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      • 育成豚에 대한 海藻粉의 飼料價値에 관한 硏究

        李珷煥 제주대학교 1977 논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        A feeding trial was made with Landrace(?) x Yorkshire(?) F?pigs to study the effect of seaweed meal levels (0,4,6,10 and 15%)substituted to the diet (n the body weight gain, feed consumption, feed efficiency and economic aspects. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Daily gains of the 0%, 4%, 6%, 10%, and 15% of seaweed meal substituted were 388, 373, 363, 312 and 325 grams respecitvely. The statistical significant difference was not observed between the contrli lot and the treatment lots. 2. In feed consumptions, no significant difference was observed between the control lot and the treatment lots. Daily feed intake of the pigs fed 0%, 4%, 6%, 10% and 15% of seaweed meal substituted were 2154, 2068, 2200, 2016, and 2191 grams respectively and feed efficienc- ies were proportionately decreased as the amount of seaweed meal were increased. 3. In feed cost required for 1kg.body weight gain, the pigs fed 0%,4%,6% 10% and 15% of seaweed meal substituted were 582, 565, 610, 613 and 637 won respectively. 4. From the results of this trial it was suggested that seaweed meal could be substituted 6% of the ration for the growing pigs.

      • 커피가 식사후 혈압과 맥박에 미치는 영향

        이무환 全州大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        Forty healthy University women(mean age 21) were examined for their postprandial blood pressure and heart rate affected by meal and meal plus coffee consumption during two consecutive years. The results obtained were statistically analysed by Chi-Squre(contingency table) test. Coffee(caffeine) is known as a pressor agent and to increase blood pressure in elderly subjects. However, in healthy elderly subjects conflicting results have been reported on the effects of coffee on postpramdial blood pressure changes. In this report, healthy young subjects who consumed 2-tsp/meal brought about slightly low blood pressure without statistical significance (p>0.05). In the heart rate, some decreased rates were observed for the coffee/meal treatment. A significant result from the present study investigated was a small amount of coffee consumption after meal contributed to reduce heart rate so as to induce emotional stabilization of young healthy University women.

      • 커피(카페인)가 암.수 흰쥐의 성장과 번식능력에 미치는 영향

        이무환 전주대학교 자연과학종합연구소 1998 전주대학교 자연과학연구소 학술논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        No research of coffee(caffeine) affected on the breeding performances of human and rat has been reported however. many reports on female and blood pressure have been reported. Male and female Spraque Dawley breed was used for the present experiment conducted at the Nutrition Laboratory, Department of Home Economics Education Jeon Jn University from August to December 1998 In the body weight gain of male rat no statistical significant differences were found among the 36mg/100m1 caffeine treatment lot the 54mg/100m1 caffeine treatment lot and the control lots. but a significant difference (P 0.05) was found in the treatment of the 100mg/100m1 lot with other treatment lots. For female rats, no significant difference was found between the 36mg/100m1 treatment lot and the control lot However, there was a significant difference between above two group(P 0.05). The characteristics of the rat spermatozoa were found not significant difference m the 36mg/100m1 and 54mg/100m1 treatment lots, but the 100mg/100m1 treatment lot was found significant difference statistically(P 0 05) with the other treatment lots. Male rats contributed to produce offsprings were in the treatments of the 36mg/100m1 lot, the 54mg/100m1 tot and the control lots. Female rats contributed to give birth were found in the 36mg/100ml lot and the control lots Both male and female rats treated with 100mg/100m1 caffeine were found infertile

      • KCI우수등재

        사료자원 개발을 위한 해조류싸이레지의 사료가치에 관한 연구

        이무환 한국축산학회 1977 한국축산학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Seaweeds were treated with 0.1, 0.05 and 0.01N solution of HCl, H₂SO₄ and NaOH respectively for silage fermentation to exploit a feedstuff. pH values of silage during the fermentation periods and production of organic acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid and butylic acid were analysed and evaluated by the method proposed by Flieg. Canon exchange capacities of these silages were measured by A.O.A.C. method. Final pH value of the 0. 1N solution of H2S0, treatment was showed the lowest value that of 4.0. And the values of 0.1N and 0.05N solution of HCl treated seaweed silage were found to the values of 4.2 respectively. In the treatments of 0.05N and 0.01N H₂SO₄ 0.01N Hcl and the 0.05 and 0.01 NaOH solution were showed the same pH values of 4.8 and the treatment of 0.1N solution of NaOH was showed the highest pH value as 5.2. According to the quality of seaweed silage evaluated by the production of lactic, acetic and butylic acids, the H₂SO₄ 0.1N treatment, the H₂SO₄ 0.05N treatment and the HCl 0.1N treatment were excellent in quality. The HCl 0.05N treatment, the HCl 0.01N treatment, the H₂SO₄ 0.01N treatment, the NaOH 0.1N treatment were found good in quality, and H₂SO₄ 0.05N and 0.01N treatment were fair in quality. Canon exchange capacities of all the seaweed silages were distributed from 200 Mequiv./100g to 229 Mequiv./100g while the canon exchange capacity of the original seaweed sample was 173.5 Mequiv./100g. The treatment effects were 24-50 Mequiv./100g.

      • KCI우수등재
      • Recent Studies on the Vitamin A Research on Animal Feeding

        李무煥 제주대학교 1969 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        최근 가축사양에 있어서 「비타민A」에 관한 연구가 다시 검토되고 있다. 가축체내에서 「캐로틴」이 「비타민A」로 전화되는 부위는 소장의 벽에서 이루어 지는데 최근에는 이 부위에서 전화되지 못한 「캐로틴」은 몸의 각 부위 특히 간에서 이루어 진다고 보고 있다. 새로운 국제 표준으로 「베타캐로틴」이 「비타민A」로 전화되는 율은 50%로 되어 있다. 가축 체내에서 「나이트례이트」는 「캐로틴」의 「비타민A」 전화를 억제하며, 고단위 「나이트례이트」나 「나이트라이트」급여는 축산물 생산을 저해한다. 「나이트례이트」를 농후사료가 적은 사료와 같이 급여하면 증체율이 감소되나 고단위 농후 사료에 보충 급여하면 증체율의 증가된다. 「비타민A」와 「타이록신」은 길항 작용이 있다. 「타이로프로틴」이나 「타이로유라실」은 약간 높은율의 「비타민A」축적을 가져왔고, 갑장선 홀몬은 가축혈액중의 「캐로틴」 함량을 저하 시켰으며, 개에서 「타이록신」은 「캐로틴」 전화를 촉진시켰다. 「타이록신」을 많이 급여했을 때 「비타민A」의 축적을 증가시키는 경향을 보았다. 「토코페롤」은 쥐에서 「비타민A」를 절제하는 작용이 있다. 인산보충은 「캐로틴」과 「비타민A」의 체내 이용을 억제한다. 「소디움베네토나이트」는 쥐에서 「비타민A」결핍을 가져왔으나, 이것이 건조된 알팔파가 함유된 육우의 사료에 함유되었을 때에 「캐로틴」의 이용도는 변함이 없었다. 「아드레나린」주사는 혈청중에 「비타민A」함량을 증가 시켰으며, 이 홀몬은 단위동물의 「비타민A」대사작용에 영양을 미쳤으나 반추동물은 예외였다. 「스틸베스트롤」과 「크롤테트리싸이크린」은 육우의 「비타민A」 축적에 영향을 주지 않았다. 「인슈린」은 「비타민A」 대사작용에 영향을 미친다고 보는 이도 있으나 아직 숙제로 남아있다. 열대지방에서 고단위 「비타민A」 공급은 소의 「프라스마」의 「비타민A」수준을 유지시켰다. 「오레오마이신」같은 항생물질은 소의 사료중에 적절한 량의 「비타민A」가 함유되어있지 않으면 효과를 발효할 수 없다.

      • 컴퓨터 영양 분석 프로그램에 의한 전주지역 여자대학생의 영양섭취에 관한 연구

        이무환 전주대학교 자연과학종합연구소 1998 전주대학교 자연과학연구소 학술논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        The present nutritional assessment was to locale the nutrient intake of young college women aged from 20 to 24 years A computer aided nutritional analysis program recommended by the Korean Nutrition Society was applied for assessment of the results obtained Body heights were distributed from 150cm to 173cm with the highest 160cm-165cm group Body weights were distributed from 40kg to 60kg with the highest 50-54kg group, which was 55% of the entire subjects showing slightly less than standard body weights. Surface area index (m2) were distributed from 1 36 to 1 70m2, and 38 of the subjects were in the group of 1.51-1.55m2 group Energy intakes were distributed from 1065kcal to 3019kca1 with average of 1899kca1 which was found lower than the Korean Recommended Dietary Allowance (KRDA) value of 2000kcal Protein intakes were distributed from 10g to 135g with mean value of 683g which was found close to KRDA value of 60g per day. Calcium intakes were found 227-854mg, with average of 548mg which was lower than the KRDA value of 700mg Iron intakes were found 6.6-24.7mg, with average value of 13 1mg, which value was found lower than the KRDA value of 18mg In the groups of vitamin A,B1,B2, Niacin and C, total intakes were found 05-27g,0.5-2 8ug,7.3-39g and 29.3-158mg respectively All of these intakes were found slightly higher than the KDRA values respectively. Women students from Jeon Ju were found trying to meat the nutritional requirements increasing or decreasing the daily nutrient intake through their short life cycle experiences acquired by home, friends and school education

      • 유부(乳腐)와 유청(乳淸)의 제조 방법에 관한 연구

        이무환 전주대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.24 No.2

        종래의 생산 기술로는 우유, 전지유, 탈지유, 탈지분유를 가수한것 등을 단독으로 응고시킬 수 없었다. 이는 응고 우유 제조를 두부의 제조 방법에 의존하였기 때문이며, 종래에는 응고유 생산의 필요성이 희박했기 때문이었을 것이다. 탈지우유로부터 유부와 유청을 분리하여 제조하는 방법이다. 우유를 100% 활용하기 위하여 유부와 유청을 분리하여 제조하는 방법이 제공되는데, 탈지분유 134g로부터 126~127g의 유부가 생산되고, 유청은 873-874g 생산된다. 이를 위하여 응고제의 첨가량을 유부의 형성과 식용 유청 생성을 위한 최저 첨가 수준을 발견하였다. 염화칼슘(CaCl ₂)의 첨가량은 우유 중량의 0.15%~0.5%로, 유부와 유청의 광물질 강화를 위하여 염화칼슘과 염화 마그네슘의 혼합비율을 1:1로 하여 최저 첨가 수준은 우유 중량의 0.18%~0.5%로 하엿다. 원료 우유에 응고제를 첨가한 후에 가열 하면 93℃부터 커드가 형성되기 시작하여 98.4℃에서 4분 이내에 유부와 유청 형성을 완료하는 방법이 포함된다. 따라서 가열 공정에서 살균, 우유의 완전한 이용, 칼슘과 마그네슘 강화 및 식품으로써의 안정성을 기본으로 하며, 응고제 첨가 후에 가열 공정이 이뤄지며, 유부의 성형화, 유청의 분리 생산으로 제조 과정이 이루어 진다. 유부는 향미가 유지 및 강화되었고, 우리의 식사 조리 과정에서 형태가 흩어짐이 없이 재 가열에 안정성이 있다. 유청을 pH가 5.99~6.10이므로 음료로서 활용 가능하다. 탈지분유는 지방이 1% 함유되어 건강에 좋은 유제품이므로 이것을 유부와 유청으로 제조한 후 가공하면 우리의 식생활에 맞는 식품으로 개발이 가능하다. 유부는 물에서 5분 이상 끓여도 흩어짐이 없이 고형상태를 유지하여 찌게나 국물에도 안전한 조리가 가능하다. 유부와 유청은 우유가 갖고 있는 향미가 더욱 발현되었다. 유부를 제2차 조제 가공하여 유아식과 노인용 식품을 개발 할 수 있는 전망이 밝다. Whole milk, skim milk and powdered skim milk could not been solidified, due to mainly because of application of the manufacturing method of soy bean cake Tofu, and partly because of a scarce necessity of milk curd production for human consumption. The present invention includes a manufacturing method of milk curd and whey simultaneously. Pure milk being processed to separate milk curd and whey for further food supplements and drink processions. Powdered skim milk of 134 grams dissolved into water to make 1 liter, produced 126∼127 grams of milk curd and 873∼874 ml of whey for example. The minimum levels of calcium chloride addition were investigated distributing from 0.15% to 0.5% of the milk solution. The mixture of calcium chloride and magnesium chloride were distributed from 0.18% to 0.5% of additions of coagulants. The sample milk was added the coagulant, and continue to heat until 98.4 ℃ for less than 4 minutes after the curd formation initiated at 93 ℃. The pasteurization, complete utilization of milk, fortification of cacium and magnesium, food safety of dairy products, formation of milk curd and collection of liquid whey can be done by the proposed manufacturing method. Milk curd maintained milky odor and improved smell, the solid form of the milk curd was found maintained during a 10 minutes boiling in water, thus promised for milk curd to be adopted by oriental house wives for their table. The whey with pH value of 5.99∼6.10 can be used for human food. Since dried skim milk contains 1% butter fat, both milk curd and whey produced from it could meet healthy oriental food patterns. Expected items of foods from both of milk curd and whey includes infant foods, aged foods, hunger relief food, chocolate drink, coffee drink, tea-drink and sport drink.

      • 飼料資源의 品質向上에 관한 硏究 : 第1報: Alkali處理 海藻粉 給與水準이 仔豚의 成長에 미치는 影響 I. Effects of Feeding the Alkali Treated Seaweed Meal on Pigs Growth

        李珷煥 제주대학교 1977 논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        Fifteen male and fifteen female pigs of cross breed were used in this experiment to inves- tigate the feeding value of seaweed meal treated with alkaline solution and the untreated seaweed meal which were replaced at levels of 4% and 6% of the formulated feed. This experiment was carried out from December 3rd,1976 to April 3rd,1977 at the Experiment Farm of Che Ju Mational University. Chemical analysis of the seaweed meal used showed that crude protein; 8.46%, ether extract; 1.51%, crude fiber; 7.15%, ash; 20.64% and mitrogen free extract; 43.81%. Statistical analysis of covariance indicat that the initial body weights of the experimental pigs had not effected on their later growth rates. No statisical significances were found in the body weight gains, sexes and chemical treatment effes according to factorial statistical analysis. Pigs consumed similar amounts of feed in the 6% of alkaline treated seaweed meal lot, 6% of untreated seaweed meal lot and the control lot. Howevor, there were no statistical cignificant differerces in geed intake, and feed efficiencies among all the treatments. From this expe iment it was concluded that seweed meal at the levels of 4% or 6% could be substituted the conventional formulated feed for growing pigs to promote health without any losses.

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