양한 주제별 내용을 주(부)교재를 통해 읽고, 각자의 흥미에 따라 선택하여 작성한 성찰문 150편 을 분석하였다. 주교재에서 제시한 분류 기준(교재 자체 영역, 언어기능 지도 영역, 교실 적용 영역)에 따라 성찰문의 내용을 분류한 결과, ‘외국어교과교재 연구 및 지도법’ 수업을 듣는 예비교사들은 교실 적용 영역에 속한 주제들에 가장 관심이 많았 으며, 통합 기능을 중심으로 한 언어기능 지도 영역 관련 주제들에도 두루 관심을 보였다. 상대적으로 교재 자체에 대한 영역 에는 관심이 덜한 것으로 드러났다. 각 영역의 성찰문의 내용을 분석한 결과, 예비교사들은 각 주제별로 핵심내용을 잘 이해 하고 있을 뿐 만 아니라, 본인의 경험을 바탕으로 한 공감의식, 교실현장의 실정과 동떨어진 교육 내용에 대한 비판의식, 교 사로서의 책임감, 학습자 중심의 교육 등에 대해 진지한 견해와 의식을 갖고 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 본 연구는 예비 영어교 사들의 성찰문 과제 분석이라는 제한적인 연구방법에 의해 수행된 사례연구이므로 향후 다양한 접근 방식으로 보완되어야 하 겠으나, 동일 혹은 유사한 환경의 예비 영어교사로 대상을 한정했을 때 다음과 같은 제언이 가능할 것이다. 해당 교과목을 이 수하는 예비 교사들이 가장 많은 관심을 보였던 교실 적용 영역 주제들과 언어기능 통합 지도 방안과 관련해서는 예비교사 양 성 교육 과목에서 지속적인 관심을 갖고 지도해야 할 것으로 본다. 예비교사 양성 과목에서 뿐만 아니라, 일선 교육 현장에서 도 교실 수업 모니터링이나 카운슬링을 통해 자신의 교실 운영 방식에 대한 막연한 고민과 두려움을 개선할 수 있도록 제도 적 차원에서 지원이 되어야 할 것이다. 마지막으로 교사양성과 관련해 운영되는 다양한 교과목에서는 성찰문, 성찰일지 과제 등을 통해 예비교사가 스스로 자신의 내면을 돌아보고 성장하는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 본다.

      • KCI등재

        대학 일반화학 교과과정 변화의 쟁점과 함의

        이보경 한국교양교육학회 2018 교양교육연구 Vol.12 No.6

        Since the basic science education including general chemistry is a key element of liberal arts education in American universities where liberal arts education has been prevalent, many revisions of general chemistry curriculum have been announced at the national level since the 20th century. This paper examines the curricular review of general chemistry in the United States and draws out the trends and issues of change. The general chemistry curriculum of American universities has been changed from the descriptive inorganic chemistry in the early 20th century to conceptual and theory based knowledge system in the 1950s, and to contextual and inquiry based chemistry in 1990s. In the reorganization over the course of the century, the core idea of chemistry has been derived from various contexts and has been established as a standard of general chemistry contents. Consideration for motivation and expectations of non-students has increased over time. The implications of the reorganization of the general chemistry curriculum in the United States over the past century have been that the general chemistry curriculum emphasizes not only the aspects of chemistry as a knowledge system but also the processes of development and the role and value of chemistry in individual life and society. In order to realize this, it is necessary to reorganize the conceptual and the social context, rather than focus on the broad concepts or theories. It is necessary to review the fact that the general chemistry courses of Korean universities is still focused on the knowledge itself. 교양교육이 보편화된 미국의 대학에서 일반화학을 포함한 기초과학 교육은 교양교육의 핵심 요소이기 때문에 20세기 이후 국가수준에서 일반화학 교과과정 개선안이 여러 차례 발표되었다. 이 논문은 미국 대학 일반화학 교과과정 개편의 사례를 고찰하여 변화의 방향과 쟁점을 도출하 여 제시하였다. 미국 대학의 일반화학 교과과정은 20세기 초 서술화학에서, 1950년대 개념과 이 론 중심의 지식체계로, 1990년대 이후 사회적 맥락과 탐구를 강조하는 방향으로 개편되었다. 한 세기 동안의 긴 개편 과정에서 화학의 기본이 되는 핵심 아이디어를 다양한 맥락에서 도출하여 일반화학 교과 내용의 표준으로 정립된 측면이 있고, 수강생의 다수를 차지하는 비전공자의 동기 와 기대에 대한 고려가 점차 강화된 측면이 있다. 지난 한 세기 동안 미국대학 일반화학 교과과 정 개편의 함의는 일반화학 교과과정이 지식 체계로서 측면뿐 아니라 지식이 형성되는 과정도 동 시에 강조하고, 개인의 삶과 사회에서 화학의 역할과 가치를 경험할 수 있는 방향으로 개선이 필 요함을 시사한다. 이의 실현을 위해서는 광범위한 개념이나 이론을 다루기보다는 핵심 아이디어 중심으로 개념의 연계와 사회적 맥락이 드러나도록 다시 구조화할 필요가 있다. 국내 대학의 일 반화학이 여전히 지식 전달에만 치중한 것에 대한 반성적 검토가 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        루쉰(魯迅)의 <주검(鑄劍)> - `지연된 복수극의 실연(實演)`으로 읽기

        이보경 중국어문학회 2016 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.57

        這文章以讀解《鑄劍》試圖探討魯迅有關復仇的思想。他在廈門寫其作品的時候,面對著四面楚歌的狀況。廈門被魯迅厭惡的“硏究界”掌握,而且有關魯迅和許廣平的謠言被?隨魯迅的靑年傳播在北京和上海,更是魯迅的情緖不是?穩定,因爲與許廣平的關系還沒決定下來。這樣的情況下,魯迅在心頭的隱痛中,終於決心實行復仇和完成愛情,從中開始寫《鑄劍》。所謂“幻燈片事件”以來,魯迅將對看客的批判看做自己終生的課題。就圍觀的群衆,魯迅一直主張使讓他們無戱可看倒是療救,所以他保持著延宕表演有關復仇的戱劇。然而,魯迅在《鑄劍》終於表演其延宕的戱劇。其背景是如下:第一, 魯迅《狂人日記》以來不辭“曲筆”寫出文章,《鑄劍》裏倒描繪他對語言的不同觀點,他徹底地否定所有的汚穢的語言,這已經成爲放鬼債的資本。第二,魯迅向來最畏懼而警?的是群衆的犧牲,可是《鑄劍》裏宴之敖者要求眉間尺的頭,而提出無條件性的信任,當然他已有決心自身的消滅。這意味著魯迅開始將犧牲看做爲“應然”(Sollen)。《復仇》和《複仇(其二)》裏的一對劍客和耶?是觀看看客的看客,而《鑄劍》裏宴之敖者不再是一個看客,而是一個表演戱劇的主角,他表演看客願意看的戱劇。之結果,看客感到歡喜,而立卽進入大混沌,這可以說破裂已存的權威和秩序的開始。

      • KCI등재

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